~externalizing inner agendas
Watch your behaviors. Look for the patterns. Match those patterns with your inner and secret longings. How does what you do reflect what you believe?
First, do not harm. Consider this at all levels. To eat food, either animal or vegetable, is to do harm—yet human life cannot sustain itself without ingesting fuels. So, what then, is harm?
True harm is the unnecessary and maladjusted action against another’s free will or well-being for selfish means, whether that be for ego-aggrandizing, material gain, or assumed powers. Harm is the intention to disrupt in a negative way, the life force of a person, place, or thing that is innocent of doing likewise to you . . . without need to self defend. It is applying hate and malevolence to conditions better served by compassion and patience.
When you express anger, unfounded bias, and ill will, do your best to understand why those emotions are leading you. Whence did this begin? What factors applied? What is the longevity of your angst and discomfort?
What alternative ways could be brought to resolve these issues and to possibly change your belief about who you are in relationship to these issues? In critical and dangerous times, we have powers of self-protection that are clear and immediate. In ongoing discontent, wounds fester, beliefs shift, the curling action of self-defense becomes circular and filled with fantasy.
Do not Express your inner agendas when you are not in control. Take time for quiet. Listen. Listen. Listen. Life is a long path; you mustn’t concern yourself with every rock in the road.
Look ahead. Keep your eyes to the horizon and consider the big picture. Rise above the petty discontents that muddy your clarity. Remove the circular thoughts that disrupt your compass. Be of Love. And with Love, resolve all things.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: March 5, 2019
visuals by Walks With Fire