Tuesday, March 5, 2019



MARCH 5, 2019



~extrapolating fragments to form wholes

What are your talents? What are your gifts? If every day you considered what is most important between now and the time of your Earthly departure, what would you take up and hold dear? What would you distribute and share?

When you Finish things, why do you Finish them? When you leave things unFinished, why did you abandon them? What patterns emerge as you study this?

Do you leave things unfinished because you grow bored? Do you leave things as they fail, deciding to abandon all hope? Do you fail to Finish when your vision has grown greater than your project? What then do you do?

Finishing is important to your growth. Whether that Finishing be a conscious letting go and closing of the project in progress, or actually seeing the project to the end, closing the creative circle is paramount. The energy inside will be left alive when you close the circle. When you don’t close the circle, the energy drains away, and the tail of the great ouroboros snaps and wails.

Finishing a project is a projection of finishing the process, finishing the emotion, finishing the intention, and making a statement of closure that allows you to more cleanly proceed to the next thing. Close the circles previous and watch how the current circles expand.

Finish the projects behind you, and move the energy to the present, increasing it.

Let be the idea of failure and ineptitude. Let go the sense of overwhelm. Go one-project-at-a-time reviewing your history. Say goodbye to old ideas. Embrace the new. And recharge your Life with energy regained from the cluttered backwash.

Be open and liquid in the present, but be Finished in your past. And embrace it all: past, present, and future. For your experience, your knowing, and your discovery—combined—will bring you the best and Highest results.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 5, 2019


visuals by Walks With Fire



MARCH 5, 2019



   ~externalizing inner agendas

Watch your behaviors. Look for the patterns. Match those patterns with your inner and secret longings. How does what you do reflect what you believe?

First, do not harm. Consider this at all levels. To eat food, either animal or vegetable, is to do harm—yet human life cannot sustain itself without ingesting fuels. So, what then, is harm?

True harm is the unnecessary and maladjusted action against another’s free will or well-being for selfish means, whether that be for ego-aggrandizing, material gain, or assumed powers. Harm is the intention to disrupt in a negative way, the life force of a person, place, or thing that is innocent of doing likewise to you . . . without need to self defend. It is applying hate and malevolence to conditions better served by compassion and patience.

When you express anger, unfounded bias, and ill will, do your best to understand why those emotions are leading you. Whence did this begin? What factors applied? What is the longevity of your angst and discomfort?

What alternative ways could be brought to resolve these issues and to possibly change your belief about who you are in relationship to these issues? In critical and dangerous times, we have powers of self-protection that are clear and immediate. In ongoing discontent, wounds fester, beliefs shift, the curling action of self-defense becomes circular and filled with fantasy.

Do not Express your inner agendas when you are not in control. Take time for quiet. Listen. Listen. Listen. Life is a long path; you mustn’t concern yourself with every rock in the road.

Look ahead. Keep your eyes to the horizon and consider the big picture. Rise above the petty discontents that muddy your clarity. Remove the circular thoughts that disrupt your compass. Be of Love. And with Love, resolve all things. 

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 5, 2019


visuals by Walks With Fire

Monday, March 4, 2019



MARCH 4, 2019



     ~how we attract

When something enters our sphere of conscious knowledge, it did not occur by happenstance. Our beliefs, needs, curiosity, and desires have brought that thing to us, even if we believe the thing to be wrong, less or more, undeserved, or utterly bizarre.

We are the Librarians of our Selves. We set the pace. We create vacuums, and then fill them. We expunge detritus, and we make comparative studies of what comes and goes, and what it means.

From Whence comes your courage and your fear? What beliefs have died from you? You feel these things in your body, sometimes before you sense them in your mind. You will believe a thing before you know that thing. You will invite that thing before you meet it.

You disagree? You've had experiences that seem to illuminate a conflict? Your mate has been unfaithful? Your mother has died? No doubt, you believe that events like this are a type of punishment. No doubt, you believe that these events required your permission, or your help.

Remember that Great All is vast, and peopled with every imagining. Do not think in such tightly constructed ego-terms, that what is happening around you is you, or requires you. While every aspect of Great All IS Great All, your human mind cannot conceive of the many ways, levels, and vibrational ladders and slips that are used to keep everything humming together.

We are macrocosm and microcosm. We are both what we think and believe--and we are action, behavior, and character. We are all learning. Is it better to wish-well, or to travel petty tangents? Is it better to remove oneself from harm, rather than inflicting harm in turn?

Do not stand by in false innocence as others are hurt. Also, do not stand by and allow your self to be hurt. If you must apply filters to what you intake, keep them as neutral as possible. The cheating mate may require something you cannot provide. That is part of their agenda—not yours. If this cheating negates a clear contract between you, choose to depart—or to stay—but not to stay and punish.

If your mother has died and you feel the pain of being orphaned, do not battle with your siblings. Do not feel betrayed and abandoned. Thank her for the gifts she shared and wish her well.

Things come and go. We come and go. Be here in the highest purity that you can. Be here in Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 4, 2019


visuals by Walks With Fire



MARCH 3, 2019



~what lives in the belly of the beast

These Vesica-Piscis, these portals and portents: what lives behind their locked doors? Are there secrets there? Is the world divided into opposites? –up and down? –black and white? –male and female? –front and back?

No. It is your mind that is divided into these opposites. The Great All complements: one force interacting with another; one agenda interacting with another. You are locked outside by nothing more than your current beliefs and your willingness to see a larger whole.

And you are invited inside by your willingness to leave behind those things that no longer serve you, those things that would anyway die once taken into the belly of the beast.

So, do not bemoan that Life is cruel, that you are locked out, put under, or simply not enough. Feel the power of all your Meeting Places and say to your Self: “I will open this door and cross the threshold. I will embrace what is to be known that I do not know now.”

Say to your Self that inside the Belly of the Beast is my own darkness and growthInside the Belly of the Beast is my Power. Inside that Belly is my Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 9, 2019


visuals by Walks With Fire

Saturday, March 2, 2019



MARCH 2, 2019


 ~descending into the belly of the beast

There is a heart in a Thing, in every Thing, that gathers its imprints. Be it loving or sad, kind or cruel, the heart has made its image and tied together its edges with the images of all that Thing’s other Things, making little smooches between their bodies that commingle their degrees and intentions. 

These Vesica-Piscis are the melding way, the reason we may translate anger to love and fear to courage. By inhabiting grief and rubbing it up against purpose, we may find a path and a way and a compassion that lights the greater need and makes visible the road before us, as large and as clearly as our beliefs will allow.

What qualities in your life are currently commingled? Which are expansive and which abrade? What can your one quality teach another? Which qualities are destructive to higher, more helpful qualities?

Look to your third eye. There is a high and powerful Vesica-Piscis. It bridges the transition between Earth and Forever. It knits together what is physical and what is beyond. It is the portal for communication and the gateway to Higher action.

Look to your belly: where upper meets lower; where survival meets thriving. Look at your posture and your confidence. Feel how safe or unsafe you feel in your life, how respected, how ‘seen.’

And look to your women. Therein lies the portal of physical, earthly creation. And look to your men. Therein lies the key to that portal.

This is sacred energy of re-Creation. This is the place where sacred energies dance. This is where your Life Sings out Its Self, where you ground your mortal ideas and manifest the gifts that you will physically adapt and apply.

Where two Vesica meet, the energies are many times multiplied. So, look to your Center. Look to your Love. Align inside your Self, your central Vesicas, and greet them.

Radiate the Joy of knowing that you are Here, and Alive, and that your singular Life can change not only Self, but Great All.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: Saturday, March 2, 2019


visuals by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, September 25, 2018





  ~~changing Today, today

NOW is Flowering all around you. The sweetness, the variety, the beauty of What Is, is here with you, vibrant and alive—all that you will know.

You may create better Tomorrows by changing Today. You may release yesterdays by changing Today. By far, though, the greatest gift is changing Today, today.

Look at your self. Look at your place. Sense what your Now is giving you. Step into That. Intensely know That. Maximize the pleasure of That.

As your Now Flowers, so do you. Sing the Song. Breathe in the Beauty. Be in the Flowering Now, and be a Flower in the Now.

Be alive with Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 25, 2018


visuals by Walks With Fire

Sunday, September 23, 2018





  ~~using genuine language

When you speak truth with economy and forethought, communicating what is uplifting and helpful, you provide great service. Do not speak in empty phrases, circularly, or in euphemisms. Do not make a game of words and emotions. Do not manipulate.

A Felicity should ideally reflect the understanding of the matter addressed. We hear empty phrases in such great quantity they no longer have meaning; they have become space holders: “How nice to meet you.” “Wonderful to see you again.” “We should get together.”  “I’m sorry for your loss.”  “That must make you very happy."

We follow the social cues as we have been taught, according to our time and our culture. Think about your language and your phrasing, particularly the phrases that you repeat whole, mimicking others. What do they mean . . . and more importantly, do you mean them?

Will you employ Felicity as a gift for communication, bringing happiness through real connections and proper language? Or will you offer empty Felicitations, echoes of empty phrases that have gone before, empty calories for a starving people?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 23, 2018


visuals by Walks With Fire