Knowing the Sacred through Knowing the Self: Empowering YOU with Self-Realized Tools for Advancement and Self-Love.
Friday, October 6, 2017
How do you Know what you Know? From whence did the information come that allowed a concept to be Substantiated, to be established, or to come into form? What Source fed you the components that allowed you to build an idea?
The Substantiation of anything, be it concept, method, or form, is influenced both by the Great Whole, and by your Individual governances. All new Creations are an amalgam of Your Mind and The Great Mind . . . within which many aspects commingle, helpful and otherwise.
Let us say that you are Substantiating yourself as a Healer. What gave rise to the idea that you have become That? What Evidences have presented? What Wisdoms have been garnered? What, in your world, has shown you that this new title, Healer, is now appropriate for some aspect of who you are?
This is tricky. Others may Substantiate a person as this or that, based on external indicators. Does this automatically attune the subject to be of the same opinion? Of course not. To be truly Substantiated, one must own the compilation of ideas being packaged and brought forward, whether or not the external foci support or oppose this.
True Substantiation comes from the core of All That Is. You become this new Creation. You embody the role, and partake of the fracas and the fulmination of this new Creation. You are new, remade, grown.
What do you desire to Substantiate? How would you like to be larger, wiser, and more conscious? And, most importantly . . . from which True, Pure Sources will you draw to Create this new You?
Seek first at the core of Your Self. Expose Your Self to the Truths that are residing inside You, and the falsehoods. To move forward, you must clearly see from what point you begin.
Let us say that you want to Substantiate Your Self as a Healer. What is That? What is the action of That? What is the Responsibility of That? Which of your personal qualities must you subdue or abate, and which must you improve? Which Higher qualities must you seek out and embody?
At certain levels, Who You Are/ What You Are/ What You Think/ What You Do, come fully together. Each tenet supports the other. Avatars are completed in this way.
Do not Substantiate your self as apathetic, misdirected, muddled, angry, and ego-driven. Set a pace for Your Self that takes you ever upward, in ideology, and in action. Give your Permissions to the Highest Sources available to you, and drink in that Wisdom.
Who and What and How you will be one year from today is entirely dependent on how you remake Your Self. Make a better plan each day and strive forward, ever with the Intention to Substantiate Your Self tomorrow as Greater than the Present.
Be what you See for Your Self. Begin your Template today.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 6, 2017
For Discussion: Name three qualities you long to absorb and perfect. What actions are required to complete this?
Name three weaknesses that block your progress. What actions are required to clear them from your path?
Set a time goal; keep progress notes. Compare your notes to the beginning each thirty days and check your position a year from now. How much closer are you to achieving your growth goals?
visual by Walks With Fire
Thursday, October 5, 2017
The Great All is a complex, organic machinery. You are a complex, organic machinery within It, as part of It, blending with and re-creating from, the essence of All That Is. And yet, for the greatest portions of your Life, Eternal and mortal, you must extend Permissions to the changes created for you, with you, and inside you.
What does this mean? It means that you are an active participant in All That Is. It means that Great All knows you, in the minutia, in every moment, and defers to your Negations and your Permissions regarding changes that have been presented to your Consciousness, Un-Consciousness, and Super-Consciousness.
Vibration is Great All’s dance and breath. As Great All evolves, you are also asked to evolve. Some of this will happen without your Permission, as the greatest weight of The Whole will rule, but for many critical, and even minor, changes, you must give Permission, opening and allowing access to your core, your DNA, and your original Creation Template.
Just as we give Permissions to deny Conscious change, we give Permissions to embrace them. Will you allow Great All to Sing Its Songs unto you? Will you allow these Songs to harmonize with the Song of You, and reset the vibrational patterns of what makes You, You? –and change the way that You dovetail with The Whole?
What deleterious and negative energies have you given permission to enter and change You? Which uplifting, purifying, and Love-Centered energies have you given permission to enter and change You?
You need not be confused, stymied, or malnourished. You may speak your Permissions to Great All and expect to receive that bounty.
Why would All That Is, who depends on You for Your Own Song, want You to be less than everything which is possible? Why would Great All want You to withhold Your own splendor when that splendor would enrich Its own condition?
Give Permission for Love and Wisdom to enter Your Self. Do it without fear, and with great Gratitude. Give Permission for greatness and grow Greater.
By Calling all aspects of The Self and giving Permission to the Gifts that they bring, your Light Shines Brighter. Your Love spills into the causeways you travel, and you will meet the others who Travel in Light with you . . . and you will become Love.
You will become Wisdom. You will become the beautiful notes and the beautiful Song that helps The Great All to most beautifully complete Itself.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 5, 2017
For Discussion: What deleterious and negative energies have you given permission to enter and change You? Which uplifting, purifying, and Love-Centered energies have you given permission to enter and change You?
Name one stressful situation in which you feel controlled, in which you feel that an external force is trying to obtain permissions against your will. What is the motivation behind the force? What does the force hope to gain? How would this affect you?
See clearly, your self rejecting and repelling the energy that seeks entry to your own without joyful permission. Let this external force know, in strict terms, that their energy is not welcome. How do you feel? How has your level of personal control increased?
visual by Walks With Fire
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
What is Religion, but a system to train the human Spirit? You are born of The Sacred, and inside you is a system of knowing that is yours, always. Coming together with others who think and believe as you do creates a powerful force, but in so doing, creates strictures which one might call tenets; and limits, which one may call facts.
This is not to say that Religion is a poor inductor for personal faith and discovery; it is to say that all systems limit understandings broader than the strokes from which they were created: “You may not conquer a problem by the thinking with which it was created . . .”
If you were indoctrinated inside a Religion, or attend one now, catalog your thoughts and beliefs. Compare those thoughts and beliefs to other Religions. Where do overlaps occur? Is there a set of tenets within these Beliefs that are similar, and perhaps for good reason?
To do no harm is a wonderful tenet. To speak Truth, share your wealth, and be of Loving heart are wonderful tenets. These concepts are very basic.
But . . . what if you want to explore what is Higher and Broader? Can you do this within your Religion, or must your soar above it until such time that all of the Religion’s tenets have fallen behind? This is a personal choice.
Spiritual Knowledge is who you are. When you study your Self and Great All without strictures, preconceived Beliefs and assumptions, and all the rigmarole that you have accumulated related to Being, you will find concepts and Truths so great, no Religion can embrace it.
So, merrily meet with others, but also contemplate alone. Let the small niggling things that scratch at your subconscious lead you through and out to concepts greater and Higher than what you have been taught.
See the largest picture that you can. Believe in greatness, especially your own greatness . . . and wisdom will seek you out.
With Wisdom, many things become possible. How would your Religion look if it was being dictated directly from the Wisdom of Great All, without the stricture of human society? Dream a new Religion—that of Truth and Wisdom.
You were not meant to be small. You were made to contain universes, and Eternity, burning with the fires of Creation.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 3, 2017
For Discussion: If you were indoctrinated inside a Religion, or attend one now, catalog your thoughts and beliefs. Compare those thoughts and beliefs to other Religions. Where do overlaps occur? Is there a set of tenets within these Beliefs that are similar, and perhaps for good reason?
Point by point, challenge your tenets. How does it change how you understand the world, and how you understand your role in, and effect upon, the world?
visual by Walks With Fire
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
There is a Furor in the world that you are part of. The wave of excitement, rage, and high feelings is a self-generating, self-perpetuating fire that ebbs and falls around your current events, trends, and reasonings. That energy, harnessed, can fuel whole cosmos; certainly it can change the status quo.
Injustice, slights, perversity, greed, grandiosity, hierarchy and war are fed by The Furor. With correct direction and intention, Love, Harmony, and Balance is fed by The Furor, too.
Which waves are you currently feeding: how many fueled with Hate, and how many with Love? THEY is a term that includes YOU. Your Song is Individual and Indivisible . . . and Inclusive. The YOU is responsible for the THEY.
Understand that by doing nothing, by taking no action to withdraw or resist from any Furor with which you are aligned, you contribute. Resist apathy. Cut ties. Work for the Furors that further your mission to become a Higher, more loving Soul.
The energy is all around you. Use it. Call it. Banish your sense of depletion, exhaustion, and overwhelm by withdrawing from destructive Furors and contributing to the positive ones.
Use your Furor to push back your own darkness and grow your Light. Use your Furor as a fuel to forge boldly ahead. Let your Furor make a path before each foot step. Let your Furor tend your Fires.
Be your Furor and be Passion. Be your Furor and be Might. Be your Furor and become a Beacon for those who would follow the same Light.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 3, 2017
For Discussion: Focused on your connection to the Light and Energy around you, gently pull on those resources until you feel replenished. Make sure that you are filtering away any anger, hate, and maladaptive emotions, absorbing only what is best for the Highest Good.
How do you feel in your body and mind? What can you complete now that you didn't feel you could complete before this exercise? Did you call on aspects of your Self to filter this energy and deliver facets attuned to your current specific needs?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how easy was this exercise compared to similar exercises you have tried before?
visual by Walks With Fire
Monday, October 2, 2017
There is a time for Calling your Self to the Present. That time is now. Gather the pieces of your Self, which are distant and away working or healing. Bring them home to very point in time/space where you currently dwell. Harmonize each Song with the Song of your whole.
This may be done audibly; it may be done silently. It may be done with word-thoughts or image-thoughts, or even in opening all the gateways to Self in invitation to Self.
Call the pieces of your Self that are most needed at any time. You exist in many planes, times, and realities. And many of your pieces have information and skills that you are not consciously aware of . . . yet.
To complete a task that is new, Call the pieces of Self that have Higher information and Skills. Integrating these pieces, you will find that the task is accomplished more easily and with greater results.
To Sing, Call your Songster pieces. To create in wood, call your Carpenter pieces. To place words in orders and forms that best express your intention, call your Writerly pieces.
You are so much more than you know.
Call Out to your Entire Self, your Selfless Self, your Eternal Self. Get to know the pieces of You that make a larger, more complete version of Your Self. Know Your Self.
Calling is The Key.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 2, 2017
For Discussion: Choose one task with which you are currently struggling. Sit quietly while you connect with the many pieces and versions of your Self, all the while keeping in focus the task at which you wish to excel.
Invite to your Self, through the filter of High Self and Highest Regard and Help, those aspects that can aid you in this task. See the many dimension and textures required to make the task succeed.
Repeat this process until you feel confident that you have integrated these pieces, then set your self to the task with full confidence that what you need has been delivered. Remember, there will be a learning curve while your mortal physiology, neurology, emotional and intellectual chemistry come online. Be patient, and then, proceed.
visual by Walks With Fire
Sunday, October 1, 2017
There is a perception that what one sees, IS. When you are looking at, or perceiving, something through your human eyes, you are opening to a minimum of information. By using your physical eyes, and the brain receptors upon which they work, you are setting governors.
A beam of Light projected through a glass of water may show colors perceivable to the human eye, if the angle and trajectory are favorable. Where were those colors before this presentation? How did these colors hide inside a white, or invisible, ray of Light?
Just as these human-perceivable colors are always present in the Light, other factors are perpetually in action that you see, judge, and study for what they present only at the surface—missing what is fractally available just below.
Can you Bend your thoughts as well as your sight? Can you depart from the straight-and-narrow socio-cultural thought-trains that entrain you? In Bending to see beneath, you may discover other worlds. Certainly, you will discover other ideas, realities, and new Truths.
Who is your neighbor? Working to perceive your neighbor as the colors within the Light, what will you see? How differently will you feel? How does it change your world and your perception of The Self?
To be Unbent, Unyielding, and Un-open is to be rigid, adamant, and closed: it is to fool The Self, which cannot be fooled in Its Eternal terms.
Will you look just around the corner? beneath? beyond?
Will you flex Your Self, your Beliefs, your mind-thoughts, and your habits . . . in order to see more, and more thoroughly and True? Bend. Unbend. Look around you. See.
There is a world of Color in The Light.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 1, 2017
For Discussion: Choose one co-worker, one family member, and one neighbor. See them in the full spectrum of Light, as you see a rainbow within one beam of white or invisible Light. What do you learn?
When you look at your self as a rainbow, exposed in the Light, what do you discover? Can you train your beliefs to see more when you Look? To feel more when you perceive?
visual by Walks With Fire