Saturday, August 22, 2020





     ~ using Light as a tool

You think that this is a strange subject? It is because you know the word ‘Verve’ to mean a person who is flamboyant, reckless, brightly attired and loudly voiced. We here think of it more as charisma: turning on the Light, turning up the Light, using the Light as a beacon, as a Lighthouse would call a ship.

You often fear your Light. When it is ON and LOUD, it attracts attention. Unfortunately, this attracts both rightful and wrongful attention. Those attuned to higher Spiritual vibrations will attract to it because of the Verve. 

Those still very dense will feel it as Animal attraction—very base and self-serving. How do you attune your vibration, your Verve, so that it attracts the right influences?

An AM radio cannot pick up an FM station. The frequency to which you attune your Light must therefore be exact, and honed, for a very specific band. Like infrared and ultraviolet light, you want your Verve to be sensed (for the purposes of affirmative action) by those of greatest need and purest intention. You want to attract those who purely need your help, and those who purely want To Help You. Set this idea into your Expectations.

As you know, the Great All is a chorus, in constant movement and transition, blending, separating, and blending again. Your signature has a base aspect, and aspects of your Creators, as well as aspects, or specific Songs, of your Mold, your Revisions, your Gains, and your Losses. Your signature has one pure strand in it, unchanging and eternal, but the songs that commingle and transmorph as You, are a perpetual reflection of who You are in the moment.

And what part of this package of signature and song do you ideally want to share through the power of your Verve—your channel whereby the Great All filters through you (in large doses or small, according to how wide open or narrowly open are your gateways)? You want to share the whole—but as a hologram of the Whole that is You and the Whole of the Great All whom your Whole lives inside? Do you see?

The Great All is just that—the Greatest of everything Created, being Created, and that will be Created. Higher orders of Mind and Spirit are ever aware of this and seek to stay as purely connected to the Source as they are able. 

Others hear the Great All only in their subconscious Mind. And still others, are aware of the Great All vibration and Song, and fear it, or are repelled by it. These beings are low indeed. They stand outside Heaven by personal purpose, unwilling to bend to its Song.

Who are they, these low beings? These beings you will know. They reek of deadness. They seek to do harm. Attachments by them affect the Verve and drain the animal body. Best to avoid them altogether.* 

Today, identify and survey your Verve. What is commingled there in your blueprints and additions? And, day-by-day, be sure to use your Verve for Its Highest Purpose. Do not give energy to detractors. Feed only what grows for the Highest Good of All.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 22, 2020

Photo by Darius Soodmand on Unsplash

* this communication is from a 2012 session
personal to myself, given here to the one
who needs it 

Friday, August 21, 2020





     ~ seeking what is veiled

Your closest advisors, spiritual guides, wise elders, and inner knowing, are always at hand to help problem-solve—and your Nous, the philosophic mind/intellect which is the conductor of the Brain Trust, keeps the incoming information orderly. Your Nous accepts or rejects material; it inspects for quality; it discharges that which is below Its standards.

How wily is the world? How much misinformation is currently circulating? How much of what you see and hear conflicts with your core programs, and with your Nous?

If you base your life and your actions on false paradigms, you live falsely. That is not to say that you live in conflict, for every living soul does that. 

So many cultures in the world are opposed to one another. So many people disagree regarding what is valuable and what is dross. All of this is surface condition. You must look deeper to see what is True, what transcends everything social and ephemeral, to find the deep and pervasive subset that is the same in All Creation.

You are who you are at birth: a baby beget by the melding of two. The parental influence is in your aura, and as you grow, their habits and beliefs strongly influence you. And at some point previous to your adulthood, you begin to separate, establishing your own habits and beliefs. You grow further from your core, but your core still exists in full integrity, waiting to be re-discovered.

The Nous, being the conductor of your Brain Trust, gives you glimpses throughout life: 

  • who you are; 
  • what you are; 
  • what is the world; 
  • what you came to do. 

The Nous wants you to put aside the world’s chaos, and come to the core. Come to the place where all Creatures can meet and mingle in harmony. Come to the Truth. Come to the Everlasting.

It is the Nous who responds when you ask the question: is there more in this Life? what is my purpose? what is real and true? It is the Nous who parts the veil and welcomes you inside.

Seek wisdom and love. Grow compassion. Engage your Nous to challenge you, enlighten you, and set your path straight. The greatest Gatekeeper awaits your request.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 21, 2020

Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

Thursday, August 20, 2020





     ~ mirroring High Ideals

Creations which express the Highest Good inspire others to reach above their current comfort and skill levels. The Mimesis of beauty, strength, and courage may be exuded through visual, language-expressed, or tactile means, actually shifting the pathways in and out of the core programming. 

Immersing oneself in beautiful art, music, or story can alert the Gatekeeper that change is desired. 

Remember a time that a story moved you to tears, or had you feeling the character’s experiences in your own body. Remember the indrawn breath of encountering a sculpture or painting that evermore shifted how you see the world. Feel the swell of joy or exultation as brought on by a vocal performance or powerful piece of music. You were changed.

How were you changed? Did you seek to produce art yourself? Did you problem-solve differently, or grow compassionate for the Earth’s fragile beauty?

When you connect with the Mimesis, inviting change and wisdom, attaining the Highest Ideals will make the most immediate change, and also create the largest ripple effect. Create that which gives others pause, that which causes others to feel Life’s magic.

When your Creations are paramount to making Earth a paradise, you operate through Love—and that pathway is noble and far-reaching. 

Let your art be the Mimesis for the inexhaustible ways we may express Love, Inclusion, Compassion, and Forgiveness. Let the Mimesis reflect not only what is, but what may ideally BE.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 20, 2020

Kelpies of Scotland courtesy of BBC

Tuesday, August 18, 2020





     ~activating the Light in your cells

When the Light is rising inside you, a Brightening occurs. All conditions and perceptions of those conditions, lift, become Brighter and Clearer. You see beyond your self, beyond the stage, beyond the drama and supposition.


The Brightening is like entering sunshine from the dark of a room. It is standing in a field while all the flowers turn their faces to the sun and open, simultaneously. It is a feeling of drunken cells and a giddy mind. It is joy.

Perhaps this has occurred for you when first looking at a newborn, or receiving the thing you long hoped for but didn’t dare expect. Perhaps you felt The Brightening when some doom passed you by and you were released.

But . . . what if you learned to call The Brightening? What if you could be in Its presence by will? What if The Brightening could be a tool for use in lifting, healing, and leading in The Light?

Sit quietly as you find an event that brought you into space and time with The Brightening. Feel that feeling. Become aware of That Light in your cells, That Joy in your mind. Let your Whole Self loose into the Great All, hearing your Song and the Songs of All Others.

In the presence of The Brightening all things are possible. Hold that. Remember that you are Loved. Remember that you are an intrinsic and indivisible part of All That Is.

While you are Brightening in The All,

The All is Brightening with You.

Now . . . Shine.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 18, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Monday, August 17, 2020





     ~ the indispensable action

In the realm of desire, what is necessary and essential today, may not be tomorrow. In the realms of purpose and path, it will likely remain unchanged. The Sine Qua Non, the indispensable action, or component, has a base, and like a Primary Determinant, will hold together the bedrock of why you exist.

The Sine Qua Non of your mortal birth may take many directions during the organization or plan, but indispensable and essential, will be your need for mortal food, shelter, and interaction. You must first survive before you plan to thrive.

During low or retrograde periods, your Sine Qua Non might change. Things you believed to be essential, may no longer seem as thus. Material goods, connections, securities and reasonings, may shrink when compared to more pertinent matters such as health, human community, and the sufferance of despair or meager resource in order to get to the other side of something.

Think to a year past. 

  • What was your primary goal? 
  • Your primary purpose? 
  • Your primary impediment? 
  • Your primary gift? 

Compare that to the same as you experience your life today. What has shifted? How has life changed, and how has what you value changed?

At mortal death, many persons find that their Sine Qua Non is very different from what they have long assumed. With regret, they discover that their essentials were simpler and far more pertinent to The Eternal. 

Be in step with the Sine Qua Non beyond your mortality; reach for what will aid you in your next life, what will aid Great All in creating a stronger, brighter reality.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 17, 2020

Photo by Helena Yankovska on Unsplash

Sunday, August 16, 2020





     ~ speaking to those who will hear

The old adage: “Cast not your Pearls Unto swine,” has an equivalent all around the world. Roughly, it translates as a caution to keep wisdoms to your self which may be misconstrued, or at the least, heard with judgment and hatred. You may only speak Greek to a Greek who speaks only Greek. You cannot make your self fully understand in any other language, beyond what hand signals and illustrations may convey. 

When you cast your Pearls Unto a group of listeners who cannot see, hear, or understand as you do . . . and are not open to translation . . . you will find your self frustrated, and depending on the concerns, endangered. 

This is not to say that you should fail to speak your Truth. You should speak your Truth. You should stand for your Truths and defend them.

However, casting your Pearls Unto an oblivious audience will gain you nothing. What is your message? Who can and will, help you to disseminate the message? What is the immediate need for this message? (We do not refer to personal opinion and the need to converse.)

Cast your Pearls Unto the ones wise enough to hear the Highest possible message. Bring it from your heart and let Great All infuse the message with High Passion and specific direct. Cast your Pearls Unto the ones who are seeking, both to understand and to help. Cast Your Pearls Unto the byways and populations who most need the High Message.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives:August 16, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Saturday, August 15, 2020





     ~ the seduction of confident external authority

The implied authority, external force, or dominance, of another, is sometimes referred to as Hegemony.  Often, it is invisible.  Often, it has shaped your Beliefs and yet, you are unaware of it.  

Why do you celebrate the Christian ritual that is called Easter?  

How did this ritual come to be linked with the mystical rising of the Christian prophet, Yeshua?  And how did that date become enmeshed with the Gaelic/ Earth custom that worships the female deity known as Oestre (spelled many ways***), representative of fertility and the Spring Equinox?

How has that further devolved into the customs that you might follow today, with its various rituals and robing, candies, ceremonies, foods and such?  Is it possible that the Hegemony present in your current culture has influenced you, and that you now blindly follow its dictates?  Do you do as your parents have done, and their parents, and their parents before them, making only minor revisions?

What do you feel as you follow in the footsteps of those who have followed these ceremonies and rituals before you?  You may draw semblances.  The Earth and the Prophet are both sleeping and then arise.  Eggs emerge from the womb of Earth, reminders of spring and fertility.  Rabbits procreate rapidly; another symbol of fertility and plenty.  

You meet in your communities to feast, celebrating the return of abundance.  But:  what do you feel?  Does doing these things move you?

How close to your roots do you feel as you move through these actions?  Is it meaningful, or is it another obligation, another expense, another travel to be taken, another group to be suffered, another day lost, or another day to put off what is really meaningful to you?  What motivating factors drive you to continue participating in things that do not resonate with your current Beliefs and Truths?

We do not advise you to make changes, today.  We do not advise you to develop new beliefs or to convert others to new ideas, or to disarticulate their current ideas.  We advise you to take stock of how you invest your energies.  

More kilo hours of energy are spent on wasted concerns than could be believed--until you stop, look, and assess how you distribute yourself across the planes of your life.  Listen.  Your mortal life is ticking away.  Day by day, your ultimate horizon grows nearer.

Will you have spent your days there consumed by lies and self-delusion?  Wake up to your own games.  We do not tell you what to Believe.  We urge you to discover for yourself what you Believe, and Why.  What Hegemonies rules you Now, Today?

Break the hold of external mythologies upon your personal powers.  Free yourself.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 15, 2020

***my personal note

visuals by Walks With Fire