How do you continue engaging your Life circumstance when it is painful and frightening, when you are tested at your core for what you believe, and of what you are capable? Even the hero must know his limits of courage and patience. At the highest tensile strengths, the best metals will bend and snap. How far will Fortitude take you? When is a Miracle required?
First: what is Fortitude—in its essence? Say that you were born with a handicap. Perhaps that handicap causes you physical pain. At some point, that physical pain will also cause you emotional pain, as you will likely exclude yourself from some life activities in which you wish to be included. A great Fortitude of patience and strength is needed.
For a soldier, great Fortitude of courage and compassion are needed—and the qualities are different, depending on the situation. Does the soldier fight to defend? Is there a belief in this cause, or is there a sickening? How is the soldier affected by what is seen and experienced? How is the soldier affected by his or her actions?
What about responsibility? Have you raised your siblings, where your parents could not, only to raise your own children, then grandchildren, then become responsible for your irresponsible parents? How much Fortitude, and what kinds, are required for those tasks?
Fortitude is the ability to carry on despite great burden, loss of hope, fear, and pain. Why is it some are blessed with this quality and some are not? Why are some blessed with great Fortitude, and how do they come to this state? Is it Nature or Nurture? On this scale of having none, and having a great amount of Fortitude, where do you sit—in a factored sense? That is, if you averaged your abilities to apply Fortitude, in general in your life, on a 1-10 scale, at what number to do believe yourself to currently rate?
Have you focus? Tenacity? Do you set clear goals and stick with the plan? Do you ask for help when it is needed? Do you admit to mistakes when you become aware of the mistakes, and adjust your plans accordingly? Do you allow yourself to learn from others, barring all beliefs as to the source of knowledge, such as the wisdom of deep listening, clear seeing, or learning from someone whom you believe is uneducated, or somehow “below you” in social rank or standing?
Even children, sometimes especially children, can offer wisdom. With their less complicated seeing and hearing, their opinions are quite often unbungled by political and social maneuvering. Listen to your world. And listen to your Self. Is the world against you? Or when you are required to apply Fortitude, is it that You are against the circumstances? Be clear on this.
Sometimes, we apply Fortitude to a condition that we, ourselves, have manifested. By blind sight, greed, deafness, attachments, or false accusations, we sometimes find ourselves in a place of fighting invisible demons—called up by programs we have instigated. We are fighting our own army of hostiles! When you are required to call upon Fortitude, first ask yourself if Fortitude is required—or if there is some adjustment that can be made in the construct of things that will smooth the way.
The Factors of Fortitude are many. What Is. What You Believe. What Can Be. Who you are and who you are surrounded by are also big Factors in what strengths you must apply in your Life. We live as part of a divine tapestry.
Think of the ways and situations in which you currently apply Fortitude. Is Fortitude required? How much of what you battle is real? What is assumed, and what are shadow boxers? Quite often, in untangling any problem-set methodically, we begin to see its core, and at its core we can come to understand it in new ways—and therefore begin to relate to it in new ways.
Fortitude, in general, is a fine quality, but liken to certain kinds of tenacity, we can become mired in its illusions. You would no more want to be mired in your physical handicaps—in a tenacity of beliefs about those handicaps—than you would want to be decorated for martyrdom of Fortitude in withstanding a handicap that could be improved—would you?
Forward motion is crucial to your Spirit’s growth. When Fortitude serves this, it is good.
When you apply Tenacity, using it as Fortitude, to stay weak and static, forward motion stops. Grow your Spirit. Check in with your Life conditions and how you Factor Fortitude. Even in suffering, it is the Divine plan to keep moving forward, to become Higher, Lighter, and Brighter.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: May 20, 2015
visual by Walks With Fire