Monday, February 2, 2015



FEBRUARY 02, 2015

When you decide to study something, how do you go about it?  Is there a first, close observation made by self-inspection, or has attention been drawn to something by an external source?  That is, do you self-motivate to study, or do you study in response to something your environment has shown you is necessary, optimal, or urgent?

Some learning is done as a natural course of growth: learning to walk and talk and socialize.  Some is done to increase chances for survival: food gathering, shelter, mates, self-protection.  Other skills are acquired, at first, merely for pleasure: dancing, singing, swimming, star-gazing, and the like—even though the skill sets gained might add to other, less ‘frivolous’ skill sets.

If you wanted to make a hook onto which you could hang your coat, you might find a piece of limb on the forest floor already shaped for the task, and merely trim it.  With greater skills and better tools, you might look for harder wood, and after harvesting it, trim the wood to exact specifications.  If your coat was very heavy, or you had many coats to hang, perhaps you might choose metal instead, and that fabrication process would be more complex yet.

Still, the process of making a coat hook from metal, is far below the understanding and skills needed to forge a very fine sword from metal—is it not?  This is the difference between illuminating ideas in an essay form and in Treatise.  And there is a leap again between Treatise and deep study, and then again, mastery, of any subject.

Understand, that in reaching out to you, we walk in the woods together.  We make conversation.  We point out to you some things on the forest floor, or perhaps in the growth around you.  We do not seek here to lead you to any great or deep understandings, but to merely make you aware of something that you have perhaps, not taken notice of, or given your attention to in any measure for some time.  We give you direction.

Connecting with your High Self is a perpetual condition, but one that sometimes exhausts the conscious mind.  Programs run beneath programs.  You become so used to them, they are invisible, and so sometimes you believe they are gone—but they are never gone.  It can be tiring, listening in to what High Self wants and needs, for it so often conflicts with what the smaller self, or Earthly self, wants and needs.

How can we help you?  Through gentle reminders.  Do not worry that each and every thing we say should be made into Treatise, here or in your own mind, or in your own Life.  This is not possible.  Truly, you may deeply study only one thing at a time—otherwise you are not deeply studying.

We are here with you.  This journey is ours, together.  We encourage.  We shine light.  

We remind you that we were made in Love and are forevermore, connected by Love.  For today, let Love be your Treatise.  Think deeply on that sublime condition.  And now, feel it....

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 2, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, February 1, 2015



FEBRUARY 01, 2015

Harmony occurs when influences come into and enjoy, Alignment.  Often, this condition is thought of in spatial terms, but we speak of conditions that are deeper, that of vibration.

When you gaze at the stars, noticing their Alignment, one to the other, do you see that in their aspects, there is more harmony and less harmony—or degrees of harmony—between their bodies and fluctuations?  

Some of this is created by perception:  that angle of viewing from which they are perceived; the perceiver; and the current state of what is being perceived.  Some of this is created by the actual vibration, or attunement, of each body, and how that attunement reacts with other bodies and influences.

When you enter upon spaces that are populated by other active vibrations, you notice your Alignment, or Mis-Alignment with the other entities.  Certain waves will sing well with your own, and certain waves will disrupt your Song.  When the effect occurs at either end of the spectrum, you will take immediate note of this:  “Your influence causes me to feel very comfortable or elevated,” –or— “Your influence causes me to feel very uncomfortable or threatened.”

This is why certain places and spaces feel nurturing to you and other spaces feel hostile.  This is why you are attracted to certain persons or objects and repelled by others.  We bring this to your attention this morning, because mastering the principles of Alignment adds value to your Life and that of your community.

You have been in places that felt holy.  You have been in the presence of persons who made you feel calm and capable.  That is because, something in those Alignments spoke to your First Song, and reminded you of the Love that Great All has for you in unending abundance.

Taking the principles of Alignment:  weaving into a space, the very highest of vibrations, soon subsumes the lower vibrations.  All of Creation gathered into this net, dances with the joy of it.  It is Eden, remembered.

How is this done?  Through feeling.  Your heart knows the way.  Start with one small space:  an altar, or a prayer or meditation nook.  Decorate a bower under a tree.  Dedicate the stone around where beautiful flowers grow.  See it filled with Light and Love.  Lift it.

As confidence grows, start to lift dark places, and sad ones.  Give Light where it is Lightless and Love where it is Loveless.  Give Patience where only Harshness abides, and Courage where Fear treads.  Show through your Earthly labours, that the Creator of All has Love for All, and warriors aplently to spread this message.

Have you want for a better world?  Are you Aligned with Purpose?  Then, be you Aligned with Love.  Aligned with Love, no idea fails, no matter its time for homecoming . . .

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: February 1, 2015

 Photo by Gordon Williams on Unsplash

Saturday, January 31, 2015



JANUARY 31, 2015

You were born with an inner Authority, a knowing or wisdom, to tell you which thought, behavior, and act, is the highest one to follow in each circumstance you encounter.  Yes, some circumstances require close listening.  Some require willpower.  Many will require sacrifice.  This is part of the Life experience.  It builds character.

Sometimes you are swept away by emotions:  need, desire, fear.  You forget what you are here for, who are your companions, and what you have set out to do.  You put Self first.  You put what is material first.  You put first what is temporary above that which is Eternal, and what is illusion before that which is Manifest.

If you completed each task in your daily cache perfectly, you would likely not be enjoying this Earthly experience, but would be elsewhere doing otherwise.  Be present with your Self.  Notice how you think, believe, and do.  You are that Authority. 

Assess yourself.  Correct that which you would do in a higher way.  Perform with greater Love and Awareness, those things which can bring about change for all who are influenced by you.  Can One change the world?

Yes. That One is You.  You have that Authority.

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: January 31, 2015

visual by Walks With Fire

Saturday, December 27, 2014



DECEMBER 27, 2014

Your Ritual practices expose your Beliefs, and that exposes who you are currently busy pretending to be.  Do you know who that is at this moment?

Is this character in the play a person whom you would be proud to know and glad to spend time with?  Do they possess things of value to share, from which you can learn and illuminate your life?  Are they wise and kind and compassionate?  Do they have courage and strength?  How does your family and community see this character you play?  

The activities—and thoughts and feelings—that make up your days are Rituals, when they have become habit.  How health-building and expansive are your Rituals?  With what frequency do your Rituals bear out Truths that banish lies?  Do you use Rituals for growing your Self or do you use them for hiding?

Understand Ritual:  the cup of coffee made in the morning with a survey of last night’s dreams or the day ahead: “how-are-you?” – “I’m-fine-thank-you” ; throwing spilled salt over your shoulder; making the sign of the cross; saying grace; weddings; funerals.  From small and rather unconscious Rituals to large and serious ones, you are surrounded, every day, by Ritual.

How many ceremonies do you engage in consciously, to uplift conditions, and how many to degrade conditions?  Make no mistake:  when you look in the mirror and say to yourself “not good enough,” repeating this as a mantra, it has become Ritual—as it is when you thrust this idea upon others.

How many ceremonies do you engage in unconsciously, to falsely elevate yourself, separate yourself, remove yourself from blame, or resist change?  When you feel “not part of,” “not good enough,” or “not complete,” even beneath your thoughts, you are engaging in Ritual self abuse, and quite likely acting out your internal Beliefs somewhere in your external Beliefs and environments.

We are creatures of Ritual.  This is not to be synonymous with stagnant conditions or un-illuminated predictability.  This is to be joyfully part of Great All’s harmonious whole and Its glorious rhythms. 

Many persons, here and there, meditate and pray, taking still moments to find Their centers and contemplate Their present place and condition.  This is Ritual.  Though it is sometimes maladaptive or imbalanced in its use or construction, for the most part, it serves a higher condition for those whom engage in the Ritual.

Sleep Rituals and waking Rituals are also common.  Birth, death, and other transitional Rituals such as child-to-adult, wedding, graduation, promotion, and induction ceremonies are also powerful and positive in many societies.  You yourself are changing each day, aren’t you?

What Rituals might you invite into your Life in order to promote peace, wisdom, clear-seeing, and compassion?  How might advancing your Self and the character you play ease your days and increase your joy?

Nothing has more power than Ritual for creating change.  For as you repeat intentions—making them conscious and positive—you invite growth that exponentially shifts What Is.  Small or Large, Ritual declares the path, and Your returning footsteps illuminate it.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 27, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

****From Cathrina:  below are two links to one of my favorite mantras, from the Hebrew. I'll let the web-links speak for themselves, neither agreeing, nor disagreeing, with the philosophy, but offering a resource as a starting point:

"Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth"

Thursday, December 25, 2014



DECEMBER 25, 2014

How does one describe a Miracle, when in essence, a Miracle is an event, string of events, condition, or reality that cannot be explained?

Have you been involved in something during your Life that you would term a Miracle?  How so?  Were you in the presence of others?  Was there talk of this Miracle, or was this Belief something you held inside yourself, calculating, forming a bridge between you and Great All, a carpet of Light that beckoned something inside you away from that moment and closer to not only Your center, but to the Center of All?

Miracles are Home-Comings.  Miracles are events, epiphanies, and prevailing shifts that align or re-align You with Your Center and the Center of All.

Life is a Miracle.  Do you Believe that the Stars inside You stumbled blindly to a stop, having nowhere else to go?  Do you Believe that their molecular weight bound these Star matters into your cells, dumb and deaf, inanimate building blocks upon which your fleshly scaffolding arose?

Do you believe your heart has rhythm but no language?  Do you believe that the chemical and electrical processing happening in your body right now—tying you to everything that is—is somehow uninformed without pedestrian conjecture?  How do flowers find the face of the sun?  How do they root for nutrients?  How are exchanges made in what has become invisible to you?

The Miracle is that it is invisible, if you want it to be.  Many Miracles are at work making the world. Making the World.  For You.  For All of Us. Like a great, perpetual, eternal timepiece, it moves . . . and we move with it and within it. 

The Miracle.
You are breathing it right now . . .

     Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 25, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Monday, December 22, 2014



DECEMBER 22, 2014

We know that  you understand that expectations should only be made regarding the Self, so when we talk of correcting behaviors, we talk of correcting your own.  You see yourself eating an unhealthy breakfast that will make you feel ill.  Why did you do this?  Was it Impatience?  Were you in such a hurry to assuage your hunger, you were too Impatient to cook or prepare something wholesome?  You can apply your will and cook the healthy breakfast, but what do you do about the Impatience?

Do you know why you resent certain things?  Is it because they are repetitive?  Do you perceive that they move nothing in your Life forward?  Yet, some of them are necessary and even vital to your mortal life.

There are many forms of Impatience.  You are under no time constraints for completing tasks in this lifetime, so why do you feel so desperate to complete them in special ways, at special times, with specific end caps?

You cannot buy a garment three sizes too small and complain that it fits poorly, when it was you yourself who chose it.  You chose to give service in Earth School.  You chose your parents and your children and your life there.  With some amount of interjection from external sources, adding to your experiences by triggering your deeply felt needs, you have constructed your life.  

Is Impatience one of the devils that drives you?  Sometimes it works in your favor, but for the most part it is an impediment to your happiness.  Taking for granted that you might like to adjust this belief and its behaviors, how might you begin?

 "If I think of myself as a child come new to a task, I would be gentler with myself.  First, I would praise what was already done.  I would say to the child:  be with the experience; enjoy your experience; complete what you can while you are present with the task and ask for help where needed.  Celebrate your efforts rather than punishing your perceived defeats.

We offer an unusual solution to these conundrums:  manifestation.  We do not mean avoiding work We mean manifesting in yourself, a balance between what is necessary and what is not.  It is necessary to eat and sleep and provide your body with shelter, heat, and comfort.  It is not necessary to do one thing more.

Manifest in yourself, the Truth:  first, you must provide for the Soul, then the body and Spirit, lastly, the urges of ego.  Therefore, the scale of proportions is a diminishing one, where the urges of Ego are entitled to the least portion of your daily accomplishments.  You, reading this, give much energy to understanding Great All’s Ways and this is good, but you have taken on a very large project as it concerns the body and spirit--being human.  It takes a great share of your remaining time and energy there.

This condition is not permanent; it shifts as you and the status quo shift.  However, in growing the Soul purely, ImPatience will work against you.  

Can you see What Is?  Can you be a neutral witness to your Life while simultaneously being fully present in your Life?  Yes.  Each day is a string of decisions and choices.  If you make these decisions and choices with the ‘Long Game’ in mind, your Life will attune to that.

You see the bright sparkler on the Fourth of July; they come many in a box and shine brightly when lit, but last only a moment.  Think now of the Aurora Borealis:  it is a constant, beautiful light that enthralls all who gaze upon it; it is a reflection of the Long Game.  If you think of your life in two ways:  mortal, and eternal, how might you see the Long Game?

Perhaps this seems obvious and basic, but believe Us when we say it is not.  Ego exists here and there, as does Purpose, Responsibility, Character, Awareness, and Love.  What you gain there in Earth School will come Home with you.  To expose your shortcomings and flaws to the Light, AND work to correct them while in Earth School, weighs with great merit for the advancement of the Soul.

Earth School is a very difficult environment in which to learn, especially in today’s current state of chaos, violence, and greed.  When you learn lessons in Earth School, they have great weight and merit, for gains made there are hard won.

And your Whole will affect your daily tasks, if you let it.  Manifest the Long Game in your mortal life, by seeing with Long Game Sight.  See how small are these matters inside the Great Whole.  See that these matters do not Need to be troubling.  Manifest help from your High Self, your Soul.  Point to these flaws and command:  OUT!  Yes.  This is simple, not easy, for you must see and Believe that your High Self is integral with you, and responds to commands, especially when they are made in the Light of Love and Progression.  

Remember:  Part of You is with Us always. See Clearly and Seek Truth Be Open Always to Love and Unconditional Help.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 22, 2014

Photo by Lightscape on Unsplash

Sunday, December 14, 2014



DECEMBER 14, 2014

What is home if it is not inside you?  Home must be carried.  It cannot be made.  We believe that we can make it, but to “make home,” we actually infuse place with our essence and integrate with others of similar essence.  That is why we feel ‘home’ in other persons or places.  It is because their essence and ours is similar.  We sense similarity and therefore, comfort and unity.

And as such, home made in such a way, is not a forever condition, in the sense of incarnation.  Souls and Spirit grouping together are in growth process.  They will grow, adapt, and streamline at different paces and in different ways.  Shared home is not stable.  Only the home born into you, your Eternal Home, the Great All, is a forever home, and even Great All is an ever-changing home.

So, what is Home?  Home is the basic song, the Grace Note around which you were sung into existence.  It is the first strike of the conductor’s wand.  Everything from that point is possible, but you may return to that point of attenuation at any time:  Home.
Home is the beginning.

Home is not less than; it is central.  Home is not backward; it is a multiverse.  Home is not dependent; it is interdependent.  

Home is The Point of Great All’s wise eye.  If you are missing home, allow the Stars inside you to call out to the Grace Note, Home.  Remove the governors that you keep between your inner Stars and the rest of existence.  

There is no need to tell a Star where lies Home.  Therefore, there is no need for you to seek your Home.  Inside you, the map unfurls at your urging.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 14, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire