Sunday, June 21, 2020





     ~ activating choice from your center

When presented with two or more choices, do you first feel the intuitive hit at your core? Do you then engage your intellect, and ignoring or explaining away your intuitive response, change Direction? Which is “right”?

Intuition is a guide . . . that requires training. Sometimes your “gut” feeling is accurate, and sometimes that feeling is merely an emotional response to something: a joyful reaction for something you desire, a feeling of dread for something that repels you. Therefore, neither Intuition nor Intellect is always exclusively accurate.

Sometimes, a reaction encourages us to slow down, take space and time to consider a change of Direction. Serious decisions often require more information than we currently possess. And strong Intuition is sometimes urging us to act, unimpeded by over-thinking. When one of the Directions seems counter-intuitive to progress, the matter is more difficult.

Remember that up/down, left/right, high/low, dark/light, near/far are all comparative terms that exist inside your current mortal dimension. They denote conditions which help you to understand things in simpler terms . . . but in the realms of Eternity, they are not accurate, nor necessarily representational.

Think of the most pressing condition in the path ahead of you. Where will your journey split or merge? What kinds of expenditures will be necessary to negotiate these byways? What can you discern ahead of time, and what events may require you to make a snap decision, relying mainly on your intuition? You cannot know what you currently do not know.

The road ahead is busy with complications, decisions, construction, and destruction. Be aware of where you are, who and what you are, and what it is you wish to accomplish. This way, when a decision must be rapidly made, choosing a Direction will happen with greater ease and confidence.

Begin training now for what is to come. Be inclusive . . . but do not project your self into the future nor try to live there . . . nor try to presume its agenda. 

Live in the present and like a dancer on pointe, listen, move with the vibrations around you. Be awake and aware. When you are All Things, exuding and including from your center, YOU become THE DIRECTION. You become the Activator.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 21, 2020

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Saturday, June 20, 2020





   ~ defining controls for self-mastery

Your Purview is the scope within which you have authority. This begins with self. So much in Life is outside our immediate Purview, we come to recognize that our one set of controls is concerned with Self-Mastery.

What has last upset you? What have you railed about? What has caused you anger, frustration, or cognitive dissonance?

To control your Life, your Beliefs, your Thoughts, and your Behaviors within tolerable margins is a huge success. To see where your dissonance with What-Is lies, and reign in reaction, and response, is the success of Masters.

Your Purview is specialized. It is limited. It is the culmination and representation of everything you have experienced, thought, and acted upon—in this Life and in many other incarnations. Purview is the amalgam of beautifully-wrought spaces commingling with the black holes united within the Field of Great All.

You may recognize that your minor children are within your Purview, and that to some degree, your parents are not. One should also recognize that your friends and co-workers may not be within your Purview at all. So, what then can you influence, regarding strangers and those unknown to you around the world?

You cannot change others. You may build a world, elicit a Song, offer a wisdom or a guidance that so affects others, they choose to shift. This is a wonderful service, if the shift is occurring to the benefit of All.

Today, decide what lies within your Purview. How successfully you operate within this singular and multi-dimensional strata is linked to how successfully you operate within the self/Self. Define your Purview, clarify your purpose, and put your influence to work.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 20, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Friday, June 19, 2020





     ~ letting exultation lead

When we say that a picture is worth “A Thousand Words,” we mean that our Vision has presented us with information beyond mere verbal description, that the depth and wisdom gained by deeply Seeing cannot be adequately expressed in language-thoughts.

Those with synesthesia gather overlapping impressions. For instance, they may perceive a smell/scent/odor paired with a color--or a number paired with a musical note. And while their senses provide more and different information, they will still be moved by something so tragic or so beautiful it defies universal description.

When you have this experience, stop. Give your self the time to immerse the senses, to connect to center, to firmly root the moment in your memories. Hear what your Higher Self can tell you. Let it affect you--body, mind, and spirit.

When you share with others, seek to be this genuine. Art exalts this experience. Good science exalts this experience. Outstanding rhetoric, choreography, music . . . all exalt this excellence.

When Great All dances, 

let it move you. 

And better, seek to move 

Great All . . . with truth, 

beauty, and unconditional love. 

It dances there

in your shadows. 

Let it free.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 19, 2020


visuals by Walks With Fire

Thursday, June 18, 2020



VISION, 2024 JUNE 18


     ~ decoding the intake of information

When you use your Vision, what occurs? You may use the conduit of your eyes to tell the brain what is in your physical field of Vision. You may be able to enVision only a blurred and mis-representative view, due to problems with the eyes. You may be physically blind, and therefore use your Vision in entirely different ways: one way is limited to those born blind; one way for those who become blind.

Vision is also a greater reference point. If your are a calf who has never left the barn, how does your Vision communicate with your brain when you are first released into the pasture? How does your Vision allow you to see beneath a mask of deceit? How does your Vision allow you to imagine the future, or remember the past?

Vision is much more than the function of the physical eyes and brain. It is the conduit of imagination, construction, and creation. It is the ability to See, discern, and disclose to self and others both what is present and what is projected. Vision is the great data machine. It is the quill that forms the books in your library.

What do you see when you look at a sunrise or sunset? A newborn baby? Someone on their death bed? Your Vision gives you cues, colored by your experience, your desires, and the constructs of your tenets and beliefs. For the most part, you will see what you want to see.

You may even see a partial picture, and allow your brain to decode the remainder. How often, though, do you allow your Vision to lead you forward, without fear or bias? How often to your declare the intention to your Vision that you desire to see truth and reality, with the promise to hold steadfast to that idea?

Look in the mirror today. Use the highest form of your Vision to discern what you see. Who are you? What is beneath your own mask? What is the world in which you move, and what is your place in it? To have forward Vision, you must allow your Vision free reign.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archive: June 18, 2020

Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

Wednesday, June 17, 2020





     ~ dissolving self-ness in favor of connection

You know when you are touching your Higher Self and/or the consciousness of Great All. It comes with a feeling of wholeness and empowerment. You feel confident in your ability to make the best decisions.

Do you make time to listen to the part of your self that is Eternal? Making Contact comes with a set of physical, emotional, and super-intellectual conditions that are unmistakable and at times, life-changing.

You may feel this as an electric shock, an opening of the third-eye, a lighting-up of the spine, or a feeling that the barriers of your selfness have dissolved, allowing you to more greatly sense the body of Great All. Pursuing this and making time for this changes your life in the Highest ways.

You will become more "You," and perceive your self as more confident and capable. You will be able to see your self from a Higher perspective and greater awareness. You will have your unasked questions answered. You will feel more supported and better guided.

It takes very little linear time to experience this, as the dedicated will tell you. With daily ritual, you can achieve change in just moments a day. For this purpose, we hereby offer you a daily ritual to jumpstart this habit, allowing that you begin small and grow your ritual as you may.



Stand alone in a place you enjoy, inside or outside. Feel your feet on the ground.  Be relaxed. Notice the direction that you are facing.  Try facing different directions. Choose the direction that feels best.  Breathe deeply. Close your eyes and continue breathing.  Breathe in and out through your belly button. Imagine the ball of Light, your Center, behind your belly button. Imagine your Center Light connecting with the Light that is all around you. Breathe deeply in and out, letting the Light continue to connect, filling you and growing. Listen to your breath; feel the Light as a tingling warmth on your skin. When you are ready, imagine your Center as that ball of Light inside again, tucked in.


Know Peace

Happy Contact!

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 17, 2020

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020





     ~ balancing freedom and tradition

Because each of us is born with both Roots and Wings, it is important to know your abilities. How grounded are you, and how willing are you to leave the ground?

What has given you your Roots? How deep are they—and how much trauma and distress can your Roots withstand?

When your Roots are deep and secure, as happens in cultures with long-standing and well-supported traditions, you can likely withstand more challenge. You likely will feel more confident in leaving the security of those Roots in order to test your Wings.

Even if your Wings take you into previously unchartered territories, having deep and steady Roots will benefit you. You might feel that you have a place to which you may return, that if your Wings fail you, home is waiting, and other launches are possible and even probable.

If your Roots are shallow and challenges blow hard against your core strength and integrity, finding and using your Wings will be more difficult. Many of us are orphans. Many have been displaced. Many live in the uncertainty of poverty and war. How then do you find and use your Wings?

You must look to High Self. You must look to those who have unfurled and are confidently using their Wings. You must aspire to activities that seem far above where you currently stand. You must subscribe to the dream of a larger self. You must play the role of Winged Warrior until you can become the Winged Warrior.

Say to your self today: 

My Roots are the Roots of the World. 

My Roots are the Roots of Great All. 

Therefore, my Wings reflect my World. 

My Wings reflect Great All. 

And this knows no limits. 

I am Loved and I will Fly.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives:  June 16, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Monday, June 15, 2020




     ~ understanding center-point in our beliefs

Most of us believe that we are somewhere in the center of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Due to our socio-cultural programming, this seems reasonable, as we are surrounded by persons who mostly think, believe, and act as we do. 

However: ideas morph, separate, unify, come into favor, and drop away. Can we really know where center is, and can we identify when we have become polarized, shifting on the spectrum of the world with a steady Unilateral Drift?

Think of your parent's generation: their ideas, beliefs, behaviors. How do they differ from yours? How is the center of your parent's and grandparent's generations different from yours? Do you find you are more traditional, or are you more liberal? Around which issues do you seem to be most Unilaterally biased?

At some point in our lives, we all know Unilateral Drift, the condition of trending towards our own ideals and beliefs regardless of how it might affect others. We may justify rising behaviors, and at some point, align ourselves with persons whom the general population might consider radical.

Unilateral Drift is more than thought, belief, and action. It is a sway in the fabric, a shadow lain at the door. It is the slow and steady movement to one end of the spectrum, forgoing center, which itself has certainly shifted for you.

Idealists who become frenzied outsiders, rigid in their beliefs and manners, and feeling quite justified about it, have already experienced the Unilateral Drift--perhaps, rapidly. They speak passionately about new beliefs and idealize their cosmology. They can be punitive and prejudiced. They cleave cultures and start wars.

Find your center today. Where is it? How does it compare to other cultures around the world? Are you drifting towards one end of the spectrum? Is that spectrum a point of unconditional love, or is it a point of angry unrest?

Stop often and check for your center. We do not ask you to be meek, or un-established in your beliefs. We ask that you know where you are traveling, and that you do it with your eyes wide open.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 15, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire