Monday, May 4, 2020





     ~sorting source from influence 


Why does information sourced from conflicting belief-groups elicit Suspicion? How does a Lie differ from an unfamiliar and/or foreign Belief? How does the seeker study data's many facets to reach the clearest and least-tainted theories?

In studying the Self, do you study what others believe of You? Beyond the core tenets of your society, your sub-culture represents belief structures that conflict with others. You are aware of this . . . but have you taken the time to explore what you believe, how those beliefs interact with local and international ideas, and why so many beliefs vary?

In fact, idea/thought/belief systems not only vary, many sub-cultures defend their own ideas as unique and obvious . . . and (therefore) "right."

Let us say that you are a four-footed mammal who occupies an evolutionary rung as a prey species. Your reality is framed by the idea that to survive, you must stay low and quiet, eating and drinking only as you need and keeping sheltered in small, inaccessible underground dens. Each day is a lesson in survival.

Compare this mammal's life with that of a predator species, who walks in the sun with little fear and has great confidence in its ability to hunt and consume smaller animals for its food. How does the lion experience the world compared to a rabbit? How might their ideas about mating, offspring, and hierarchy differ?

Perhaps the lion, living in the open, choosing its indolent sun and shade, feels superior. The rabbit may enjoy its blue sky and its dappled shade . . . but is it possible that the rabbit partakes of sky and shade in measured moments, knowing that each second exposed is a risk to its continued existence? Still, without the prey animal, the predator cannot live. This is symbiosis: more than cooperation; more than agreement.

People do the same. Some labor/ some lead. Some aggress/ some concede. Some elevate one gender above another. Some elevate certain gifts about others. Some eliminate the weakest/ some protect them. Therefore, an entity's self-belief and cultural beliefs influence and construct their life-belief.

When you encounter a person or group who believes differently than you do, do you ask yourself how their influences have affected their source ideas? Can you blame a rabbit for believing that the safer place to shelter is its underground den? Can you deny that a lion might grow more fierce when its game has grown scarce? But . . . can you also understand how each mammal has formed their ideas and acknowledge that these ideas are their Truths, and possibly the Truths of their community? It helps them to survive and thrive.

When you study the world, you see passion and desire. If you see deeply, you will understand that the common thread runs through each fibre of Great All, and that each culture uses it to weave something unique.

So . . . is it Suspicious that a speaker from Culture-A might propose an agenda that is radically different from Culture-B, or is it expected? If your culture values authoritarianism as a primary agenda, its idea of freedom will differ when compared to a socialist or communist system. Who is right? How much of their system is inborn and how much is based on tradition? If we cannot separate Influence from Source, how can we see the inner workings of things, especially when we seek to know our Selves?

How Suspicious are you of those within other belief groups? If I want to be a baker, will some see the community service in my talent . . . and will others fear I intend to poison the king? In order to communicate, we must level the field.

While many people act with aggression and selfishness, many more act from kindness and generosity. Can you study the Source of their affirmations, calculating how their Influences affect the outcomes? In this era, it is a critical part of unbending and unblending information.

Do you say that the rabbit is rude to dig dens, which may endanger the lion, who could break his ankle if snared while running? No. Do you say that the lion is rude to hunt the rabbit, when nature has designed him as a predator? No.

So . . . how do we accurately and compassionately communicate with one another across cultural boundaries? How to we care for our world and All Living Things, when we harbor such Suspicion for one another?

We cannot harmonize our World until we harmonize our Selves. Study and understand how you have come to believe as you do. Understand how your influences have affected your Source materials. Allow for commonality before branding an idea with its fragmented beliefs.

Be Suspicious, but begin with Self. Be Influenced, but understand how those Influences affect your behaviors. And most importantly, understand your Source. 

Understand The Source. 

Life is a puzzle . . . but it is not unsolvable.

 Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archive: May 04, 2020


 photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash 

Sunday, May 3, 2020





   ~studying drivers for truth  

To Authenticate a person, place or thing, you must compare its qualities to the resonance of Truth. From whence does this person, place, or thing arise, and what is the investment /pay-out for its reward?

You are birthed into societies that have established Truths and normatives, forming and revising your drive under these templates. 
Your culture may be primarily peace-keeping, or aggressive, but throughout the population, both polarities will be represented, and if you could step back and look inside the secret vessel as would an outsider, you would discover what you could not otherwise. 

So, how do you study the driving forces for any subculture's cohesion with the Greatest Reality, the underlying Song of the Earthborn?

Many conditions are inborn to us: survival-drive, reproductive-drive, and the belonging-drive, which tells us we must have purpose in the society, an exchange that is essential, and that the giving and receiving of worth-feelings are as necessary as the food, water, and shelter we seek and protect. 

Then, as Life experience urges, we expand our tenets. How is your community doing, on Whole? Do you feel that its tenets support its ecosystem? Do you find its core tenets are generally truthful, or are they eclipsed by outdated and irrelevant ideas that favor the few? And how do you successfully compare the two?

An Eternal Truth does not expire. 

Eternal Truths are simple and inclusive:  value all Life; take no more than you need; speak honestly; speak out against UNtruth; do no harm; protect those who cannot protect themselves. Borrow your pride but buy your integrity. Forgive. Act for the Highest Good, even when you are afraid. Know your journey. Know your Self. Know your Name. Be the expression of Realized Love.

What is Authentic? 
It is the seed from which you were created. 

It is a driving force that perpetually supports the Highest Good for All. Any divergence from this map can be manipulated.

To Authenticate input, whether old or new, study its drivers. What does the tenet "do no harm" have to gain? What does the tenet "harm all outsiders" have to gain? Who are you now, and Who will you Be?

Study the tenets under which you live. Embrace the Truths. Separate Self from the lies. Be you Whole. Be you Wise. Be you a Warrior.

In Presence and in Light, may you come to know your True Name.

 Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archive: May 03, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Saturday, May 2, 2020





~understanding the divide between the apparent and non-apparent

In Greek terms, the Proscenium is the division on a stage that signifies what is in front of the forward curtain from what is behind it. The scenes given by the actors to entertain are planned and devised for certain effect. Whether that effect be to move your compassion, invoke deep thinking, motivate outrage, or merely to inform, the forward stage wears its costumes, advising and building anticipation for what will happen on the great stage itself.

Within the stage proper, the story unfolds. You will follow the characters and track their messages. You will be entertained, and if done well, you will lose your self in suspension-of-disbelief. You will decide to agree with the story's elements, even the ideas that seem impossible, such as Peter Pan's flight. You will want Peter Pan to fly and for Tinkerbell to gather enough hand-claps to sustain her magical life.

Such is this Earth Stage. Your headlines work in front of the Proscenium. Your stories work behind it. And behind the stories are the workings of the theatre. From whence came the costumes, and the idea of the costumes? What informed the set? How does the music, or lack thereof, create the mood . . . and why was the specific mood created? How have the authors, the actors, the builders and the makers commingled their ideas, and to what end? No story ever told has been free of agenda.

Story is powerful. It teaches. It tells us how to live and how to die. It tells us what to believe, and when to revolt. But quite often, the stories we seek out dovetail with our established beliefs, further deepening the beliefs we already hold to be true.

What happens when we engage stories that cause us to question our beliefs and stretch the boundaries of our world, and our world-view? Like fables passed down to youngers in order to teach, train, and warn them, a good story causes us to think new thoughts--thoughts that expand the consciousness and bring oxygen to what might be stagnant. A good story acts as a Catalyst for growth.

What is your story? How much of your story lives at the front of The Proscenium? What is the face you show to the world? What do your actors play out? How deeply do the activities on your stage reflect your social, cultural, theosophical, and experiential normatives? And most importantly, what is happening in the back of the house, in the beehive of activity one might equate to the unconscious and/or superconscious mind?

Do you fight your deepest urges? Is the face you put in front of your Proscenium a mask so false it bears little resemblance with the main stage itself, and little to none with the backstage activities? Fragmentation comes with the pairing of disparate parts and with denial. Enlightenment occurs within harmony.

How often do you inventory what is apparent, and non-apparent, in your life? Have you ever used any phrases like these: "it's the way I was raised" ... "that's how I was taught" ... "everyone knows that's wrong/ right" ... "those people are uncivilized/ less than/ stupid" ... ? Socio-cultural templates are powerful indicators for behavior, particularly where mis-behavior (against the Highest good for All) is concerned.

A willow grows straight until its environment shapes it. Look at your own twists and turns. How have you bent in the wind? When you look out upon your world, do you see beyond the grass? 

Do you connect with the roots and the minerals, and the creepy-crawlies? Can you feel the symbiotic heartbeat of every part of Great-All's Tapestry? Can you absorb and conduct the Love that is ever-present and infinite?

And . . . will you?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archive: May 02, 2020


visuals by Walks With Fire

Friday, May 1, 2020





 ~how your alchemical nature reacts with life

Combine two elements in exact measures and methods and you get a third entity that is a result of the combination. Combine them differently, in different measure, or with other elements, and the result is changed. The oxygen, hydrogen, or carbon you began with has taken on a new role and a new identity within the construct of the Whole.

: a person or thing that precipitates an event. (The governor's speech acted as a catalyst for debate)  Oxford Dictionary

In the matter of people, this idea is complex. While this can be true:

Catalyst: a substance that increases the rate of alchemical reaction without itself under going any permanent chemical change.  Oxford Dictionary

    most people are changed by their exposure to information. Be it truth, or be it falsehood, the vibration evoked by consuming new information will create a new vibration, one that cannot be undone by returning to times previous. 

Just as you cannot separate milk and eggs once they have been whisked together, you cannot separate the influence of new information from your Alchemical self. The transmutation from not-Knowing to Knowing is permanent, and the influx of Knowing is perpetual.

How you respond or react to this Knowing is a reflection of your core beliefs, self-identity, and your Life goals. Do you accept the new information as it is? Do you use its presentation to further explore a concept? Do you debate where the information is true or a falsehood? 

Do you consider how the information changes you, and whether or not you will positively bond with the information, or reject its ideology through seeking the source and construction of its message?

We live in a time of historic informational exchange. Each moment of each day we are flooded with the possibility of consuming more information than we can logically, and wisely, examine and consider. Information is part of our diet; it is a reflection of our many Earthly realities. It is the outward realization of our inward drives. And like the food we consume as physiologic fuel, we must also contemplate the effects of our data-diets and belief-streams.

If your Alchemical Nature is one of compassion, patience, and integrity, you will deeply and open-mindedly consider your informational sources. You will study the effects of new information on your body, mind and spirit. You will allow for opinions and beliefs that contradict your own, while still remaining true to your own principles.

If your Alchemical Nature is one of blame, anger, and short-sightedness, blocking out all information that disagrees with your own, ask your self: "Why?" Most of us are a mix of both conditions, expansive in certain ways, and contractive in other ways. We are works-in-progress. We are Alchemical beings who respond to Catalysts, and as complex entities, we operate as Catalysts as well.

Look at your Life, your Beliefs, your Abilities. What do you give to the world and what do you take away? Is your ledger running in the black or do you suffer deficits? Clarify your diet. Clarify your Life.

Use the gift of Catalyst to turn water into wine. Share that wine with others.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archive: May 1, 2020


visuals by Walks With Fire

Thursday, April 30, 2020





   ~leaving life with value-added gifts

Exiting one place requires Entering another. While Energies may be dispersed, fragmented, re-imaged, and re-created, it is always driven. Energy always has a goal.

Being born to the mortal form, you enter the Earthly realm, and you have therefore Exited the non-mortal and non-Earthly realm. This offers little comfort when times of Transition are high, and the actions and exchanges are rapid and unexpected, but do not doubt that formulae are at work, albeit they may be invisible to you at the moment.

Who are we? Why are we here? Are our achievements and perceived failings the cumulative data that form the infrastructure of our lives? Are we more than our decisions?

Yes. We are much more . . . but we are not automatons, programmed with data only to follow an external agenda with predicted outcomes. What value has the human experience without the sublime calculations of the Self? 

We choose to be driven and engaging, just as we choose to be withdrawn and apathetic, and repetition of the patterns is the key to actualizing what we would manifest.

If your Ideal Self is courageous, you must engage life events with courage. If your Ideal Self is a risk-taker, you must take risks. Making lists and making excuses does not suffice. It is easy. It can offer false hope. Seeing your Self as something more but taking no action, relegates your current and future transformations to mere musings.

For this month, whatever month that may be as you read these words, honestly assess, evaluate, and invigorate your response to a life condition you find daunting. If you are a procrastinator, complete one dreaded task every day. If you dream creations and do not create them, make creating a daily practice, even if it is a small effort . . . like drawing a happy face in the jam on your morning toast.

To fully Be, we must fully Do. This can include, but does not need to include, the striving in which we engage to earn material goods. You are more than this. You are a.l.w.a.y.s. more than this. Earth is providing unequaled opportunity to learn about Exiting, Exiting from one state to another, from one set of practices to another, from one value structure to another. Use it, so that when you Exit, your Gifts remain behind you.

Use your Light and Love and Pure Potential, as both teacher and student. Engage the cycle. Expand. Listen to the Song being Sung by your every mysterious and magical faction. No one can do exactly what you can do. Exit the shadows. Share your Song.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: April 30, 2020

visuals by Walks With Fire

Thursday, May 23, 2019





   ~greater views for greater insights

From the Mountaintop, the views are longer and more detailed. Rising above the plains and valleys, you may now form insights that were impossible from the bottom.

You will feel wonder. You will connect to the thread of commonality rather than separation. From your village you see the sheep herder, the rice farmer, the weaver, the tailor, and the metalsmith. From the Mountaintop you see how long the rivers are and where they connect. You see green fields touching. You see villages peopled by communities who eat and sleep and dwell in structures.

From the Mountaintop you are more engaged in Heartfulness than you are in Thoughtfulness because the larger more inclusive view causes you to experience the miracle of creation. This is why you feel exultant, taking the world in from a high peak.

This is also true inside Self/self. When you are in the valley, low inside your self, concerned with the struggles of daily living and feeling small, you are noticing how unalike you are to what you desire to be. 

When you rise to your own Mountaintop, that is, Higher Ideals concerned more with Eternity, you will sense greater commonality and therefore, greater potentials.

So, when you are struggling, down in your back, sick in your stomach, having difficulty with moving your feet forward, leave the lower plains and concerns and rise upward, up-up-up to the Mountaintop. Breathe up and out. 

Feel your connections to earth and sky. Give your Thoughts rest, and experience Life through your Heart.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 23, 2019


visuals by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, May 22, 2019



MAY 22, 2019


   ~traveling in another’s shoes

How do you travel in another’s shoes? It is not through thought-and-prayer. Thought-and-Prayer keeps you distanced, like the supplicant waiting outside the city gates with too much luggage to pass through the needle’s eye. Thoughtfulness keeps you safe; it causes you to keep another’s pain or distress from infiltrating your own system, your Heart and your Heartfulness.

When you feel in your Heart for another person, you feel how their Thoughts and Emotions are affecting them. This happens with the most regularity when a shared experience becomes common: when you feel sad for people whose homes have burned, and the difference you feel when your own home has burned. Ever after, experiencing just the information of someone’s home burning causes you to respond differently.

What about losing a loved one? You may say “our thoughts and prayers are with them.” How ineffectual does that feel when you are the one experiencing the loss? Does Thoughtfulness equate with Heartfulness? No. Thoughts divide us. Our Hearts engage us.

To be understood and treated with wisdom and compassion, we must do our best to do the same for others. We must feel in our Hearts for the hungry child, the suicidal father, the displaced family, the shamed veteran, the hopeless cancer patient, the grieving mother.

Thoughtfulness is a first step, but Heartfulness is where our bounties lie. Be Thoughtful. Now, take action that is Heartful.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: May 22, 2019


visuals by Walks With Fire