Saturday, January 16, 2021


A field of shifting golden grain means many things to many people. There is beauty there. There may be felt a sense of plenty, or a sense of being excluded from the plenty. It may mean richness to some, and back-breaking labor to others. On some standards and flags, the symbol of the grain has meant power and control, such as the rich Nile River grains, so abundant they could feed many nations.

Some see childhood memories in the fields of grain, some hear an anthem, some remember a young love, a game of chase, a threat, a drought, a devastation and loss. Some may be triggered to see what stories of word and screen have told them: monsters and aliens and athletes. 

A field of grain JUST IS.


And as this is true, that a field of grain JUST IS, so it is true that many, many images and ideas hold an Ambiguous meaning. One flag to its citizens means pride and cohesion, but to another culture may mean oppression, poorness, wealth, sanctity . . . or war. Who is to say what something means—other than the observer?


We create beliefs within our communities to categorize things in an effort to understand them and to sort what we believe is beneficent from what is malicious. We come to a kind of group agreement and then pass these agreements on to following generations. Yet—these understandings are objective and are objectified. They are at the core, Ambiguous, and just one version of how something or someone may be viewed.


Study one symbol in your life for its Ambiguity. How do you believe about this symbol? Why is it beneficent or malignant to you and your community? How do you react or respond to this symbol? Go to the core of how you began believing this way and deconstruct it. When you reach the core, have you a better understanding of the symbol and of your interaction with it? What has been illuminated?


To understand a thing, and your self, you must understand your beliefs and motivations. How many difficulties in your life could be turned out and around by higher understanding? How many Ambiguous symbols rule over you? How will life improve when you have clarity and freedom from this form of slavery?


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Photo by Lucas George Wendt on Unsplash

Friday, January 15, 2021



Byways are not only paths and routes that are smaller and lesser known,

 but ideas, conditions, concepts, and methods that are lesser known. 

While the main idea in any dogma stands out, many times 

the lesser instruments, or Byways, are overlooked.

Let us say that you are a methodical cook. The main idea of your efforts is to bake a chicken. To bake this chicken you must acquire it, prepare it, cook it, and finally, serve it. To have come to this main idea, you must believe in eating chicken, you must believe in the baking method of cooking the chicken, and you must abide by your preparations to ensure its end-state.


In any situation there is a large idea, and there are the ideas that brought the large idea forth. If you see an act of loving kindness, it may have been spontaneously given, but chances are good there has been some example set, there has been a belief and a thought-train that loving kindness is a right idea. There are Byways that have converged and emptied into the main idea.


Concentrate on a recent event, something central and pervasive within your culture. Whatever the event, different beliefs and reactions surround it. Now: what Byways may have led to this event? By fact, you cannot perfectly see and understand the main event without understanding the Byways that created it.


Find one condition, event, method, or belief in your life and study its Byways. Do the Byways surprise you? What may have poured into your greatest Love? Your greatest failure? Your greatest challenge? Your greatest Fear? Work to understand your self and you will gain wisdom in understanding others.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Photo by Virgyl Sowah on Unsplash


Wednesday, January 13, 2021



Clarity requires focus. Focus suffers when we are surrounded by Excess. We speak not only of physical clutter, but of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual clutter.

Let us speak of something that many find positive: the Excess of Spirituality. Isn’t spirituality beneficial? Doesn’t “it” help you to grow? Remember first that you are Spirit having a human experience. That said, what does it mean to “be spiritual” when you have arisen from Spirit? What is the human experience if you spend it disavowing your physical, emotional, and intellectual self?

To have an Excess of Spirituality may mean that you become rigid in your views, customs, and habits, that your life becomes chaotic—out of balance and out of focus. While busy being human, you must give energy to ALL that you are. If you excoriate the joy from your life by being focused on a minutiae of demands, what are you serving? Your Excess lies in denial.

What if your Excess is the pursuit of power or wealth? Which other aspects of your life might suffer? What if you Excessively deny your self available food, or gorge on available food? What if you justify an Excess of anger, self-pity, low self-esteem, or self-aggrandization? What happens in an Excess of caution or in thoughtlessness?

Is your life balanced? Which ideas do you feed and which do you deny? Can you clearly see your own beliefs? Can you identify the core reasoning for your behaviors? Are your Excesses justifications, denials, or shadows in which you hope to hide?

Today, focus on just one of your Excesses. WHY is it? How do you use it? How and where does it hold you back? Can you make a goal of taming just one Excess? Give your self one month of pertinent and effective evaluation, retraining destructive habits as you go.

The world has been driven many times into Excess. Where there is Excess of one thing, there is a polarized version too. Wealth and poverty. Hunger and satiety. Challenge and apathy. Gratitude and entitlement. Even small shifts help the larger picture.

Be part of the balance and wholeness. Root out your Excesses and you will feel your focus grow. As your focus grows, so grows your Light.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash


Tuesday, January 12, 2021


KENOS: a void/ devoid of truth/ possessing nothing of value/

a faithless person who boasts of spirituality they do not possess/

one producing fruitless works/ consumed with vanity


The world is a clever place. It is a dream space. It is a tapestry and each living component is a weaver. As you have met, or been, a healer and helper, so will you experience The Kenos, a system, application, or person who is empty.

We have cautioned you to beware what is empty and false. Now we caution you to avoid BEING what is empty and false. Dissect your beliefs and actions. Validate the Truth or Falsity of them. Are you True? Are you filled with ungovernable Spirit that is freely seen and given?


We cannot make Love upon what is false, and can make empty war only briefly. Do an inventory of your Life. Sharpen your purpose and embolden your skills. Each, singular, indivisible and individual weaver is needed, especially now. You live in rapidly changing times, which requires rapid change in you.


We validate you and your path. 

Speak to us, and when we respond . . . Listen.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Monday, January 11, 2021


Redoubtable: Formidable/ Awe-Arousing/ Of Unassailable Regard

In All Things there is Truth. Truth sits at the Center. Outside this, there are opinions. Broad and varied and colored by culture, history, belief, and fear, opinions are just that. When you adopt an Opinion as Truth, here starts the trouble.

How do you feel about world hunger? WHY is it? Whom does it affect? How can it be remedied? (Do you believe it needs to be remedied?) Is someone or something at fault? Your answer is one example of opinion.

When the world is divided and one side cannot see or hear the other, what is to be done? You cannot continue doing the same things. You cannot continue speaking the same words. You must step outside and above the bickering.

Pretend for a moment that you are alien to planet Earth. Look down at the one problem of world hunger. Without politics, religious and social beliefs, and your own fears, SEE what is happening. How do you reach conclusions when you are not of this world? How do you find the behavior of Earth’s inhabitants?

You will not be able to shift totally away from who and what you are, but can you learn to listen and see? When you are studying something foreign, of different forms and colors, expressed through different words and ideas, can you get to the central idea or truth of the matter? We hope so . . . because that is urgently needed.

If you cannot quickly change your judgments and anger, can you change your behavior? Can you speak with forethought and compassion rather than lashing out? Can you study behavior rather than judging the person? Put on the robes of wise counselor and play that role for a while.

Only Truth is Redoubtable. Opinion is not. Allow your self to rise about the morass where empty rhetoric, judgment, and blame live. Live in Love. Strive your self to be Redoubtable, if not in all things, at least in the things that are most urgent.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Monday, January 11, 2021 

Photo by ikidhimase on Unsplash

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


If you have lived through the heat of War, your perspective on the world (and your neighbor) has shifted as compared to those who have lived their lives free of War. Ask War survivors how noble and righteous are the actions of War. Ask them to describe the horror of loss, death, displacement, hunger, and anguish.

Do not take lightly the energies of War. Armed conflict may be necessary to defend ones-self or defenseless others, but do not stray into thinking that War is noble. Do not think that violence is justified. 

Do not believe that violence upon violence will bring Peace.

Do you have War in your heart today? If so, how did you come to the idea? Have you been coerced? Are you “going with the flow” among your belief group? Do you feel backed into a corner, with War imagined as your only outlet?

When tensions escalate, divides widen, and rhetoric grows polarized and desperate, time demands that you approach with great caution and wisdom. Do not hold War in your heart. Do not support War in your community. Do not justify War, and certainly, do not Sing its Songs.

If War is escalating, step back. Look at the big picture. Collect unto your center, the brightest Light that you can. Radiate to others, in sight and away, the pureness of Love. Be to the world a Light, as a Lighthouse is to the ships.

If War is calling, decide now to defend Peace. Set the example of Peace. Speak with Wisdom. And if War comes to your community, choose to be a healer and Maige. You, who read this, are able, and capable in this. Be unafraid in the Light as you lead the way.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021


Photo by Lorenzo Colombo on Unsplash

Monday, January 4, 2021


When opposing sides agree to a truce or a temporary cessation of violence, 
an Armistice is called. What more than the obvious (pausing violence) might be gained?

In negotiating peace, studies are made. Who are you? Who are they? How might a declared peace work, and will it last? Each force draws back and takes time to assess what is present in character, claim, and certitude. How much compromise will be made? What is protected and what is yielded?

While each of us fights these battles, and pauses, within our selves, we also fight them within our communities and the world at large. You have heard the terms: “end game,” “long game,” “ceded a battle to win a war,” “uneasy peace,” and “crushing defeat.”

Measure what it is you are currently warring against. What beliefs, systems, cultures, persons, or behaviors feel opposed to your own? Are differences arbitrary (to you and your beliefs), or are these differences opposed at the core of humanity?

Save your energy where you may for the processes of Love and Creation. In the places where you war, call an Armistice (if you can). Take time to study the battlefield and weigh the possible outcomes of re-engagement. Enjoy Peace where you can make it, and War only when it is a last defense and aligned with Great All’s core.

Where are you today? How do your wars rage?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Monday, January 04, 2021

 Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash