Wednesday, October 22, 2014



OCTOBER 22, 2014

We are unaware of what we currently do not know and cannot see.  Until we can know and see these unknown, unseen things, we will continue on in the spectrum within which we currently operate.  For how long and in what way is individual.  Some prefer to stay comfortable while others are always seeking new horizons and a rare few are constantly pushing the boundaries of their beliefs and abilities.

Where do you currently fit in these divisions?  If you choose a life of comfort, settling into one way to see and believe, there is still richness and diversity to be experienced in life, just by seeing the same set of beliefs from different angles.  This would be liken to the role of parent, doing your best to understand how your parenting behavior is perceived by the child you parent, or examining your role as compared to how you were parented.

If you are a person seeking new horizons, you have explored these concepts and moved beyond them.  You now look for different ideas, and hopefully, more uplifting ideas that serve the greater whole.  You step outside the grooves made by generations past and begin to re-make the role of parenting based on new ideas, perhaps using references from other cultures or periods in history.

Rebels, or those pushing the boundaries, are looking to begin fresh.  The word Rebel has been much used and often applied to a person who is merely disruptive.  However, chaos applied with passion that undermines that status quo in an intelligent way, is a service in itself.  While each of the categories expresses a way to See In New Light, this category of re-making expresses the highest level of creativity.

A person does not believe in zero gravity until it is experienced.  A person does not believe in ghosts until they are experienced.  And sometimes, a person does not believe in their own ability to change and grow, until their own empowerment is experienced.  And this requires Seeing In New Light.

How do you see yourself now, as you read this?  Do you believe yourself strong and capable?  Are you a loving and compassionate person?  Do you manage stress and setback with grace?  Have you an outlook on life that contains a blend of perceptions, combining the personal and the cosmic condition?  In what Light do you see yourself?

A farmer looks at a fallow field and sees a crop that will nourish his family and friends and the animals that live with them.  An artist composes the painting long before his brush touches the canvas.  The dreaming scientist sees his machine complete as he begins the rendering.

Do you see yourself as the large and beautiful, wholly amazing being that you are?  If not, how can we convince you to see yourself in a New Light?  How can we teach you to expand your range of vision and consciousness to include vibrations that currently exist above and below your current range?  They are there, waiting to be embraced.

Grow into an optimized version of Your Self. Dream your future larger than your present.  Each time one of us increases our vibration by Seeing In New Light, we Become New Light.  Great All is singing in joy.  Do you hear?


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 22, 2014

 Photo by Ralph Mayhew on Unsplash


Tuesday, October 21, 2014



OCTOBER 21, 2014

The Birth of anything new is due to the Union of two or more factors, entities, energies, or ideas.  Unions, however, need not produce amalgams, but may instead forge collaborations that reflect the best of what each participant has to offer to the whole, while allowing each participant to maintain their independence.  You may find water as an integral part of a tree’s inner structure, or working as an aid in its external environment:  one such example of amalgam and collaboration.

In this way, You are invested and represented in many different manners within many different Unions, both amalgam and collaboration.  Some are positive and some are negative.  Some are voluntary and some are involuntary.  Some are constructive and some are destructive.  Understanding where and how you are invested helps you to understand where and how your Personal Energy and Attentions are invested.

You are perpetually fed by many influences.  The ones to which you give the most attention are the ones which will demand the most of your time and energy.  Note well that time and attention are the value notes or notes of exchange, used in Life.  These are the dollars that you have to spend both while in incarnation and in between.  To use them wisely creates a slipstream effect and allows for harmony.  To overspend or to spend heavily in any one direction, causes deficits in other directions.

Therefore, when consciously choosing Unions, look for the confluences of one stream meeting another, and its probable new chemistry.  Ask yourself:  how will I, and the whole of Great All, benefit from this Union?  Do your best to avoid fear, hopelessness, and default, when making your choices.  Even false expectations, guilt, and other bad reasonings can cause a sound mind to choose a harmful Union.

Align yourself with those things that create growth, even when the growth comes initially from destruction.  Challenge yourself to confront your fears, guilt, hopelessness, and false expectations in choosing new Unions and in letting old Unions dissolve.  Survey your energy.  Where is it invested, and how?

Unions should benefit You, Your Partners in Union, and the Great All.  By each of us streamlining and strengthening our Unions so that only the greater good is served, we forge another Union—that for the upliftment of Great All and All who dwell within.  


Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 21, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, October 12, 2014



OCTOBER 12, 2014

The act of Parting is one of making separation or creating more perceived distance between two entities. Because all things are connected and remain connected, the act of Parting and the condition of being Apart is a distinction only, indicating that for the present moment, things considered are behaving in ways that are maximally independent.

Is someone you love distanced from you by emotions or geography? Time or perceived death? Understand that these are perceptions. Sometimes these shifts are made in agreement, and sometimes they are made as a matter of course, with one, two, or many parties making singular decisions regarding how they will stay connected to the hub and to what degree.

Being Parted is not synonymous with being disconnected. Once connected, always connected, unless elaborate rituals are carried through to disconnect and disembody the energies one wishes to separate from: a high and complex set of principles. Focused Parting is best used when one desires to be maximally independent from the influence of negative factors.

Would you like to be Parted from destructive habits? You must become maximally independent of those habits by shifting your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, to reflect the energies with which you wish to dovetail—away from those energies from which you wish to be Parted. Do as you would be. Think as you would be. Feel as you would be.

Think of a river breaking into streams. Each stream will know its own journey with its own set of influences, and at some point return to the sea, commingling with the river from which it Parted. Life is that way: a series of Partings and Unions.

When you learn to look at Partings for opportunities, you will see them in a new Light. 

Blessed Be This Day 

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: October 12, 2014


visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


2014, REST, WORK

OCTOBER 01, 2014

You have heard it said, and experienced, that for every force there is an equal counter-force.  This makes up work with down and gives effort its resting point.  Looking at this representation on a scale; it is an ebb and flow like the waves of the ocean, the rotation of earth, the entry into mortal life and the exit from it.

These principles are perpetually at work, from the largest construct to the smallest.  This includes You, your life, your mortal body, and the pattern of activity which makes the tapestry of experience that you will look back upon as a tableau of memory.  Effort and rest; confusion and clarity; outflow and inflow; taking and giving.

When either side of this formula becomes overpowering to the other, trouble ensues.  The dance loses its natural rhythm and time.  The dancers tire.  The music and mating loses its beauty and charm.  One cannot be all bounty; one cannot be all rest.
Look at your Life.  Where do you invest most of your energies:  to what purpose and with what outcome?  Is that satisfying?  We borrow the term today, “Strain and Counterstrain” from physical therapy terms**, because it so closely resembles what can best be done when one is out of balance in the work and rest cycle.

To Strain is to contract with force, sometimes beyond what is comfortable, sometimes to a point that is injurious.  How many of your diseases today are a result of this condition?  In how many areas of your Life have you taken your work beyond mere force, and pushed it into the domain ruled by stress and Strain?  Do you believe that the harder your work, the better the result, even when the results are not proving out your belief?

Strain breaks things.  It breaks satisfaction, and therefore, your sense of peace.  It breaks outcomes, and therefore, your gains.  It breaks fair division, and therefore, your balance.  It can break your body, your mind, and your Spirit.  To take tasks beyond fair work, into the domain of Strain, is to be self-abusive.

Counterstrain is Strain’s balancing force.  It is to momentarily suspend Strain—not to do the opposite behavior—but to remove the force from the levers and pivots and cogs that keep your Strain machine moving forward.  That might be your determination.  It might be your willingness to “go it alone,” to remain sleep-deprived, to have unreasonable goals and expectations, or to elevate tasks to statuses far above what is required or deserved.

Why are you here?  What does your Life mean?  Were you put here to do tasks?  Have you been charged to have the most beautiful lawn? the latest fashions? to be lauded at your workplace or in your circle of friends?  Why are you here?  What does your Life mean?

If you are in a state of Strain, perhaps you are confused.  Work and rest.  Create and rest.  Have conflict and know peace.  Begin a cycle and end a cycle.  And yes, have determination to see a thing through to its end—but at times appropriate, set down that load and enjoy the view.  Rest.  Laugh with your friends.  The world, though sometimes difficult, need not be so heavy.

You can pick up your load again and continue, rested, but rest.  Do not spend your rest time, not resting, by being self-abusing, negative, judgmental, and demeaning, believing that you should be working instead.  The rest time will then become Strain, for as you think and believe, so it is.  Do you see?  Decide to work and then, work.  Decide to rest and then, rest.  Do it purely.

What is your current relationship with your work?  It likely reflects your current relationship with your Life.  The Great All does not punish you.  The world does not punish you.  How goes your Life?  How go You?

**Because the Tribe has communicated to me and through me for many years, they often use conduits and terms specific to my habits and training.  This is a very specific example of such.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: October 1, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Monday, September 29, 2014



SEPTEMBER 29, 2014

How do you Regard a rock as compared to a tree?  A tree as compared to a lamb?  A lamb as compared to a wolf?  A wolf as compared to a child?  A child as compared to a woman?  A woman as compared to a man?  A man as compared to a hero or legend? 

Do you have a value system in place that tells you how to approach, address, and communicate within each of the categories you form to organize your beliefs about others—and do you know why?

How do you Regard a rock?  Is a rock less-than or more-than You?  Is it animate or inanimate?  Is it necessary or unnecessary?  Can you communicate with a rock?  Do you know its language?  Does a rock know your language?  Do you ask a rock’s permission to come into its domain?  What is a rock and how do you Regard it? 

Does a rock have any Who attached to its What?

As you ask yourself these questions, changing subjects as you decide how you Regard other matters and entities, you will begin to understand that you have a highly developed hierarchy of Values and Importance.  Your Regard for communication on the low end of your spectrum will be very different from your communication style on the high end of the spectrum:  that is, how you Regard a rock is probably vastly different from how you might Regard a personal hero.

Do Regard and Respect go hand-in-hand with your communication style and delivery?

Think deeply about this, and specifically. 
 You may displace a rock or trample a tree without giving them any Regard at all.  You will make choices for the lamb and for the child, as certainly they might need to be made, yet you might also disregard their personal interests in favor of your own.  And a wolf?  Would you not give a dangerous carnivore more respect than the mild mammal?

What of people?  Do you see men and women as equals—in all things?  Do you see cultures and skin colors and gender habits and preferences as equal-valued?  Are heroes, legends, demi-gods, and mythological beasts above them?  How so?  Where do you live on that scale?

Regard is not the same as judgment or classification.  Regard is Awareness Made With Respect.  Regard is Interaction Completed With Respect.  Regard is Acknowledgement of Existence Given With Respect. Regard is Seeing The Other With Respect.

Regard Your Self as you yourself prefer to be Regarded.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 29, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, September 24, 2014



SEPTEMBER 24, 2014

Who do you think you are? 
Who do you believe you are? 
What do you think you are? 
What do you believe you are?

By now, you have built many structures around these questions, in both thought and belief.  Who You Are is more concerned with ego-mind.  Your human beliefs are centered in the ego-mind:  its likes and dislikes; your cosmology; your hierarchy; your priorities.  Who You Are is far more temporal and transitive than the condition and state of What You Are.

What You Are encompasses a greater field of consideration.  That infrastructure of You is that which is part of everything, and beyond your ideas of human hierarchies and social stratum.  In order for your What to dwell inside your Who, sometimes there needs to be a little Dissembling, a little piecing together of the truth, or failing to show what’s whole.

What do you say to people when they ask:  “How are you today?”  Do you reply, “Fine,”  “Great,” or something similar, just because you believe it’s expected and polite?  What if the clerk or bank teller said instead, “Thanks for your patronage.  Have a nice day,” releasing you from false responses, while genuinely thanking you?

When you hear of a death, do you say to the person, automatically, “I’m sorry for your loss.”  Are you sorry?  Do you really know the person?  Do you know the person who has made the transition from earthly life?  Would it be more genuine to say:  “That must be difficult for you.  I hope you see this time of transition through with grace.”?

In how many ways, day by day, do you Dissemble?  We won’t call this lying, because the intent with this type of Dissembling is not to deceive . . . is it?

Why is the need for Dissembling felt in certain societies and certain strata of certain hierarchies?  Is it an isolating tool, a tool for self-protection, elevation, exclusion, manipulation, or something else?  It’s all of these things and more.  Think first of the many automatic responses you make and give in the daily life.  Regardless of how you habituate to saying them, how could responding to others in more genuine ways make you feel more genuine?

It is the Who in Who You Are playing these games.  The What in What You Are resists these games.  What You Are prefers to be genuine.  That is not to say that Who You Are lacks compassion or seeks to be injurious to the feelings of others, but that What You Are seeks to communicate and connect to the What of others in real and meaningful ways.

We spoke recently of Openness.  Opening more to What You Are will give You more insight into communicating more meaningfully, with clarity, compassion, and greater connection.  One of your first tasks in using the state of Openness is to connect to the source of What You Are, and allow yourself to be guided by High Self.

Consider this:  if my every thought and action today lived forever, how then would I form and apply my energy?  Would I build a house of lies in which to live?  Would I Dissemble to hide my true nature?

Live in the Now, but think, feel and act in the Forever.  Compassion and Wisdom grow under these tenets. 

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 24, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, September 21, 2014



SEPTEMBER 21, 2014

The state of Openness is to make more permeable, the perceived boundaries between one thing and another thing in order that they may share information—be this information understood through intellect, emotion, or Spirit.  Opening Oneself and One’s perceived boundaries to some perceived person, place, thing, time, or condition, is to make available your personal information, and possibly the conduits through which you work.

Only the person, place, thing, time, or condition which you Open yourself to may decide if, or how much, information and which conduits of the same or similar nature will be made available to you.  In the case of the Great All and Great Creator, many fountainheads are available to you for merely asking.  To ask, you must merely Open and make yourself available to What Is.

Consider this communication.  It has been made available through Opening.  This conduit has been used many times, growing clearer and stronger each time the way is traveled.  Each time another listener comes to its message and Opens, the energy of the new connection adds again to the conduit, strengthening the pathway further.

This is how very old words and very old prayers gain their perceived powers, traveling back and forth across conduits that strengthen each time they are traversed!  Be aware that it is not the perceived language that matters, but the perceived meaning of the words:  the word thoughts.  Using words, there is no adequate way to describe wordless communication to you.  Thought-forms translated into word-forms gain power with repetition.

This knowledge alone gives high credence to the proper use of language.  Beware your words, as they reflect your thought-forms.  We have much to say about this, at another time.

Many of you will come to this teaching and say:  How do I Open?  believing that you do not know how.  You were born knowing how to Open.  You were trained to “UN-know.”  In Earth school, this is called socialization, teaching you belief-sets and behavior-sets in order for you to conform to your culture’s expected outcomes. 

Some you will have accepted.  These are compatible with your Spiritual beliefs.  Some you rail against, for they are incompatible with your Spiritual beliefs.  To treat others in good will is compatible with your Spiritual beliefs.  To live in hierarchies, where certain sets of beings are considered superior to others, who are then demeaned and abused, is non-compatible with your Spiritual beliefs.

If you have not already felt this resonance at your very core, you have only to Open to its Truth.

What does Openness feel like?  Possibilities.  Connectedness.  Largeness.  Expansiveness.  When you are in a state of Openness, you will at first feel what is the same:  Love, Creativity, Eternity, Exchange, Making and Re-Making.  With experience, you will also feel the dull chords:  Illness, Extremity, Dis-harmoniousness, Fear, Mal-intent, Anger and Evil.  Openness is a condition and for very High Masters, a state.

Imagine that you are in a closed room, with shades drawn tightly over two windows.  Light filters in, but no images.  As you mature and grow curious, you look under the shades, becoming aware of the world outside.  You decide that your room is more enjoyable with the shades up, even when it is storming outside.

After some time has passed, you begin to notice details, such as the singing of nature and the movement of the insects, birds and animals.  The yearning in you grows and you notice that this thing you call a door (because the center of you knows it in word-thoughts as a door), will give you access to this not-room, this outside.  You are surprised that you know how to open it.

By degrees, you open the door until it is standing wide, but still you go no further than the threshold.  Until one magic day, a swarm of butterflies takes you by storm and you follow them, enraptured by magic.  You return to your room feeling bolder and larger, filled with love and completely connected.  You decide to leave the door open.

But no great exchange will be made unless you are at the doorway, the liminal threshold, saying, “I am at the Open Door to see what I will see and Know what I will Know.”  And you will do this by percentages:  in a trickle, a stream or a storm, as it suits your needs and your abilities.  This is something that should be done for yourself:  NEVER done in a forced manner.

Assisted Opening is another matter.  Guided meditation and visualization can be helpful for those who are fearful of their own natures and their own world.  For it is true, that your Own Nature is Great and your Own World is Great.

This is Openness.  Will you draw up your shades today? Or will You Open Your door and step into the yard?

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

    Archives: September 21, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire