Friday, September 7, 2018






 ~~thriving as a Creator

Setting an intention for well-being and wholeness, for your self and for others, helps you to construct word-thoughts, beliefs, and action plans that benefit All. Your every deed, thought, and belief combine to lay the path before you, a path that tangles with the paths of others. Knowing this, how do you see the way forward from where you are?

Let us say it is your intention to feel more peace—to feel it in your self, but also in your home, your community, your work, and your world. To do this successfully, Peace must be felt in those persons, places, and things to which you are subject—so you must manifest not only your own Peace, but work for establishing Peace in All who are in your field of influence. You must render your intention Holographically.

Living Holographically—seeing the whole picture at all times—may seem daunting, but imagine your self as center, radiating good will to everything in your domain. You needn’t know who, what, where, and how to accomplish this. You work with high intentions, and respond appropriately at every opportunity.

Labor under the Love of Can-Do, Will-Do, and even Must-Do. Work to see things clearly. See your self abundant with good health, prosperity, and peace—see it as a reflection of those around you—and in your whole world. You won't hit every right note, but this type of fully imagined, fully trusted sight, is the on-ramp for the traffic of change to occur.

If you want to feel more Peace, help your neighbor to see their own. Talk in positives. Encourage generosity, brightness, and unconditional love. See a world that is truly Nirvana . . . Heaven . . . Valhalla. Seek the Light that sparks in All.

We are not saying: Be Blind to everything that conflicts with the High, Light, Loving path. We are saying: Believe in Self, seek good, share love, be unafraid in the face of challenge. See the path ahead of you as fully potentialized and Life-enhancing. Seek opportunities to share Love, and worldly goods as well.

Only by seeing what can occur in fully realized form, may you create the future you desire. If you feel you have fallen short, look around. See what has succeeded. Love what you can Love.

Be the Light that reflects the Love of Great All. Be the Love that feeds the Light. Be entirely who you are meant to be, and who you dream of being.

We see you. We know you. We Love you. You are part of All, and that All is inside you: thriving, waiting to take Its bow.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 7, 2018

For Discussion:

  •    Choose a person for whom you wish the highest things. Identify and work to understand one of their challenges. Send love to that challenge and see it Holographically affecting their life in High, Positive ways. (Keeping a daily journal with beginning and ending points is beneficial.)
  •    Choose a person with whom you have much difficulty. Identify and work to understand one of their challenges. Send love to that challenge and see it Holographically affecting their life in High, Positive ways. (Keeping a daily journal with beginning and ending points is beneficial.)
  •    After thirty days, gather information about the lives of these two people. Record visible indicating factors confirming that your radiating Love has assisted them with their challenges. How are the changes different in Person ~A~ and Person ~B~?
  •    In completing this daily task, how has your life changed? How do you define and confirm that your Holographic Thoughts have been converted into real change? How is a Holographic Life more satisfying and empowering?
  • Using Holographic principles, how will you improve your life moving forward?


visuals by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, September 5, 2018





 ~~creating with clear intention

When you wish someone well, what do you mean? Do you contribute to the impetus that allows for wholeness and prosperity, or do you simply mean that you wish them a day lacking in impediment? The difference is vast.

This is why Language is so important. Language is the system of word-thoughts that expresses your intentions. It is a benevolent thing to wish someone a day without impediment—even if that means that challenges are not removed, but nobly met. It is an even higher wish to see for a person, a state of wholeness and prosperity.

While both intentions are helpful, one is an intention of negating (impediment), and one is an intention of attracting (wholeness and prosperity). The elements involved are opposed: one intends for something to be removed from an entity’s path, and the other intends for something to be included in an entity’s path.

When you say to someone: “Don’t forget your keys,” what images come to mind? Do you see chaos and panic, obligations foregone, and opportunities missed? Possibly. But what happens when you say to someone: “Remember your keys” ? Do you now imagine a smooth transition to the vehicle, obligations met, and opportunities activated? Did you believe that the two statements are the same? Can you see how they are different?

The same principles apply in Creation. Using Holographic Language—multi-dimensional, concise, and accurate word-thoughts drawn on fully considered ideas, will yield concise results. Vague or poorly considered word-thoughts yield splintered ideas, and therefore, splintered results.

You are responsible for your Creations. This is not optional; it’s not something you step up to. This is a cosmic law. Knowing that, how might you change your thinking?

How might you become a Creator of great magnitude? How might your manifest for your self, and for your world, the best and highest of Great All’s potential?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 5, 2018

For Discussion

        Write down three examples of well-wishing for another using Holographic Language. How does this compare to merely well-wishing something empty like: "Have a nice day" ?

        Make a list of your well-wishing words in one column and in another column, increase the power of those words by making them concise, and seeing into the future at least four steps ahead. What is the power of these energized words?

      How might you use Holographic Language to defend your self? How might you turn an assault around by reforming an aura around your self made from concise, powerful Holographic Language? Remember to apply this with integrity.


visuals by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, September 4, 2018





 ~~scanning mind for intention

Each piece of Great All is reflected in pieces both larger and smaller than the original particle. Scaffolds are made as Thought grows and links and perfects Itself. Your Thoughts make potentials, and those potentials stand ready to manifest, thrumming with possibility.

We talk beyond merely seeing from multiple perspectives. We mean that your Thoughts build three-dimensional, four-dimensional, and five-dimensional creations that await your further instructions. Think of building a mechanized life form that is complete except for its energy source, or batteries. It awaits the last step to become manifest.

Holographic Thinking is the arbiter of Creation. Holographic construction is the Act of Creation. And every aspect of every creation has a ripple-effect both above and below its vibrational signature. New Creations shift the web, the warp, the weave and tapestry of All That Is. The slightest occurrence thereby, affects All.

When you wish a person well, the Holographic Thought of seeing them well creates its own body, its influence rippling outward and helping to shift potentials for that person to BE well. If you wish a person harm, the inverse occurs. You have set a soldier in the field. You have created a new story that influences All.

This is how Thought experiments prove out in studies where either loving thoughts or destructive thoughts are directed towards plants. The Holographic Thoughts are formed and through repetition, made manifest. The new Creation sets a Holographic form or condition into the field of interest: love or hate impeding or increasing universal flow.

You are so much more than you know. Thoughts are not merely word-ideas. Thoughts are powerful tools for Creation. Use this power wisely, and with great forethought and discretion.

You are a Creator. Be a Loving and Benevolent one.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 4, 2018

For Discussion:

  • Recall your last thought regarding another person. Was that thought invested in their highest good? Was that thought judgmental or harmful?
  • If that thought was beneficial, put attention, and intention, into that thought again. If that thought was destructive, make apologies to your community and to that person (or sentient life form).
  • Your warriors are in the field. Direct them compassionately.


visuals by Walks With Fire

Monday, September 3, 2018





 ~~understanding cycles

There is a time for the tiny seed to activate, to outgrow the boundaries of its shell, and to find the sun, pushing upward and manifesting its phases of Life: seedling, plant, distributor of seeds. You are the same. In different phases of life, you are concerned with different things.

When the Blooms begin to Fade, assessments are made. In humans, we tend to see this phase as a time of less—but this phase is a time of More. You are studying your assets for renewal and distribution. You are organizing your legacy.

A mid-life or late-life crisis is only a crisis if you perceive it that way. Instead, inventory your wisdom and skills. Look at what you have to pass on. Inventory gifts that strengthen as physical prowess shrinks. What will you leave for others to draw upon?

We speak not of world-changing events, so much as small kindnesses, wise observations, and compassion grown past what was expected. We talk of courage in the face of fear, dedication beyond exhaustion, and idealism that defies contemporary belief. We all make a difference. We all contribute.

If your Blooms are fading, rejoice. Draw your nutrients into the core and study how you will spend your remaining time and energy. What bright Light can you share with someone else? How can you touch someone, so that their life is turned towards a higher purpose?

Life happens in cycles. When you are present and grateful in each of them, your influence expands.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 3, 2018

 Posts are organized with the newest Illumination appearing first. You may go to the bottom of the blog post to choose the next newest or older post, or choose from the alphabetical list of subject matters, which appears at the right margin. In addition, using the Search feature will give you navigational functions by category or by title. 

visuals by Walks With Fire

Sunday, September 2, 2018





 ~~having faith in frail times

     “. . . and they rose up 

     like the Lilies of the Field, 

     and were of the same faith.”

The Lily Flower is a good example of beauty and strength in the face of calamity. The Lily accepts the magic of its existence, never questioning the multitudinous factors that combine to give it Life. Lilies take what is offered each moment and do their best.

They do not wonder why the sun has abandoned them, nor why the water is scarce, causing them to rein in their blooms. They embrace Life and all its vagaries.

You are the Lily, and so much more. You may travel when it helps to meet your needs. You may shift your state at will. You may consciously ask for help. For all of that, at times you will still feel the harshness of the field in which you grow. You will sometimes feel alone, or singled out for misery.

But, Faith is working for you, balancing your worries. You have Faith that you will continue breathing in the moment, that your heart will beat, that you will wake after sleep. Unless given serious reasons to doubt these things, your unspoken Faith contributes to your continuing human incarnation.

So, what other Faiths could you add to the ones unspoken? Can you believe that you will rise to your Purpose, that you will shine as you were meant to do? Can you put aside your worries for enough moments in a day to allow Grace to guide you?

Your Grace is a living thing. It is a language and a love. Your Grace can negate headwinds and repel harm. Your Grace sleeps not, even when the drought comes, even when you are trod upon, even when you pull in your blooms and fade. Give thanks for your Grace, for your time upon this Earth is short, and being in Life’s great mystery is the same as being in the love that binds all things . . . and makes all things . . . and re-makes all things.

Remember when times are fallow, and you feel sad and alone, that your Grace is with you, always.  It knows your suffering, and gives you the dignity to bear it. Have Faith, like the Lilies of the Field, that you—all of you—all of us—are Loved, and continue together in that Love.

You are a miracle. Let Life reveal Itself and be glad.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 2, 2018

visuals by Walks With Fire

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Saturday, September 1, 2018





     ~defining core traits

Grains have been a food staple for millennia, but their origins are not so important as their mutations, speciating to better thrive in the world. Different strains arose in response to new conditions in the environment, entirely new environments, and exposure to other fertile species.

Humans do the same. We adjust for high altitudes, high temperatures and low, salty sea air and the desert's dryness. We follow trends as a reflection of our communities: clothing, language, habitats, customs. In fact, humans are so diverse, it is difficult for one home group to relate to others in another home group.

But, what about the core of us? What about the seed-traits that cause all of humanity to belong to the same nursery? We need to love and be loved; to work and have purpose; to give and receive; and to have our basic physical needs met. Despite humanity’s shifting away from its origins, we still have more similarities than differences.

Remember this as you’re shifting away from your center. You are like grain, whether rye or barley or wheat. The code locked inside you contains all of your core information, which remains unchanged. What shifts is your identifiers and purpose. Even after separating from a core group, you will still understand your home group more clearly than any other . . . so be kind and allow for differences that you do not understand.

All the while, grow. Reach for the sun. Give thanks for the rain and the soil, and do your best to produce beautiful flowers, and products that induce joy. Do your best to nourish others and to help them feel valued.

Yesterday does not unilaterally predict today. Begin now. Honor your core traits as you continue shifting towards Higher mind, Higher body, Higher sight.

When you flower, the chemistry of your Shift signals those around you to flower as well. Give thanks to your core . . . and be grateful, like the lilies of the field.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives; September 1, 2018

visuals by Walks With Fire

Friday, August 31, 2018



AUGUST 31, 2018


 ~~ evolution’s front line

Speciation is the advent of a new, distinct species. Having split away from an old genetic line, the new line is not only different, but improved in favor of survival.

Think of the human lineage and how many times splinter lines have deviated from the source plan. You are a different human than could have occurred a century ago. Your challenges are different. Your environment is different. The tasks for which you are capable are different.

Children born today are equipped with different sensory abilities than generations preceding. They are more sensitive to vibration, and also more selective for vibration. The Earth’s future adults are wired more complexly than you are.

What happens when you take a new child and feed them self-awareness, when you train them to access Wisdom, and teach them that they are organically part of your world? Your Mother Earth, who guides, protects, and nourishes is whispering to the new children: you are mine and I am yours. She whispered to you as well.

The difference, the Speciation, is that you responded in a way unique to your vibration, and the new children are responding in a uniquely different way. The pathways we train are conduits for beliefs and mythologies, and a repository for our accumulated knowledge and wisdom. They potentiate how we will diverge from our lines of lineage.

If you live among a peaceful, loving people, your chances for similar qualities are very high. This is likewise true if you live among warring people. Your responses are attuned to your environment, and guide you to remain within your line, or seek outside it. You may be a warring person within a peaceful community, or you may be a peace-maker within a warring community, but chances are higher that you will be a reflection of your community.

And what if you wake to the idea that your community does not fit? What if your Whole Being longs to live outside your developmental circle? Let’s say that you listen to your inner voice, that you see the connectivity in all things, that you operate from a state of love and compassion: how might you Speciate, removing your self, and establishing new vibrations and awarenesses?

That is the goal of evolution—to become higher, more loving entities. Your uplifting habits remake you—literally—and your new vibration creates waves that help to inspire others.

In your life, you will likely Speciate, moving away from what was once familiar. Have a goal of being more, being wiser and more loving. Become the person you idealize, and as your mortal and spiritual bodies begin to shift, your own evolution will assist you in growing even higher.

You can be the person you idealize by making the conscious choice to do this. Speciate away from what is destructive and low. Speciate with the goal of attaining high Wisdom and compassionate responses to your world.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 31, 2018

visuals by Walks With Fire