Monday, December 8, 2014



DECEMBER 8, 2014

Birthing is the greatest transition known to Us.  It is the unparalleled “Coming Into.”

During the mortal lifetime, one tends to think of the Birth of new physical Life as Birthing, and certainly it is the experience that each incarnated person feels most personally while human, and witnesses more than any other.  Your mortal death is perceived as a Birthing here, for the Spirit and Soul leaves the spent shell of the body, and emerges fresh into this world . . .

Sadly, you often mourn as We rejoice.

The process of personal Birthing is recognizable:  entering as a child to a world where the properties of two parents have created a physical vehicle for you to enter and occupy for a mortal lifetime.  Once, and yet still in very small populations there, Birthing Rituals greet the incoming, grounding them in what is a very heavy and disorienting environment (as compared to the spaces we inhabit between incarnations).

Rituals have been lost there, thought of now as backward, and even barbaric.  Is the rock barbaric, who gives its minerals to make your bones?  Is the soil merely to be trod upon, like a lifeless muck—and never understood as a live, intelligent property that synergistically sings forward the plant matters that feed and heal you? 

What of the waters?  Are they so mind-poor you must instruct them in cycles and movement, in how to enter and exit your body, in how to enliven and operate each and every one of your cells?  Without the transformative energy of fire and wind and gravity and sunlight, would electricity exist?  Could you, as a human, exist?

Think you the most basic mettles of your beautiful Earth are barbaric?  They are the incomparable components of Earth’s song.  And together, un-civilization is trying to sing louder by destroying the instruments with which Mother Earth sings . . .

Birthing, the great “Coming Into,” is a time for celebration.  While each Spirit has made plans for their Life, inspiration may take them anywhere within the web they spin for themselves.  Yes; each tapestry is different; each voice unique.

When you greet a new Spirit, you hold the hand of a miracle.  Do you know how to speak to a miracle? 

Love is its language.  Gratitude is its manner.  Grace is its style.

When you allow the newly Birthed to remain un-harmed by un-civilization, and true to the ideals that live deeper than lies, you may watch the beauty of it grow strong.  Like a flower with its face in the sun, it will remind you where you belong . . .

The Great All embraces you this morning, sending Love. Love One Another. Let your Love extend to All . . .

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: December 8, 2014

 Photo by Redd F on Unsplash 

Thursday, November 20, 2014



NOVEMBER 20, 2014

The Seeker:  One Who Seeks.  What is sought?  To say that we Seek anything is to say that it is currently not apparent, or close, or instantaneously possessed.  Is this Truth or Belief?

Life is Present, always, therefore, what you Seek is also Present—omnipresent.  Could it be more correct to say that it is not a thing which is sought, so much as the attention needed to focus on that thing, in the Present.

When The Seeker and That Which Is Being Sought merge—in the Present—the goal is met, yes?

Can you merge with Wisdom in the Present and become instantaneously Wise?  This is unlikely, as both mortal and spiritual wisdom is cumulative, a condition rather than a fact or a piece of information.  Can you merge with Patience or Compassion or Premonition?  For the same reasons, this is not likely.

You can shift your condition by adding factors and illuminations that help to grow your character, focusing them in your Present.  Growing Character Qualities is assisted by focusing attention on examples and opportunities in your Present:  you are therefore Seeking within current inventory, through files that may be familiar and files that may be new or dormant.

On occasion, one may seek outside what is considered home territory.  This is perception.  Perhaps this territory is newly opened to you because of an increased vibration.  Perhaps convergent pathways, or Great All’s need, have seen fit to make new information suddenly or instantaneously available to you.  Still, this access will occur in your Present: you need not Seek it.

The true Seeker seeks within Self, opening closed doorways, exploring the inner chambers and pathways.  How do I make my house?  How fit is my home?  Seek ye to have a beautiful, clean and harmonious home and unto those vestments Destiny arrives.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: November 20, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, November 18, 2014



NOVEMBER 10, 2014

Continuing onward when you have lost the joy, and even the vision, for your goal, tests your strength and your Self-merit.  What words do you speak to your Self when you are tired and dispirited, when no results are apparent for the hard work and tenacity you give to a thing?  How do you stay on task and for how long do you labor before you question your own authority?

Many platitudes have been spoken to this dilemma.  It is darkest before the dawn.  It is the final stages of birthing that are the most painful.  The last steps raise the largest blisters.  Ask your Self:  Is this suffering necessary?  Is there something about suffering, or perceived suffering that makes greater, the final goal or gifts thereof?  Why?

When we set forth toward a goal, we agree to accomplish the work needed to attain it.  All of the road between where we now stand and where the goal resides, whether rough or easy, will be part of our path.  We do best to consider it day by day, as that is how Life moves, and how we move through Life, day by day, moment by moment.

What does suffering serve?  Is it spice?  Temporing?  Does Fate fear we grow bored?  If you have set for your Self, a hardy goal, with adequate time and means to achieve it, why must there be suffering?  Why would one calculate suffering into the mix?  That point illuminated, if you sense suffering, or perceived suffering in your mix . . . why is it there?

First:  is it suffering, this impediment?  What is suffering?  What is impediment?  How many outside yourself do you believe suffer?  How many, outside yourself, do you believe know impediment?  How do these things compare with your own conditions?
Fortitude grows as perceived impediment shrinks.  Abilities grow as perceived suffering shrinks.  As you compare your own conditions to others, all others, you might find that you can call upon more Fortitude.

Fortitude is the ability to continue toward a goal, even in the environment of challenge, sometimes extreme challenge . . . sometimes, actual suffering.

Fortitude is the ability to identify and release a goal once it has proven itself unworthy.  Sometimes we are led towards a goal for the journey itself, and having applied ourselves to a certain point, should turn off or away, taking a new road with our new information tucked inside us.

Fortitude is both:  it is strength of character.  It is knowing when to continue straight ahead and knowing when to turn.  It is deep listening.  If Life is giving you every sign, through challenge and suffering, that you must overcome and continue, that is Fortitude’s gift.

If Life is giving you every sign that through challenge and suffering you are travelling the wrong way and should turn from the current path, that is also Fortitude’s gift.  Fortitude keeps you moving.  It does not make you deaf, dumb, and blind.

Fortitude is an engine.  Paired with Will and Desire, Fortitude will help you to reach your goals.  Listen.  Look.  Where are you on the path?  Where do you go?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: November 18, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Monday, November 10, 2014



NOVEMBER 10, 2014


What do you Justify and how?  Are your reasons Just, and in applying your actions, are your actions and your behavior Just?  Justification defines balance, income and outgo:  I hold this position of authority and therefore act within the fair and reasonable bounds of my authority; I accept this object made from the labors of another and give to its owner fair compensation.

Justification is not an excuse; it is not a cover-up for failings; it is not evidence of the withering away of will or the application of crude manners, crude behavior, or crude character.  Justification is the Just personification of balance and harmony; that is all.

Words have power.  When you say that you Justify a purchase you can’t afford because you’ve had a grueling day/ week/ month, you are not in a state of Justification, you are in a state of denial and weak self will.  When you say that you Justify consuming a substance that is harmful to you, you are not in a state of Justification, you are in a state of self-loathing and non-love.

When you say that you Justify stealing because someone has stolen from you or done you wrong, you are in a state of petty meanness and revenge.  When you say that you Justify past or present deeds because other persons did similar deeds to you, you are in a state of non-responsibility and non-caretaking, of both yourself and of others. 

When you say that you Justify evil, war, anger, poverty, greed, hunger, ennui, and selfishness by ideas that claim they are necessary, you are not in a state of Justification, you are in a state of apathy.  By what tenets do you Justify Life and Being?

What is the Justification for waking this day?  At sleeping this day, what will the Justification be for having lived this day?  How will the debits and credits be balanced?

You have the ability, each day, some days more and some days less, to personify Justness in both actions and behavior—Justness that reaches beyond sociocultural and mortal ideas.  This Justness was born into as you were Sung into being.

Be Just first with your self and you will soon realize how the habit grows.  Live up to your words.  Fill those sounds.  Let your words and your meanings be vibrations and Truths of Harmony.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: November 10, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, November 2, 2014



NOVEMBER 2, 2014

Is Satisfaction enough . . . and is it the same as Contentment . . . and is this the same as Fulfillment? At what point in Life do you ascertain that you have met your Purpose and with passion, heart, and integrity, filled and shared that Purpose? Does that bring Meaning?

Most persons enjoying incarnation at this moment will say that Satisfaction and Meaning are lacking in their life.  If this is true, where is the fault? Is it the fault of the world and its circumstances? The Perceivers? Or is their Dis-Satisfaction actually an alchemy of Disruption instilled to keep change and challenge ongoing, so that the Spirit seeks for higher and higher levels of growth that will eventually reveal Satisfaction and Meaning?

Do you respond to Disruption by attempting to transcend it, or do you withdraw? Do you experience Disruption as depression, blame, distrust, and the inability to pinpoint the source of your Dis-Satisfaction, which might seem to scatter your focus, deflate your will, and cripple your drive? Does your Dis-Satisfaction actually manifest as a loss of Hope?

Satisfaction is a condition of finding factors in their place and operating as they should. One discerns that factors are occurring, both positive and negative, in such quantities that life is balanced. Little change will occur from these conditions. Contentment, particularly in the form of apathy, can elevate non-change to even greater levels, using denial and other tools to avoid achieving higher levels of consciousness: “I once believed I would be an artist who would make visible the wrongs of my society, but now I am this instead, and am quietly happy with what I have been given.” A martyr's disguise can be worn for a lifetime.

However, Contentment that results from Fulfillment of the Spirit and non-attachment is another matter. When one has attracted the appropriate factors (sometimes at great expense to the ego and superficial desires), the vibration of the mortal self has increased to attune as much as possible to the Greater Self. Goals are less ego-centric and worldly matters such as monetary success and ego hierarchies have little appeal. “I shall become a doctor for the ill, though I know I will give many years of my playful and carefree youth to this endeavor.”

As you read these words, ask yourself:  Have I Satisfaction, or am I Dis-Satisfied?  What is the Meaning of Me and this Life? Beneath the worldly reasoning, what is it my Greater Self wants?  

You Are

We Are

No Entity Gives You Satisfaction

No Entity Gives You Meaning



The Beyond Is Here With You

Everything Is Here With You

Everything Is Now


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: November 2, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, October 26, 2014



OCTOBER 26, 2014

Some assume Privilege, but what is this mystical idea that certain goods and behaviors are open to only a few who gained the right by birth or political and/or religious position?  What is it to assert the rights of Privilege?

Let us say that Privilege is exclusive, a set of conditions found in what is considered the top tier of any given hierarchy.  Who determines the hierarchy is directly related to the socio-cultural system in which it figures.  The Privilege of one system does not transfer to the Privilege of another.  That said, Privilege is a state of Belief, not Reality.

What Privileges, if any, do you currently enjoy inside your own socio-cultural hierarchy?  Are said Privileges also tied to similarly-weighted responsibilities?  That is, for the Privilege of a one-ton weight, are you required to give responsibility-service in the payment of one-ton?  Is your Privilege of riding in a limousine with body guards paid for by many hours of service in deciding how to protect the people who do not have the Privilege of riding in such protection?

In similar terms, how are the mathematical calculations of your current lifestyle adding up in the exchange of Privilege and Responsibility?  Are you balanced?

When you assume Privileges without Responsibility, your core grows weak.  When you take Responsibility with none of the Privileges, your core grows brittle.  Life is exchange.  It is making and re-making.  One cannot build a house on broken rock or swampland.  Firmaments must support a strong foundation and the upward weight and growth of its buildings.

Look at your internal language for clues.  Any time you exclude yourself from the whole, saying that your actions alone will not matter to an outcome, you are declaring Privilege.  Any time you exclude yourself from the whole, and believe that your contributions have not mattered, you are declaring Isolation.  Any time you allow yourself to believe that it is your actions alone, your responsibility, that makes or breaks a dire outcome, you are self-punishing.

Privilege in balance is this:  accepting Responsibility-authority with grace.  

Privilege out of balance is this:  taking unearned rewards based on false beliefs.  

    Enjoying Privilege with clear sight teaches others to do the same. 

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 26, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Thursday, October 23, 2014



OCTOBER 23, 2014

Watch how Life moves around you and you will see many patterns of The Serpentine.  It is the undulating, sensuous movement of change and adaptation.  It is the seeking through of one employing all senses, enjoying the journey.  The Serpentine represents the ancient dance, the helio, the pattern of regeneration and replication.  It is sacred.

This is how energy moves through You.  It is how wind bends around the trees and water around the rocks.  It is how roots seek out their nutrients and children are fed in the womb.  The Serpentine is dance and wonder; it knows the Song.

Unlike straight forms, which have their own gifts, The Serpentine draws you in with its rhythm.  It says to you:  Listen, and now, Sing.  It tells you to move and be well and to rejoice.

Look for it today and for a while, follow its courses.  Feel how restored you are.  Feel how you shed the old skins, how worries and troubles are left behind you on the path.  The Serpentine knows only forward movement.  Go with Her and you go with Joy.

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 23, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire