Many factors influence how you come to be Who you are. The first is your Eternal Spark, your template, the Song into which you are sung, the Master plan of YOU. This is your basic nature and core, Who you are when all other influences are stripped away.
Between the factors and fells of influences that add to your greater Song, your core nature and original Song will always remain the conductor. It is the Waveforms in which you indulge yourself or become subject to that add to and embellish your base nature, make more complex and richer, the basic nature of your Eternal Song or Spark.
While there are differences in every entity’s Creative completions, the more complex the Song, the greater the influences, and therefore, the greater the time spent in accumulating, contemplating, and experiencing the richness of conditions that add to the symphony of Self.
It begins with observance and moves to a first incarnation, using Higher guidance to seek appropriate Waves and Waveforms which will assist the Self in understanding and growth. This may occur first as time of entry, given factors such as harmonic resonance and planetary alignments. Point of entry is next considered: social structures and hierarchies, beliefs and meanings that are appropriate to what is needed to be met, absorbed . . . or resisted.
Karmic or Tribal grouping are also considered, such as which mortal families may be best suited for the entering Spirit and its goals. And lastly, the body itself: which gender, what abilities, gifts and challenges. Personality has its character: Spirit is not denude of that. The Great All is not peopled by mindless personalities lacking character or individuality, no matter how you think or believe of it.
We are a chorus of many minds, many Tribes, many personalities . . . and as such, we are a symphony which cannot be conceived with the human mind. So rich and textured, and so unlimitedly, multi-dimensional, your sciences would stand in awe of the shapes that we form: indescribable, alive, immediate and consensual. Your universe is but one node among many nodes in a web of aliveness that knows no ending and no beginning.
Still, this does not describe where you are, what this is, who WE are, and who YOU are.
Know this: You did not arise as mishap or afterthought, or like a brew fomenting, looking for some viable means to survive. You Are. AND you will continue to be. We are the I AM. You are the I AM. All together We are the I AM.
It is based on this premise that you chose the Waveforms into which you incarnated. Do you feel your life to be difficult? Can you imagine why you might have chosen this life? Can you imagine why you were led to this life? Can you allow yourself to feel the moment, connecting it to your present, when you made the conscious choice to step into this life—when you said “Yes”?
If the Waveform you are currently experiencing feels tiring, seek to rise vibrationally above it. Seek to throw off the lower vibrations in favor of the higher vibrations, for the Higher always subverts the Lower. Do this through Will, through Voice, through Dance, through chanting and meditation. Seek it purely and it will embrace You—You at your core, who remembers this whole process and that place from which you have begun your journey.
How is a Song made, except that it is woven together? How is a Tapestry made, except that it is woven together? How is a painting made, except that it is woven together? Once-separate parts are urged to meet and stay met to create a new thing. Waveforms from the I AM answer the call and from wherever in the Great All they exist, they come to the point of desire, meet and commingle, co-creating with the Weaver.
What Waveforms were called together to Co-Create You? What sings to you as you look out at your world? Which of its aspects do you most strongly feel? How do you respond to it? How do you represent it? Does the water call you? The fire? The air? The soil?
Do you know the voices of the animals or the plants? What know you of the secret urgings of the human heart and how it ails? Which starseeds inside you speak of foreign climes, and how might that be brought to bear in solving the world’s current challenges? The Great All is composed of the many faces of the great I AMs.
Together, singing, the great I AMs, make the ONE I AM. And while we may beat as ONE heart, we can also, each of us, be known as one cell. Our ONE Mind is composed of many minds.
This is our strength and our beauty.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil
Archives: August 24, 2014
visual by Walks With Fire