There is a time for Calling your Self to the Present. That time is now. Gather the pieces of your Self, which are distant and away working or healing. Bring them home to very point in time/space where you currently dwell. Harmonize each Song with the Song of your whole.
This may be done audibly; it may be done silently. It may be done with word-thoughts or image-thoughts, or even in opening all the gateways to Self in invitation to Self.
Call the pieces of your Self that are most needed at any time. You exist in many planes, times, and realities. And many of your pieces have information and skills that you are not consciously aware of . . . yet.
To complete a task that is new, Call the pieces of Self that have Higher information and Skills. Integrating these pieces, you will find that the task is accomplished more easily and with greater results.
To Sing, Call your Songster pieces. To create in wood, call your Carpenter pieces. To place words in orders and forms that best express your intention, call your Writerly pieces.
You are so much more than you know.
Call Out to your Entire Self, your Selfless Self, your Eternal Self. Get to know the pieces of You that make a larger, more complete version of Your Self. Know Your Self.
Calling is The Key.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: October 2, 2017
For Discussion: Choose one task with which you are currently struggling. Sit quietly while you connect with the many pieces and versions of your Self, all the while keeping in focus the task at which you wish to excel.
Invite to your Self, through the filter of High Self and Highest Regard and Help, those aspects that can aid you in this task. See the many dimension and textures required to make the task succeed.
Repeat this process until you feel confident that you have integrated these pieces, then set your self to the task with full confidence that what you need has been delivered. Remember, there will be a learning curve while your mortal physiology, neurology, emotional and intellectual chemistry come online. Be patient, and then, proceed.
visual by Walks With Fire