Thursday, March 18, 2021


 Rarely, a Miner finds a precious gem that easily and wholly reveals itself. More often, Mining requires tedious labors. Experience improves the process, but the reality of content still applies: the Miner may process tons of materials in order to harvest a handful of gems.

 That said, the wise Miner carefully chooses their site. One would not excavate for a gem in a location where conditions do not support its formation. One would excavate in an area carefully studied for its potential. These are very basic tenets. 

Likewise, one would not mine for wisdom where conditions do not support its formation. One would excavate in areas carefully studied for potential. Why would you study the methods of a thief when your real goal is to become a rare procurer and outstanding seller? Why would you immerse yourself among cowards and liars if your goal is strengthening your Truth and Courage?

 Standards, research, introspection, and comparative studies are necessary to determine the most fertile fields and the best applications of your time for your tasks. If you want clean water to drink, do not seek it in the dirty river. If you want to Mine for gems among the Forage, seek it where it may best be found.

 Old habits can be a unified force against new, better behaviors. Let us say that as a child you liked to look for rocks in the river. You grow into an adult who wants to learn gem mining and find yourself in that same river. Will you apply your child habits, or will you apply a higher standard of Mining, still able to enjoy your childlike excitement of being in the river and finding beautiful things? 

What happens when you are disappointed, when the Mining is not going well? Do you easily tire and abandoning all of your wise adult knowledge, find yourself squatting in the river attempting to apply the child ideas (leaving “B” to return to “A”)? When you form a plan constructed by Wisdom, do you apply your tenacity and self-faith until your goals are met? 

Mining for anything has its challenges. Inventors often fail many times before their workable idea is made manifest. The Highest Writers re-write until the words obey them. Talented composers and artists continue to tweak their work until its Song is complete. Mining for illumination, wisdom, and clarity is quite the same. 

You may process a lifetime of Forage to find what feels like a tiny amount of value. By applying yourself in fields that have been studied for the production of what you seek, you increase your odds. By feeding yourself quality ideas, quality Forage, you increase your odds. And by seeing the potential in things not yet considered, you will increase your success.

 Be a wise and steady Miner. Look for Wisdom among the mundane. Seek Truth everywhere, even where un-Truths are dauntingly gathered. Be a consistent and high-minded worker in the Mines.


The world’s ideas are many, 

so finding the Truths requires discernment and excavation. 


Train your mind. your heart, 

and your eyes, to find the gems.

 Mine only where those gems might be found.


By streamlining the mining process, 

your harvest of gems increases.


Blessed Be This Day 


This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,

Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me

from the other side of the veil

reprint from 2017

Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash


Sunday, March 14, 2021


Great All is built on a Song to which you contribute and are part of. Think of the many vibrations in your World—the greater World and the World inside you. Think of the many words made of a finite set of letters, think of combining those words, think of the many languages known and unknown, and still you have barely thought about the Song of Great All.


With many vibrations together, a Resonance occurs that represents the meeting places. This is why one person feels different from another. One location is different from another. One activity is different from another. You feel a Resonance that seems pleasant or uplifting and you might embrace it. Likewise, you will remove your self from a Resonance that is low and disturbing.


Resonance guides your perceptions, and therefore, the decisions you make, the behaviors and beliefs that you embrace, and the pathways you seek. Some call this process gut instinct. Some call it intuition, listening to spirit, following the guide-ways.


You will always Resonant harmoniously with patterns similar to your own. You will avoid the lower and disruptive, and you hope to aspire to the higher and clearer. Be that person you idealize. Embrace the beliefs you admire. Lead your self on a mission to create Wholeness.


Resonance does this. The tiniest thought that fires in you has resonance; it moves from cell to cell with Resonance; it enacts change with Resonance. Notice which vibrations support you and seek them out, in isolation if possible. Notice how electric and aligned you feel.


Resonance is more than vibrational imprint or the empathic output of an idea or manifestation. It is the very thing that can lead you to your Highest Self, and seat within and without your greatest illumination and accomplishment.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

March 14, 2021

Meagan Carsience on Unsplash

Friday, March 12, 2021


Tangled, close, and dark environments are not always ominous. They are not always a cage. Sometimes, The Dark Gnarls in your pathways are an opportunity to slow down and rest, to enjoy the shade and take time to study the complex patterns around you.


All Things exist in layers. You may interact with the superficial layer of something, or you may choose to engage a person, place, thing, or phenomenon in its deeper layers, studying not only its face, but its intention, its source, and its purpose. This builds wisdom and understanding.


If you are currently navigating The Dark Gnarls, take a deep breath and study the aspects of your path. If you see Dark Gnarls on your horizon, prepare to be quiet and contemplate. And if The Dark Gnarls are in your rearview, embrace the world with your new understanding, your new lens.


Like compression and expansion, areas of knots and tangles will stretch again, making new connections, and new Gnarls. Rather than fret over this pattern, engage it with awareness, letting this phenomenon work for you.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

March 12, 2021

K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

Monday, March 8, 2021


When new Ideas burn, you must make haste to harvest and employ them. By your intuition, you know which ones are worthy of integration and growth. You must find the Solitary Zeal to launch new creations, the re-thinking or first-thinking of an opportunity to add to Great All’s pantheon.

Who but one person creates a wave? Many might find a similar idea together, in a sort of “Whisperer” kind of way, where each was deeply listening when the wave gathered and crested. Still, each person will filter, integrate, understand and deploy their action through their own filters and their own style of distribution.

Solitary Zeal is necessary: by itself, for itself, in and of itself. The world may never see or understand your idea. The world may fail to make room for it, acknowledge it, or validate it. You must continue. You must embody the Solitary Zeal, to be strong and sure in your self, and to proceed without additional help on the earth plane.

However: your Guides and Helpers are always available to assist. So do not worry that you have no support; that is myth. Worry only that you stay True to your Idea and your Ideals. Birth the new condition or structure. Create what begs Creating.

Solitary Zeal is the first match that lights that first flame. It needs no recognition other than its drive to exist. When this new flame begins to grow, it Illuminates. It brings others to the flame. There, you will create exponentially. There, you shift the What-Is.

Open your eyes, your heart, and your mind. When Deep Inspiration employs you, make peace with the Solitary Zeal that is required to Manifest all things.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

March 08, 2021

Photo by Gentrit Bejta on Unsplash


Sunday, March 7, 2021


Dreams are an extension of thoughts and feelings. They are navigators, companions, teachers, and prognosticators. Dreams are the waken self communicating with the subconscious, unconscious, and superconscious self. They can be medicine.

How do you use your imagination? Do you easily construct what-will-be, what-was, what-is, and what-I-will-Make? Are your Dreams a reflection of daily life or are they a separation from your day-to-day, so much so that you look forward to your Dreams? How many times have your Dreams led you to make decisions you would not have made in their absence?

We do not debate the source, cognizance, or interpretation of Dreams. We communicate to you that your Dreams are tools that can be used, programmed, and explored. Dreams are part of wish fulfillment; they assist in bringing to light those things in the shadow; they help to uncover unconscious urges and fears; they connect us to the great web of Life.

How is your day, today? If you could “Dream” your day differently, what would you change, and how would that change your potentials, shifting the future that is tomorrow? If you Dream today that you are a satisfied and enthusiastic artistic painter, will you paint? Can you see in your mind’s eye how that will change your present and your future? How will this Dream of Painting change YOU?

Urges manifest through Dreams. Hidden clues expose themselves. Fears emerge. Latent talents speak. Dreams are not merely films, or arbitrary and meaningless engagements. Dreams are guideposts.

For the next thirty days, record your Dreams. Look for patterns. See your self in the patinas of what these Dreams show you. Who are you now, and who are you in thirty days? You will find that by paying attention to your Dreams, you become more harmonically aligned and closer to the ideal self, understanding more and taking action with more authority.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

March 07, 2021

Photo by Dmitry Pankov on Unsplash


Saturday, March 6, 2021


The act of Parting is one of making separation or creating more perceived distance between two entities. Because all things are connected and remain connected, the act of Parting and the condition of being Apart is a distinction only, indicating that for the present moment, things considered are behaving in ways that are maximally independent.

Is someone you love distanced from you by emotions or geography? Time or perceived death? Understand that these are perceptions. Sometimes these shifts are made in agreement, and sometimes they are made as a matter of course, with one, two, or many parties making singular decisions regarding how they will stay connected to the hub and to what degree.

Being Parted is not synonymous with being disconnected. Once connected, always connected, unless elaborate rituals are carried through to disconnect and disembody the energies one wishes to separate from: a high and complex set of principles. Focused Parting is best used when one desires to be maximally independent from the influence of negative factors.

Would you like to be Parted from destructive habits? You must become maximally independent of those habits by shifting your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, to reflect the energies with which you wish to dovetail—away from those energies from which you wish to be Parted. Do as you would be. Think as you would be. Feel as you would be.

Think of a river breaking into streams. Each stream will know its own journey with its own set of influences, and at some point return to the sea, commingling with the river from which it Parted. Life is that way: a series of Partings and Unions.

When you learn to look at Partings for opportunities, you will see them in a new Light. 

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

October 12, 2014

Thursday, March 4, 2021


The mortal world has various views on Sympathy. Is it to pity? Is it to lessen? Is it to separate or divide? Think of how your culture specifically reacts with its grieving population: Do they treat the widow of a recognized war hero differently from the widow of an avowed murderer of innocent masses? Which widow might feel more emotional pain, isolation, guilt, suffering, shame, and burden?

How does your culture view its orphans, its homeless, its very poor, its insane, its displaced, and its incarcerated populations? Do they treat each group the same, or do they blame some, and hold others blameless? How is the regional/ cultural/ social Sympathy applied to these peoples?

What of unique populations that are considered dangerous to the culture that contains them? Whether we speak of Lepers, masses of unexpected immigrants, war- or disease- orphaned families, violent persons, or enslaved others, does the Sympathy given come with a negating dose of justification that explains why the entrapment, injustice, cruelty, or torture, is necessary and vindicated?

What is Sympathy? Is it the state of looking upon a lesser condition and being moved by pity, or feeling compassion for the state of the entity involved? You remember the difference between Looking and Seeing. Your mortal self, led by ego, fears involvement with anything that reduces the current state of the mortal self, whether that be physical comfort, status, or standing. Your current beliefs and fears have formed an illusory ground beneath you, causing you to feel false security—your standing—where you make your stand, the place from which you view your world and label things. Your current brand of Sympathy is birthed from your standing and filtered from all the riggings your ego, your busy mind, and your mortal self, have constructed for it.

But . . . real Sympathy is Accord. It is a very High and very Pure state, driven by what is Eternal. And as we frequently remind you/You, you/You are part of That Eternity.

When you Have Sympathy, you Become Sympathy: that is . . . you begin to harmonize with the conditions of what is needed, accepting with unconditional love, and without false judgment, what is presented. We often need to fill uncomfortable spaces with words and objects, and ceremonies that have long ago lost their meaning, when what is needed is what is Real and True.

Imagine that you are the grieving widow. Person ‘A,’ with whom you are well acquainted, enters the reception line at the funeral. Though you are exhausted and feeling only half in your body, the tenseness of Mrs. A is palpable. She does not want to be here. She does not want to see you like this. She’s very glad your sister is in town, so that she was not ask to step up and fulfill those selfsame duties. She’s been practicing what to say, but when she gets to you, she falters, and like the people before her, says, “I’m so sorry for your loss . . .”

Mrs. A has erected a fence. Each person who will not come into Accord with the widow’s grief, rejects the widow’s grief. Instead of being a support system for the widow, the widow is being asked to be a support system for those in attendance, because death makes them uncomfortable.

Extending Sympathy is a state of being entirely present for What Is . . . As It Is . . . 
Wholly . . . Without Condition . . . Without A Price. 
Sympathy conveys the message: “We see You. You are Here with Us and 
We are Here with You. Always. We Understand. 
There is Love. For You. For Me. For All of Us. 
It Is Everywhere, and UnEnding.”

Sympathy is not pity. 
Sympathy is Accord. 
Accord is the state of Great All, 
and The Great All is All That Is.

When you share Sympathy, you are in the Moment, 
sharing All That Is, and at perfect Accord with the Heart of Great All. 
It is the greatest Illumination . . . and It is called Love.

Blessed Be This Day 
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

reprint from January 5, 2016