When you decide to study something, how do you go about it? Is there a first, close observation made by self-inspection, or has attention been drawn to something by an external source? That is, do you self-motivate to study, or do you study in response to something your environment has shown you is necessary, optimal, or urgent?
Some learning is done as a natural course of growth: learning to walk and talk and socialize. Some is done to increase chances for survival: food gathering, shelter, mates, self-protection. Other skills are acquired, at first, merely for pleasure: dancing, singing, swimming, star-gazing, and the like—even though the skill sets gained might add to other, less ‘frivolous’ skill sets.
If you wanted to make a hook onto which you could hang your coat, you might find a piece of limb on the forest floor already shaped for the task, and merely trim it. With greater skills and better tools, you might look for harder wood, and after harvesting it, trim the wood to exact specifications. If your coat was very heavy, or you had many coats to hang, perhaps you might choose metal instead, and that fabrication process would be more complex yet.
Still, the process of making a coat hook from metal, is far below the understanding and skills needed to forge a very fine sword from metal—is it not? This is the difference between illuminating ideas in an essay form and in Treatise. And there is a leap again between Treatise and deep study, and then again, mastery, of any subject.
Understand, that in reaching out to you, we walk in the woods together. We make conversation. We point out to you some things on the forest floor, or perhaps in the growth around you. We do not seek here to lead you to any great or deep understandings, but to merely make you aware of something that you have perhaps, not taken notice of, or given your attention to in any measure for some time. We give you direction.
Connecting with your High Self is a perpetual condition, but one that sometimes exhausts the conscious mind. Programs run beneath programs. You become so used to them, they are invisible, and so sometimes you believe they are gone—but they are never gone. It can be tiring, listening in to what High Self wants and needs, for it so often conflicts with what the smaller self, or Earthly self, wants and needs.
How can we help you? Through gentle reminders. Do not worry that each and every thing we say should be made into Treatise, here or in your own mind, or in your own Life. This is not possible. Truly, you may deeply study only one thing at a time—otherwise you are not deeply studying.
We are here with you. This journey is ours, together. We encourage. We shine light.
We remind you that we were made in Love and are forevermore, connected by Love. For today, let Love be your Treatise. Think deeply on that sublime condition. And now, feel it....
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: February 2, 2015
visual by Walks With Fire