Do you believe in destiny? How large a part in your life does free will play? When something unplanned happens, do you believe that it was destined to happen? Do you believe that fortunate events are rewards and that unfortunate events are punishments? Are you missing the tableau of Life by viewing it in black and white?
If you observe the conditions of any event, you will find many aspects at work: destiny, free will, spontaneity, acceptance, denial, creativity, singular activity, group activity, harmony, and disharmony.
Let’s consider an event: the meeting of two lovers. It is their destiny to meet in this lifetime. They employ their free will, each of them, in determining that they will meet as lovers, and not as co-workers, neighbors, combatants, or friends. Though it is not part of their destiny to stay together for the remainder of their incarnations, they decide that it must be so and spontaneously marry.
They are in complete acceptance of their physical union in the beginning phases of coming together and in denial of any naysaying around them. Externally, this first creates a sense of harmony, but as they continue on together, disharmony unfolds as the energy between them becomes more denial of their physical union and acceptance of the naysaying around them.
Yet, they do not part, for it was destiny that brought them together, right? How would you say to the sun, come together with the Earth and linger there, shining, for it is the sun’s destiny to shine upon the planet, and not think beyond the coming-together, or of Earth’s natural rotation? All things have their reason and season.
Let Life show you what It needs as You unfold with It. And likewise, You must show Life what You need as you unfold within It.
Destiny sets down markers, letting you know what goals you set for yourself. It may say that your Life will be served by knowing this thing or meeting this person or having this experience, but Destiny will leave the details to you.
You may spontaneously decide to end your incarnation. You may spontaneously decide to extend your incarnation. You may be in full acceptance of all or some of the lessons that Life affords you. You may be in full denial of some or all. You may choose to interpret compassion in an historical way, through medicine or parenting, or you may apply skills creatively, by making images as an artist that help others to understand that compassion is needed. Or you may apply compassion among people who have none and don’t even value it.
You may choose to experience your Life as more of a singular activity, affecting a limited amount of people, or a group activity, working on a large scale. You may choose to follow the ways of harmony to promote harmony, or disharmony to promote disharmony. You may even promote disharmony to help people seek its opposite . . . peace and harmony.
What you will not do in this Life, is be passive. You will never merely exist, being only acted upon. Destiny is not a hammer that strikes at you; it is a roadmap with mandatory refueling stations at which you must stop, doorways at which you must linger. You decide in which condition and with what attitude you come to those points.
Is there Happenstance? Coincidence? Briefly, yes. But the Great All is not a place of willy-nilly, where things are thrown together needing sorted out. It is a great tapestry, a magnificent symphony. To get to the Happenstance, many finely tuned events have occurred.
You have primed the engines. You have created potentials. You have created a Stance upon which things may Happen: Happen—Stance.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.
Archives: September 06, 2014