Monday, September 17, 2018



SEPTEMBER 17, 2018


 ~~wisdom high and low

In the Concourse, where many come to deliver and share knowledge, there are wise and noble counselors. Given many names, you may think of them as a Shepherd or Shepherdess—a benevolent caretaker that not only guides, but also foresees what is just ahead in order to avoid undue damage to the flock.

These wise Masters oversee many, and are essential in planning routes for travel and mitigation. They confer with your Spirit Guides, your Tribe, and in some cases, your High Self, in order that you may maximize your Life experience.

One of their symbols, the powerful and ancient crook, symbolizes leadership, protection, and wisdom. It is represented in Egyptian dynasties from 10,000 years past, in yogic practices, in the medical caduceus, and in churches worldwide. It indicates the travel and use of energy to nourish the body.

With time and attention, you may know the Shepherd or Shepherdess who most frequently works with your Tribe. That caretaker is unique, and their wisdoms are sought and dispensed with the flavor of Who and What they are. If your Tribe is comprised primarily of communicators, your Gatekeepers, including your Shepherdess/ Shepherd will also be focused primarily on communication, and so forth.

Great All is not a seething chaos, as you may believe. It is ruled through minute and infinite order, a Song that contains All and knows All, that has wisely ordered every level of existence.

Knowing that, do not worry that your Life is wrong, unseen, or misunderstood. We see and know you. We eternally and unconditionally Love you.

While you may never meet the Hall of Concordance’s highest Gatekeepers during your incarnation, you may be sure that They are aware of You, so be grateful for these noble guardians and guides.

No word is uttered that they do not transcribe.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 17, 2018


visuals by Walks With Fire

Sunday, September 16, 2018



SEPTEMBER 16, 2018



 ~~guides in the Hall of Concordance

Inside the Hall of Concordance, Great All’s repository of knowledge and memory, there is a Concourse where many thoughts and beliefs interact. For eons, these crossroads have hosted wise entities who act as Gatekeepers, exchanging ideas and providing help to seekers. 

At some level, we may all access the Hall of Concordance and Its Concourse, albeit some may only be privy through their Spirit Guides and Tribe. In some cases, the High Self is not ready for such things.

Truth is sometimes a very hard tale. If Truth would weaken the Spirit’s resolve or focus, a mediary would be necessary—for Truth is best helpful in the right dose and at the right time.

However; should you find your self at the Concourse inside the Great Halls, be you aware that you stand in the Everlasting. As such, the eons are alive. The many reincarnations are present. Love is the construct.

We tell you about these realms before it is your time to access them, in order that you may aspire to such. We tell you that there is a way to know many things: from your Core; from across Gateways; and from divine repositories, the greatest of which is the Hall of Concordance.

Focus there, if you are troubled. Give your grief and lost hope to Higher Wisdom. Call out to your Tribe and ask that they gather the Concourse to provide you with meaning. You are never alone . . . not in your glory . . . and not in your suffering.

We are here, Everlasting to Everlasting, and We are Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 16, 2018


visuals by Walks With Fire

Saturday, September 15, 2018



SEPTEMBER 15, 2018



 ~~where you are

You may say that you wish to turn back time. You may say that you want to skip ahead to avoid this painful thing. You may have many wishes that have no language and no life. You can live only today . . . only This Life as it exists now.

If you are unhappy with your Life Today, you must work in the Now to shift what will come in the next moments. You must create not only your future, but your Life Today.

Where-You-Are is also Who-You-Are. Every part of your Who and your What has brought you here. Will you continue on this same trajectory, or will you create something Higher, Stronger, and Wiser for your future? You do this not only for self, but for everyone whose life is touched by yours.

You may create a wave. You may flatten mountains. You may Re-Sing the harmonies that tie Earth to Land, and Sky to the Soil. You are a Co-Creator. “But I am not so strong,” you say. Yes; you are strong. You are a miracle. You are an Everlasting spark in the Everlasting Creation.

What do you lack? Be that. What do you abhor? Step away. What confuses you? Ask for Illumination. What causes you grief? Look for the Joy that gave rise to the sadness.

We urge you to divine and strengthen your powers of Creation. If This Life Today feels wrong, mend it. And if sadness, or weakness, or anger currently prevents you, ask for help. Open your Gateways to receive. Be attentive. Be pro-active. Be grateful.

We are filled with Love for you. From Everlasting to Everlasting, we are here.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archive: September 15, 2018


visuals by Walks With Fire

Friday, September 14, 2018



SEPTEMBER 14, 2018



 ~~validation of Truth

When we encounter Everlasting Truth, tremors mark our response. Our core, or Highest Self, indicates to us—through physical and emotional markers—that the information is real and valid. The Tremulation, trembling of a significant and multi-personal level, has responded to simpatico vibrations and reverberated outwards—from the macrocosm to the microcosm and out again.

You have had this experience. It is the knowing that tickles at the top of your head, or tingles along your spine. It is the sudden heat that flashes in your belly or in the palms of your hands. Tremulation is the quake of ‘rightness.’

Do you follow Tremulation’s signs and markers when they occur? It is an excellent roadmap. It is the path to Core and Higher learning. It is the judge who casts aside what is false in favor of what is true.

Seek experiences which give opportunity for Tremulation. Go above religion and beyond social constraint. Look to Great All. Search for the signs. Know your Creator and the Creator’s kingdom.

Know thy self.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 14, 2018

visuals by Walks With Fire

Thursday, September 13, 2018



SEPTEMBER 13, 2018



 ~~moving between realms

Gateways work at many levels and conditions. We have Gates between the conscious and subconscious minds. We have Gates between perceived potentials and physically manifest ones. They are pressurized differently, and activated differently.

Gateways mark places where the conditions from one side to the other are different, sometimes, remarkably different. The more different each side is, the more difficult it is to affect the Gateway.

Imagine a Gateway between waters: on one side, the waters are clear blue and low; on the other, the higher waters are sharp with currents and filled with unfriendly parasites. One wouldn’t want to approach the Gateway—on either side—and make assumptions for what is unseen and unknown of the side opposite. You must ask the Gatekeeper for help.

Gatekeepers are charged with keeping or disseminating information between the two meeting realms. Whether that be mortal life and death, or spiritual states of sleep and wakefulness, the Gatekeeper can apprise the situation and decide whether or not you proceed. You must prove both your intention and your abilities.

To pass through a Gateway without being vetted can lead to disaster.

Let us say that someone you love has passed from the land of the living into the land where we exist as pure spirit. You miss that person. You long for them. You want to know that they are well and happy. Not knowing is causing you much grief and pain.

You must call out to the Gatekeeper who manages the Gateway between you and that knowledge. Mind, that we all have personal Gateways, as well as being subject to the larger, communal Gateways. Tell the Gatekeeper that you seek knowledge. Show that your heart is pure and your intentions true.

What may result is a feeling of peace, or the presence of your Earthly love. You did not need to cross the Gateway. You have engaged the Gatekeeper, and the Gatekeeper (or Gatekeepers), has responded to your need. The knowledge from the other side has been gifted to you without any need to travel.

You will find much discourse can happen just this way: by asking your High Self, your Gatekeeper, your spirit guides, and your Tribe. Ask that knowledge from the other side of a Gateway be brought to you. Benefit from every garden, no matter its location.

Rather than moving between actual realms, move between the realms of your mind. Rather than traveling, sit ready to receive what is needed. Travel through projection and receptivity.

Your Gatekeeper, and Great All’s Gatekeepers, have been established as osmotic borders to ensure safety and peace. Request what is needed and accept with gratitude.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archive: September 13, 2018

 Posts are organized with the newest Illumination appearing first. You may go to the bottom of the blog post to choose the next newest or older post, or choose from the alphabetical list of subject matters, which appears at the right margin. 

visuals by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, September 12, 2018



SEPTEMBER 12, 2018


 ~~mirroring High Ideals

Creations which express the Highest Good inspire others to reach above their current comfort and skill levels. The Mimesis of beauty, strength, and courage may be exuded through visual, language-expressed, or tactile means, actually shifting the pathways in and out of the core programming. 

Immersing oneself in beautiful art, music, or story can alert the Gatekeeper that change is desired. Remember a time that a story moved you to tears, or had you feeling the character’s experiences in your own body. Remember the indrawn breath of encountering a sculpture or painting that evermore shifted how you see the world. Feel the swell of joy or exultation as brought on by a vocal performance or powerful piece of music. You were changed.

How were you changed? Did you seek to produce art yourself? Did you problem-solve differently, or grow compassionate for the Earth’s fragile beauty?

When you connect with the Mimesis, inviting change and wisdom, attaining the Highest Ideals will make the most immediate change, and also create the largest ripple effect. Create that which gives others pause, that which causes others to feel Life’s magic.

When your Creations are paramount to making Earth a paradise, you operate through Love—and that pathway is noble and far-reaching. Let your art be the Mimesis for the inexhaustible ways we may express Love, Inclusion, Compassion, and Forgiveness. Let the Mimesis reflect not only what is, but what may ideally BE.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 12, 2018

Kelpies of Scotland courtesy of BBC

Tuesday, September 11, 2018



SEPTEMBER 11, 2018



 ~~seeking what is veiled

Your closest advisors, spiritual guides, wise elders, and inner knowing, are always at hand to help problem-solve—and your Nous, the philosophic mind/intellect, is the conductor of the Brain Trust, keeping the incoming information orderly. Your Nous accepts or rejects material; it inspects for quality; it discharges that which is below Its standards.

How wily is the world? How much misinformation is currently circulating? How much of what you see and hear conflicts with your core programs, and with your Nous?

If you base your life and your actions on false paradigms, you live falsely. That is not to say that you live in conflict, for every living soul does that. So many cultures in the world are opposed to one another. So many people disagree regarding what is valuable and what is dross. 

All of this is surface condition. You must look deeper to see what is True, what transcends everything social and ephemeral, to find the deep and pervasive subset that is the same in All Creation.

You are who you are at birth: a baby beget by the melding of two. The parental influence is in your aura, and as you grow, their habits and beliefs strongly influence you. And at some point previous to your adulthood, you begin to separate, establishing your own habits and beliefs. You grow further from your core, but your core still exists in full integrity, waiting to be re-discovered.

The Nous, being the conductor of your Brain Trust, gives you glimpses throughout life: who you are; what you are; what is the world; what you came to do. The Nous wants you to put aside the world’s chaos, and come to the core. Come to the place where all Creatures can meet and mingle in harmony. Come to the Truth. Come to the Everlasting.

It is the Nous who responds when you ask the question: is there more in this Life? what is my purpose? what is real and true? It is the Nous who parts the veil and welcomes you inside.

Seek wisdom and love. Grow compassion. Engage your Nous to challenge you, enlighten you, and set your path straight. The greatest Gatekeeper awaits your request.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 11, 2018


Posts are organized with the newest Illumination appearing first. You may go to the bottom of the blog post to choose the next newest or older post, or choose from the alphabetical list of subject matters, which appears at the right margin. 

visuals by Walks With Fire