There is a place where doing and being meet; where thinking a thing to life and singing it to life are only a breath apart. This is Dreamtime, and it lives in the spaces between what you call reality, possibility, and myth. It is the awake overmind showing you what is within, without, and beyond. Sometimes, Dreamtime makes the impossible, possible.
Dreamtime is more graceful than mere rumination. It is more expansive than the common imagination. It encompasses a greater field than what you perceive in your waking life, and sometimes what you perceive while sleeping. Real Dreamtime is the woven state of this-and-that of which Shaman speak: setting anchors in your here-and-now in order to explore and bring back living sensory particles to the liminal threshold from where you call them to you.
Dreamtime is expansive, prophetic, fulfilling. It speaks in mysterious voices that you will sometimes know and will sometimes have to learn. Why did you feel the urge at that crossroads to turn left, when your usual route to home has you turning right? And what is that wave of feeling that crests through you, with its warming expansiveness, cautioning you to listen? And do you? It happens so often, you trust it now, don’t you?
Dreamtime is a natural, inborn mechanism that links you to the greater database of knowledge and knowing that is both central to, and available from every particle of, the Great All. It is a radical, open wavelength, and the more you become aware of it, learning to both receive and send, the finer your skills, the more detailed and accurate your information.
How do you use Dreamtime to grow? Imagine the problem that is currently foremost at your mind. Perhaps you are engaging in circular battle with it, trying to match it wit for wit, strike for strike. Perhaps this problem does not require formulaic interpretation so much as understanding, seeing it for its component pieces, beyond the veils erected by myth, false belief, and emotional interpretation.
Dreamtime opens fields that are unrestricted by ego-mind. It speaks of what is possible, not of what is IM-possible. Dreamtime is the ultimate storyteller, problem-solver, companion and solace. It is a shelter for the weary, a way station for the ill. Dreamtime is the great river of commingling ideas, meeting and mixing in the margins and medians, the conduits between points of thought and creation.
Dreamtime is the architect’s table, the seamstress’s lap, the artist’s sketchpad, the scientist’s plank. It is the place and the moment where inspiration strikes into the soft, wild part of you that says ‘Yes,’ however small at first the voice. Dreamtime is the voice of your Creator speaking through you, the Co-Creator. Dream.
What does this mean? Depart from reality? Leave behind those things that create order and sense and regulation, that give daily life its rhythm? No.
The world is built of Dreamtime, layers and layers of it. You see this in the very old and wise. Close to the secrets of Dreamtime and the first breaths, they allow for the magics that animate all Life; they allow for illusion, for change and constant re-making. They know that all beauty is contained here, now, in this moment, with you, in this state . . . perfect . . . as it is.
Dreamtime gives one the ability to see the great vista—from here to the horizon and beyond. Do not worry for today’s trivial matters. This world is large. You are large. The Great All is such that we cannot use words to tell you what IT is . . . and you are part and parcel with that great, large, beingness. You. We. Us.
Dreamtime is what you feel when you are deeply connected to This. This is not imagination. Not mere ideas. I will paint this thing indigo. I will have a party. It is seeing suddenly, the physics of flight and applying it. It is, in one moment, without struggle or further debate, accepting a new cosmology based on what Dreamtime has perfectly shown you, because you opened yourself to Its embrace. You. Opened.
Do you feel distant from something or someone today? Open. Does a concern trouble you? Open. Has the solution for some problem evaded you for so long, you see yourself growing smaller and smaller? Open.
In Dreamtime, We All Sing Together. Shall We Remember This Dance?
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: September 19, 2014
visual by Walks With Fire