Is Satisfaction enough . . . and is it the same as Contentment . . . and is this the same as Fulfillment? At what point in Life do you ascertain that you have met your Purpose and with passion, heart, and integrity, filled and shared that Purpose? Does that bring Meaning?
Most persons enjoying incarnation at this moment will say that Satisfaction and Meaning are lacking in their life. If this is true, where is the fault? Is it the fault of the world and its circumstances? The Perceivers? Or is their Dis-Satisfaction actually an alchemy of Disruption instilled to keep change and challenge ongoing, so that the Spirit seeks for higher and higher levels of growth that will eventually reveal Satisfaction and Meaning?
Do you respond to Disruption by attempting to transcend it, or do you withdraw? Do you experience Disruption as depression, blame, distrust, and the inability to pinpoint the source of your Dis-Satisfaction, which might seem to scatter your focus, deflate your will, and cripple your drive? Does your Dis-Satisfaction actually manifest as a loss of Hope?
Satisfaction is a condition of finding factors in their place and operating as they should. One discerns that factors are occurring, both positive and negative, in such quantities that life is balanced. Little change will occur from these conditions. Contentment, particularly in the form of apathy, can elevate non-change to even greater levels, using denial and other tools to avoid achieving higher levels of consciousness: “I once believed I would be an artist who would make visible the wrongs of my society, but now I am this instead, and am quietly happy with what I have been given.” A martyr's disguise can be worn for a lifetime.
However, Contentment that results from Fulfillment of the Spirit and non-attachment is another matter. When one has attracted the appropriate factors (sometimes at great expense to the ego and superficial desires), the vibration of the mortal self has increased to attune as much as possible to the Greater Self. Goals are less ego-centric and worldly matters such as monetary success and ego hierarchies have little appeal. “I shall become a doctor for the ill, though I know I will give many years of my playful and carefree youth to this endeavor.”
As you read these words, ask yourself: Have I Satisfaction, or am I Dis-Satisfied? What is the Meaning of Me and this Life? Beneath the worldly reasoning, what is it my Greater Self wants?
You Are
We Are
No Entity Gives You Satisfaction
No Entity Gives You Meaning
The Beyond Is Here With You
Everything Is Here With You
Everything Is Now
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: November 2, 2014
visual by Walks With Fire