Thursday, February 12, 2015



FEBRUARY 12, 2015

Your Actions arise as a subset of your Beliefs.  Whether you react, or respond to, what is occurring in your environment, be assured that the greater part of your Actions are set in motion by a stream of commands that begin in agreement with Belief.  If you track your Actions from their endpoint to their source, you will find Truth in this.

Do you always understand your Actions?  For that matter:  do you always understand your Beliefs?  How often do your Actions and/or your Beliefs seem to undermine what you consciously would prefer to happen?

When you have behaved or thought in a way that is disappointing to your Self, what do you?  Do you spend time in reflection, or do you look for external routes—places outside oneself where one may direct blame for Self’s Actions?

Think of the last time one of your Actions felt aligned with Self and Great All.  Think of the last time one of your Actions felt mis-aligned with Self and Great All.  Did you congratulate your Self on the first instance, and seek outside your Self for blame on the second?  Or:  did you study each Action for its individual mechanism?

None of us is perfect—but blame helps none in the matter of improving imperfections.  Looking clearly at our own Actions is a Truthful, mature, and compassionate road to growth.

How do our Actions represent our Self?  And, more importantly:  How do we want our Selves to be represented by our Actions?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 12, 2015 

 Photo by Barnabas Davoti on Unsplash  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



FEBRUARY 11, 2015

What does it mean when we say that something is Far from us, or that we are Far from some thing?  Is it to say that we are removed, as in physical terms, or is it deeper?  As a certainty, we can go about our Life routine, accomplishing what is upon us, yet feeling distanced from what it means, not feeling it, or being moved by what we believe it might imbue to us if it was fully maximized in our lives.

Did you once dream upon something that you perceived as being Far from you, that became close, and upon becoming close, was not the thing you perceived?  Was this self-trickery?  Were you deluded by expectations, your socio-cultural beliefs, or by a sort of escapism—that this Far thing would solve something currently unsolved in your Present?

When you look at ‘The Far,’ are you perceiving the future, or are you framing the unattainable and/or difficult thing?  In either regard, you are not looking at things through the lens of what is the Present.  What is it in this distance—in time, forward history, greater attainment, resolution, or karmic pay-out—that you believe is greater than that which you currently enjoy?

Why is The Far more appealing than The Present?  How is it that today’s problems might magically be diminished or absent in The Far?  What causes this?  Certainly, only today’s actions can create change in your future.

If The Far seems scrubbed clean of Today’s woes, you must look to Today.  Choose one thing and address it.  Work today to create in The Far, this perceived forward reality.  Desire, unaided by labor, is only illusion.  The Far is no more than a mirage if you are investing no energy to build it.

What is it you see in The Far?  Every building begins with its foundation and ends with its roof.  There are no shortcuts.  Be the dreamer who lays bricks; the architect who sets windows.  The mansions that await you in The Far are the ones that You build.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 11, 2015

 Photo by NOAA on Unsplash  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015



FEBRUARY 10, 2015

You have told yourself for your whole life, and believed, that some condition means a certain thing—then suddenly, you see this condition juxtaposed against a more genuine condition—and you realize the first one for the imposter that it is. Epiphany occurs.

We all labor under assumptions and false beliefs. Sometimes we do this to protect ourselves—a young consciousness, a hostile environment, a feeling of overwhelm, grief, or fear. Sometimes, the state of our denial is more comfortable and preferable to a state of open knowing and acceptance.

Sometimes, the exchanges required to see clearly are too devastating to the psyche and emotions. When you have seen something one way all of your life, and then suddenly see it uncovered for the lie that it is, the foundation that it helped to create in making Who-You-Believe-You-Are crumbles.

Our cosmology is key in the fabling of Who we make of ourselves. Our Who is a reflection of human values, mores, beliefs, social strata, expectations, and abilities. Therefore, our Who is far more fragile than our eternal What; far more easily threatened.

Perhaps you believed an idea to be very wise, until you met a truly wise idea. Perhaps you thought a particular gesture showed compassion, until you were in the presence of unconditional compassion. Perhaps patience was your vanity, until life showed you how lacking your patience was, and put you in the company of persons who had the quality in great measure. Without Juxtaposition, you might never have seen those levels.

Is this judgment?  Yes.  Judgment is the act of wisely weighing and quantifying one thing as compared to another—it is not to compare with the notion of finding one thing less or lacking, or to punish and belittle!  That is a corrupted notion.

Do you love your neighbor as your Self? Do you give without thought of return? Do you act with the eternal idea always in mind? When you Juxtapose your own character traits and behaviors, looking at them in the largest sense, are you comparing them against your own internal voice, or looking outside your Self? If another has helped shed Light on the situation, give them grace—neither punish them, nor your Self, for what you believe is lacking.

The most beautiful object in your world remains so, until another object replaces it. This is growth. Crawling is the fastest way to travel until you discover walking, and then running.  Juxtaposed, one to another, you are able to observe the traits of each in gradients. This idea does not negate the first mobility you mastered, that of crawling, but gives you the insight that allows for the understanding that walking is faster than crawling, and running is faster than walking.  You see?

To Juxtapose two or more things helps us to clearly see all the things together, comparing them. It helps us to see ourselves among the things more clearly. We might ask: on this scale of mobility, where am I? Crawl—Walk—Skip—Run—Fly—Teleport—?

Wherever you fall on any scale in which you measure your standing, know that Truth serves you best. Yes, you may Juxtapose your own habits, qualities, and traits against low standards and accepted mores—or you can follow your inner Light and seek to Juxtapose those same against measures that are Eternal and Divine.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 10, 2015

 Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash  

Monday, February 9, 2015



FEBRUARY 9, 2015

 Doing the work of forgiveness

Only you can forgive yourself: understand this. Even if you have wronged another, when the one you have wronged forgives you, they are actually forgiving what they bore against you. Did they bear against you anger or hatred? When they forgive you, they are actually forgiving themselves for feeling the anger or hatred that they experienced as a result of your actions. By forgiving you, they release their own attachments to the experiences they incurred as a result of your actions. Do you see?

Yes. There is wrongdoing that occurs when one person harms another, particularly when the wrongdoing was intentional. However: Absolution is a matter for individual regard. Great All is the forgiver. You are your own judge. You are your own forgiver. Great All loves. Great All offers the vibration of purity. You may return to that purity—or may use your free and personal will to experience other vibrations, ones that deviate from the vibration of purity.

When you forgive, you are saying to Great All, I am choosing to replace this feeling of judgment, lack, resentment, anger, or hatred with purity. I am choosing to realign myself with Great All’s unconditional love, and be led by this highest vibration.  I am choosing to be healed of these lower vibrations. I am choosing to re-tune my Song, so that its purity speaks loudly, and above what has become corrupted, until what is pure replaces what is corrupted.

This is how healing occurs, no matter what kind of healing is needed. Depending upon how successfully this is integrated, you will begin to see shifting in the layers of Self. The denser the layers, the more challenging it is to create change. Just as a heavy object is more difficult to lift than a light object, while there in a state of gravity, so is dense tissue or construct more difficult to lift than the lighter . . .

Absolution is yours to do. Sometimes, when a person says to you, “I forgive you,” they cut the connections you have made between the two of you. Feeling it, you begin to disconnect it at your end, releasing yourself. Still, whether a casual or formal matter, the work of Absolution is always yours.

Need you Absolution? Seek you Forgiveness?  Look to yourself. Do the work.
Do you feel wronged? Seek Absolution.  Look to yourself. Do the work.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 9, 2015

 Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash  

Sunday, February 8, 2015



FEBRUARY 8, 2015

When you feel Dissonance in your Person, you know.  Feelings range from mild disturbance of the emotions, to tingling or discomfort of the skin or bodily sensations—even feelings of doom or deep ill. 

This is not to say that all Dissonance is bad or negative; it may draw your attention to something that is pertinent, necessary, or helpful.  You may think a thought or perform an action one thousand times, and at the very next time, recognize that you are in Dissonance with it:  a new state or a newly recognized state of interaction.

Your Dissonance with a homeless person may lead you to a conversation that reveals how much the two of you have in common.  That person is no longer so ‘other,’ disconnected by habits you had assumed and in fact, projected upon them.  You develop a larger picture for the condition:  their part in it; your part in it; the part in it that the two of you share.  

Dissonance has ruptured your Beliefs, destroyed assumptions, brought light to darkness, amplified compassion and understanding, and caused you to view yourself and your world differently.  You no longer walk by the homeless, shut off in your heart and head, using an old story with a closed thread.

How does Dissonance serve your Fear?  Fear, remember, happens in the moment, and is mechanized to serve your survival.  It is the pairing that alerts you, streaming in at all levels of your being:  something is wrong that needs correcting.  Whether the correcting is confronting, configuration, or fleeing, Dissonance is the set of signals that lifts the hair at the back of your neck, dampens your palms, churns in your belly, and flushes the adrenaline into your blood, making you more capable in the moment.  Your Fear begins as Dissonance.

And long-standing Dissonance—that feeling of not-belonging and not-right?  That is what spurs you to make change.  Not fitting in.  Not agreeing.  Being unwilling, for one day more to perform tasks that create Dissonance in the levels of your Person, is the core gift of this condition.  Dissonance is the tuning fork that, vibrating higher, makes lower vibration sickening.  It is also what causes lower vibrations uncomfortable in, or unable to be in, the presence of higher vibrations.

Dissonance becomes dis-harmony and dis-ease.  Recognize this condition, and its related conditions, as they occur.  Dissonance shows you not only imbalance, but where lies the way out.  By its very nature, Dissonance shows you how to regain Harmony.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 8, 2015

 Photo by Isai Ramos on Unsplash  

Saturday, February 7, 2015



FEBRUARY 7, 2015

This term has been much considered—for as long as there has been a Human Condition and a consciousness to consider it.  Depending upon the source consulted, you will receive a variety of replies, but know this:  it is all things that it is believed to be.  That is, your Human Condition and the Human Condition of that outside Self, is how you perceive it—from inside Self—for how could it be other?

This is an important point.  Is it the Human Condition to know suffering?  To understand compassion through knowing pain?  Do you believe that the Human can only gain wisdom by long, difficult trial?  Do you believe that the Human Condition is gaining perfection, or losing it?

Is your own Human Condition synonymous with that of the greater condition, or separate from?  Why?  How did your own condition develop?  What is it showing you; where is it leading you?  How changed will you be at your exit as compared to your entry into this Life?  For that matter, what does it mean, to be Human?

How is being Human different from being Horse or Stone or Wind?  What does this mean to you?  What might you take for granted that is based on myth, assumption, and lie?  How do you live your life, wake and sleep, carry your consciousness from one day to the next, continuing your story . . . that silken thread that you add to the tapestry of the whole?

Do you curse your Humanity more often than you celebrate it?  Do you consider it a strength or a failing, a gift or a punishment?  How does this Condition spend its time with you?

Imagine that you sit atop a hill to meditate.  Feel the earth beneath you.  Breathe in the blue sky.  Now, be the earth.  Be the sky.  How is that different from living inside your Human Condition?  Is that separate from, or part of, this state?  What is it, this Human Condition?

Know this:  we are all caretakers.  We are part of a cycle, tied together, feeding one another.  That is the Condition of everything.  The Human Condition is part of this cycle, tied together, feeding everything—not separate from, not above—but gifted.

The stone does not move but by the water and wind and undulations of the earth, and by the mechanics of others.  You move.  The plant grows where it is placed.  You may grow where you fancy.  The animal must forage, while you may harvest.  And you, seeing the cycles of the elements, may ask them to help you at your tasks.
You are gifted.

To be gifted as such, to have this Condition of Gift, is something on Earth that is unique to the Human.  That is the Human Condition.  The Gift.  Use it with wisdom and love . . .

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 7, 2015

 Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash

Friday, February 6, 2015



FEBRUARY 6, 2015

There are measures by which we value things, by which we make summations and comparisons.  What is more; what is less; greater; smaller; darker; lighter.  Experiences enter and exit through gateways, in and out past our Guardians of Self, both that of lower self and Higher Self.  We must be in a constant state of Regulation—checks and balances.

Mind your breath and how it operates in your body:  in/out.  Both functions are necessary to sustain life.  The regulation of the gases required to maintain your mortality is critical.  You cannot say that one function is greater than another.  You must take in certain gases, and exhale certain others.  You must breathe in certain particulates and breathe out certain others.

Did you know that as you breathe, you breathe in the matters of others—other persons from other times and places—other types of beings, other conditions and beliefs and realities?  Think on this.  What is contained in a drop of water when one considers it beyond its chemistry?  Water has tensile memory.  As you contain the matter of stars, so does water.

As water contains the multitudes, so do you . . .

How does one Regulate what is beginningless and endless and all-inclusive?  With Free Will.  Nothing enters or leaves a closed system:  but . . . be discreet and selective when you put in place the filters that will determine what you allow and disallow.  Where lie your fears?  How do your Beliefs hold you back?

Regulate your Self in ways that build Character:  strength-of-will; determination; truth-seeking; compassion; patience; non-conditional love.  By Regulating Self, you will soon find a decreased need to Regulate your world.  You will find that more often, the world rises to meet you and your standards.

Through Regulation, you can find the truth and peace that you seek.  You can uncover the Song at your core, singing sweetly, waiting for you to clearly hear it once more.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 6, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire