Saturday, June 15, 2024





  • Many vault the virtues of the spirit guide, describing them as bright, shining, wise and kindly entities who sacrifice themselves for the good of others—and in particular—for the good of one.
  • Can there be but one type of spiritual guide? Do you find this feasible? Practical? Likely?
  • What is a spiritual guide? Who are they? How are they qualified? What is their purpose? Are their beliefs and goals always aligned with yours?

First: determine for your self What Is a spiritual guide. Is this a discarnate soul? Has this soul ever incarnated? Have they grown wise beyond the need to re-incarnate? Why do they still communicate on the mortal plane? Are they always human, or a reflection of what-is-human?

  • Are spiritual guides like a sight-guide or support-animal for the humans who choose them? 
  • Do spiritual guides assign themselves, or become assigned, to humans based on need? 
  • Do guides companion themselves on friendly terms, to vicariously live through a mortal’s day-to-day agendas? 
  • What is a spiritual guide receiving for their service? 
  • (Is it a service? Is it an exchange? Is it voyeurism? Is it hedonism? Is it a mandatory assignment? A compulsion? Retribution? Trial and error?)

Do you understand our line of questioning? How is your relationship with your spirit guide(s)? How did you answer these many questions?

   As in the case of our transcriber, do you connect with, and work with, a group or a Tribe? Why is this?

Our transcriber’s primary agenda, as it concerns our Tribe, is to communicate helpful ideas to those who are seeking to clarify their own motivations, pathways, and purposes. Because the transcriber is speaking to many, across cultural and language borders and boundaries, communicating with a Tribe of entities (in this case, some human, some not) provides perspective from varied beliefs, histories, tenets, and ideas.

This Tribe, Tribe de Cumbria, concerns itself with contemplation and transition. We want you to adore your life. We want you to stand in awe of your existence. We want you to embrace the Great All, with Great Love, and Great Wonder.

We are Shadow Guides. From within the halos thrown by Light, we exist at the Alluvial Threshold, where the possible and impossible meet and overlap. We journey with you. We do not tell. We suggest. We ask you to question.

Who can better know your self, and your life, than you? We are excited to watch you grow. We have loved you always, and will always love you.

We are collectively, spirit guides. We are Shadow Guides. And like the deep, rich spaces you enjoy within your quiet mind, we offer shade from the blazing, and joy that envelopes your spirit each time you are awake and aware in our presence.

     With love we speak, and in each breath we recognize.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    June 14, 2024

visuals by Walks With Fire

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