Tuesday, June 2, 2020



BOKEH, 2020, JUNE 02


     ~ how an out-of-focus background draws attention to the primary subject

A primary subject is supported by its secondary subjects, just as a Primary Agenda is supported by its Secondary Agendas. Though one's energy and contemplation may be drawn to the significant point, one must take care to analyze the picture in whole.

World events unfold this way, with the leading story out front, but behind the central subject, there are a plethora of co-factors making the primary subject or Primary Agenda possible. To make change, you must focus your energies there.

What is most presently on your mind in a distressing way? Focusing on the Subject, look at the picture in whole. How many co-factors can you identify, and how many of them can you engage to elicit change?

The eye-for-an-eye mentality cannot restore peace, nor can it grant justice. Resist being drawn into sensationalism. And do your best at ferreting out the supporting factors of large events and conditions.

History's inexorable repetition has carved pathways so deep they defy the sculptors' tools. Do not stay so focused on an outcome that you fail to chart its path. Do not stop at your destination without having fully lived the journey.

And do not consider a picture from one flat plane. Look at it in whole. And once you have determined your place in this picture, take action with methods carefully constructed to support Great All's Highest Ideas.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 02, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Monday, June 1, 2020


March 9, 2024|2020, BELIEF, FAITH, SUPPOSITION



Supposition is more than Expectation. 

Expectation hopes for something. 

Supposition believes that the hope is Truth.

You may Expect that hard work yields higher pay, AND you may Suppose that your formula is unassailable (hard work = high pay). (It is Supposed that red + blue = purple, but what if the red is not truly red and the blue not truly blue?) Supposition is more than guessing or hope. It is an acknowledgement of Truth or of strong Belief.

When you survey how many thoughts you Suppose are True, you will see that those thoughts are actually a blend of 

  • Truths
  • unTruths
  • Myths 
  • Fantasies
  • Lies

For instance: you Suppose that Peace will be regained once your household is in order. Will it?

What is causing your household to be in a state of disorder? Is it merely this condition that is changing, or will soon change? Have you cobbled together a formula that is like this: chaotic household – disruptive influence = Peace? (Does Peace know that it is supposed to heal All once this disruptive influence is no longer present?)

You have Supposed this is True. You have passed the mere state of Belief, and crossed over into Surety: “If this disruptive influence is removed, Peace will be restored unto my house.” While you are laser focused on that Supposition, what is being unseen, unheard, unfelt, and unacknowledged? 

Supposition focuses your thoughts on one pathway. It puts all of your marbles in one hand. It closes doors. How can you move forward when you have disabled all of your information-gathering attributes? How can you achieve your much sought after endpoint, Peace in the household, when you are self-crippled?

While you are busy and turned outward to seek this Supposed thing, what is happening inside you? And how are you central to this drama?

Let us say that you’ve had a houseguest whose visit has been long overextended. This person has become a disruptive force in your household. You Suppose that being rid of that person will erase all disruption, and may not remember the point at which you began believing that your guest had become responsible for all the disruption in your house. You now see disruption as perpetrated by your guest alone.

All of the other disruptions and disturbances that were present at that person’s entry into your household have been forgotten. You are so focused on removing this person, you have assigned them credit for conditions in which they had no part. You are blaming and finger pointing. How does this serve you, and how does this serve your household?

To understand what it will take to establish Peace (or reestablish Peace, as your Supposition presumes) you must look at all factors and influences. You cannot Suppose that this one influence has created the cascade of conditions that you believe.

First, look at your formula: household – disruptive houseguest = Peace. Is Peace so simple? What is Peace? And, what is, right now, in your Life and in you?

Be your own detective. Include yourself in the cast of characters. How are your behaviors, habits, and interactions causing non-Peace? How might you survey what is external and internal together before you create Suppositions? How can you divide the marbles into your two hands and become balanced?

Remember that every end point has many pathways leading to it. Remember that our minds are self-deceivers. Remember that even the best of formulae can be wrong.

Most of all, remember Compassion and Love. Explore your Suppositions from a place of non-judgment and non-conclusion. When you dull the roar in your head you will be able to hear the tiniest whisper.

Be Whole, with all of its glorious, messy, painful, and revelatory splendor. You are not a formula. Your world is not a formula. Open your doors and quite your mind. Listen.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives:  June 01, 2020

River Photo by Laura Cleffmann on Unsplash

Sunday, May 31, 2020






     ~ becoming Champion through dedicated involvement.

Although leading support for a large cause can bring about large changes, small changes cohesively joined, can do the same. What are you fighting for at this moment? Can you say that you are a champion for this cause? How many fight with you?

We think of Paladins in the form of great military or social leaders, but below the peak on which they stand, many Secondary Agendas are built and maintained. Without that support, the Primary Agenda cannot rise to the top. In a nation, many people must agree to its leader, or at least, do nothing to impede the leader from rising. It is the same with a great cause.

Organizations have expansive power for changing the status quo, altering laws and shifting social normatives, even beliefs and tenets. How? Consistency. Behavior. Contemplation. Deep listening and compassionate response.

Whether you fight for social injustice, responsible use of resources, or blatant abuses, finding others fighting for the same will empower your cause. Unfortunately, riots and revolts rise this way too. An initial explosion will draw attention to the cause, but it is the steady, wise, and informed agendas that prevail in the end.

Whatever the cause you are willing to Paladin, begin with your self. Organize and discipline all aspects of your thoughts and behaviors to align with the Highest Idea. Begin there, and day by day you will meet others on the same path, enabling you to rise together. As your magnetism grows, so grows the Change.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 31, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Saturday, May 30, 2020



GAUGES, 2020 MAY 30


     ~ setting Governors to serve us (Governors regulate prime movers)

Internal Gauges are set according to our tenets and beliefs, letting us know when to push forward and when to retreat.

Comparing one culture to another, you find many differences in language, social proximity, body gestures, clothing, food, and what is considered polite or poor behavior. A gaffe in one culture is okay in another. Some cultures communicate in a revealing and emotionally provocative way, while others maintain distance and keep personal details to a minimum.

Most of us adjust when we are present within a culture foreign to our own, but how well attuned are you to the Gauges set within your own culture?

More walls exist than you acknowledge. You might believe that to do harm to another without provocation is wrong according to anyone's Gauges . . . but what if another person does not consider the victim worthy of their existence? How are your Gauges set for that?

In order to harm a person, you must feel them dangerous, unworthy, or deeply suspect in some way that you have been trained to believe. Are you triggered by a person's dress, religious habits, language, or the color of their skin? 

Our Gauges can be reset and most often, they need to be. If you are triggered by slight and superficial circumstance, explore how your Gauges are set. Explore how you set your own culture and sub-culture above others. Do your best to understand why other types of people cause you to feel threatened.

Be your best today. If you cannot stop your Gauges from reacting to the world news, be aware, and work to control your behavior. Change may begin with a ripple, but it requires many to create the wave.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 30, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Friday, May 29, 2020





     ~ Truth's Compassion is in Its Light

To use a popular phrase from contemporary times, navigating Life on The Mean Streets can challenge every self-image you hold to be true. Witnessing media narratives may cause an emotional, spiritual and even intellectual reaction, that is different, and quite pale, in comparison to navigating the same event when you are in the fray.

What is your Cosmology? Do you believe that you were born in a state of sin and must work for a lifetime to atone? Do you believe that you were born with a hole that demands filling? Do you believe that you are accompanied by two wolves, one "good" and one "bad" and will emulate their behaviors according to the one you "feed"?

However you began, whether on Mean Streets or Streets Paved With Privilege, you have a voice inside you. That voice speaks, despite your Cosmology, your socio-cultural tenets, and your life experience. Getting to that voice may require you to sort through and banish many false narratives: the devil on your shoulder; excuses, justifications, social normatives, and desires.

Herein lies the greatest challenge. Can you sort your inner, eternal voice from the noise that lies entangled atop it? Can you be moved by an event powerfully enough to return to your core, to take action, even if that action is small and local?

How do you feel when injustice and cruelty rears its head? Do you sorrow? Do you feel so overwhelmed you recede into apathy? Do you make lip service to the event, even to the point you will distance friends and family, even to the point that you know your life will dramatically change? Or do you put your self into warrior mode and set about making a difference? You must choose.

You cannot be in warrior mode for every crusade. You will not weigh the importance of most events against losing your current life or endangering your family and friends. What can you do?

Take Self-Action. Look around The Mean Streets and study their elements. What can you influence? The world is a morass, a melting pot, a proving ground. That same battle is being fought inside you, so begin there. Begin by listening. When you have found the wise, still voice, take action, in the measurable, sensible way that you can.

Especially when you are feeling overwhelmed by the Meanness of the World, do not withdraw. Advance. Use The Mean Streets to ferret out all of the places where you hide, and avoid. Reclaim what you have disavowed. Deeply Listen, and then Speak. Speak with a voice that is True and Courageous, even if this Speaking is done only to your Self.

Truth changes everything . . . and Compassion is Its Light.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 29, 2020

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Thursday, May 28, 2020





   ~ refining resources

From ancient times on Earth, Winnowing has been used to Thresh the usable grain of a plant from its stalk. It was then thrown into the air, allowing the wind to carry away the lighter chaff as the heavier, edible portion fell back to the ground. In this way, the whole of the harvested plant was separated in order to collect the most valuable part.

This is your life. Over and over again you will plant and harvest; you will thresh and Winnow your resources and collect what is most valuable. Thus far, how are your farming skills? Are your stores fat and sleek and ready to utilize, or have you tucked away every part of a harvest and left it dirty and unclarified?

Holding onto the past does this. In order to store your memories in a healthy way, you must remove the chaff. You must cleave from the body of the nutritious grain, those parts that supported its growth and then died away. Once its job is done, the plant that produced the grain must be put aside, given back to the Great All to use again.

How many of your dearest memories are put away with unhealthy or dead support structures still attached? It does not matter how attached you are to these memories; know that they only truly shine once they are distilled. Do not worship something that is half-dead. Look for what is eternal and timeless. Apply your wisdom.

And if you cannot do this on your own, ask for High Help. Your Whole Self and your closest and Blessed Guides will help you, or even do this for you. Whether this be memories of a "lost" loved one, or actions, behaviors, and words you wish to retract, harboring what rots and spoils will never bring you comfort.

Allow for a Winnowing of those things that have passed. Stop consuming what is dead and non-nutritive. Allow your stores to distill into nuggets of Wisdom that when called upon, provide sustenance for your forward movement and growth.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 28, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, May 27, 2020




   ~becoming a steady caretaker

As you grow Wise, you develop higher self-control. Not only do you favor Responding over Reacting, you will operate using the restraint and tolerance of Forbearance. You will use Sight most prevalently and be more frequently seen by others with your Diadem in place.

Which conditions trigger your basest reactions? We do not speak of the flashpoint moments where anger and/or violence is intuitively used to defend life, but of anger, violence, judgment, and betrayal used in punitive ways.

Define one set of circumstances wherein you react in the least compassionate, most irrational and falsely judgmental way. Have you applied the age-old tenets in the questions: Is it True? Is it Fair? and Is it Helpful?

Forbearance allows you to step back and determine the conditions. How and why is it True? How and why is your conclusion Fair? And how might your actions be Helpful?

To "walk a mile" in someone's shoes, we must be able to approximate their conditions based on who they are and how they see the world. Can you punish the poor for your idea that they are lazy? Can you punish the ill because you believe they lack will power? Can you deride those persons who live opposite you on the social spectrum for having different ideas?

Most of us want peace. We are born with the need to survive and thrive. We need connection and community. Begin with our similarities and study with compassion our differences.

Use Forbearance to reach the wisest conclusions, and save for times of urgent action those ideas and behaviors that are relevant and yet noble. Do not be the little shepherd who calls "wolf," but the steady caretaker who determines when and where real action is needed before stepping into the fray.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 27, 2020

Photo by Jaka Ć krlep on Unsplash