~ channeling the individual/indivisible energies for harmony
There is a Furor in the world that you are part of. The wave of excitement, rage, and high feelings is a self-generating, self-perpetuating fire that ebbs and falls around your current events, trends, and reasonings. That energy, harnessed, can fuel whole cosmos; certainly it can change the status quo.
Injustice, slights, perversity, greed, grandiosity, hierarchy and war are fed by The Furor. With correct direction and intention, Love, Harmony, and Balance is fed by The Furor, too. Which waves are you currently feeding: how many fueled with Hate, and how many with Love? THEY is a term that includes YOU. Your Song is Individual and Indivisible . . . and Inclusive.
The YOU is responsible for the THEY.
Understand that by doing nothing, by taking no action to withdraw or resist from any Furor with which you are aligned, you contribute.
Resist apathy. Cut ties.
Work for the Furors that further your mission to become a Higher, more loving Soul. The energy is all around you. Use it. Call it. Banish your sense of depletion, exhaustion, and overwhelm by withdrawing from destructive Furors and contributing to the positive ones.
Use your Furor to push back your own darkness and grow your Light. Use your Furor as a fuel to forge boldly ahead. Let your Furor make a path before each foot step. Let your Furor tend your Fires.
Be your Furor and be Passion.
Be your Furor and Might.
Be your Furor and become a Beacon for those who would follow the same Light.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: July 12, 2020