Tuesday, September 16, 2014



You are focused on a central point and then your focus is beside you, or over hill and dale.  It has moved forward or back.  Now it is spinning in circles.  The central point which you wish to consider is disconnected from your energy.  You are in a state of Distraction.

We have all experienced this condition.  Sometimes Distraction provides a needed break from tedious work; sometimes it allows for the interjection into our studies, of other factors we might have considered non-related, that end up being helpful.  And sometimes, Distraction keeps us spinning in circles, impeding our forward progress.

First, study your quality of Distraction.  How often are you Distracted?  Are you Distracted while busy at enjoyable tasks or only those that are odious?  Does your level of Distraction rise where there is no expectation of newness or reward?  Do you purposely use Distraction to judge the value of the engagement at hand, those involved with you in doing it, or in judging yourself?

Let us say there is a task that needs doing, that you do not want to do.  You attempt to do this task, and each time your focus wanders so far, so fast, you become frozen and abandon the attempt.  This sometimes happens when a task is dangerous, overlarge, or dauntingly emotional.  Think of escaping captives at risk of losing their life, and thereby losing their focus for planning the first step by the Distraction of forward thinking all of the possibilities of failure and recapture.

Think of beginning a revolution, an overlarge task, or of making the first steps in cleaning out a child’s room following that child’s mortal transition.  Sometimes the mind and emotions shrink away from some or many portions of a task in which the ego-will would gladly engage.  Yes, you long to escape your captors, or free your mistreated people, or regain your burdened energy or space for your other children, but emotion and mind hold you back.

Your Distractions keep you moving in circles, returning you to the starting point again and again, the point marked:  “Not Today,” or “Not Now.”  That echo point may never say “Not Ever,” for you might not make that journey again.  These are a few examples of Distraction serving the pattern of the overruling emotional body and belief system.  

Notice that we do not include the idea that moving circularly is serving YOU.

What of day-to-day Distraction:  the column of numbers that must be added multiple times, the stretch of road forgotten, the details of an important venture momentarily ungraspable, then broken into ten subjects that rush into wormholes of seemingly unrelated subject matters?  Some of these concerns are false Belief.  Yes.  Who taught you that the mind was made to go to one place, one point, in one fragment of time, and like a laser beam, think only of that thing?

Does your body think only of beating your heart or taking in and utilizing your oxygen or managing your millions of electrical and chemical reactions?  Think of the multitudinous, overlapping reactions happening in your body Right Now.  Merge your Eternal Body with that.  Now, consider your immediate environment and then the greater environment—and greater and greater.  This splendour of activity within and without us, Life, is a Feast.

It is meant to be enjoyed in its great estate and in its minor one.  In this manner, Distraction can be a beautiful thing.  It can make us aware of things that exist just offside of our focus.  It is how the artist and inventor work.  It is the ingenious spark, hovering just outside of focus, followed and then embraced, that often provides the missing piece, elevating a work from the mundane to the brilliant.

Fine, you say.  But, what of my daily Focus and Distraction?  For that, we have a formulae. 

Allow yourself Distraction.  It is Dreamtime.  It is the gazing upon of fireflies and stars.  It unwinds a tense body and calms a ragged mind.  But, like sleep and dreaming, it must be taken in doses—and it has its places.

You do not use Dreamtime behind the wheel of your car.  You do not apply Dreamtime when Focus is needed, the sharp precision of energy brought to a central point of concentration.  You do not hide in Dreamtime to avoid Life activities and Life responsibilities:  you use Dreamtime to help creatively solve difficulties with these activities and responsibilities.

Distraction is a tool for harvesting when properly applied.  It is a restful state when taken in proper dosage.  When used as an escape and a tool for unnecessary alteration, it becomes as a drug, addictive and sometimes numbing.  Lost in Distraction, one may descend deeper and deeper, until the art of Focus is lost.

Therefore, understanding both Distraction and Focus together as corresponding and symbiotic tools, is an important Life Skill.  It is much needed today in your world and we will speak more deeply on this subject.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 16, 2014

 visual by Walks With Fire

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