Thursday, September 4, 2014




Most of what you call Fear is merely learned reaction to distant things, a high level of Dread. Real Fear is an immediate reaction intended to increase your chances for survival, flooding you with the fight or flight response. Dread is a reaction of great resistance in response to an action you would not happily make. To be clear on this difference will aid you in empowering yourself, by reducing what you believe to be Fears.

Let us say that you believe you Fear high places. Are you in a high place right now? If not, then you actually have a Dread of high places. If merely thinking about high places causes a visceral reaction that is similar to or the same as, being in a high place, you are experiencing a very advanced state of Dread, that is emotionally, intellectually, and chemically analogous of the condition of Fear: these are not the conditions of which we speak. They are deeper and far more serious than what this treatise discusses today.

We have discussed many times, the power of word-thoughts and belief-thoughts. When you make a statement such as this one: “I fear I will die in my sleep and my children will have no one to care for them,” you are expressing a high level of Dread. If you are alive to express that Dread, you have not died, in your sleep or otherwise. How is it this Dread has taken your attention hostage? What thought-form first possessed you to pause with this idea and return to it again and again?

Unraveling these conditions may take many lifetimes, and to give advice here regarding how to treat such a thing in the mind-body is not our goal. We want only for you to be aware of the difference between true, spontaneous, life-affirming Fear and that of pattern-based, life-draining Dread. We want you to inventory your behaviors for Dread patterns and to become aware of them. What are these patterns?

They may sound similar to these very common patterns: I fear early death/ I fear disease/ I fear the loss of loved ones/ I fear abandonment/ I fear failure/ I fear isolation/ I fear challenge X/ I fear pain/ I fear my own abilities

All of these things listed are measures of Dread, not Fear. You may call them Fear, as you have mostly likely been taught to do. Meeting your challenges and challengers, begins with knowing them. You might be surprised by how your mind-body begins to heal itself when you reduce the burden of what you believe is its storehouse of Fears by demoting them to Dread.

It is the unimaginable battles with monsters that we truly Fear. Dread can help us to throw back our shoulders and lift our chins, seeing the other side of fray with reward won. Demote false Fears and restore to yourself those energies held hostage by lies.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: September 04, 2014

Photo by Filippo Cesarini on Unsplash


Sunday, August 31, 2014



AUGUST 31, 2014

Measuring progress is a matter for perspective.  When looking back, you might be considering periods of great activity or inactivity where memories cluster into Terminals, usually a point at which you were required to make a significant decision before moving on. 

If viewed from above, these Terminals might look like, and sometimes function similarly to, a hub or a power station that you can ‘plug into’, receiving data and guidance.  Informing your future and your future behavior often relies on the lessons you have gained, and stored at these Terminals.  Avoiding learned danger is one such example.

What happens, however, when a Terminal closes, and becomes an End Point?  An End Point is a closed field, a tribute, part of a record and part of what has gone into making You.  Learning to crawl and then to walk, in this mortal lifetime, were stored in Terminals while the accumulating ideas were active.  Once you had mastered these skills, those Terminals become End Points, with the attachments sites all occurring along the ‘stem’ up to a certain and final point.

Even if you were to lose your motor skills and had to learn again in this mortal lifetime how to crawl and how to walk, the resonance of those helpful memories would continue to be available to you in the still-live attachment sites below the End Point.  If you did not advance from crawling to walking to running to flying to teleporting, your Terminal would have a very predictable pattern.

But:  what if, once walking and running was mastered, you mutated for flying and then teleporting?  What if the state of your Belief was one of openness and expectation?  What if you embraced the idea that more is unknown to you than is known?  What if, instead of closing the Terminal, finalizing the ideas stored there as complete, and making an End Point (essentially stamping that file folder with the bold red words:  CLOSED), you kept open those Spiritual and neurological pathways to ideas yet unknown?

Can you fly?  How do you know?  As an infant, did you know you would crawl?  Can you teleport?  How do you know?  As an infant, did you know you would walk?

Returning again and again to End Points for information that was gathered and marked “Closed” long ago has its uses, and its faults.  New thinking does not arise from End Points.  End Points are static, they contain records of what was.  Fresh thinking, applied to old knowledge, keeps the branches of the tree alive and growing.  Terminals, to work properly, must be fed, just as a tree must be fed.

How often have you seen old data applied to new conditions with failed results?  A painter who paints the same piece over and over again will fail.  A car manufactured each year without new innovations will fail.  And a person who relies only on the ideas and beliefs that grow close to the trunk of his tree will fail—in expansion if nothing else.
Terminals form connections.  Like the neurological systems in your bodies, sending and receiving information, Terminals keep you connected, and fresh.  End Points are stagnant.

Are you working from End Points to form your opinions and ideas?  Do an assessment.  The more rigid an idea, the more likely the idea is stored in an End Point.  The more open and expansive an idea, the more likely the idea is stored in an alive and open-ended Terminal.  How many of your ideas are also Beliefs?  How many of your Beliefs do you take for Truth?

Imagine for a moment that your Life is a tree.  Imagine that you are a tree.  Lift your branches.  Move them.  Let them dance.  There is no need for stunted, arthritic, and immobile branches.  Let them all swing and sway to Great All’s symphony.  Let the Song move through you.

You are part of that Song.  Watch the wind and the grasses.  Watch the trees.  They will show you how Joy looks in the body.  Remember.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 31, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Friday, August 29, 2014



AUGUST 29, 2014


How do you think of Space?  Do you measure it in the sense of enclosure, non-enclosure, boundaries, personal freedom, distance between people, places, objects, ideas, or conditions; or do you measure Space in Time?

What is Space?  Your quantum physics tells you that more Space exists in an atom than does structure.  But, what is structure, as compared to Space?  Are either ‘real’?

How does anything—thought, matter, light, sound—move from point A to point B?  Is it ‘through’ Space?  Do things ‘move’?  How so?  

Does this mean that Space is ‘something’ rather than ‘nothing’?  Does it mean that Space is alive?  How does the vibration of the word “Space” match with your conceived belief notions of what might be the functions, in total, of Space?

Of course, this is too large a matter to conceive with only the mind, but an excellent example of how words fall short in describing anything, especially things of grand matter.  If we could conceive of Space as a mystical conductor and eternal connective tissue, alive and omniscient, ever-changing, growing, and learning, what word could we assign it that would properly describe and elevate its true nature?

What if we allowed ourselves to explore this idea, and others, in a condition that is above words?  That is the condition that one reaches in high meditative and prayer states, where things are known and felt, in places beyond words.  Mind-fields unify ideas, beyond cultures and times and beliefs, in thought-places where words are a hindrance.

Strive for this in your meditation and prayer time.  Illumining your Spirit with the wonder of non-words grows exponentially, the peace and wisdom innate at your core.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 29, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



AUGUST 26, 2014
AUGUST 26, 2014

In order to fulfill your destiny, in the present and in its future, you must perpetually anchor its aspects in the moment-to-moment of your Life.  Though your horizon may stay equidistant to where you stand, no matter the ground beneath you or the conditions surrounding you, it is imperative that you channel towards and into yourself, those chords and notations for achieving what things next you will do and become.

When movement in Life becomes lateral, overslow, stagnant, or retrograde, your intentions and focus are in a state of Drift.  You are not anchoring your horizon with your present.  Even with the path well lit before you, if you do not walk the path, you will achieve nothing beyond the point at which you stop.

It is rare, except in states of preparation for mortal death, that all aspects are in Drift, but it is common for several aspects of character, belief, or Life energy to be in Drift.  While you may exceed in earning money, per se, you may be in a state of Drift about responsibly applying the bargaining power of the acquired money.  You may exceed in parenting skills, yet be in a state of Drift about your own health and well-being.

Look at your life today.  In which areas are you moving toward your horizon, with strength, integrity and clear purpose?  In which areas are you experiencing Drift?  What conditions have led to these differences in how you engage these different matters of life?  How do you think about and prioritize them?

Contemporary Earth dwellers, in the main, have too many outlets for energy and not enough inflow.  Study this idea as you consider what is in forward movement and what is in Drift.  Do not wait to be shown by tragedy and travail, what your priorities must be; discover them for yourself.  Discard what is non-essential; give energy first to what is vital and next to what is important, remembering to support your joy and regeneration.

Drift creates a kind of static that drags at all movement, making lode stones in the overall weight that you bear, especially when moving uphill.  Life is lighter when all the parts are moving parts and all are moving forward.  Reduce Drift/ increase effectiveness.  Reduce Drift/ increase vitality.  Reduce Drift/ increase satisfaction. 

Drift consumes space and energy.  When you stop feeding it, there is more food at your table for forward movement.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 26, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Monday, August 25, 2014



AUGUST 25, 2014

The Beneficent is your aid, your guide, your protector, your muse, and sometimes, your master.  It resonates just above you, urging you upward.  Be what is helpful.  Do what is helpful.  To do so broadens your base of influence and deepens the complexity and reach of your Song.  As you serve, you become more attuned for service and more able to serve at higher and weightier tasks. 

Ever reaching up, to do and be more, keeps you enlivened and awake.  It keeps you whole and capable.  It keeps you inspired, and aspiring.

But The Beneficent is not a teacher.  The Beneficent is the lighthouse to the ship, the oasis to the caravan, the dream tingling at your awareness as you wake from night’s slumber.  The Beneficent is desire made manifest, set upon your horizons, beckoning to those who will heed its call:  come!

The Beneficent lights your pathways.  It helps to keep your feet sure and true.  It aids you in seeing at the side of the roads you travel, all of the things that you need to see:  where you should pause; where you should rest; where lie your allies, and your opposers.  The Beneficent is your sacred tour guide, your companion in the dark.

The Beneficent is there always, shining.  Look up to your horizons.  What see you there, where the future you now project is re-making you, re-forming and re-knowing you?  The Beneficent draws you onward, casting its light where you fear to look.

The Beneficent says:  

Look only forward.  

Come.  My Light will never tire

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 25, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

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Sunday, August 24, 2014


2014, I AM, THE SONG

AUGUST 24, 2014

Many factors influence how you come to be Who you are. The first is your Eternal Spark, your template, the Song into which you are sung, the Master plan of YOU. This is your basic nature and core, Who you are when all other influences are stripped away.

Between the factors and fells of influences that add to your greater Song, your core nature and original Song will always remain the conductor. It is the Waveforms in which you indulge yourself or become subject to that add to and embellish your base nature, make more complex and richer, the basic nature of your Eternal Song or Spark. 

While there are differences in every entity’s Creative completions, the more complex the Song, the greater the influences, and therefore, the greater the time spent in accumulating, contemplating, and experiencing the richness of conditions that add to the symphony of Self.

It begins with observance and moves to a first incarnation, using Higher guidance to seek appropriate Waves and Waveforms which will assist the Self in understanding and growth. This may occur first as time of entry, given factors such as harmonic resonance and planetary alignments. Point of entry is next considered: social structures and hierarchies, beliefs and meanings that are appropriate to what is needed to be met, absorbed . . . or resisted.

Karmic or Tribal grouping are also considered, such as which mortal families may be best suited for the entering Spirit and its goals. And lastly, the body itself: which gender, what abilities, gifts and challenges. Personality has its character: Spirit is not denude of that. The Great All is not peopled by mindless personalities lacking character or individuality, no matter how you think or believe of it.

We are a chorus of many minds, many Tribes, many personalities . . . and as such, we are a symphony which cannot be conceived with the human mind. So rich and textured, and so unlimitedly, multi-dimensional, your sciences would stand in awe of the shapes that we form: indescribable, alive, immediate and consensual. Your universe is but one node among many nodes in a web of aliveness that knows no ending and no beginning. 

Still, this does not describe where you are, what this is, who WE are, and who YOU are.

Know this: You did not arise as mishap or afterthought, or like a brew fomenting, looking for some viable means to survive. You Are. AND you will continue to be. We are the I AM. You are the I AM. All together We are the I AM.

It is based on this premise that you chose the Waveforms into which you incarnated. Do you feel your life to be difficult?  Can you imagine why you might have chosen this life? Can you imagine why you were led to this life? Can you allow yourself to feel the moment, connecting it to your present, when you made the conscious choice to step into this life—when you said “Yes”?

If the Waveform you are currently experiencing feels tiring, seek to rise vibrationally above it. Seek to throw off the lower vibrations in favor of the higher vibrations, for the Higher always subverts the Lower. Do this through Will, through Voice, through Dance, through chanting and meditation. Seek it purely and it will embrace You—You at your core, who remembers this whole process and that place from which you have begun your journey.

How is a Song made, except that it is woven together? How is a Tapestry made, except that it is woven together? How is a painting made, except that it is woven together? Once-separate parts are urged to meet and stay met to create a new thing. Waveforms from the I AM answer the call and from wherever in the Great All they exist, they come to the point of desire, meet and commingle, co-creating with the Weaver.

What Waveforms were called together to Co-Create You? What sings to you as you look out at your world? Which of its aspects do you most strongly feel? How do you respond to it? How do you represent it? Does the water call you? The fire? The air? The soil?

Do you know the voices of the animals or the plants? What know you of the secret urgings of the human heart and how it ails? Which starseeds inside you speak of foreign climes, and how might that be brought to bear in solving the world’s current challenges? The Great All is composed of the many faces of the great I AMs.

Together, singing, the great I AMs, make the ONE I AM. And while we may beat as ONE heart, we can also, each of us, be known as one cell. Our ONE Mind is composed of many minds. 

This is our strength and our beauty. 


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 24, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, August 19, 2014



AUGUST 19, 2014


He wears a suit and a practiced smile; people defer to him.  He wears rags; as he holds his begging bowl out to you, flies swarm around the open sores on his arm.

She glides through a crowd wearing finery that costs more than some will acquire in a lifetime, attracting both those who wish to emulate her and those who wish to tear her down.  She cries as her baby weakens, unable to offer more nourishment to keep her daughter alive; her once glowing fire is a steadily diminishing spark.

How is it that one thrives and one can barely survive?  We do not speak of the nature versus nurture debate, but of the Eternal Spark and its journey from the time it alights inside the human and takes its place for the mortal journey.  What is this system that religion, history, politics, and social hierarchy strive so mightily to explain and justify?

Does one person deserve higher and better things based solely on their mortal birth conditions?  Are some meant to lead and others to defer?  Is karma at work when success, or failure, is at hand?  How much of your mortal life is a reflection of your Spirit’s urgings and how much is a confluence, or contradictory action set, of the unified mind field, the all-inclusive reflection of Great All’s every thought and intention?

How came You to be You?  What pieces and parts and thoughts and beliefs and actions and motivating forces and withdrawals create the enigmatic, singular being that is You, becoming?  For each day, You are becoming more . . . becoming more of many things, that in retrospect will be:  more You. 

It is unfortunate that this message will not find those in the greatest need of it and even if it did, those who need its remembrance would not understand its song, for mortality has a heaviness and thickness that make Truth difficult.  You know this.  It takes many lifetimes to master properly fusing a physical body with pure Spirit, to find a threshold where the pleasures of flesh can be symbiotically harmonized with the higher realms.

This is key to understanding how Spirit is seated in the body.  When you meet a Master, you will know first by the harmony of Spirit in the body.  Rather than feeling trapped, that Spirit is fully awake to the idea that home is everywhere, and that a body fully em-bodied can provide many opportunities for new vision and expansion.  Many Spirits such as this will come into families already aware of these higher principles, reducing conflict and confusion for the entering Spirit, and easing their road into adulthood.

For the Spirit new to the body and its experience, the flesh feels particularly dense.  It is difficult to navigate, and nearly impossible to fully integrate.  From birth to death, there is a continuous feeling of division between Spirit and flesh, a feeling of separateness that fuels beliefs in hierarchies, polarities, punishments, and such systems that glorify ego, whether it be individual ego of Person, individual ego of Deity, or the group ego of External Authority, real or perceived.

How at home is your Spirit in your Body?  What conditions create this level of awareness and comfort?  Which of your behaviors and beliefs have been created by this condition, which have been left behind, and which conditions are you striving toward?  How will new conditions of Spirit/Body harmony create different behaviors and beliefs in your Life experience?  Can you consciously actualize these experiences through the lens of Spirit rather than human ego?

Imagine a family that includes ten children.  They are not exactly alike, not in genetic terms, nor in terms of nurturance—yet this is as close as we may come for an example.  Which of these ten will thrive, if any, and which will fail, if any, and how does one set the parameters for failure and life success?  With all factors in physical comfort, safety, affection, group interaction, and needs-meeting matched, what qualities create the differences in the ability of child ‘one’ to thrive while child ‘eight’ fails at self-support?

We might be tempted to diagram this phenomenon by emotional and intellectual measures.  We might cite one of many studies regarding evolution and the reptilian brain.  We might draw on resources from mythology, culture, literature, and so on, but do we answer the question, or do we merely quiet the most superficial layer of the mind’s need to know?

Think of a spark falling to the forest floor.  There lies the tinder that may be caught up:  some dry, some damp/  some dense, some hollow/  some resinous, some rocky.  Just the way that oxygen can be combined to make many different chemicals, and notes can be combined to make many different songs, the Eternal Sparks of Life, combined with genetics, setting, local resources, and social subsets, also strike a unique alchemy.

The Eternal You, placed as a Spark inside another vehicle, would be a different You.  Born to different parents, in a different place, perhaps a different culture, You would be a different You.  Even changing your birth order creates a different You.  

Down to each nuance of a thing, vibration tunes and resonates What Is with What It Now BecomesTwo parts hydrogen combined in just the right way with one part oxygen becomes water. 

The Eternal You born into your flesh becomes the Earthly You.  Think of the myriad places and conditions into which you may have been born—on your birth day on planet Earth—and how different You would be.  That you are here reading this indicates many factors, including a certain level of intelligence, education, free time, and disposable income.

It also indicates that you are seeking answers beyond those trite, packaged responses that have previously been given to underscore the hierarchies that exist there in your societies, the reasoning for polarities:  the haves and have-nots, the doers and watchers, the good and the bad, the successful and the failed, the wise and the ignorant, the humble and the vain, the lazy and the bold.  Who are You and why are You that You?

In which part of what wave do you vibrate?  What beliefs hold you together?  How does your ego convince you that you have an identity?  Is it real? 

Identifying your Who is the quickest and surest way to mending the ill aspects of your Self, thereby enabling deeper study of What You Are What You Are is a constantly changing study of experiencing Great All, currently through the Mask and Mantle of your Who, your Earthly incarnation.  What see you, Player, in this role?

How many Masks have you worn?  How many Mantles?  Do you look forward to the time of “I AM,” where you may walk the Earth with neither Mask nor Mantle, fully attuned?  Learn your Self as You are and make your Self as You would be.  The Spirit grows lighter with wisdom, and as it grows lighter it settles with greater ease in the body.

So, this morning when we say to you, “Be Light of Spirit,” do you take our meaning differently?  Be the I AM you were born of.  It is your destiny.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 19, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

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