What is your Tribulation? What circular condition, guilt, or self-suffering causes you to be separated from your own happiness? How much is external and how much is self-induced?
What is your Tribulation? What circular condition, guilt, or self-suffering causes you to be separated from your own happiness? How much is external and how much is self-induced?
To determine this, ask yourself: how much of your Tribulation is your reaction to conditions and events, and how much is a direct infliction of pain and suffering caused by this external set of conditions and events?
It is not surprising to see that quite often, much Tribulation is caused by self-induced mythologies, beliefs, untruths, and reactions that with reflection, could be changed—and the wounding energy rendered neutral or even transformed into positive energy.
We are each born with a set of
wings. We are each born with the ability
to do good and to do bad: that is—to work
for the highest good of all and to work in opposition to the highest good of
all. We are all born with free will, and
for the most part, with the freedom to use it. We are all born with the innate need to advance and the ability to
recognize the markers that will guide us on the pathway that leads us forward.
As you consider your Tribulations, and
those who have wounded you, consider also those whom you have wounded. As you consider your pain, consider those
whom you have caused pain. As you
consider what you believe are failures, consider how you will apply purpose to
your intentions in the future to reach your desired outcomes and how you will
adjust your ideas about these experiences.
Those who created your wings are not
them who forged your cages.
artisans of cages are you.
What is your cage's form and
its purpose?
How does it hold you?
Because you hold the key, only you can
open its door . . .
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.