Monday, September 18, 2017



SEPTEMBER 18, 2017

How much distraction do you allow in your life; how much pain? By setting healthy and strong boundaries, you may reduce friction. By setting Allowances that filter for the optimum quantity and quality of distraction, you may grow from opportunities rather than feel overwhelmed by too large amounts of disruptive factors.

When you draw a don’t-cross line, you state to your self and to others what may occur in your presence. This is not to say that the lines you draw will never be crossed, but removing the most destructive and least helpful filtrates helps to keep you on task and focused.

There is no apology needed for this. You are setting boundaries for your self. While these boundaries may affect the inappropriate infringement by others, you are entitled to make and abide by these settings.

We realize that many experiences are not optimal in life. We realize that others make inappropriate advances and take advantage of what they consider weakness and indecision. We are suggesting that to some degree, you may control these effects on your field and person.

And this must be done in understandable ways, by making verbal statements and showing by example what you will and will not accept. Do not leave to vagaries what should be made clear—and it should be made clear in a language that the other persons may understand.

What boundary needs establishing or strengthening in your life? Which Allowances have you failed to set or failed to strengthen? Set Allowances that filter for your optimum influence and see how your clarity and sense of peace grow.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 18, 2017

For Discussion:  What boundary in your life is currently being crossed to the most detrimental effect? Why do you allow this?

Why is your current boundary for this intrusion too weak? Are the circumstances involved causing you to make justifications--such as for a close family member or a superior at work? What is the worst that could happen if you strengthened this boundary and gave firm verbal direction for protecting your space?

Imagine your boundary intact and strong, working at its most efficient level. How do you feel? How does your life improve?

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, September 17, 2017



SEPTEMBER 17, 2017

Rarely, a Miner finds a precious gem that easily and wholly reveals itself. More often, Mining requires tedious labors. Experience improves the process, but the reality of content still applies: the Miner may process tons of materials in order to harvest a handful of gems.

That said, the wise Miner carefully chooses their site. One would not excavate for a gem in a location where conditions do not support its formation. One would excavate in an area carefully studied for its potential. These are very basic tenets.

Likewise, one would not mine for wisdom where conditions do not support its formation. One would excavate in areas carefully studied for potential. Why would you study the methods of a thief when your real goal is to become a rare procurer and outstanding seller? Why would you immerse yourself among cowards and liars if your goal is strengthening your Truth and Courage?

Standards, research, introspection, and comparative studies are necessary to determine the most fertile fields and the best applications of your time for your tasks. If you want clean water to drink, do not seek it in the dirty river. If you want to Mine for gems among the Forage, seek it where it may best be found.

Old habits can be a unified force against new, better behaviors. Let us say that as a child you liked to look for rocks in the river. You grow into an adult who wants to learn gem mining and find yourself in that same river. Will you apply your child habits, or will you apply a higher standard of Mining, still able to enjoy your childlike excitement of being in the river and finding beautiful things?

What happens when you are disappointed, when the Mining is not going well? Do you easily tire and abandoning all of your wise adult knowledge, find yourself squatting in the river attempting to apply the child ideas (leaving “B” to return to “A”)? When you form a plan constructed by Wisdom, do you apply your tenacity and self-faith until your goals are met?

Mining for anything has its challenges. Inventors often fail many times before their workable idea is made manifest. The Highest Writers re-write until the words obey them. Talented composers and artists continue to tweak their work until its Song is complete. Mining for illumination, wisdom, and clarity is quite the same.

You may process a lifetime of Forage to find what feels like a tiny amount of value. By applying yourself in fields that have been studied for the production of what you seek, you increase your odds. By feeding yourself quality ideas, quality Forage, you increase your odds. And by seeing the potential in things not yet considered, you will increase your success.

Be a wise and steady Miner. Look for Wisdom among the mundane. Seek Truth where un-Truths are dauntingly gathered. Be a consistent and high-minded worker in the Mines.

The world’s ideas are many, so finding the Truths requires discernment and excavation. Train your mind. your heart, and your eyes, to find the gems. Mine only where those gems might be found. By streamlining the mining process, your harvest of gems increases.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 17, 2017

For Discussion: What are you currently seeking in areas where your High Mind knows this thing or these things do not exist? Is this search yielding to child mind? Have you slipped back to point 'A' from point 'B'?

Do you hope to fail in your seeking? Do you fear how finding your goal will cause your life to shift.

Choose one thing that you seek and look at it clearly, in an unbiased and unconditional way. Do you believe true things about this scenario--both the thing sought and the journey to find it? What do you discover about your self and your journey following this exercise?

visual by Walks With Fire

Saturday, September 16, 2017



SEPTEMBER 16, 2017

The Bouillabaisse is a dish made of what might be considered inedible fishes, broth, certain vegetables, and rarified herbs. Having brought together unlikely elements, the Bouillabaisse is now a delicious treat. This is an art. This is a leap of faith. This is Creation.

Ingredients for a Bouillabaisse exist at all times in your Life. Disparate elements, unlinked to one another in your thoughts, are circling in your fields of influence. Does the sow’s ear make a silk purse? Perhaps it makes something more interesting. Perhaps the sow’s ear makes an unusual and beautiful object that is outstanding in its design and utility, all due to its creator seeing it in a non-judgmental way. 

Look at the elements in your Life. Suspend disbelief. See objects as if you’ve never seen them before. Their core elements have arisen from Earth. Can you find the Song-Thread in each that resonates with the next element?

Look at the beliefs in your Life. Suspend disbelief. See how these thoughts have arisen and how these beliefs are tied to other beliefs. How might they arise from a single tenet? In what ways are these beliefs true, and in what way are they false?

You exist in a chaos of elements that are available for your use. See that a house can be made from discarded trash. See that the felon can embrace a loving future. See that planet Earth can sustain the human race, with respect and care.

See what elements you can combine into your own Bouillabaisse. Take elements of water, earth, wind, and fire and combine them in new ways. Shake up your Life. Challenge the status quo.

Let your Bouillabaisse become a favorite dish for you as you learn to Chef. As you learn to create higher Forage, let the Bouillabaisse tradition of combining surprising elements surprise You.

Create. Lead. Invite to your table what is new and formerly unSung. Serve Great All by serving your powers of Creation.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

     Archives: September 16, 2017

For Discussion: What disparate parts have you laying about that could be combined in new ways to make something useful?

Would using these parts, which are attached to memories, help you to expediate the processing of the memories, transmuting something heavy into something light and forward thinking?

Did looking through the disparate parts enable you to be rid of non-useful parts, thereby freeing up your space and your psyche? How so? Do you feel clearer after this process?

visual by Walks With Fire

Friday, September 15, 2017



SEPTEMBER 15, 2017

Among the Forage, gems are found. We perpetually take in huge amounts of input; we are made to do so. But . . . how does one sift through the daily Forage and find the gems without being constrained by over-focusing on the body of input?

Your Forage is a personal stream. Highlights, lowlights, and everything between present themselves for your inspection. Your Forage is the product of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions: what you sow, so shall you reap, therefore, you have programmed Great All to present you with what is most relevant—to you, in any given moment.

You will not see Miracles if you deeply do not believe that they exist. However: a Miracle may occur in your Forage because you are open to its idea—not because you attract it, but because you do not deny it. You have suspended your disbelief.

If your daily Forage is stressful and disappointing, you must examine your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. What are you communicating to Great All? What are you stating is important and relevant in your Life?

Do not believe that you are an island, that your output does not affect your input. Your Forage, your food-for-thought, is a reflection of Your Self. If you find your Forage (“Why is this always happening to me?”) lacking, you must work to improve Its qualities.

When your Marriage of Thought is in-sync with your Highest Self, you will find your Forage greatly improved. You will find that your Life greatly improves. You will find that your wholeness and balance improves.

So said, what foods have you ordered for your nourishment?

Will you subsist on meager Forage, focusing on what It lacks rather than nourishing Its contents for quality? Will you take responsibility for how you feed Your Self? Will you reduce the chaff in your Forage so that with less distraction, you can find Its gems?

Sharing Time and Space with persons who attract High Quality Forage can be your springboard. How do Happy people feed themselves? How do Loving people feed themselves? How do driven and clear-minded people feed themselves?

Remove the chaff from your Forage and begin to look for those who well-nourish Them Selves. Follow recipes for Happiness, Compassion, and Satisfaction. Become a Chef, and you will find that you are dining, rather than snacking, bingeing, and eating poor quality Forage.

And once a Chef, freely share your recipes. Let’s All eat well. Let’s All elevate our Forage.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 15, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, September 14, 2017



SEPTEMBER 14, 2017

Your Spark, the eternal core of You, has an agenda. You, the person, have an agenda. Sometimes these agendas clash; contradict; are traveling different paths in different directions.

How clear is your thinking? Do you listen to the still voice inside? 

Can you feel Its urgings, in your mind, body, and emotions? 

To have a Marriage of Thoughts is to combine the still voice with your mortal/conscious voice and to hear One, unified. Meditation makes great progress in this task. When your mortal/conscious voice is in agreement with, or even speaking for The Spark, your Life and your growth will proceed at a lively pace.

When your thoughts conflict, you are conflicted. It becomes difficult to see the road ahead, to accurately discern your world, to make helpful decisions and act upon those decisions in a High Way.

What is currently at the forefront of your conscious Thoughts? Expand your field of awareness and find the source of those thoughts. Did they arise from conscious matter of the mind, emotions, or body—or did they arise from the place of Deep Contemplation and Compassion?

We hope that your thoughts arise from the latter, and if they do not, we hope that you may begin to direct your thoughts—even if you must reflect them against the Wisdom of Great All and re-greet them—for your thoughts may be purified by rendering them unto what is Higher. They may dissolve; they may morph; they may exponentially grow.

You may begin to build a tool shed, only to find that the real project was a sanctum from which you may thereafter create: a much higher idea, yet still applicable to the practical, material needs for which it was first conceived. You may begin a conversation with disgruntled ideas, and after reflecting it to Great All, find that your words are inspiring, uplifting all of the conversants and their ideas.

A Marriage of Thought is more than agreement: it is the harmonious meeting of ideas with an outcome of improved quality and understanding. Find a thought—right now—and reflect it into the Great All. Be patient as the new message is formed and returns to you.

Guide your words by Marriage of Thought. Guide your deeds by Marriage of Thought. You will reduce Life friction and expand your world.

Be Large. Be True. Be Brave. Be in-sync with Marriage of Thought and put the world in focus. Let Great All know that It is the Highest and most welcome consultant.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September  14, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, September 13, 2017



SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

When Great All Sang you into Being, your Spark was formed. Its core template reflects Great All, down to Its minute detail, as It was the moment you were Created. The Spark, therefore, in Its beginning, was pure. 

But the Spark separated from the Whole, burning with the drive to expand Its Source by adding to It unique experiences—your thoughts, feelings, and actions—your own Creations and Co-Creations. Observed in that way, Your Spark, and your Life, thrive under the prime directive to help Create a Great All that is more . . . because of Your Spark’s contributions.

Think of this as a great family moving away from a nest, charged with the instinct to gather Data and return it. Like food, this Data is assimilated . . . so that Great All can better know Itself. With your help, the Source from which you evolved, grows and becomes wiser.

How humbling it is to know that you contribute to this process of growing not only your self, but of growing Great All.

You have seen altars lavished with fresh flowers and fine foods. Why? Sacrifice and Recognition are both processes that keep one attached to Higher Ideals, to the idea that the indivisible individual is critical. Likewise, what the Indivisible Individual returns to The Source is a reflection of That Spark’s understanding and compassion.

Do you send to the Altar of your Creation that which is beautiful, rare, and expansive? Or do you send to the Altar of your Creation that which is malevolent, self-satisfying, and lazy? You cannot make food of what is inedible or toxic, not if you expect your self and those whom you feed to thrive, and sometimes, survive.

Your Spark is your infrastructure. It contains codes upon codes upon codes. Will you acknowledge Your Spark’s divinity? 

Will you feed It manna? Will you embellish Your Spark with all that is wise and kind? Will you grow Your Spark so that Its Song in The Tapestry becomes a beautiful, sacrosanct thread?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 13, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, September 12, 2017



SEPTEMBER 12, 2017

As Life may never be stagnant, whether or not your consciousness agrees, you must both Grow and Die. Your Divine Spark is Limitless, but in your human form, you must let go some old things in order to attract new things. Cellular genesis demands this. 

Your mind and your emotions can only be ruled by one Superior Program. They respond to sub-programs, but those sub-programs cannot have undue influence on the main, driving Forces.

We have spoken to you about How To Die. This version of death is more a streamlining, for in order to Grow, you must make room. To operate under Higher Ideas, you must banish the lower ideas.

Experiences will out these lower ideas. When you find yourself reacting within the parameters of subset “A,” and find it unsuitable, uncomfortable, or unloving, you will automatically move upward towards subset “B.” That is Growth. You are reaching upward—up where the vibrations are Higher and the Light more dense.

Do you desire this? It comes with more responsibility. It comes with more information. It comes with more Wisdom. At times, you will wonder why you left the comfort of subset “A” to travel to Higher Ideas.

You Grow because your Spark desires that you Grow. You Grow because instinctually you know that your Highest Experience is to exist in your Highest State. You Grow because your Song urges you upward.

In order to consciously Grow, you must desire it. It is easy to believe that you do not attract learning experiences, when those experiences are perceived in the most negative way—as daunting, grievous, or frightening—yet you did . . .

As Growth is a prime directive, would you not rather direct the process? Would you not rather open your petals to the Light in your own way and time? Would you rather Sing your self than sit in the back rows attempting to huddle into your own Shadow?

Growth knows you. Growth will find you. Growth may Sing your Song. What is it you’re hiding from? What frightens you? Where are you stuck? Call Growth and let it Sing with you. Let Growth Re-Sing you. 

Let your journey be ever upward and filled with Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 12, 2017

visual by Walks With Fire