Wednesday, September 24, 2014



SEPTEMBER 24, 2014

Who do you think you are? 
Who do you believe you are? 
What do you think you are? 
What do you believe you are?

By now, you have built many structures around these questions, in both thought and belief.  Who You Are is more concerned with ego-mind.  Your human beliefs are centered in the ego-mind:  its likes and dislikes; your cosmology; your hierarchy; your priorities.  Who You Are is far more temporal and transitive than the condition and state of What You Are.

What You Are encompasses a greater field of consideration.  That infrastructure of You is that which is part of everything, and beyond your ideas of human hierarchies and social stratum.  In order for your What to dwell inside your Who, sometimes there needs to be a little Dissembling, a little piecing together of the truth, or failing to show what’s whole.

What do you say to people when they ask:  “How are you today?”  Do you reply, “Fine,”  “Great,” or something similar, just because you believe it’s expected and polite?  What if the clerk or bank teller said instead, “Thanks for your patronage.  Have a nice day,” releasing you from false responses, while genuinely thanking you?

When you hear of a death, do you say to the person, automatically, “I’m sorry for your loss.”  Are you sorry?  Do you really know the person?  Do you know the person who has made the transition from earthly life?  Would it be more genuine to say:  “That must be difficult for you.  I hope you see this time of transition through with grace.”?

In how many ways, day by day, do you Dissemble?  We won’t call this lying, because the intent with this type of Dissembling is not to deceive . . . is it?

Why is the need for Dissembling felt in certain societies and certain strata of certain hierarchies?  Is it an isolating tool, a tool for self-protection, elevation, exclusion, manipulation, or something else?  It’s all of these things and more.  Think first of the many automatic responses you make and give in the daily life.  Regardless of how you habituate to saying them, how could responding to others in more genuine ways make you feel more genuine?

It is the Who in Who You Are playing these games.  The What in What You Are resists these games.  What You Are prefers to be genuine.  That is not to say that Who You Are lacks compassion or seeks to be injurious to the feelings of others, but that What You Are seeks to communicate and connect to the What of others in real and meaningful ways.

We spoke recently of Openness.  Opening more to What You Are will give You more insight into communicating more meaningfully, with clarity, compassion, and greater connection.  One of your first tasks in using the state of Openness is to connect to the source of What You Are, and allow yourself to be guided by High Self.

Consider this:  if my every thought and action today lived forever, how then would I form and apply my energy?  Would I build a house of lies in which to live?  Would I Dissemble to hide my true nature?

Live in the Now, but think, feel and act in the Forever.  Compassion and Wisdom grow under these tenets. 

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 24, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, September 21, 2014



SEPTEMBER 21, 2014

The state of Openness is to make more permeable, the perceived boundaries between one thing and another thing in order that they may share information—be this information understood through intellect, emotion, or Spirit.  Opening Oneself and One’s perceived boundaries to some perceived person, place, thing, time, or condition, is to make available your personal information, and possibly the conduits through which you work.

Only the person, place, thing, time, or condition which you Open yourself to may decide if, or how much, information and which conduits of the same or similar nature will be made available to you.  In the case of the Great All and Great Creator, many fountainheads are available to you for merely asking.  To ask, you must merely Open and make yourself available to What Is.

Consider this communication.  It has been made available through Opening.  This conduit has been used many times, growing clearer and stronger each time the way is traveled.  Each time another listener comes to its message and Opens, the energy of the new connection adds again to the conduit, strengthening the pathway further.

This is how very old words and very old prayers gain their perceived powers, traveling back and forth across conduits that strengthen each time they are traversed!  Be aware that it is not the perceived language that matters, but the perceived meaning of the words:  the word thoughts.  Using words, there is no adequate way to describe wordless communication to you.  Thought-forms translated into word-forms gain power with repetition.

This knowledge alone gives high credence to the proper use of language.  Beware your words, as they reflect your thought-forms.  We have much to say about this, at another time.

Many of you will come to this teaching and say:  How do I Open?  believing that you do not know how.  You were born knowing how to Open.  You were trained to “UN-know.”  In Earth school, this is called socialization, teaching you belief-sets and behavior-sets in order for you to conform to your culture’s expected outcomes. 

Some you will have accepted.  These are compatible with your Spiritual beliefs.  Some you rail against, for they are incompatible with your Spiritual beliefs.  To treat others in good will is compatible with your Spiritual beliefs.  To live in hierarchies, where certain sets of beings are considered superior to others, who are then demeaned and abused, is non-compatible with your Spiritual beliefs.

If you have not already felt this resonance at your very core, you have only to Open to its Truth.

What does Openness feel like?  Possibilities.  Connectedness.  Largeness.  Expansiveness.  When you are in a state of Openness, you will at first feel what is the same:  Love, Creativity, Eternity, Exchange, Making and Re-Making.  With experience, you will also feel the dull chords:  Illness, Extremity, Dis-harmoniousness, Fear, Mal-intent, Anger and Evil.  Openness is a condition and for very High Masters, a state.

Imagine that you are in a closed room, with shades drawn tightly over two windows.  Light filters in, but no images.  As you mature and grow curious, you look under the shades, becoming aware of the world outside.  You decide that your room is more enjoyable with the shades up, even when it is storming outside.

After some time has passed, you begin to notice details, such as the singing of nature and the movement of the insects, birds and animals.  The yearning in you grows and you notice that this thing you call a door (because the center of you knows it in word-thoughts as a door), will give you access to this not-room, this outside.  You are surprised that you know how to open it.

By degrees, you open the door until it is standing wide, but still you go no further than the threshold.  Until one magic day, a swarm of butterflies takes you by storm and you follow them, enraptured by magic.  You return to your room feeling bolder and larger, filled with love and completely connected.  You decide to leave the door open.

But no great exchange will be made unless you are at the doorway, the liminal threshold, saying, “I am at the Open Door to see what I will see and Know what I will Know.”  And you will do this by percentages:  in a trickle, a stream or a storm, as it suits your needs and your abilities.  This is something that should be done for yourself:  NEVER done in a forced manner.

Assisted Opening is another matter.  Guided meditation and visualization can be helpful for those who are fearful of their own natures and their own world.  For it is true, that your Own Nature is Great and your Own World is Great.

This is Openness.  Will you draw up your shades today? Or will You Open Your door and step into the yard?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 21, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Friday, September 19, 2014



SEPTEMBER 19, 2014

There is a place where doing and being meet; where thinking a thing to life and singing it to life are only a breath apart.  This is Dreamtime, and it lives in the spaces between what you call reality, possibility, and myth.  It is the awake overmind showing you what is within, without, and beyond.  Sometimes, Dreamtime makes the impossible, possible.

Dreamtime is more graceful than mere rumination.  It is more expansive than the common imagination.  It encompasses a greater field than what you perceive in your waking life, and sometimes what you perceive while sleeping.  Real Dreamtime is the woven state of this-and-that of which Shaman speak:  setting anchors in your here-and-now in order to explore and bring back living sensory particles to the liminal threshold from where you call them to you.

Dreamtime is expansive, prophetic, fulfilling.  It speaks in mysterious voices that you will sometimes know and will sometimes have to learn.  Why did you feel the urge at that crossroads to turn left, when your usual route to home has you turning right?  And what is that wave of feeling that crests through you, with its warming expansiveness, cautioning you to listen?  And do you?  It happens so often, you trust it now, don’t you?

Dreamtime is a natural, inborn mechanism that links you to the greater database of knowledge and knowing that is both central to, and available from every particle of, the Great All.  It is a radical, open wavelength, and the more you become aware of it, learning to both receive and send, the finer your skills, the more detailed and accurate your information. 

How do you use Dreamtime to grow?  Imagine the problem that is currently foremost at your mind.  Perhaps you are engaging in circular battle with it, trying to match it wit for wit, strike for strike.  Perhaps this problem does not require formulaic interpretation so much as understanding, seeing it for its component pieces, beyond the veils erected by myth, false belief, and emotional interpretation.

Dreamtime opens fields that are unrestricted by ego-mind.  It speaks of what is possible, not of what is IM-possible.  Dreamtime is the ultimate storyteller, problem-solver, companion and solace.  It is a shelter for the weary, a way station for the ill.  Dreamtime is the great river of commingling ideas, meeting and mixing in the margins and medians, the conduits between points of thought and creation.

Dreamtime is the architect’s table, the seamstress’s lap, the artist’s sketchpad, the scientist’s plank.  It is the place and the moment where inspiration strikes into the soft, wild part of you that says ‘Yes,’ however small at first the voice.  Dreamtime is the voice of your Creator speaking through you, the Co-Creator.  Dream.

What does this mean?  Depart from reality?  Leave behind those things that create order and sense and regulation, that give daily life its rhythm?  No.

The world is built of Dreamtime, layers and layers of it.  You see this in the very old and wise.  Close to the secrets of Dreamtime and the first breaths, they allow for the magics that animate all Life; they allow for illusion, for change and constant re-making.  They know that all beauty is contained here, now, in this moment, with you, in this state . . . perfect . . . as it is.

Dreamtime gives one the ability to see the great vista—from here to the horizon and beyond.  Do not worry for today’s trivial matters.  This world is large.  You are large.  The Great All is such that we cannot use words to tell you what IT is . . . and you are part and parcel with that great, large, beingness.  You.  We.  Us.

Dreamtime is what you feel when you are deeply connected to This.  This is not imagination.  Not mere ideas.  I will paint this thing indigo.  I will have a party.  It is seeing suddenly, the physics of flight and applying it.  It is, in one moment, without struggle or further debate, accepting a new cosmology based on what Dreamtime has perfectly shown you, because you opened yourself to Its embrace.  You.  Opened.

Do you feel distant from something or someone today?  Open.  Does a concern trouble you?  Open.  Has the solution for some problem evaded you for so long, you see yourself growing smaller and smaller?  Open.

In Dreamtime, We All Sing Together.  Shall We Remember This Dance?


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 19, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, September 18, 2014


2014, FOCUS

SEPTEMER 18, 2014

We are taught that to Focus on something is to train our energy in one place to the exclusion of all other places.  Is this True?  How do you Believe about Focus?

Think of a laser beam or a magnifying glass.  Both focus light.  

They do so by gathering many strands of light to one place of entry, and then tightening their exit point.  This method works only if there are many strands meeting at one place.  One strand of light, bent and focused, would not have the same effect.

If one were to cut off the entry of even some of those strands entering the meeting point, there would be a different formula made by commingling and exiting.  Where were these strands before they were called into service by this meeting point?  How is it that some strands and not others have come to this place of focus?

Think of the power of vision.  Some humans see the color green where others see the color blue, and some haven’t the visual cones to perceive in that color spectrum at all.  Now, consider a fish or a bird or an insect:  how do they perceive in that color spectrum, and above and below it?  Can you imagine what it’s like to see a color you’ve never seen before?  What exists in your environment today that contains vibrations which, if you were capable, would make that object appear a different color in the wavelength spectrum?

This is Focus.  Focus is specific and individual.  The signature of Focus is constructed by the signature of the person applying the skill.  Your style of Focus is different from every other person’s style and quality of Focus.  It is colored by your experience, your beliefs, and the qualities of other skills that balance, support, and oppose it.

Focus, therefore, is the individual and unique ability of an entity to draw forth influences, commingle them, interpret them, and open themselves to the perceived feedback available from the products made by that alchemical brew.  Focus is a process, a skill, and even an artform.  Subject A looks at a person, place, condition, or thing and sees a subset of terms related.  Subject B calculates for a different subset, and You for another subset.

While many factors in each of A, B, and C subsets may be similar, many will be different—unless the participants are dishonest, overly socialized, or unable to express themselves for other reasons.  Combining things in new ways is how new things are made.  It is how problems are solved.  It is how things move forward.

What is it then, when we say we are Focused?  Ideally, we should mean that we are considering, with great determination, the outcomes available to us concerning a certain alchemical brew or commingling to which we currently invest our energy.  We are not Excluding all other things, but Including a certain set of possibilities that might lend themselves to the highest outcome.

Focus has great scope.  It may leave the very tiniest endpoint where the final product has been offered, or it may search within the field of combined energy streams, and outside them, to look for specific ingredients yet lacking—or disharmonious to the whole.  Focus is meant to be a purification of sorts, lending to the final product the ultimate combination of energies and ideas.

Sometimes it is quantum physics that solves that housewife’s woe, and sometimes it is the housewife that solves the quantum master’s woe.  Keeping the field too narrow does not allow for unseen ideas to enter.  Keeping the field too broad, un-Focused, leads to chaos.

Imagine an ordinary funnel, with its tiniest point being synonymous with Focal Point.  The largest end of the funnel is feeding into the tiniest point of the funnel, various ideas.  Not all of them will ‘fit’ or be appropriate or helpful.  Perhaps the image of an elephant will not help you to make a smooth batter—then again, maybe you will remember the way that an elephant runs, and use your spoon in just the same way, yielding the desired result, or maybe you once saw an elephant in a parade and remembering the music, you beat your batter at that rhythm and suddenly find it smooth.

Do not judge the ideas inside the larger end of your funnel until you’ve decided how they may serve you.  It is sometimes very surprising.  Is this daydreaming?  Can Dreamtime and Focus work together?  Yes.  Just as Distraction and Dreamtime work together, Focus and Dreamtime work together, too.

Distraction, in its healthy and helpful form, is the action of spreading out, actively seeking, and recruiting.  Focus, in its healthy and helpful form, is the action of gathering in, inventorying, and selecting.  Both have darker sides, taken to extremes, when Distraction is energy missing in action, and Focus is energy turned internal and non-responsive.  We do not speak to those conditions.

Just as meditation has often been taught as Focus without interruption, Focus has been taught as precise attention without interruption.  How utterly boring!  And in the end, how utterly less helpful and forward moving this would be (if it could actually be accomplished).

You are a beautiful, complex being, living among other beautiful, complex beings, within worlds and worlds and worlds of beautiful, complex beings.  Do not attempt to live small.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 18, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, September 16, 2014



You are focused on a central point and then your focus is beside you, or over hill and dale.  It has moved forward or back.  Now it is spinning in circles.  The central point which you wish to consider is disconnected from your energy.  You are in a state of Distraction.

We have all experienced this condition.  Sometimes Distraction provides a needed break from tedious work; sometimes it allows for the interjection into our studies, of other factors we might have considered non-related, that end up being helpful.  And sometimes, Distraction keeps us spinning in circles, impeding our forward progress.

First, study your quality of Distraction.  How often are you Distracted?  Are you Distracted while busy at enjoyable tasks or only those that are odious?  Does your level of Distraction rise where there is no expectation of newness or reward?  Do you purposely use Distraction to judge the value of the engagement at hand, those involved with you in doing it, or in judging yourself?

Let us say there is a task that needs doing, that you do not want to do.  You attempt to do this task, and each time your focus wanders so far, so fast, you become frozen and abandon the attempt.  This sometimes happens when a task is dangerous, overlarge, or dauntingly emotional.  Think of escaping captives at risk of losing their life, and thereby losing their focus for planning the first step by the Distraction of forward thinking all of the possibilities of failure and recapture.

Think of beginning a revolution, an overlarge task, or of making the first steps in cleaning out a child’s room following that child’s mortal transition.  Sometimes the mind and emotions shrink away from some or many portions of a task in which the ego-will would gladly engage.  Yes, you long to escape your captors, or free your mistreated people, or regain your burdened energy or space for your other children, but emotion and mind hold you back.

Your Distractions keep you moving in circles, returning you to the starting point again and again, the point marked:  “Not Today,” or “Not Now.”  That echo point may never say “Not Ever,” for you might not make that journey again.  These are a few examples of Distraction serving the pattern of the overruling emotional body and belief system.  

Notice that we do not include the idea that moving circularly is serving YOU.

What of day-to-day Distraction:  the column of numbers that must be added multiple times, the stretch of road forgotten, the details of an important venture momentarily ungraspable, then broken into ten subjects that rush into wormholes of seemingly unrelated subject matters?  Some of these concerns are false Belief.  Yes.  Who taught you that the mind was made to go to one place, one point, in one fragment of time, and like a laser beam, think only of that thing?

Does your body think only of beating your heart or taking in and utilizing your oxygen or managing your millions of electrical and chemical reactions?  Think of the multitudinous, overlapping reactions happening in your body Right Now.  Merge your Eternal Body with that.  Now, consider your immediate environment and then the greater environment—and greater and greater.  This splendour of activity within and without us, Life, is a Feast.

It is meant to be enjoyed in its great estate and in its minor one.  In this manner, Distraction can be a beautiful thing.  It can make us aware of things that exist just offside of our focus.  It is how the artist and inventor work.  It is the ingenious spark, hovering just outside of focus, followed and then embraced, that often provides the missing piece, elevating a work from the mundane to the brilliant.

Fine, you say.  But, what of my daily Focus and Distraction?  For that, we have a formulae. 

Allow yourself Distraction.  It is Dreamtime.  It is the gazing upon of fireflies and stars.  It unwinds a tense body and calms a ragged mind.  But, like sleep and dreaming, it must be taken in doses—and it has its places.

You do not use Dreamtime behind the wheel of your car.  You do not apply Dreamtime when Focus is needed, the sharp precision of energy brought to a central point of concentration.  You do not hide in Dreamtime to avoid Life activities and Life responsibilities:  you use Dreamtime to help creatively solve difficulties with these activities and responsibilities.

Distraction is a tool for harvesting when properly applied.  It is a restful state when taken in proper dosage.  When used as an escape and a tool for unnecessary alteration, it becomes as a drug, addictive and sometimes numbing.  Lost in Distraction, one may descend deeper and deeper, until the art of Focus is lost.

Therefore, understanding both Distraction and Focus together as corresponding and symbiotic tools, is an important Life Skill.  It is much needed today in your world and we will speak more deeply on this subject.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 16, 2014

 visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, September 9, 2014




What is the phenomenon that is termed “The Broken Heart”? Is this a mortal condition, felt only in the body? Is this condition deeper, one that affects the immortal Spirit and its emotional health, self-value, and belief?

What is heart? What is A HEART? Do you believe that you were made in the image of your Maker? How so? What if your Spirit was made in the image of your Creator Spirit’s image, that bright, eternal, body of pure Light and Life that fires the stars? Would you then think about the heart/Heart in a different way?

Notice the condition of Spirit in people, from their birth. Some are merry, some serious. Some never seem to grow up and some seem to be born old and knowing. These are tell-signs that speak of the condition of the Heart. The more a Heart has been broken—as bread has been broken—the more a Heart has been opened, examined on its inside, and shared.

A Broken Heart, like broken bread, becomes a feast  that may nourish others. It sees the world from its insides. It exposes its core. It has given up its hardened outer shell and offered its softness, the commingled parts that have come together to create something that offers nourishment.

The young Heart is like the unbroken field. It turns in its puberty and is disrupted. It takes into itself the seeds of young adulthood and raises up its crops. And all of this time, it knows its setbacks, its storms and droughts, its predation. It may be trod upon and hacked at.

At harvest, there comes the threshing, and then the sifting of the flour and the combining of other ingredients to make the bread. The bread in itself is a miracle—what it took to bring these ingredients, one to another, to make this nourishment. It is mixed and pounded and kneaded and baked in a very hot oven. It is tempered by its trials.

Yet it arrives at the table a potential food. It has taken these pieces of Life unto itself and made a new purpose. See you this bread now as not only bread, but as its journey? The Heart is like this bread. Beginning young and unturned, it knows its first turnings, its sowings, its storms and droughts and predations.

The Heart grows Acceptance. It matures and gives its grains over to be made into bread. It allows itself to continue its trials, and is threshed and mixed, pounded, kneaded, and baked. It becomes bread not when it is set at the table, but when it agrees to become food. 

When It Agrees To Become Food.

Only the Broken Bread may serve as food. Only the Broken Heart may serve as food. Both are the result of long journeys with many trials. They become more capable, not less. 

This experience is not limited to Earth and the human incarnation. Then, why the Heart?  What is this pain in the chest you feel when experience affects your Heart, when your Heart feels the breaking? It is the Song of remaking, winding through you: the more electrical the place, the brighter the Song.

The Broken Heart is a sign of Life experienced, opened to and taken in. A Broken Heart is not a Broken Life; it is a Life fully lived. Will you be as the Bread of Life and nourish others from this Breaking?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 09, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire