The Golden Horizon can be enticement. It can signify that once you have shifted current problems or lack, you will proceed more easily, wisely, or happily through life’s corridors. You may believe that a new, higher-paying job will solve your current problems, or that a health condition cured will allow you to embrace vitality and success. You may believe that ending a relationship, or finding one, will complete the picture of your perfect life.
In a year beset by unusual conditions and challenges, you may believe that having passed away from these things, you will succeed at greater levels . . . but what have you learned from the unusual conditions and challenges of your life? What gifts has it revealed? Have you a better idea about your gifts and shortcomings? Do you like who and what you are RIGHT NOW better than the one a year past? Do you believe you will like the who-and-what version of your self better in one year from now?
Ask any student of the Golden Horizon who has met or exceeded their shining city on the hill. What do they tell you? Do you hear the tale that once the Golden Horizon is met, another shines, further away? Yes. You will hear this.
Goals are necessary. Challenges and Change are necessary. Use them to grow your self. Try not to blame conditions on your “failures.” Try to do your best, with courage and strong will, and a sense of seeing the self as above and beyond them. You will not succeed at everything you set out to do, and neither will you fail. The key in balancing your successes lies in the flame of the heart.
The Flame of the Heart is what burns Golden upon your Horizon. It is the twin Flame for your soul. You send it seeking. You send Its Light to show you the way. So, do not fall into the Mythology of a Golden Horizon. Understand it as a tool. Let it Morph. Let it Beckon.
enjoy the journey you make towards its Beacon of Light.
It is the Navigator, but you are the Captain.
Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me
from the other side of the veil.