Sometimes, the brilliance of full Light is daunting, requiring you to stand in the Shade, where there is a blending of darkness and sun. Is this the gray area, or a commingling? This is dependent upon personal perception.
In order to stand in the Shade, to step away from what is daunting and see two sides of some matter, you must be able to organize your thought and perception processes to understand clearly each aspect on any debatable point or condition. This is an art to be mastered, and achieving High results is based on not only the quality of available data, but the quality of your time and attention, and your ability to quantify that data comparatively, rationally, emotionally, and spiritually—across the boundaries of time, culture, belief, bias, and fears.
In the Shade, you are in the filtering of direct Light. This effect is created by the interjection of objects between you, tangible—and sometimes UNtangible. You may be standing in the Light, and still filtering its rays through the UNtangible effects of your own beliefs and ideas, that create osmotic-type properties which allow certain bits of information to pass through, and disallow other bits.
As certain as there is a cycle of Day and Night/ Light and Darkness, there is a cycle in you similar to your Circadian (mammalian) rhythms, that guides you through the exhalation and inhalation of new ideas. These rhythms and breaths help to re-create you. You have experienced these moments and called them epiphanies and wonderments. When you have been in the presence of miracles or considered yourself spontaneously enlightened by something, you have felt the Light full upon you, UNimpeded by the filters of Shade.
Shade has its purpose, and its purpose is not to let idle the conditions and points to be made by the Light or the Darkness. Do not sit in the Shade and say: Both the Light and the Dark are wrong, and therefore only this condition in the middle can be right, or safe, or comfortable. The very alive sparks of the Dark and Light are present, there with you and dancing. They are books to be read; songs to be heard and sung. They witness you.
What then, is Shade? Shade is opportunity. Consider it a comfort throne, a place where you may abide and study the particles of Light and Dark, seeking out that which they would teach you. They dance together—not opposed even as opposites—but symbiotic. They will tell you of your own conditions of Shade, those places inside you where the Dark and Light dance, where commingled properties meet to make master plans for the further unfolding of Great All.
Shade is a gift. A time to study. Shade is not a distractant. It is not dilute. It is a masterful singing of two powerful forces, meeting and playing out, inviting your study.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: April 10, 2015
photo by iuliu illes on Unsplash