Birthing is the greatest transition known to Us. It is the unparalleled “Coming Into.”
During the mortal lifetime, one tends to think of the Birth of new physical Life as Birthing, and certainly it is the experience that each incarnated person feels most personally while human, and witnesses more than any other. Your mortal death is perceived as a Birthing here, for the Spirit and Soul leaves the spent shell of the body, and emerges fresh into this world . . .
Sadly, you often mourn as We rejoice.
The process of personal Birthing is recognizable: entering as a child to a world where the properties of two parents have created a physical vehicle for you to enter and occupy for a mortal lifetime. Once, and yet still in very small populations there, Birthing Rituals greet the incoming, grounding them in what is a very heavy and disorienting environment (as compared to the spaces we inhabit between incarnations).
Rituals have been lost there, thought of now as backward, and even barbaric. Is the rock barbaric, who gives its minerals to make your bones? Is the soil merely to be trod upon, like a lifeless muck—and never understood as a live, intelligent property that synergistically sings forward the plant matters that feed and heal you?
What of the waters? Are they so mind-poor you must instruct them in cycles and movement, in how to enter and exit your body, in how to enliven and operate each and every one of your cells? Without the transformative energy of fire and wind and gravity and sunlight, would electricity exist? Could you, as a human, exist?
Think you the most basic mettles of your beautiful Earth are barbaric? They are the incomparable components of Earth’s song. And together, un-civilization is trying to sing louder by destroying the instruments with which Mother Earth sings . . .
Birthing, the great “Coming Into,” is a time for celebration. While each Spirit has made plans for their Life, inspiration may take them anywhere within the web they spin for themselves. Yes; each tapestry is different; each voice unique.
When you greet a new Spirit, you hold the hand of a miracle. Do you know how to speak to a miracle?
Love is its language. Gratitude is its manner. Grace is its style.
When you allow the newly Birthed to remain un-harmed by un-civilization, and true to the ideals that live deeper than lies, you may watch the beauty of it grow strong. Like a flower with its face in the sun, it will remind you where you belong . . .
The Great All embraces you this morning, sending Love. Love One Another. Let your Love extend to All . . .
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Guides who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: December 8, 2014