You have told yourself for your whole life, and believed, that some condition means a certain thing—then suddenly, you see this condition juxtaposed against a more genuine condition—and you realize the first one for the imposter that it is. Epiphany occurs.
We all labor under assumptions and false beliefs. Sometimes we do this to protect ourselves—a young consciousness, a hostile environment, a feeling of overwhelm, grief, or fear. Sometimes, the state of our denial is more comfortable and preferable to a state of open knowing and acceptance.
Sometimes, the exchanges required to see clearly are too devastating to the psyche and emotions. When you have seen something one way all of your life, and then suddenly see it uncovered for the lie that it is, the foundation that it helped to create in making Who-You-Believe-You-Are crumbles.
Our cosmology is key in the fabling of Who we make of ourselves. Our Who is a reflection of human values, mores, beliefs, social strata, expectations, and abilities. Therefore, our Who is far more fragile than our eternal What; far more easily threatened.
Perhaps you believed an idea to be very wise, until you met a truly wise idea. Perhaps you thought a particular gesture showed compassion, until you were in the presence of unconditional compassion. Perhaps patience was your vanity, until life showed you how lacking your patience was, and put you in the company of persons who had the quality in great measure. Without Juxtaposition, you might never have seen those levels.
Is this judgment? Yes. Judgment is the act of wisely weighing and quantifying one thing as compared to another—it is not to compare with the notion of finding one thing less or lacking, or to punish and belittle! That is a corrupted notion.
Do you love your neighbor as your Self? Do you give without thought of return? Do you act with the eternal idea always in mind? When you Juxtapose your own character traits and behaviors, looking at them in the largest sense, are you comparing them against your own internal voice, or looking outside your Self? If another has helped shed Light on the situation, give them grace—neither punish them, nor your Self, for what you believe is lacking.
The most beautiful object in your world remains so, until another object replaces it. This is growth. Crawling is the fastest way to travel until you discover walking, and then running. Juxtaposed, one to another, you are able to observe the traits of each in gradients. This idea does not negate the first mobility you mastered, that of crawling, but gives you the insight that allows for the understanding that walking is faster than crawling, and running is faster than walking. You see?
To Juxtapose two or more things helps us to clearly see all the things together, comparing them. It helps us to see ourselves among the things more clearly. We might ask: on this scale of mobility, where am I? Crawl—Walk—Skip—Run—Fly—Teleport—?
Wherever you fall on any scale in which you measure your standing, know that Truth serves you best. Yes, you may Juxtapose your own habits, qualities, and traits against low standards and accepted mores—or you can follow your inner Light and seek to Juxtapose those same against measures that are Eternal and Divine.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: February 10, 2015
Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash