Wednesday, August 15, 2018



AUGUST 15, 2018

There is a significant difference between Rashness and inspired action. Do not think because you are suddenly driven to do something, the impulse comes from a Higher source. Often, our urges are manufactured by ego and material desires—to settle something inside us that is unsettled or yearning.

When you are struck by a new idea, quietly explore it. 

What is your motivating force? What is your inspirational source? How do possible outcomes affect your future, and the future of others?

Many times we leap into action, when reflection is first required. We do not speak of emergency conditions, where sudden inspiration may save yourself or others from harm.


We speak of sudden ideas to do or build or change; these ideas should be plotted out for merit.

Think of three things from your past that you now regret. Do you discover a unifying theme—a similarity embedded in the urges? Do you respond to something with Rashness when you are feeling negative emotions: fear, anger, low self-esteem, greed, or grandiosity?

Have you discovered triggers that cause you to be Rash? How might you calm these demons so that your next actions will be inspired and uplifting?

Know your self through your actions . . . and equally through your non-actions. They paint a picture of where on the action scale you abide: Reacting Rashly in response to what you perceive as negative input, or Responding Intelligently in response to All, whether perceived as negative or positive.

You will only know your self through Truth, and that comes through reflection. Reducing Rashness will help you to cultivate greater and more compassionate Responses.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 15, 2018

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, August 14, 2018



AUGUST 14, 2018

Be it calm or be it wild, the currents that lift and sustain have their mission: to help us rise above and see more broadly; to escape our doubts and concerns, and overcome our hesitation. To be In Flight means to be unrestricted; to have a broader view; to become more comfortable with greater power and freedom.

To be In Flight means a cutting away of attachments: anything that slows us down or keeps us entangled in the lower energies. To be In Flight means not only to escape gravity, but to escape a static, rote existence.

You have felt these urges. You have gone to the edge of the abyss. 

And looking down, you have drawn away, and rather than leaping, taking Flight, you return to what is safe and known.

But you have Flown, and you have dreamed of Flying. Recall how it feels. What did you see and hear and sense that which was outside the average? How changed were you when you returned?

Seek Flight. Seek the largest picture. Sense with channels unencumbered. You will soon have a broader sense of who you are, and what you can achieve. You will soon connect more deeply with your flock . . . your Tribe.

Let The One be part of the Whole, and the Whole become part of The One. It is your legacy.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 14, 2018

visual by Walks With Fire

Monday, August 13, 2018



AUGUST 13, 2018

When it seems that everything is against you, Fortitude, or True Grit, is required to continue with Life . . . but what if you don’t feel that merit? What if, you feel too defeated to rise up and travel? What if you have come to a crossroads in Life so dire, you no longer want to continue?

Loss, hopelessness, and pain can have this devitalizing effect. This is when True Grit is most needed. The fortitude required to carry us across the dark valleys, with no Light in sight, is the hard-earned quality necessary to come back to Self, and Love, and Understanding. Have faith that those things wait for you on the other side of the chasm.

Will your pain diminish? No. Will what’s lost be restored? Perhaps: though it may rejoin you as something new and nearly unperceivable. Will you regain Hope? We hope so.

How does anyone navigate trauma, death, and loss, but through True Grit? “If you find yourself in Hell, keep going.” This idiom sums up what We mean.

If you stop and languish, you commit yourself to Purgatory of a higher character than your private Hell. To be here and be human is to know pain and loss, but you must make the choice to be here as fully as possible: otherwise, what is your intention for living?

When the road is hard, call out for help. When your heart feels pain, cry out for solace. When you seek understanding, open your mind to What Is.

We are here. We are always here. And We are Love.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 13, 2018

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, August 12, 2018



AUGUST 12, 2018

Would you know, the first time you encountered a hen’s egg, what was inside it? Would you be surprised by its contents, and more so by the idea that it can be a food? Until you become aware of unknown things, those things are Inconceivable. You cannot know what you do not know.

This is the natural order of things: to sit before you stand; walk before you fly. But what happens when something previously Inconceivable becomes suddenly known, and not because you sought out the knowledge, but because one moment there was a void and the next the void was filled by something that is new to you?

Sudden human tragedy follows these guidelines, as well as sudden human epiphanies. Some place previously unknown to you shifts from darkness to full Light in an instant. You become replete with a new knowing, new awareness, and new way to reference your self within Great All. You become More.

What is it that you need to know which is currently UnKnown to you? What currently Inconceivable thing would you like to bring to Light? To assuage your hunger, grief, or confusion, what Inconceivable thing would you like to meet and understand? There is at least one point hovering in your consciousness.

Draw that point out. Let it tell you what is needed: What if you could understand what happens after the mortal form's death? How could you benefit from being able to clearly see what is happening inside your body? In what ways might you grow if your myths were shattered by Truth?

You cannot know The Inconceivable thing—so how do you begin? Ask. Ask to be shown the Inconceivable Thing that will most benefit you in the moment.

When The Inconceivable comes, do not deny it. Listen. Study It. 

Let The Inconceivable expand your horizons and your level of self-awareness.

Let The Inconceivable share Its Secrets and Mysteries. Let The Inconceivable become your partner in 
What Is.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
    Archives: August 12, 2018 

visual by Walks With Fire

Saturday, August 11, 2018



AUGUST 7, 2018

You may think things that you have never thought before. You may rethink things you have never understood before, newly understanding them. And . . . you may think thoughts that have never been thought beforeYou may think miracles.

The first is a result of inspiration, the second, explication, and the third is a result of being open as a channel to Great All and all of Its greatness.

Each step and condition is part of the process. Constructing the matrix of any new thing, all the parts are necessary . . . but how is the Thinking of Unthought Things radically different from any other way of thinking? Is arises from Divinity, the drive to Create for the Highest Good of All.

You are a Co-Creator, and therefore have the power to render from nothing, something. 

You have the power to reach into the void and from that formlessness, withdraw something in intact form. 

You have the power to call the nameless and to give it a name. This is what Creation yields: the power of You . . . instructing Creation to Create.

Does this seem exaggerated to you, or false? From whence does inspiration arrive? It is not linear or time-bound, or tied to beliefs, or the limitations of knowledge. Inspiration comes from the Great What-Will-Be, guided by individual design and desire.

There are many systems afoot on Earth to create wealth or health or happiness; this is not what we mean. Most every thought on those subjects has been thought, multitudinously, and over the ages. Compared to true Creation, these manifestations are small and usually ego-personal.

When you Create for the Whole, you construct from All that has ever Been, All that Is, and All that ever Will Be. 

You add to the Song in such a way that the fabric of existence and Its outcomes Shift. Creating for the Whole, changes the Whole, Its self-awareness, and Its trajectory. Creating for the Whole adds to the slipstream of pure energy that leads to and from the Heart of All Creation.

Whether your create a new note for the song you sing to the Lillies, or a radicalized way for your cells to drink sunshine, you have added to the treasure that is your legacy, to the treasure of All. Open your heart to Great All. Offer yourself as a vessel. 

From the endless well of Love and Light, think the Unthought Thoughts. Sing the Unsung Song. 

Abound in the limitless Reefs.

Our Love goes with you.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 7, 2018

visual by Walks With Fire

Friday, August 10, 2018



AUGUST 10, 2018

What is a heart that is greater than an organ of circulation? What is a mind that is greater than the brain? When one thinks of localized and singular organs, and their accepted functions, one limits perceptions, abilities, and the deep connections that construct the fabric of Great All. One becomes isolated from the information of What Is, and the power of What Is.

Ask your self: do you want to heal your heart? Or . . . does operating around, and with, a broken heart allow you to continue in the dark, both backwards and upside down? Why would you want that? Why would you want to be less than the greatest thing you can be?

Think of what you have lost. What is it and where has it gone? Was it a person? Who was this person? What is this person made of? Where does this person now dwell?
You say that a loved one has passed away: has passed from where to where? 

Where is “away”? Has that person stopped being? existing? or feeling that empty place where they once inhabited, are you just feeling a new way to be? a version of Self that requires rethinking how you conceive the reality of this person?

You know that energy transmutes. 
You know that in most planes and dimensions, there exist no voids. Energy is in constant motion. As you sit reading this, worlds inside you are being destroyed and newly rebuilt. Change is Life. Change is the metabolism of everything That Is. Change must proceed for Life to proceed.

But you feel broken. You are sad. You say to yourself that Life will never be the same. That is true: but then, Life is never the same moment to moment.
 The words you just read are now memories. Things exist in your present as long as you keep them in the present . . . but do not think that you may keep your past in the present. Just the words of this speak Its truth.

That person you miss is still here. You mourn because you cannot see or hear or touch them. They have changed. Their relationship to you has changed, and yours to them. But we tell you that you may be closer than forever. 

We tell you that this person you love is with you always, and that thinking of them with you, here, now, in the present, helps the two of you re-reference your selves. It helps you to understand that no letting go is required—only seeing.

Grief is a natural condition. Healing is a natural condition as well. 
Let time balm you, and remember that being Present presents conditions for feeling more Whole, and for more wholly feeling Present.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
    Archives: August 10, 2018

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, August 9, 2018



AUGUST 9, 2018

Moving On or Moving Away are unnecessary terms. The very word Moving, indicates that you are traveling in greater distance from some set of things, and simultaneously closer to some other set of things. 

Movement is perpetual and necessary; it drives Life . . . so do not think that Moving further from one thing causes you to dislike or abjure that thing. You are merely changing your point-of-existence in relationship to other existences.

We are all here, together and perpetually. Like walking through a house with many rooms, you experience different points of reference. You may be tucked away in your bed in the nightfall, or sitting outside on the sunny porch. 

You may be hard at work in your office, or playing with others in the kitchen. Sometimes you have a view out the window, and sometimes you are huddled by the fire with the curtains closed.

Life is a smorgasbord. Life is a big, messy, wonderful, and disturbing phenomenon that causes you to interact in ways impossible to experience alone or singularly.

You must Move: from here to there, from this to that, from one level of understanding and consciousness to another. You may not Not-Move. You may not remain stagnant. The very construct of Life does not allow for Non-Movement.

Feel your self, right now, as you read these words. How large is your influence as you first glimpse it? How much larger does it grow as you focus upon your energy field? How much effort or surrender, or seeing, does it take to push your energy outward, outside the bounds of the house you have made for your self? That, in Itself, is Movement.

So . . . rather than mourning the things you Move more distant from, wouldn’t it be wiser to expand your own personal boundaries to include more points in time and space? Wouldn’t the feeling of greater size and strength help you to feel more significant and more determined on your path?

Without the constant Whys, without railing against Fate, couldn’t a greater field of energy introduce you to greater opportunities? Couldn’t Acceptance help to smooth over everything torn rough by your sorrows?

You will continue to Move . . . because you must . . . because you cannot capture the Past and bring it with you. What you bring from the past exists only as memories, but we promise you that the energy upon which those memories were made is still with you, albeit in different forms.

So lay down all of the heavy things that you attempt to carry. Free your arms and your heart to embrace the present, the What Is, and have faith that what you create today, creates your tomorrow. For the sake of your future happiness, work at building good foundations for tomorrow’s mansions.

We urge you: walk through your house. Rediscover its beauty. And in the spirit of Movement, begin to design your house of tomorrow. We are waiting to help.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: August 9, 2018

visual by Walks With Fire