~~wisdom high and low
In the Concourse, where many come to deliver and share knowledge, there are wise and noble counselors. Given many names, you may think of them as a Shepherd or Shepherdess—a benevolent caretaker that not only guides, but also foresees what is just ahead in order to avoid undue damage to the flock.
These wise Masters oversee many, and are essential in planning routes for travel and mitigation. They confer with your Spirit Guides, your Tribe, and in some cases, your High Self, in order that you may maximize your Life experience.
One of their symbols, the powerful and ancient crook, symbolizes leadership, protection, and wisdom. It is represented in Egyptian dynasties from 10,000 years past, in yogic practices, in the medical caduceus, and in churches worldwide. It indicates the travel and use of energy to nourish the body.
With time and attention, you may know the Shepherd or Shepherdess who most frequently works with your Tribe. That caretaker is unique, and their wisdoms are sought and dispensed with the flavor of Who and What they are. If your Tribe is comprised primarily of communicators, your Gatekeepers, including your Shepherdess/ Shepherd will also be focused primarily on communication, and so forth.
Great All is not a seething chaos, as you may believe. It is ruled through minute and infinite order, a Song that contains All and knows All, that has wisely ordered every level of existence.
Knowing that, do not worry that your Life is wrong, unseen, or misunderstood. We see and know you. We eternally and unconditionally Love you.
While you may never meet the Hall of Concordance’s highest Gatekeepers during your incarnation, you may be sure that They are aware of You, so be grateful for these noble guardians and guides.
No word is uttered that they do not transcribe.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: September 17, 2018
visuals by Walks With Fire