Thursday, August 14, 2014



August 14, 2014


How know you a False Prophet?  Is it in the prophet’s demeanor?  Their rhetoric?  Is it in the content of their speeches?  If impassioned, does your Spirit, head and heart go fully into the breach that they create, or does something hold you back?  And . . . what if that False Prophet is YOU?

Truth has a certain resonance that in its time, will lead you into its shelter.  You feel it inside yourself.  Passion sometimes mimics resonance to a stunning degree.  And beliefs in certain accepted knowledge, if long held, can create a deep groove that makes a pattern similar on the surface to Truth’s resonance.  Without readily accessible options for multitudinous thinking, a rare and often disastrous idea, we form ourselves around one large idea at a time:  one belief that contains from zero to one hundred percent of Truth.

Your histories will tell you that people once widely seated the belief that poor humours of the body were responsible for illness.  During this same period they knew enough to quarantine the sick, but many ‘experts’ could not conceive of what you later came to know as microbial agents and their contaminant pathways.  They seated the beliefs of their times and amended their behaviors to align with those beliefs, which they called Truth.

What if the future looks at your present and says that your belief in microbial agents and their pathways was stunningly limited, as therefore your behaviors, treatments, and false Truths were limited?  What if in one hundred years vibrational medicine is the only medicine acknowledged and used on your planet?  What will be the belief, behavior, and accepted Truths of that time?

The point we make is this:  False Prophets are sometimes false by deed and intent, and sometimes only by the mistaken judgments of their Time, their society, its beliefs, and its behaviors, and how that compares to the greatest body of influences by which they are surrounded. 

What if within you there is a Truth burning?  You believe that to speak this Truth, you will be labeled a charlatan or a False Prophet.  By not speaking, you may be withholding information that could be of help to many or to a few.  It burns in you day and night.  You are inspired, or possessed, or obsessed . . . or mad.  What do you?

This is a matter of personal will, of course, and you will have seen or heard of, the journey of many a False Prophet.  Some False Prophets crow from their mounts to hear their own singing, some to influence, some to admonish, some to manipulate.  Look at the message of any prophet; what does their message suggest?

Using the term False Prophet, we suggest that the intention to the Self (of one’s own Self or of another’s Self) is false, manipulative or directly destructive.  We do not include here those who are well-meaning but mis-directed; they are not willingly False, but young perhaps, or mistaken, or misled by an idea that has taken them in a direction needless of the Spirit’s graces.

A False Prophet will lure you to false peace (inertia), abandonment of your family (recruitment and isolation), and communities for sake of their own gains (resource pools).  They want you to believe something that they believe (or don't) so that they might use you to support their own agenda, one that might in certain cases, lead you to your own Earthly annihilation.  Working on scales small to large, the False Prophet wants something that you have for their own, rather than helping you to gain something for your own.

And, this also applies to you, your Self, when you are your own False Prophet.  How often have you prophesied:  do this and you will fail/ be thought as less/ be humiliated . . . you need only be kind/ look away/ remain uninvolved . . . you need only hold light to know only good/ only good comes to the good/ when bad comes to the good they have attracted it through wrong thought or wrongdoing.  What is gained? 

The False Prophet, an avatar of the ego-mind, gains control through an elevated sense of self that feeds it the everything-is-all-right signals that it needs to thrive.  This is how external force has gained more legitimacy in the world as compared to internal power. 

How often does your own False Prophet mislead you and why?  How much of this is denial?  How much of this is unwillingness to engage the world?  

What do you fear in taking up the reins of your life and understanding that life contracts and expands and that like you, Life must breathe?  Why do you allow the mythologies of your False Prophet to guide you, inventing and re-inventing your fears and beliefs—rather than following the smaller, stiller, deeper, eternal voice of the real Prophet that is born into You?

A False Prophet is known by his message and its intent, and discerning eternal Truth is a Master’s task.  But sensing which things add attribute to your Life condition, understanding and abilities, will show itself out quite readily.  Whether delivered by your Self or by another, study the message of the Prophet:  accept what ultimately heals and builds; reject the rest.

The False Prophet will always speak.  Strive to silence his message in You.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 14, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Sunday, August 10, 2014



AUGUST 10, 2014


What say you when tragedy and Travail occur in your life?  How does it measure?  Do you say to yourself:  this is an event, or do you say:  I deserve this bad thing, this difficult thing, because that is what I am made for?  What is your belief concerning what is painful, and an ongoing challenge?

A certain amount of challenge is necessary to structure proper thought and response, and to develop compassion, but what of tenacity and its attachment to seeing only the negative aspects of any condition, and doing such through a personal lens?  Do you believe that Life metes out to You, personally, more than your neighbor, for the mere fact that You are You, that for some set of facts in your karma, you deserve punishment, hardening, retribution, or high payment in exchange for existence?

What is your belief regarding the expansion and contraction of the fields that you influence and that influence you?  Like the waves of the ocean being drawn by the moon, periods of peace and ease are pierced by periods of excitement, fear, challenge, and lull.  Do you recognize these points of Light and regeneration, or do you merely draw breath, using the plateau as a place upon which you dread the next Travail?

If you laid unto a chart, the energetic expenditures of great joy and great sorrow, you would see that their expansive forces looked quite similar.  With Time as a constant and horizontal rendering, and energy expended represented as points vertical across that line, you would see a graph that looks seismically like the rendering of Earth’s movements, the predictions for earthquakes and faults. 

Upon reconsidering this, you might adopt the romantic notion that events you once considered polar opposites are more like polar pairs:  birth and death/ love and loss/ acquisition and release/ great effort and great inability.  You might see that by studying events scientifically, effort is effort, no matter how it is emotionally considered.  But, oh, you say:  an effort made in love leaves one feeling uplifted, while an effort made under the lash is all but breaking.

Yes.  We acknowledge that this is true.  But are these polarities true regarding every effort?

Was the traffic on the roadway put before you as a personal Travail?  Is it your cross to bear?  Do others have mortgages to pay?  Health problems?  Issues with their families?  Trouble at work?  How much of your efforts do you invest, unnecessarily, with personal angst?  How much of your share of challenges do you morph into Travail?

A difficult thing is always made more difficult by your personal, emotional investment.  It is easier to help your friends with their difficulties, is it not—all the while thinking that you are glad to help, and glad to be one step removed from their problem.  

But:  what if you could learn to be one step removed from your own problems?  How much easier then, would it be to find a resolution?  How much clearer your thoughts, how much more expedient your solutions, once personal angst has been removed.

We enter incarnation for a multitude of reasons and leave it with a multitude of resolutions.  Staying small and tangled serves nothing but unhappiness.  You will always know Travail.  The wise will learn to know Travail for what it is.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 10, 2014

 Photo by Tim Peterson on Unsplash 

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Saturday, August 9, 2014



AUGUST 9, 2014

There is a moment, inside each moment, where perfection is balanced amid all non-perfection.  This moment, or place, or breath, is the hinge pin around which all of that which is non-formed, in transition, or in its process of creation, stays connected to the Template of Great All and knows its calming breath, the holographic force and peace of its center.

Those moments are inside of You.  You find them when you seek and find your stillness, for that river you follow as you follow your breath, takes you into their heart.  They live at the center of you, yes, but in both the energetic sense and the physical, mortal sense, the gateways of these stillness particles, are also scattered among the stars of you—just as the stars are scattered among the vibrant paths and planes of Great All’s endless reaches.

We have said, and you have heard before, that the matter of stars is woven into you.  Do you doubt this when you stand under the night sky and look up, feeling that tug that says, ‘home’?  You are a child of All That Is.  Home is a larger concept than you might imagine . . . yet, you sometimes hunger for a deeper sense of this, do you not?

There have been times in your life when you have felt a wave of stillness, shared by many:  deep prayer or meditation in a group, where you all hit a similar note in the same frame of time; a great tragedy or triumph that unites emotions sympatically; the timed reaction to a performance, speech, or an accomplishment such as the moon landing.  At certain times, especially in your current times, this wave can travel around the planet in seconds.

It is changing you.  You are linking first through radar electronics, satellite, and microwave devices:  but these things deliver images and sounds to which you react.  You are becoming hardwired and chemically attuned to this—reprogrammed and elevated, as if these first, crude electronics are training wheels for your brain and spinal cord—re-singing you so that you may someday soon accomplish lightning fast consensus-style communications without their aids.

Has this been done in other civilizations?  Yes.  We talk now of You, today, here on Earth, learning together.  We talk of the still moments inside you, perfect peace, the perfection around which all non-perfection is orbiting.  It is in you, always—yes, even in them who would appear fully non-perfect or evil.

We hope that in your lifetime you have the opportunity to experience one of the Great Waves, where consensus peaks in perfection and joy, and with such obvious and loud attribute that all creatures stop their meanderings and tasks to turn their focus upward, to vibrations above themselves.  And there upon might they gaze on such a wonder, such a marvel, that they are every Spirit, filled completely with unconditional love and amazement.

We, of untold age, have known this rarely, but tell you, that to experience this once burns away all doubts and all misgivings about Life that you have ever held dear.  As All Creation Bows, you will say, “Let me live not a minute more and I will have known my measure.”

This Miracle is inside You.  Will you take time to know this?  Bliss is radiant, and contagious and lives at the center of Great All, which is Perfection.  As you work each day, striving, seeking to solve Life’s problems outside yourself, you have only to look inward, to that powerful, central spark around which you were sung into Life.

All Creation Bows to this, which gave you Life.  It is Eternal, omniscient, and omnipresent.  And It is in You.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 9, 2014


Tuesday, August 5, 2014




When you launch an Intention fully formed into the Great All, it is akin to dropping into the ocean, a message in a bottle.  Only those alert and interested enough, and sometimes talented enough, to identify the message bottle, open it and decode its language may actively partake, but multitudes may passively partake. 

There is a feeling in the air, a mood.  Be it a spring celebration, or preparation for war, the stirring of the pot creates waves in the template of what is, creating what is ‘now.’  You are part of that.

What is once known cannot ever be unknown.  Like holding a knowledge stone in the palm of your hand, the radiation of the knowledge wraps itself through the DNA of your mortal body and the Song of your eternal one, becoming part of you.

You become part of this thread or this web, this world within worlds.  Your influence now influences all other parts of this web, like mother-to-child, child-to-mother.  Imagine the experience of the Creator when a multitude of Creations turn at once and amplify the original condition of Love that was being held while they were being sung into life.  How marvelous a circuit that becomes.

But what of destructive emotions?  They too amplify when returned.  In cases of violence and war, retribution, revenge, false justice, hatred, and rage:  returning or answering such behaviors with similar energy creates a Blowback that is greater than the first strike, for more energy has been streamlined to the cause, with more recruits standing on that web.

This is how war perpetuates.  We have told you this for all of time.  Look to your hearts.  It is not merely what you say that affects others.  It is not merely what you do that affects others.  How you believe and what you think and how you love or do not love affects others.  If you hate and consider others hatefully, the conditions of hate will blow back to you.  If you love and consider others lovingly, the conditions of love will blow back to you.

Yes:  you may not see these manifestations right away, or even in this lifetime.  And we do not suggest that you refrain from difficult things, things that on the surface seem to others, unloving.  To remove something harmful for your own good or for the good of others, is an act of love.  Truths often live deeper than the surface, where they cannot be cut or polished away.

Construct your life with compassion and courage, so that when the critical threshold is met, the Blowback of Love brings you to your knees.  Let that wave of purity, returned to you, amplify the Song of Great All.  Let that Singing of Creation fill and lift your heart and with it, every living thing.  You have that power.  Let that power be joy.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: August 5, 2014



Thursday, July 31, 2014



JULY 31, 2014


What is doubt?  Regret for a thought past, or regret for future actions?  It is the opposite of Surety, which is a condition of Body, Spirit and Mind being aligned for the same purpose and action.  Doubt is therefore, the disruption, or misalignment of Body, Spirit and Mind as it concerns purpose and action.  What is its cause?

Doubt is lack of Trust in Self and Self’s components.  Let us now divide that into two categories:  false Doubt and true Doubt.

False Doubt is hesitation, driven by fear, belief, self-esteem or lack thereof, greed, short-sightedness, lethargy, and misguided ambition.  Hesitation is not Doubt when all components of Body, Mind and Spirit are telling you the direction of proper thought and action, and you fail to follow it.  If you fail to follow direction due to your fear, belief, or lack of self-esteem, again, this is not Doubt.

If you have seen your direction, and are supported by perfect alignment of Body, Mind, and Spirit, yet do not act because of your greed, short-sightedness, lethargy, or misguided ambitions, again, Doubt is not at work.  These conditions are many, and they are not conditions of Doubt.

Doubt, as a misalignment of Body, Spirit, and Mind, is a signal that more time is needed before action is taken.  The Reckoning has yet to settle into pieces fine enough for language and deed.  Doubt is the waiting period between awareness that an action will be needed and the time when the potentiated window for the action arrives.  Doubt is the area in the wings of the stage where the actors run through their lines, and as they do so, other components of the production are being potentiated in kind.

Do not use the wordform or thoughtform, Doubt, lightly.  True Doubt serves you by giving you time to check for the aspects of your great production, or for the seaworthy condition of your vessel before a storm.

When you are feeling Doubt, first make sure that you are feeling True Doubt and not some other condition.  Now—use the gift of Reckoning to weigh and balance what you are considering.  If your Intuition has brought you to Action, Doubt and Reckoning will help make sure that your Action is Right Action.

Let Doubt serve you as a bridge serves—uniting a place where preparations are occurring and a place where preparations have competently completed.  Once Body, Mind, and Spirit are unified and the Right Action is potentiated, you are standing in a place of Harmony, quite often as provided by Doubt.

Understand True Doubt as the tool that it is.  Rather than a warning against bad Judgment, it is an opportunity to support Judgment that is well-considered.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: July 31, 2014


Wednesday, July 30, 2014



JULY 30, 2014


By what set of values and determinants do you come to a Reckoning regarding any condition, belief, person, place, or thing?  You may believe that such things are self-determining, but this is not so, and for reasons you may not yet have considered.

Putting aside the obvious variables, such as receiving more rain when one is dealing with loss of life, shelter and food due to flooding, the unexpected genocide of many by a previously unknown neighbor, or the eradication of any species due to mismanagement and abuses . . . let us discuss the more subtle aspects of Reckoning.

Judgment is a necessary action; it allows Reckoning, the process of calculation, to be dovetailed with the intuition, belief, and sociocultural values.  Used wisely and clearly, Judgment helps to determine which actions are advancing apace with nature and which actions are advancing against the will of others in ways that often makes intervention desirable and even necessary.  To Judge is not to sentence, just as to Reckon is not to morally or socially classify.

Reckoning is the act by which we determine the exclusion or inclusion of a thing according to its Value—that is, its perceived ability to enhance our lives for betterment.  When we come to a point of Reckoning, we must make a decision:  to accept or reject.

Choose a condition in your life that is troubling you.  That condition has come to a point of Reckoning.  Let us say that condition is your current job.  Does your current job enhance your life and the lives of others for betterment?  Does your current job provide opportunities for growth?  Do you utilize your gifts in performing this job and have you reason enough to explore and correct for your challenges?

If through this process of calculation, you determine more affirmative answers to the deeper questions as you explore this topic, will you accept more time at this job—with less disgruntlement, fewer excuses, and greater insight into how this job could be a tool for achievement?  If this process shows you that this job should be rejected in favor of another, the gift of Reckoning has allowed you to account for similar, but opposed details.

Simple, you say.  But, what if the condition you seek to calculate and study is not so simple?  What if you are dealing with what medical practitioners tell you is a terminal disease?  And what if you cannot adequately pay for your care?  And what if you are also the breadwinner for your family, and your spouse is unable to work, as well as your three young dependents?  How can the gift of Reckoning help you in a case like this?

As intuition is the ability to open the consciousness through the gateways of the heart and spirit, Reckoning is the ability to open the consciousness through the gateways of the mind—not only the mortal mind, but the mind as it exists in your greater Self as well.  You must soften to what is to see what can be.  Your “Great Thinkers” should really be considered “Great Receivers,” for that is what they are:  gatherers of ideas, just the same as any other artist.

Mind is much greater than the intellect, which is a small and stridently organized biology filled with knowledge and trivia.  Truth is not knowledge.  Knowledge is an assortment of ideas and trivia accepted to be true, with an astounding degree of fallacy written into it.  Trivia is an entertainment, usually embracing the spirit of the age, and gone quickly with it:  phrases and turns significant only in its sociocultural heartbeat.

Truth is.  Truth changes as reality changes, not unmaking previous truths, but morphing, rectifying, evolving.  You are sung out of Truth and retain that spark, no matter your signature.

Through the gift of Reckoning, you allow the gateways of Mind to soften and feed into your consciousness, Truth.  You have had this experience of striving to remember something, or striving to solve a problem.  Upon releasing your labors, the answers come to you.  Many masters seek this gateway through various states of consciousness, a putting aside of the intellect, however well trained, in favor of allowing the High Mind to speak.

This is the Mind, a great gateway, and this is how Reckoning can aid you in sorting out what to exclude or include in your life.  Beyond Intuition, Reckoning takes that next, practical step in helping you to sort out the details:  medical care; guardianship; money; mechanics; biomechanics; quantum mechanics.

It’s all there for you, just past the gateway.  Let Reckoning show you High Mind and with it, the many possibilities of Great All’s great muse.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: July 30, 2014


Sunday, July 27, 2014



JULY 27, 2014

Kleidouchos is The Sacred Key Holder.  What does that mean?  Who is the One holding that venerable Key to the knowledge you feel that is lacking, that knowledge that holds you back from clarity, destiny, and purpose?

     It Is You.

You are sung into Creation.  As that pattern unfurls, your personal Key is forming inside you.  It is unique to you, yet it opens many more gateways to placeways and portals within the Great All, each dependent on vibration.  If we illustrate by using a scale of one-to-one-hundred, we can say that The Kleidouchos bearing the Key vibration of 100 cannot pass a gateway with a minimum vibration requirement of 200, or of even 101 and above.

Newly born Spirits have the kernel of everything that is inside them, but it remains very tightly closed on itself, unfurling layer by layer as understanding and personal wisdom is gained.  It is the Key that responds to higher patterns, and acts as the mediator between achieved knowledge and knowledge to be acquired.  It forms bridges so that new vibrations can be accepted into the Self/self without damage to the higher Self’s core emotionology and mind, and the lower self’s biology, physiology, emotions, mind, and beliefs.

Therefore, your Greater Self (that is, your Eternal Self), is your first and closest sacred gatekeeper.  Your Greater Self is the steward for the well-being of your Smaller Self (that is, your Mortal Self), and with the help of your Tribe, sees to the safe assimilation of knowledge, experience and growth.

What of the outward growths that happen outside expected boundaries?  What of out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, heavenly visitations, precognition, and the host of other conditions that seem to bring knowledge in an instant, leaving an intense and permanent shift in the vibration of dual Selves/selves?  Your Key also allows for this—barring that its stronghold has been overridden by an outside influence who forces past its gateways—a very rare occurrence.

Think of your Sacred Key as a kind of umbilical cord that keeps you tied to the core of the Great All and its vast knowledge.  It knows you, always.  The communication in both directions is free-flowing, unless you are resolute in believing that it does not exist or are adamant in not listening.  This cord is like a many-headed serpent.  It can be plugged into many sources, so that you can be studying in many places and in many times.  To do this, you must think in multiple dimensions rather than in three:  a challenge for those who are currently Earth-bound.

Suffice to say that The Kleidouchos, the Sacred Key Bearer, has a venerable position in the Great All:  your protection, your growth, your transport.  While there are many Kleidouchos giving service throughout the Great All, concern yourself with the position of your own.  When confronted with Truth not yet assimilated, The Kleidouchos begins to vibrate, indicating readiness—whereby a flood of related information will follow.  Do you consciously give assent or do you fire orders to close the gateways?

In your mortal life, you may apply your will, to a blinding and crippling degree, many, many times, before Truth’s vibration will naysay your denial.  This is but one example.  Your Kleidouchos is best friend, warrior, teacher, master, and muse, all in one while you are there.  Learn the vibration of this high and holy gatekeeper who works to show you all of Creation and to assimilate What Is into What Is You.

What began as seed in you longs for unfurled form: its wholeness knows no brighter light; its beauty no comparison.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: July 27, 2014