How do you wake, and what is your attitude as you lie down to sleep? Are you centered in satisfaction and accomplishment more often than ideas of failure and feelings of stress? Is your purpose clear? Do you feel that Life makes sense? What is Life? What is it to Live? How do you know that you are Alive?
Look at happy children. What do they hold back? Left together at play, do you witness the ease with which children find their common ground together? Unless taught to withhold, for the greater part, children share a genuine and sincere version of themselves with others. They enjoy small pleasures. They respond to Life with authentic emotion.
How do you respond to your Life? Do you meet your Life each day determined to be awake, aware, and engaged with what it offers? Do you take responsibility for your Self, your behavior, your thoughts, your actions, and the repercussions of how you involve your Self in Life? Are you genuine . . . or are you an actor, a hypocrite, a martyr, or a victim? Do you live your Life, or do you let the stream of Life toss you about like flotsam?
You have this one chance to be this singular person in this incarnation, here on earth, living this Life. This is an honor and opportunity. As much as possible, choose how you will Live this Life: with what goals, attitude, level, and depth. You will not choose everything that happens in your Life, nor will you have the grace to merely respond to, rather than react to, each event as you encounter it. Do your best.
There are many reasons to be here, Living. They are all valid. They are not all necessarily positive or helpful—not in the eyes of All—or in the eyes of many.
Who are You? How will this Life remember you? In the Great Hall, where the records and memories of You are written, what will be scribed of this Life? You are the author. You will take what you are given, including the interruptions, blessings and tragedies, and forge your story.
Feel the pen in your hand. What have you to say about this Life? Living is not a passive activity. Living is not mere mortal survival—the awareness of occupying space. To write your Life, you must first read it, as a reader comes to the story, as an open vessel.
Read today. Write tomorrow. Only you can forge this story. And where goes your pen, there go your thoughts. And where go thoughts, goes energy. Let the energy that is Spirit guide your pen. As you read, hear that Song, and as you write, Sing it . . .
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: May 11, 2015
photo by Fuu J on Unsplash