Sunday, March 15, 2015



MARCH 15, 2015

As you were first created, Sung into Creation, your harmonies were blended from, and into, the harmonies of Great All.  This is Your First Song.  It is your base vibration, a complex blend of everything that is You at the moment of your making.  

And each time you are re-made, a perpetual process, your Song evolves.
But your First Song is always there, singing You.

When you are quiet and still, listening to the music of Great All, part of what you hear is your current Song, and part of what you hear is your First Song.  When you feel lost or confused, listen for your First Song, that undiluted blueprint of You that was envisioned by your Creators.  All of the hopes of You are in that First Song:  what you may do and how you will contribute.

The First Song is your birth blessing.  It is your Guidance Prayer.  It is your homing device.  All things can be answered through your First Song.  Seek it when you are weary.  Let it fill and lift you.

Let your First Song re-Sing to you, the beauty of Home.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 15, 2015

photo by  Marvelous Raphael  on Unsplash

Tuesday, March 3, 2015



MARCH 3, 2015

Intuition can lead you into many places, but it is Skill that will keep you there working and producing results.  To be a ‘Jack of All Trades –and- Master of None’ has its spice of adventure, but without applied dedication, one might find that achievement will never be gained in mortal life at the level needed or desired to accomplish what is sought.

Without applied focus, Intuition can help you only in the moment.  Work is needed, and applied over time, building skill upon skill will enable your Intuition to lead you into Higher realms and systems where greater achievements, understandings, and visions can be met yet again.

If you find you are drifting away from a central purpose, what is needed to bring back your awareness?  More than just Will alone, look for places where your personal energy is distracted.  As with Redemption—look for places where your personal energy is malignantly attached and draining away.  You must be present to apply Will and focus.

Even in cases where Skills are many, or few and rare—and Intuition is strong—to lack the personal energy for the application is to lack the energy to utilize other assets.  Take inventory of your Self and your energy body.

How much of You is at home and how much is walkabout? Start with this assessment.

Center your Self in Your Present. 

Heal what is porous and call home what has gone begging. 
Feel your Self grow Whole.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 3, 2015

photo by  Erick Butler on Unsplash

Monday, March 2, 2015



MARCH 2, 2015

To Redeem is to Release; for however you view the exchange made for atonement, you must be open to receiving that which you seek in the form of Redemption.  Do you see?  Just as Great All does not judge what you do or how you do it by levying forms of personal punishment, so it is true that Redemption is not a external forgiveness withheld until such time that payment has been made in kind for ‘debts owed.’

If you seek to be released from something to which you are tied, you must release your Self.  If constraints are problematic at a distant end—because you are entangled with another, or other persons—then you must work to be disentangled.  With few exceptions, once you become aware of an entanglement’s conditions, the focus narrows to cutting ties and releasing your energies.

Of course, if harm has been caused or done by you, to make retribution and adjust your behaviors, with sincere apologies given to those injured, not only does much in aiding your personal release, it is a just and compassionate behavior that teaches love.  We do not always do things in the Highest way, but we can apologize for things we might have done better, and make amends where possible.  We can also adjust our thoughts and behaviors to Higher conditions for future interactions.

~~  Seeking Redemption  ~~As thoughts are powerful structures, begin with your thoughts.  If you can add to improved thoughts, conversation, clarity increases.  If you will follow this with corrective action, greater shift occurs. 

If Redemption must be done only within yourself, be at peace.  There are ways to send your message of healing and forgiveness to others vibrationally, releasing yourself and the person(s) involved.** For today, open the doors and windows and let in the Light.  Guilt and Regret are words we use to say that something we have done in our past is not yet finished. 

In seeking Redemption, it is You who are the Force for Good, but You must Begin.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 2, 2015

**With pure intention and repetition, your skills in distant well-wishing will grow.

photo by Fabian Burghardt on Unsplash

Sunday, March 1, 2015



  ~~using power points for knowledge and growth

When there is a clear line drawn between two points, there is sometimes a need for Stopping.  Beneath your feet in particular locations, there is a beat, a murmur, a secret, that you may feel only for an instant, and only in one place. This is often a matter of Timing.

This Stopping is not the same thing as being Silent or Still, though certainly you may benefit from silence and stillness as you absorb the message that your inner voice has asked you to Stop and gather. The points at which ley lines and nodes cross beneath your feet in the Earth are liken to these points in your life: points where lines of travel and intention cross, expand, and interact, giving unto one another atomic reactions that happen only briefly.

If one were to step across these power places, one would miss drawing them upward into the Self and benefitting from what they have to offer. When was the last time your inner voice cried out to you, “STOP!” and so urgent was its call you obeyed?  As you obeyed, you saw, felt and experienced the reasoning for this imperative . . . 

Whether Stopping saves you from rushing into the fray maladaptively prepared, slows your Timing in order that you may perfectly meet with something of benefit, or points out to you a sacred place to press your feet for exchange, be assured that Stopping, consciously done, is not the same as freezing, or refusing to move forward.

Stopping to smell the roses; Stopping to get your bearings; Stopping to see both the forest and the trees; the horizon and the foreground, are tiny samplings of these gifts. As we conclude these words with you, try Stopping where you are. Notice one Sacred Thing.

In Stopping, what Sacred Thing spoke to You?

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: March 1, 2015

Photo by sudarshan poojary on Unsplash

Friday, February 27, 2015



FEBRUARY 27, 2015

We give Memory its own life through Animism. Complete with its own set of senses, Memories become worlds, peopled and driven by agendas, conspiracies, desires, fears, beliefs, and hopes.  Notice that once we have “made” a Memory, we only partially release it. We never stand fully outside it, until we become a spectator to it; at that point, it may cease to be.

Look at any event and the people involved and influenced by the event—those able to “make” a Memory of it. No two persons will “make” the same Memory. If the event is such that there are conquerors and the conquered, think of how different those Memories of that event will be. When a natural disaster rages, how different are the Memories of those who lost nothing and those who lost all?

How different is it in death when a parent loses the child, and the child loses the parent? Do you see that every event becomes animated by those “making” the Memory? For indeed, we do “make” Memories, as Co-Creators and Creators.

How skilled a Memory-Maker are you? When you review your life events, how many of your Memories are accurate portrayals of what happened—in terms of unbiased reporting (if such a thing exists)—and how many Memories are skewed according to your Beliefs, emotions, and personal interests? Can one “make” a Memory without skewing it? In all reality, no.

   Think of a Memory you have made in your past that has changed as you have changed. 

   Think of Memory that has changed as your world has changed. 

Think of a Memory that has changed as the person or circumstance around which the memory centers, has changed. Possibly, when you first made a Memory, you Believed certain things that you no longer Believe, or that are no longer true—and this requires you to review your Memory—and change it as appropriate to your newly acquired knowledge.

This is a sign of growth.

Have you visited a childhood place that you remembered being very large, tall, or threatening, only to find that your current perception is very different? You’ll find yourself returning to your Memories and recalibrating them, automatically. This is true for other conditions as well. Perhaps you judged someone harshly, and in recalibrating Memories from a greater vantage point, understand that their brusque guidance was meant to protect you, or later learn that you were not unloved by someone, but were in a condition yourself of being unable to open to love.

What are Memories, but stories that you have made? Memories change as you change them, as the world changes them. Try today to live your life so that tomorrow’s stories—tomorrow’s Memories—will be a sacred testament to Living Life Well.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
    Archives: February 27, 2015

photo by  Nikolas Noonan on Unsplash

Thursday, February 26, 2015



FEBRUARY 26, 2015

 ~~considering the crossroads of influence

Each and every thing has its season and purpose. For anything to collude, collide, co-join, or circumvent at the most auspicious moment, Timing is central. But . . . how does one tell which moment is most auspicious for which occurrence?

Who are You today as compared to yesterday? Who do you believe You will be tomorrow? Growth is not necessarily a steady, upward scale, not in terms of Belief and awareness. One must factor in environment, purpose, vibration, in-come, and out-go to each formulaic consideration. What tasks may benefit you today may be disastrous tomorrow, or might have been more helpful yesterday. 

There is a sensation at your core, harmony and non-harmony, that when tuned into and listened to from a state of quiet contemplation, will tell you how You are currently potentiated for any task, interaction, or development. That ‘gut feeling’, premonition, or precognitive sensation that you have in relation to considering action is what you must consider. That will tell you whether the Timing for some thing is auspicious or maligned.

Think of the trapeze artist. Fractions of seconds count in success and failure of the objective. Many objectives in your life are as sensitive, whether or not you consider them as such. If you feel you are constantly swimming against the current, stop to consider your Timing. Look at Your calibrations. How do your expectations meet with your results, and merge with your planning?

Complete difficult tasks at times where your particular strengths for the tasks are peaking. Rest when rest is needed, particularly before difficult tasks. If you have been swimming against the current for a very long time, perhaps you should exit the water and view things from the shore. 

Once your perspective is clear again, you may allow Timing to show you a better portal into which you may enter, and hopefully swim with the current rather than against it.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 26, 2015

photo by  Brooke Campbell on Unsplash

Wednesday, February 25, 2015



FEBRUARY 25, 2015

No flower on Earth evokes greater potential than does the Lotus; none is surrounded by greater mythologies and lore; none is connected to, or equated with, more spiritual knowledge and attainment. Considering this, let us discuss The Lotus.

See your Self as We see You—as a body of Light and potential. Imagine that, while on Earth, you are rooted there in its soils, in its muds and densities. Imagine that at times this feels nurturing, to have your feet so planted; at times it is disturbing. How grows this beautiful flower from this blackened mud? How bloom these fair petals from this dark water?

Is this the nature of Life and Transmutation: to take from bodies of potential, certain things, and render them into certain others things, causing them to shine forward as beacons? Yes. This is one goal. As Co-Creator, part of You is constantly seeking this High Ideal. That is why We tell You, that even in times of darkness, worry not, for there is always a connection kept live and aware between your roots and the Light—and it will bloom.

Imagine your body as the stem of this Lotus; its roots as your connections to Great All. Imagine that its tiniest fibers are your most sensitive connections, filtering through What Is, seeking out that which you will Know and that which you will use to build that next thing; that next thing which You will Become. Imagine the Light growing in you. Imagine the Potential building inside You.

Imagine that the Lotus flower, closed and sleeping, is readying itself to unfurl. This energy, potentializing throughout your spine, is moving upward, downward, and spirally along your etheric and physical spine. Imagine that the base of your Lotus is positioned at the base of your skull, providing a gateway between what is physical and what is astral; between what is mortal and what is eternal; between what is known and what will soon be remembered.

Imagine The Lotus opening. Feel the Light revealing itself, petal upon petal, inhabiting all levels of Your Self, re-making both Who-You-Are and What-You-Are

You become the flower that knows its eternity, that neither strives nor hungers, that made of Light and Love, shines forth.

You are The Lotus.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 25, 2015

 photo by  Yi Duo on Unsplash