Be it calm or be it wild, the currents that lift and sustain have their mission: to help us rise above and see more broadly; to escape our doubts and concerns, and overcome our hesitation. To be In Flight means to be unrestricted; to have a broader view; to become more comfortable with greater power and freedom.
To be In Flight means a cutting away of attachments: anything that slows us down or keeps us entangled in the lower energies. To be In Flight means not only to escape gravity, but to escape a static, rote existence.
You have felt these urges. You have gone to the edge of the abyss.
And looking down, you have drawn away, and rather than leaping, taking Flight, you return to what is safe and known.
But you have Flown, and you have dreamed of Flying. Recall how it feels. What did you see and hear and sense that which was outside the average? How changed were you when you returned?
Seek Flight. Seek the largest picture. Sense with channels unencumbered. You will soon have a broader sense of who you are, and what you can achieve. You will soon connect more deeply with your flock . . . your Tribe.
Let The One be part of the Whole, and the Whole become part of The One. It is your legacy.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: August 14, 2018
visual by Walks With Fire