Doing the work of forgiveness
Only you can forgive yourself: understand this. Even if you have wronged another, when the one you have wronged forgives you, they are actually forgiving what they bore against you. Did they bear against you anger or hatred? When they forgive you, they are actually forgiving themselves for feeling the anger or hatred that they experienced as a result of your actions. By forgiving you, they release their own attachments to the experiences they incurred as a result of your actions. Do you see?
Yes. There is wrongdoing that occurs when one person harms another, particularly when the wrongdoing was intentional. However: Absolution is a matter for individual regard. Great All is the forgiver. You are your own judge. You are your own forgiver. Great All loves. Great All offers the vibration of purity. You may return to that purity—or may use your free and personal will to experience other vibrations, ones that deviate from the vibration of purity.
When you forgive, you are saying to Great All, I am choosing to replace this feeling of judgment, lack, resentment, anger, or hatred with purity. I am choosing to realign myself with Great All’s unconditional love, and be led by this highest vibration. I am choosing to be healed of these lower vibrations. I am choosing to re-tune my Song, so that its purity speaks loudly, and above what has become corrupted, until what is pure replaces what is corrupted.
This is how healing occurs, no matter what kind of healing is needed. Depending upon how successfully this is integrated, you will begin to see shifting in the layers of Self. The denser the layers, the more challenging it is to create change. Just as a heavy object is more difficult to lift than a light object, while there in a state of gravity, so is dense tissue or construct more difficult to lift than the lighter . . .
Absolution is yours to do. Sometimes, when a person says to you, “I forgive you,” they cut the connections you have made between the two of you. Feeling it, you begin to disconnect it at your end, releasing yourself. Still, whether a casual or formal matter, the work of Absolution is always yours.
Need you Absolution? Seek you Forgiveness? Look to yourself. Do the work.
Do you feel wronged? Seek Absolution. Look to yourself. Do the work.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: February 9, 2015
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash