~~having faith in frail times
“. . . and they rose up
like the Lilies of the Field,
and were of the same faith.”
The Lily Flower is a good example of beauty and strength in the face of calamity. The Lily accepts the magic of its existence, never questioning the multitudinous factors that combine to give it Life. Lilies take what is offered each moment and do their best.
They do not wonder why the sun has abandoned them, nor why the water is scarce, causing them to rein in their blooms. They embrace Life and all its vagaries.
You are the Lily, and so much more. You may travel when it helps to meet your needs. You may shift your state at will. You may consciously ask for help. For all of that, at times you will still feel the harshness of the field in which you grow. You will sometimes feel alone, or singled out for misery.
But, Faith is working for you, balancing your worries. You have Faith that you will continue breathing in the moment, that your heart will beat, that you will wake after sleep. Unless given serious reasons to doubt these things, your unspoken Faith contributes to your continuing human incarnation.
So, what other Faiths could you add to the ones unspoken? Can you believe that you will rise to your Purpose, that you will shine as you were meant to do? Can you put aside your worries for enough moments in a day to allow Grace to guide you?
Your Grace is a living thing. It is a language and a love. Your Grace can negate headwinds and repel harm. Your Grace sleeps not, even when the drought comes, even when you are trod upon, even when you pull in your blooms and fade. Give thanks for your Grace, for your time upon this Earth is short, and being in Life’s great mystery is the same as being in the love that binds all things . . . and makes all things . . . and re-makes all things.
Remember when times are fallow, and you feel sad and alone, that your Grace is with you, always. It knows your suffering, and gives you the dignity to bear it. Have Faith, like the Lilies of the Field, that you—all of you—all of us—are Loved, and continue together in that Love.
You are a miracle. Let Life reveal Itself and be glad.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: September 2, 2018
visuals by Walks With Fire
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