~ how an out-of-focus background draws attention to the primary subject
A primary subject is supported by its secondary subjects, just as a Primary Agenda is supported by its Secondary Agendas. Though one's energy and contemplation may be drawn to the significant point, one must take care to analyze the picture in whole.
World events unfold this way, with the leading story out front, but behind the central subject, there are a plethora of co-factors making the primary subject or Primary Agenda possible. To make change, you must focus your energies there.
What is most presently on your mind in a distressing way? Focusing on the Subject, look at the picture in whole. How many co-factors can you identify, and how many of them can you engage to elicit change?
The eye-for-an-eye mentality cannot restore peace, nor can it grant justice. Resist being drawn into sensationalism. And do your best at ferreting out the supporting factors of large events and conditions.
History's inexorable repetition has carved pathways so deep they defy the sculptors' tools. Do not stay so focused on an outcome that you fail to chart its path. Do not stop at your destination without having fully lived the journey.
And do not consider a picture from one flat plane. Look at it in whole. And once you have determined your place in this picture, take action with methods carefully constructed to support Great All's Highest Ideas.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: June 02, 2020
visuals by Walks With Fire