Sunday, February 28, 2021


Your solar days contain twenty four hours. You use your days differently than anyone else. How do some accomplish much and some, so little, and what is the difference? Your Assemblage, and another’s Assemblage can contain the same pieces, yet yield remarkably different results.

Give a child a crayon and paper and see what they create. Children are idea manufacturers. Encouraged, they reflect the world in colors of Joy. They seek Love and share Love. While quantifying the absolute core of their world and Its living inhabitants as similar and unified, they still display the irrevocable and inimical Self-ness that is a Gift to each.

Do you make lemonade from your lemons, or do you dry the seeds and make a necklace? Do you study your materials and without judging them, bring them together for the best and most beautiful result—or do you see inferior materials and complain that you can make nothing? Somewhere in your materials there is a masterpiece waiting to emerge. Can you see it?

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 28, 2021

Photo by Frantisek Duris on Unsplash

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


What Is Foregone is illumined more brightly once it has passed. We think of the many ways we could have changed a circumstance, our reaction to it, and the outcome. With each experience we learn, grow stronger, and gather wisdom for future events. With training and repetition, we can dramatically change our relationship to what is Foregone, and therefore, the frame of reference from which we observe it in our present.

If you believe in simultaneous realities, you realize that what you change in the present shifts away from that center with a force that becomes change itself.

Remember the details of something Foregone, 
something you wish you could change or delete. 
Look at it as new information, delivered in the now, 
but perceived through the lens of who and what you currently are
How does it change your remembrance, and your relationship to it?

We can feel broken, and utterly destroyed. We can believe that life holds nothing for us, not in the present and not in the future, the weight of what is Foregone pulling us down and back. We may feel we have nothing left with which to continue. Look around you. Look back, forward, up and down—but do it freshly. Don’t return to the old tropes; make your assessments new.

What do you learn about your self? What do you learn about your life? How do you shift and change? Let old ideas be Foregone. Let new ideas expand your Light. 

Standing tall, look unflinchingly at Life and the World.
 To unplug from past wounds, 
you must be plugged-in.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 24, 2021

Photo by Jason Fitt on Unsplash



Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Telling a story that is engaging, and engagingly shared, involves more than just what is captured by the physical ears. The flavors and textures of a story revealed is strengthened by the communicator’s voice, facial expressions (if applicable) and body language (same). Add illustrations to the story, and other rooms in the Telling house open.

You have heard it said that to be told how to do something unfolds a level of learning—and that its effectiveness can be increased by also showing—and increased further still by allowing the listener or pupil to actively participate. To do a thing as you are told and shown a thing makes the greatest impact. So: how does one best share an important story, concept, or idea? The greater the amount of senses activated, the greater is the impact.

Your core is constructed to respond in certain deep ways. Some of these ways may be socialized in you to be weaker, and some stronger. Are you a good listener? Are you a good story teller? What makes for High skill in these essential communications? Make a list of trigger words that cause immediate and predictable responses (or reactions) in your self.

Perhaps you are sensitive to curse words. 
Perhaps certain words remind you of negative experiences. 
Some words may feel magical. Some may feel empowering.

If we say: don’t forget your car keys, is this the same as saying: remember your car keys, or be sure to take your car keys? The first, using the words don’t forget, could be heard by your listener as more negative. To remember your car keys, depending on the tone and the references, may be neutral, positive, or negative. To be sure to take your car keys reflects surety. For most, this way may be the most empowering (unless the word sure or the idea of sureness reflects badly for you).

This must be first considered in your Telling, how you choose your words. Much is dependent upon your audience, and some is dependent upon your delivery. BLUE SKY is a popular neutral/positive. Most people feel soothed by a blue sky. To begin with Telling your audience that the sky is an angry gray and yellow sets a different mood.

We communicate this to you—these common ideas—because we urge you to consider all of your communication (mundane and important) as a storyteller considers it, as a poet, writer, singer, and artist considers it. Communication is powerful. Words are powerful. The delivery of words is powerful. Be strong, clear, and as uplifting as possible in your communications.

In an age of shaming, anger, exclusion, and hatred, we are also gifted with greater means to share what is filled with praise, love, compassion, and acceptance. Be a leader in this. We do not mean that you should inflate your Telling with empty phrases and promises. We mean that to communicate with direct and clear integrity allows you to speak not only to a listener with their mortal ears, but to reach beneath, into the subtle bodies, and make contact with the Listener
 that is eternal and sublime.

Speak to the Spirit and Soul, as well as the human. Consider that the world itself is alive and intelligent—that a rock is not a dumb stone, nor a snake a vile and mindless combatant. 

See the aliveness all around you. 
As you Listen to your World, your Spirit and Soul can 
guide you to the best lines and styles of communication.

 Embrace the many Songs of your World. 

To be an effective and compassionate Teller with the ability to 
shift your World, you must begin by listening.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 23, 2021

Photos by jet dela cruz on Unsplash  

  Photo by Tobias Rademacher on Unsplash

Monday, February 22, 2021


Anything made Asunder can be viewed in more than one piece, 
can be studied for its integral parts. It might be like studying a recipe. 

Something bright is illuminated. It is ripe.
 Therefore, The Bright Asunder is a staging area wherein 
you may study brightly lit aspects of the Whole.

We suggest you begin this survey by studying the self. List, without prejudice and denial, both your best three and worst three character traits. Let us look at them in The Bright Asunder, viewing the pieces separately, as unrelated yet to the Whole. What do you find? Have any of these six characteristics been hidden? Have any grown larger than the other aspects? Have some hidden behind others?

Are you remarkably angry—or is your fear, which is hiding behind the anger, driving you to lash out in angry behavior? What then is the concern? Is the concern the anger, or is it the fear? Be honest with your self. Anger can be justified, cathartic, and a powerful tool. Anger can also be a knee-jerk reaction, covering the source-cause in caustic fire.

Are you a victim—or are you covering for the apathy that causes you to avoid any responsibility in making changes, empowering the self, and hiding behind excuses? Are you dull-witted—or does your need to be accepted keep you from voicing opinions that go against the group? What is the status quo worth to you? What is the source of your suffering? After removing fear, dread, guilt, and doubt, how can you grow the self through unobstructed empowerment?

Sometimes we see the portrait of self as so balanced, shadow and light, left and right, up and down, back and forward, we avoid seeing the flaws. We avoid the missed brush strokes, the aggrandization of what is noble, and the avoidance of what is rotten. Study your portrait in The Bright Asunder. Look at the pieces that combine to make the Whole.

Your are a reflection of Great All. You construct and reconstruct Its parts. If you see something in the world that is ugly or unsatisfying, what has been your contribution in creating It? Do not look to others for this blame (though certainly hold others accountable where needed). Look to the self and the aspects of the self. Embrace both the beauty and the grotesque.

Paint your own portrait. Place each color and stroke with care and accuracy. If you are unhappy with the final rendering, work to change its components. Studying the self in The Bright Asunder will make you a better artist—a better Creator—and a better Spirit and Soul.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 22, 2021

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

Sunday, February 21, 2021


It is said that the body is a Temple. 
Which body? 

Do we refer to the physical body as Temple, mortal and impure? 
Do you refer to the Spirit body and/or Soul? What is meant by a Temple of Worship? 
What is it to put an idea, system, belief, place, or person on a pedestal?

Temple is where you show reverence; it is the object of your reverence; it is the reason that you show reverence. So, the Temple is the object of reverence, with location and reason adjusted for something that is seen as sacrosanct.

Temple of The Body

Temple of The Soul

Temple of The Mind

Temple of Contemplation

Temple of Wisdom

Temple of Sorrow

Whatever you perceive as Temple must be respected. It must be complete. 
It must be studied and found to meet all conditions of something sacred—that is, 
with an infrastructure of superior consideration and sacrifice. 

Your Temple may face east.
 It may require that you enter only after removing your shoes,
 or the dirt gained by travel is cleaned away.

 It may require that you fast, or bring a gift. 
A Temple is a place, AND A CONDITION, 
for which you shift your conscious mind and intention.

If your Temple is the body, you will operate the vehicle with respect, clean, well-fed, rested, and given the knowledge of comportment and compassion. Your Soul requires contemplation and putting aside illusion in order to embrace Truth and Wholeness. Your Mind must rely on clear, unbiased data, and processes where procedure completes with inspiration.

You may have many Temples in your Life. Both the destructive and the helpful should be regularly surveyed and considered. If your Temple of Sorrow keeps you from embracing the present and the future, survey for change or eradication. If Wisdom demands you withdraw from your community without adequate and real need, your Wisdom becomes fear, denial, and judgment. To Contemplate overlong uses energy meant for the heart and intuition.

Do not give any Temple more food than is required, necessary, and sensible. No Temple stands forever, nor should it. Seek your beauty in all ways. Heal what you may and repair what you can. May your Temples be built with loving hands and unconditional welcome. Let the exchange serve you and the construct equally, and be ready to move on when the work is done.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 21, 2021

Photo by Mayer Maged on Unsplash

Sunday, February 14, 2021


The Truth, Maya, wants you. 

Truth wants your embrace and your action.

 It wants space inside you, and space within your world. 

When Maya Calls you will know it by the ringing. You will feel the cells of your body shift, the light brighten, and your feet upon the planet deepen their roots. When Maya Calls, the Truth has answered an invitation. It takes a seat at the table and a vote for future action. 

Once Truth is known, UNTruth has no space. 

You may allow your self to be deceived, 

but you will never knowingly settle for following Lies. 

What are your current Truths? By elimination, what are your current Lies? Do not be fooled by stories handed down, by tribal custom, or by the dogma of the masses. To answer when Maya Calls, space must be made available. Make that space now. Surrender your UNTruths and call out the invitation. 

When Maya Calls you will know 

a new journey and a new Light.

 You become a beacon.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 14, 2021


 Photo by Peter John Maridable on Unsplash

Saturday, February 13, 2021


You are a Traveler. You walk in this world and in others. In some, you are awake, and in some you are dreaming. Have you caught your self dreaming and called out to the other version of self: show me Truth; show me the Path? There is always a Highest version of the self/Self available to you for discussion. 

Not only are you never alone, you are 
never without a Sage to advise you—even when 
that Sage is the Higher Self. 

How and when do you Dream, and what is the Dream state? What about Day Dreams? How are these Night and Day Dreams different from deja vu, primary visualization, and memories? Each and all require you to temporarily subvert the conscious intellect in order to fully access the conduits that connect you to Higher and Larger ideas (as well as mind- and body-states).

Have you a long-standing problem? Do you move in circles attempting to solve it? How do you break the cycle, subvert the stasis, and exit with a clear plan of action? You do this through training the mind and the will. You do this by relying on High Self and the Guides and Masters who assist you. You do this through the Dream Sage, the Dream Wisdom, which is a clear and powerful connection to the center of Known Things and Expressed Ideas.

You are a Dream Sage. You may enter the Dream as 
the mortal self, connect there with the 
High Self (the Dream Sage), and invite
 other Dream Sages to assist you. 

Because the mortal life is fraught with mortal devices, your conscious mind is never fully free from its demands. This is a finite and path-limited world. To do large things, things that will cause you to leave the pathway and your current trajectory, you must put aside the mortal devices. You must rise above the pathway, and for a time, tread along the Path. 

This does not subvert your personal mortal will, but it calibrates your thinking, feeling, and actions to a Higher idea, to that which can aid you with both mortal needs and the needs of your Spirit and Soul. Ask clearly. Ask one question at a time. Ask the question that is pertinent and immediate—and be prepared to follow the plan that is revealed. 

     Say to your self during a Day Dream: I am open to my Highest Ideals; I am listening to the wisdom that pertains to what I currently do not know, but need to know; I will follow this information with good will and high intention. I will act bravely, with conviction. I will hear the Truth and then I will seek the Truth, making right what is currently un-right. 

     Say to your self during a Night (Sleeping) Dream: I have arrived in this place of knowing; I seek with my heart, my mind, and my eyes open; I closely listen; I ask intelligent and focused questions and on my waking will act upon these new ideas as the gift that they are. Here, in this Dream space, I can speak to loved ones gone away, to those born before and after me, to those never-born who are here to share Love and Guidance.

     Say to your self in your memories: I see my self clearly; I see others clearly; I seek understanding that is real and true; I see how this before-thing affects the things that are-now; I see how this before-thing affects the things that will be. I see in these memories many patterns, and will in correctly assessing them, discover what Highest things I will increase and what Lowest things I will compress. 

Say to your self in your visualizations:
I see my current place and time, and where this trajectory is leading me; I see the adjustments I will make; I see that I am a thread in the tapestry and that many threads work with and around me; I see that I can weave what is Beautiful and High.

I see my Song, 
here, there, and in eternity. 
I see what I will become and 
how it will change my world. 

The Dream Sage is you, and it is many. This great gift is bottomless—but you will know only what you can know at the time. If you find your self grasping, see what vibration must be reached in order to access the higher planes. 

This life is beautiful. 

Every day, 

be part of what makes this so.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from 
my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms 
with me from the other side of the veil.

February 13, 2021

Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Shells Photo:  Title: Shells on a Stone Plinth.
 Date: 1698. Institution: Rijksmuseum. Provider: Rijksmuseum. 
Providing Country: Netherlands. Public Domain