Sunday, January 3, 2021



Can you know a thing by the word associated with it? The word Tellico is an example of such that is given to what is more often misunderstood. Is the Tellico an open plain, two people in dialogue, the headwaters of a great river, or a male leader? How did we arrive at this spelling of what may have begun as a Cherokee word? What idea(s) does this word hold at its heart?

 It holds what YOU believe it does. 

Words are shapes that can be spoken, and possibly, written. They evolve from many cultures and beliefs. Sometimes, they represent the word-thought that made them, and sometimes they are in disagreement. They can be encapsulations of whole systems.

How familiar are you with your favorite spoken and written words? Do you know within reason from which ideas they arose? Is their meaning now the same as it was upon launch? 

Notwithstanding contemporary slang, think of a word that brings you joy. Is the word itself, its sound or appearance, pleasurable? Is it pleasurable because it represents something that is joy-bringing to you? 

Now think of a word that is offensive to you. Why? Are there words that are off-limits? Are there words in your dialogue you are unable to define? Do you believe in the power of words? Why? How about your name? Is your own name(s) pleasing? Is it displeasing? Why?

 Sometimes we are moved by the wordless,

specifically because it is presented as such.

A piece of visual art, a dance, a film, a study of landscape,

sunrise, sunset . . . can be felt at the core without words being necessary.

In fact, sometimes words sully the experience.

That “said,” be aware of your language. Though you cannot be always know its history and its usage across cultural and political divides, you can thoroughly consider your words when speaking to others. You say: “You are beautiful,” which is not as powerful as saying “Your radiance causes my heart to open.”
To say: “You are ugly,” is not as powerful as saying “Your distress and anger cause my heart to contract.” What do you mean to say? How do you choose your words? Do you speak plainly and with Truth? What do you hope to communicate?

 . . . And, how do you communicate without words?
How do you increase the Joy Of The World by doing
with Grace and Compassion 
and non-judgmental Love? 


For one day, try being the melody, the sculpture, the paint on the canvas.

 Try being the sunrise, the feel of a baby’s skin,

 the sound of cool water dancing over rock.

What do your non-words teach you? 

How does it change your ability to communicate? Whether you believe the Tellico is a plain, a town, a waterway, or a Cherokee Chief, a word is what you experience. Experience your self in the broadest sense, and communicate as often as you can in the wordless, inclusive, and harmonizing pathways of Inner Wisdom. Speak with your heart.

 In the Great Silence, We hear you.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Photo by Vincent Ledvina on Unsplash

Photo by Vincent Ledvina on Unsplash

Saturday, January 2, 2021


Most of what you call Fear is merely learned reaction to distant things, a high level of Dread. Real Fear is an immediate reaction intended to increase your chances for survival, flooding you with the fight or flight response. Dread is a reaction of great resistance in response to an action you would not happily make. To be clear on this difference will aid you in empowering yourself, by reducing what you believe to be Fears.

Let us say that you believe you Fear high places. Are you in a high place right now? If not, then you actually have a Dread of high places. If merely thinking about high places causes a visceral reaction that is similar to or the same as, being in a high place, you are experiencing a very advanced state of Dread, that is emotionally, intellectually, and chemically analogous of the condition of Fear: these are not the conditions of which we speak. They are deeper and far more serious than what this treatise discusses today.

We have discussed many times, the power of word-thoughts and belief-thoughts. When you make a statement such as this one: “I fear I will die in my sleep and my children will have no one to care for them,” you are expressing a high level of Dread. If you are alive to express that Dread, you have not died, in your sleep or otherwise. How is it this Dread has taken your attention hostage? What thought-form first possessed you to pause with this idea and return to it again and again?

Unraveling these conditions may take many lifetimes, and to give advice here regarding how to treat such a thing in the mind-body is not our goal. We want only for you to be aware of the difference between true, spontaneous, life-affirming Fear and that of pattern-based, life-draining Dread. We want you to inventory your behaviors for Dread patterns and to become aware of them. What are these patterns?

They may sound similar to these very common patterns: I fear early death/ I fear disease/ I fear the loss of loved ones/ I fear abandonment/ I fear failure/ I fear isolation/ I fear challenge X/ I fear pain/ I fear my own abilities

All of these things listed are measures of Dread, not Fear. You may call them Fear, as you have mostly likely been taught to do. Meeting your challenges and challengers, begins with knowing them. You might be surprised by how your mind-body begins to heal itself when you reduce the burden of what you believe is its storehouse of Fears by demoting them to Dread.

It is the unimaginable battles with monsters that we truly Fear. Dread can help us to throw back our shoulders and lift our chins, seeing the other side of a fray with reward won. Demote false Fears and restore to yourself those energies held hostage by lies.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

reprint from September 04, 2014

January 02, 2021

Photo by Filippo Cesarini on Unsplash

Friday, January 1, 2021

 From The Cauldron

Chaos is everywhere, even between the things where it seems nothing exists.
 Any spark will Light the tender that is Creation. 
Every thought, every imagination, every deed 
Lights up the Great Web that is Existence.

When you actualize a Belief or Idea, you pull From The Cauldron the native implements and substances that are needed to Re-Create this thing you have spawned. While humans do not make New Life, in Its essence, they do influence the Created Life, whether that Life be seemingly static or active.

From The Cauldron you can pull history. You can Re-Make your self. You can Shift from the zero-point, all things “before” and “after.” There is no time greater to express this than this first day of a new solar year. Who do you wish to be? What in your past colors this?

Reach back. You will not change the actions of others, but you can go into your History and shift your perception of an event and idea, and bring forward a more enlightened version of your self. When you Shift in the Now, you Shift in the Forever.

Try this today. Avoid empty promises, and instead, Re-Create your self/Self by changing your essence from the ground upon which you stand. Be New and Actualized for Higher Potential. Be a Light that shines into every corner and nook. Be The Cauldron.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

 Friday, January 01, 2021

Photo by Federico Tasin on Unsplash


Thursday, December 31, 2020


The Golden Horizon you see in the mind’s eye is a symbol for something achieved,
 a landmark that announces that you have arrived at a goal. 
Whether that be less, more, or different that what you currently possess,
 it serves you only as a talisman.

The Golden Horizon can be enticement. It can signify that once you have shifted current problems or lack, you will proceed more easily, wisely, or happily through life’s corridors. You may believe that a new, higher-paying job will solve your current problems, or that a health condition cured will allow you to embrace vitality and success. You may believe that ending a relationship, or finding one, will complete the picture of your perfect life.

In a year beset by unusual conditions and challenges, you may believe that having passed away from these things, you will succeed at greater levels . . . but what have you learned from the unusual conditions and challenges of your life? What gifts has it revealed? Have you a better idea about your gifts and shortcomings? Do you like who and what you are RIGHT NOW better than the one a year past? Do you believe you will like the who-and-what version of your self better in one year from now?

Ask any student of the Golden Horizon who has met or exceeded their shining city on the hill. What do they tell you? Do you hear the tale that once the Golden Horizon is met, another shines, further away? Yes. You will hear this.

Goals are necessary. Challenges and Change are necessary. Use them to grow your self. Try not to blame conditions on your “failures.” Try to do your best, with courage and strong will, and a sense of seeing the self as above and beyond them. You will not succeed at everything you set out to do, and neither will you fail. The key in balancing your successes lies in the flame of the heart.

The Flame of the Heart is what burns Golden upon your Horizon. It is the twin Flame for your soul. You send it seeking. You send Its Light to show you the way. So, do not fall into the Mythology of a Golden Horizon. Understand it as a tool. Let it Morph. Let it Beckon.

Most of all, let the Golden Horizon burn wild, and as it burns, 
enjoy the journey you make towards its Beacon of Light.
 It is the Navigator, but you are the Captain.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash


Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Do you go out in the night, beyond the city lights and the city ideas? Do you take opportunities to look for moonbows and stars, and study the way that light plays in the unadulterated night sky? This is your inheritance, this Earth with its atmosphere, and its view upon the cosmos.

At first, you may feel small when you see your self framed beneath the Night sky, 
but sit still and quiet until you feel the connection, until you feel
 the largeness of the universe, that is a reflection of your own.

While you are unique and individual, you are also indivisible. You are not parted from people and things in any real and tangible results of time and distance. You are near to that which you love. You are near to Them who you love.

In the sunlight, you will see in a certain way. Sometimes, the light is so bright, the plane is flattened. At Night, in the soft and darkened spaces, you see anew. Colors recalibrate. Your heart opens. You can see and hear and feel in the Night, what you cannot during the Day.

The Night is a large part of your adventure, and yet you may sleep through most of its magic. Take time to know your self in The Night. Rename the Colors you see. Listen for the whispering of Night’s messengers. Open the doors to closed rooms and enjoy your wondrous house. Dance in the Colors of the Night.


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,

Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me

from the other side of the veil.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash


Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Quite often we appreciate our boundaries. Whether human-made or part of the Earth’s physics, boundaries indicate to us where our strengths are.
The Earth’s Regulations say that humans, without any device other than those with which they are born, cannot fly. In un-manipulated states, gravity applies. The forces of nature are powerful, and the circle of life is a condition that allows for the sustenance and regeneration of the world upon which we depend.

Like a singer, who learns to know her Tessitura, her sweet and most talented place for creating musical notes, we learn similar things about ourselves—and quite often we learn our low and high points—as well as our most brilliant range, according to our boundaries. Were you socialized in a way where few boundaries were present, or many?
If you were told as a child that there were no limits to your existence, did you learn to reach beyond and above what was considered “average” by others? If you were told as a child that you would always be limited, due to culture, class, physical or mental deficiencies, did you merely limit your striving? Did you seek only to reach what was “average” or did you settle for something below it?
Think of how you spend your time when you are Regulated by obligations. When you work outside your home, travel, care for others, and engage (willingly or unwillingly) in other obligations, how do you budget your time? Take away any obligation, and how do you re-organize your time? Take away all obligations, and how does your time look now?
Though Regulations are merely ideas, invisible fences, most of us obey their rules. We drive the correct direction down a one-way street. We meet our perceived obligations. We follow our community laws. Regulations form a meeting point for ideas. They are not a reflection of consensus, but a consideration of majority—for the most part—and for the most part, they are helpful. (We do not debate here how and when Regulations become harmful, but merely to turn your thinking towards your own self-will and modus operandi.)
With NO Regulations in place, how do you manage your life? How much good do you do for others? How loyal are you to your deepest purpose? How true is your voice?
When Regulations are destructive and specious, work to change them. When Regulations are fair and helpful for the whole, notice how they can challenge you towards your own unique and higher goals. Is there a record you long to smash? An assumption you wish to retire? A bias you long to unwind?
Study your self today: how you respond to your life’s particular Regulations; how many of your Regulations are singularly your own; how many you obey though you disagree. Who would you be, Un-Regulated? We hope that you find your Tessitura. May the Light shine bright upon you.
Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe,
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Monday, December 28, 2020


I dedicate this to the person needing to hear it:

            (This is not a Direct Communication, but an urging confirmed by my Tribe.)


An attar is an essential distillation of fragrant oil, with Rose being the highest vibration in all the world of flora. Therefore, Rose Attar is a crafted oil, vibrating at around 320 megahertz, compared to the average, healthy human body, which vibrates from 62 to around 70 megahertz. 

Can wearing Rose Attar shift your vibration? Quite likely it will. No one suggests that this essential oil will heal you or permanently alter your base vibration, but that it might be a pleasant tool.

If you are attracted to this fragrance, or this idea, my message has found you.

 Have a Blessed Day

Monday Dec 28, 2020