Monday, October 2, 2017



OCTOBER 2, 2017

There is a time for Calling your Self to the Present. That time is now. Gather the pieces of your Self, which are distant and away working or healing. Bring them home to very point in time/space where you currently dwell. Harmonize each Song with the Song of your whole.

This may be done audibly; it may be done silently. It may be done with word-thoughts or image-thoughts, or even in opening all the gateways to Self in invitation to Self.

Call the pieces of your Self that are most needed at any time. You exist in many planes, times, and realities. And many of your pieces have information and skills that you are not consciously aware of . . . yet.

To complete a task that is new, Call the pieces of Self that have Higher information and Skills. Integrating these pieces, you will find that the task is accomplished more easily and with greater results.

To Sing, Call your Songster pieces. To create in wood, call your Carpenter pieces. To place words in orders and forms that best express your intention, call your Writerly pieces.

You are so much more than you know.

Call Out to your Entire Self, your Selfless Self, your Eternal Self. Get to know the pieces of You that make a larger, more complete version of Your Self. Know Your Self.

Calling is The Key.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 2, 2017

For Discussion:  Choose one task with which you are currently struggling. Sit quietly while you connect with the many pieces and versions of your Self, all the while keeping in focus the task at which you wish to excel.

Invite to your Self, through the filter of High Self and Highest Regard and Help, those aspects that can aid you in this task. See the many dimension and textures required to make the task succeed.

Repeat this process until you feel confident that you have integrated these pieces, then set your self to the task with full confidence that what you need has been delivered. Remember, there will be a learning curve while your mortal physiology, neurology, emotional and intellectual chemistry come online. Be patient, and then, proceed.


visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, October 1, 2017



OCTOBER 1, 2017

There is a perception that what one sees, IS. When you are looking at, or perceiving, something through your human eyes, you are opening to a minimum of information. By using your physical eyes, and the brain receptors upon which they work, you are setting governors.

A beam of Light projected through a glass of water may show colors perceivable to the human eye, if the angle and trajectory are favorable. Where were those colors before this presentation? How did these colors hide inside a white, or invisible, ray of Light?

Just as these human-perceivable colors are always present in the Light, other factors are perpetually in action that you see, judge, and study for what they present only at the surface—missing what is fractally available just below.

Can you Bend your thoughts as well as your sight? Can you depart from the straight-and-narrow socio-cultural thought-trains that entrain you? In Bending to see beneath, you may discover other worlds. Certainly, you will discover other ideas, realities, and new Truths.

Who is your neighbor? Working to perceive your neighbor as the colors within the Light, what will you see? How differently will you feel? How does it change your world and your perception of The Self?

To be Unbent, Unyielding, and Un-open is to be rigid, adamant, and closed: it is to fool The Self, which cannot be fooled in Its Eternal terms.

Will you look just around the corner? beneath? beyond? 

Will you flex Your Self, your Beliefs, your mind-thoughts, and your habits . . . in order to see more, and more thoroughly and True? Bend. Unbend. Look around you. See. 

There is a world of Color in The Light.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 1, 2017

For DiscussionChoose one co-worker, one family member, and one neighbor. See them in the full spectrum of Light, as you see a rainbow within one beam of white or invisible Light. What do you learn?

When you look at your self as a rainbow, exposed in the Light, what do you discover? Can you train your beliefs to see more when you Look? To feel more when you perceive?


visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, September 27, 2017



SEPTEMBER 27, 2017

The WHIPPORWILL bird is seldom seen, but its Song is known to many. It is, in fact, named for its Song, and given to myth and tale as a mystical creature, though it is small and its appearance quite common.

Great and greatly ornamented birds have no greater Song--for the true Song comes from the heart. What is your Core Song? At full spectrum, your Song is mystical, a part of, and part of the process of, Great All. Listen...Are you missing notes? Does your Melody suffer?

Your Song moves like fluid, pouring out and through, changing what it touches.

Sing your Song. Heal in it what needs healing. Clarify what is muddy. Expand and share it. You are your Song...and It is You.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 27, 2017

For Discussion:  Describe your Core Song. Note where it is muddy and unclear. Note where it needs uplifting.

What is the perfect audience for your Song? How do you Sing your Song in such a way that your core audience can hear?

Imagine your core Song, perfected. What has changed?


visual by Walks With Fire

Friday, September 22, 2017



SEPTEMBER 22, 2017

What occurs in Life calibrates with You and all of your factors: who you are in the moment; what you believe; how and where you invest your energy; your level of wisdom, understanding, compassion, and relevance. One Event will affect five persons in five different ways. They will write five different stories about its details. 

When you peruse your journal of past Events, what pattern do you find? How personally involved are you in these Events? How many Events did you trigger, and how many happened around you, triggered by someone else? How many Events exploded in your Life, and how many were directed specifically towards you?

If you are an herbalist accused of witchcraft, the Event is very personal. You, the person, are being singled out for punishment—right? Draw back the curtain, however, and see how the stage hands are moving about, adding their beliefs, ideas, and energies to this Event.

The Event has become centralized around the herbalist, but it is so much more. Some persons in the crowd might have been critically assisted by the herbalist. Some persons may have lost loved ones because the herbalist failed, or wouldn’t try to help. Some persons have been so socialized by the idea that herbalism is evil, they cannot see beyond that. And some persons have caught the virus, the wave that travels between persons, shifting their vibration, and justifying what the larger force is exuding.

An Event that began as an inquisition may bloom into a burning, with formerly placid townsfolk wielding pitchforks as they scream: “Burn the witch!” How does this happen?

Look at your world and its consensus. Events motor by you in a steady stream. Some Events you harmonize with, and some are antithesis to you. You might say, “How can they do such things?” with the idea of exclusion . . . but who is THEY?

You are THEY; we are THEY. All of humankind is THEY.

This is difficult to acknowledge, that any part of the self can contribute to Events with which we disagree, and more, Events to which we are adamantly opposed. But . . . even non-judgmental energy is wielded by persons who have Beliefs and Tenets, and those Beliefs and Tenets affect the whole. This is how peaceful protest can separate persons from their actions, and gather in a tide to fight destructive Events.

Taken to the level of personal, what riots are happening in your life—what Events? You are the herbalist, and the townsfolk . . . for you contain All.

Understand Events for what they are, for your part in them, for what you allow even when you disagree. Better, create Events that dovetail with your Belief, your Passions, and your Vision. Leading is a sure way to bring Events into focus, and focus changes your life exponentially.

Today, peruse the Events currently affecting your life . . . then create an Event that furthers your destiny. When you are Master rather than follower or participant, the Events in your Life can be made beautiful.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 22, 2017

For Discussion: Identify the Current Event with which you align, or actively do not resist. State your belief about this Current Event's tenets.

What action in the world is this Event currently creating? Who is most affected by these actions?

If you are in agreement with this Current Event, how could you actively and more genuinely contribute more? If you are in disagreement with this Current Event, how could you actively and more genuinely oppose these actions?

How would this change the world? (The THEY) How would this change You? (Part of The THEY)


visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, September 21, 2017



SEPTEMBER 21, 2017

The symphony continues, but Songs end. New Songs begin, with a new composer for each.

You are who you are today because of the choices you’ve made. You are a product of Time and Experience. In the Great All, Time is yours . . . All the Time. While mortal, however, Time is the greatest commodity. It is limited, and as such must be used as the precious resource that it is.

When you assess your day, how much of your Time was used for vital pursuits and how much Time did you otherwise use? Did you give a great portion of your Time to worry and striving, to anger and jealousy and revenge and hate? Did you continue placing steps on a path that you knew would lead to no good end? How are you managing your day?

And, how are you managing your Time, your mark upon the world, the evidence that you are here, now, doing these things? You are The Composer. Write your Songs well. Live your Life well. Be well. One day, All The Time will once again be yours.

In the Present, use the Time you have in pursuit of happiness and Love. By drawing Light, you inspire others to do the same. Your beautiful music causes others to stop and listen, causing them to compose their own new Songs.

Sing. Dream. Compose. Draw your actions from Love. And realize that every moment is precious. Use all of your Time well, all of the Time.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 21, 2017

For Discussion: Considering yesterday only, how wisely did you use your Time? In percentage, how much was spent in loving and higher pursuits, and how much was spent otherwise? Can you identify how all of your time was spent?

Outside your higher pursuits, how did you spend your time? Do not count idle time spent as lower pursuit time if it was necessary for rest, regeneration, and enjoyment of life. Do you feel guilty when you are not actively pursuing activities that others consider productive? How do you divide what you consider productive and what you consider non-productive? How does this differ from lower pursuits?

How much time do you give to guilt, regret, living in the past, and replaying scenarios you have no control over? How might your life improve if you re-purposed those allotments of time to higher pursuits?


visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, September 20, 2017



SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

When the Light is rising inside you, a Brightening occurs. All conditions and perceptions of those conditions, lift, become Brighter and Clearer. You see beyond your self, beyond the stage, beyond the drama and supposition.

The Brightening is like entering sunshine from the dark of a room. It is standing in a field while all the flowers turn their faces to the sun and open, simultaneously. It is a feeling of drunken cells and a giddy mind. It is joy.

Perhaps this has occurred for you when first looking at a newborn, or receiving the thing you long hoped for but didn’t dare expect. Perhaps you felt The Brightening when some doom passed you by and you were released.

But . . . what if you learned to call The Brightening? What if you could be in Its presence by will? What if The Brightening could be a tool for use in lifting, healing, and leading in The Light?

Sit quietly as you find an event that brought you into space and time with The Brightening. Feel that feeling. Become aware of That Light in your cells, That Joy in your mind. Let your Whole Self loose into the Great All, hearing your Song and the Songs of All Others.

In the presence of The Brightening all things are possible. Hold that. Remember that you are Loved. Remember that you are an intrinsic and indivisible part of All That Is.

While you are Brightening in The All,

The All is Brightening with You.

Now . . . Shine.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 20, 2017

For Discussion:  Having given consideration to the quality and purpose of the Light and Darkness within you, and their connection to Great All, draw upon your Light, strengthening Its Eternal connection. Hold open that floodgate until you feel saturated with Joy.

Have you a ready purpose for Brightening at this moment? Would you like to direct this influx of additional Light to some quandary or perceived shortage in your life? See this flooding of Light surrounding and lifting this person, place, or thing. See the intense healing occurring in real time.

How much resistance did you feel during this process? Identify any feelings of resistance. Did you believe your self a pretender? Did you believe your self to be undeserving? Did you believe the process to be make-believe? Study your beliefs about your self value and the value and reality of Great All and Its workings.

You are a Child of God, made in the Image of God.


visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, September 19, 2017



SEPTEMBER 19, 2017


To dispel darkness, the common thinking is that one must move into the Light. Where is the Light? Is the Light somewhere where you are not?

The Light is inside You; without the Light inside you, you would be inanimate; you would possess no Life, no knowledge, no feeling. Only voids outside Great All are without Light, and that is not for our discussion.

The Light is inside You and is connected to All Light, to the degree and volume at which you allow it to be, and at which you are currently able. Let it be said then, that moving Into The Light is liken to moving into The Self; it is liken to more deeply connecting to Self and Great All; it is becoming more consciously aware of your sentient presence within All That Is.

Because we are made of Star Stuff, building blocks of matter and pre-matter and supra-matter, The Light precedes our forms. We arise from Light and will arise again Into The Light—over and over again.

As we spoke to you of the condition of More, we now speak to you of where that most prime condition leads: to your source and sustenance, that is with You always, aware always, without lapse, judgment or debt. 

Light is the great builder, and so is also the great destroyer. Light re-makes all things. Would you re-make something? Expose it to the Light. As Co-Creator, part of your Gift is re-making. 

But remember: each thing that you re-make, re-makes You . . .

You will never lose Your Self. You can only lose your Beliefs about Your Self. Take what you will Into The Light. Let it be re-made. Let Your Self be re-made. 

Meet Your Self on the path, Singing. 

Let the Risen Light lend harmonies to Your Sacred Song.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 19, 2017

For Discussion:  Describe to your self, or to those in your study group, where you believe Light lives and how it is different from Darkness. Describe the qualities of each.

Where inside you, do Light and Dark live? Describe the qualities of each, as part of you. How did they appear at Creation and how have they evolved?

How do you apply and direct the powers and potentials of both Light and Dark? Do you feel the connection of your internal powers to the eternal/ "external" powers? What does that connection imply for your ability to apply and direct these powers?


visual by Walks With Fire