Telling a
story that is engaging, and engagingly shared, involves more than just what is captured by the
physical ears. The flavors and textures of a story revealed is strengthened by
the communicator’s voice, facial expressions (if applicable) and body language
(same). Add illustrations to the story, and other rooms in the Telling house
You have
heard it said that to be told how to do something unfolds a level of learning—and
that its effectiveness can be increased by also showing—and increased further still by allowing the
listener or pupil to actively participate. To do a thing as you are told and
shown a thing makes the greatest impact. So: how does one best share an important
story, concept, or idea? The greater the amount of senses activated, the
greater is the impact.
Your core
is constructed to respond in certain deep ways. Some of these ways may be
socialized in you to be weaker, and some stronger. Are you a good listener? Are
you a good story teller? What makes for High skill in these essential
communications? Make a list of trigger words that cause immediate and
predictable responses (or reactions) in your self.
you are sensitive to curse words.
Perhaps certain words remind you of negative
Some words may feel magical. Some may feel empowering.
If we
say: don’t forget your car keys, is this the same as saying: remember your car
keys, or be sure to take your car keys? The first, using the words don’t
forget, could be heard by your listener as more negative. To remember your car keys,
depending on the tone and the references, may be neutral, positive, or
negative. To be sure to take your car keys reflects surety. For most, this way
may be the most empowering (unless the word sure or the idea of sureness
reflects badly for you).
This must
be first considered in your Telling, how you choose your words. Much is
dependent upon your audience, and some is dependent upon your delivery. BLUE SKY is
a popular neutral/positive. Most people feel soothed by a blue sky. To begin
with Telling your audience that the sky is an angry gray and yellow sets a
different mood.
communicate this to you—these common ideas—because we urge you to consider all of your communication (mundane and important) as a storyteller considers it, as a poet, writer, singer,
and artist considers it. Communication is powerful. Words are powerful. The
delivery of words is powerful. Be strong, clear, and as uplifting as possible
in your communications.
In an age
of shaming, anger, exclusion, and hatred, we are also gifted with greater means
to share what is filled with praise, love, compassion, and acceptance. Be a
leader in this. We do not mean that you should inflate your Telling with empty
phrases and promises. We mean that to communicate with direct and clear
integrity allows you to speak not only to a listener with their mortal ears,
but to reach beneath, into the subtle bodies, and make contact with the
that is eternal and sublime.
Speak to the Spirit and Soul, as well as the human. Consider that the
world itself is alive and intelligent—that a rock is not a dumb stone, nor a
snake a vile and mindless combatant.
See the aliveness all around you.
As you
Listen to your World, your Spirit and Soul can
guide you to the best lines and
styles of communication.
Embrace the many Songs of your World.
To be an
effective and compassionate Teller with the ability to
shift your World, you
must begin by listening.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms
with me from the other side of the veil.
February 23, 2021
Photos by jet dela cruz on Unsplash
Photo by Tobias Rademacher on Unsplash