Sunday, October 1, 2017



OCTOBER 1, 2017

There is a perception that what one sees, IS. When you are looking at, or perceiving, something through your human eyes, you are opening to a minimum of information. By using your physical eyes, and the brain receptors upon which they work, you are setting governors.

A beam of Light projected through a glass of water may show colors perceivable to the human eye, if the angle and trajectory are favorable. Where were those colors before this presentation? How did these colors hide inside a white, or invisible, ray of Light?

Just as these human-perceivable colors are always present in the Light, other factors are perpetually in action that you see, judge, and study for what they present only at the surface—missing what is fractally available just below.

Can you Bend your thoughts as well as your sight? Can you depart from the straight-and-narrow socio-cultural thought-trains that entrain you? In Bending to see beneath, you may discover other worlds. Certainly, you will discover other ideas, realities, and new Truths.

Who is your neighbor? Working to perceive your neighbor as the colors within the Light, what will you see? How differently will you feel? How does it change your world and your perception of The Self?

To be Unbent, Unyielding, and Un-open is to be rigid, adamant, and closed: it is to fool The Self, which cannot be fooled in Its Eternal terms.

Will you look just around the corner? beneath? beyond? 

Will you flex Your Self, your Beliefs, your mind-thoughts, and your habits . . . in order to see more, and more thoroughly and True? Bend. Unbend. Look around you. See. 

There is a world of Color in The Light.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 1, 2017

For DiscussionChoose one co-worker, one family member, and one neighbor. See them in the full spectrum of Light, as you see a rainbow within one beam of white or invisible Light. What do you learn?

When you look at your self as a rainbow, exposed in the Light, what do you discover? Can you train your beliefs to see more when you Look? To feel more when you perceive?


visual by Walks With Fire

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