The Great All is a complex, organic machinery. You are a complex, organic machinery within It, as part of It, blending with and re-creating from, the essence of All That Is. And yet, for the greatest portions of your Life, Eternal and mortal, you must extend Permissions to the changes created for you, with you, and inside you.
What does this mean? It means that you are an active participant in All That Is. It means that Great All knows you, in the minutia, in every moment, and defers to your Negations and your Permissions regarding changes that have been presented to your Consciousness, Un-Consciousness, and Super-Consciousness.
Vibration is Great All’s dance and breath. As Great All evolves, you are also asked to evolve. Some of this will happen without your Permission, as the greatest weight of The Whole will rule, but for many critical, and even minor, changes, you must give Permission, opening and allowing access to your core, your DNA, and your original Creation Template.
Just as we give Permissions to deny Conscious change, we give Permissions to embrace them. Will you allow Great All to Sing Its Songs unto you? Will you allow these Songs to harmonize with the Song of You, and reset the vibrational patterns of what makes You, You? –and change the way that You dovetail with The Whole?
What deleterious and negative energies have you given permission to enter and change You? Which uplifting, purifying, and Love-Centered energies have you given permission to enter and change You?
You need not be confused, stymied, or malnourished. You may speak your Permissions to Great All and expect to receive that bounty.
Why would All That Is, who depends on You for Your Own Song, want You to be less than everything which is possible? Why would Great All want You to withhold Your own splendor when that splendor would enrich Its own condition?
Give Permission for Love and Wisdom to enter Your Self. Do it without fear, and with great Gratitude. Give Permission for greatness and grow Greater.
By Calling all aspects of The Self and giving Permission to the Gifts that they bring, your Light Shines Brighter. Your Love spills into the causeways you travel, and you will meet the others who Travel in Light with you . . . and you will become Love.
You will become Wisdom. You will become the beautiful notes and the beautiful Song that helps The Great All to most beautifully complete Itself.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 5, 2017
For Discussion: What deleterious and negative energies have you given permission to enter and change You? Which uplifting, purifying, and Love-Centered energies have you given permission to enter and change You?
Name one stressful situation in which you feel controlled, in which you feel that an external force is trying to obtain permissions against your will. What is the motivation behind the force? What does the force hope to gain? How would this affect you?
See clearly, your self rejecting and repelling the energy that seeks entry to your own without joyful permission. Let this external force know, in strict terms, that their energy is not welcome. How do you feel? How has your level of personal control increased?
visual by Walks With Fire