There is a moment, inside each moment, where perfection is balanced amid all non-perfection. This moment, or place, or breath, is the hinge pin around which all of that which is non-formed, in transition, or in its process of creation, stays connected to the Template of Great All and knows its calming breath, the holographic force and peace of its center.
Those moments are inside of You. You find them when you seek and find your stillness, for that river you follow as you follow your breath, takes you into their heart. They live at the center of you, yes, but in both the energetic sense and the physical, mortal sense, the gateways of these stillness particles, are also scattered among the stars of you—just as the stars are scattered among the vibrant paths and planes of Great All’s endless reaches.
We have said, and you have heard before, that the matter of stars is woven into you. Do you doubt this when you stand under the night sky and look up, feeling that tug that says, ‘home’? You are a child of All That Is. Home is a larger concept than you might imagine . . . yet, you sometimes hunger for a deeper sense of this, do you not?
There have been times in your life when you have felt a wave of stillness, shared by many: deep prayer or meditation in a group, where you all hit a similar note in the same frame of time; a great tragedy or triumph that unites emotions sympatically; the timed reaction to a performance, speech, or an accomplishment such as the moon landing. At certain times, especially in your current times, this wave can travel around the planet in seconds.
It is changing you. You are linking first through radar electronics, satellite, and microwave devices: but these things deliver images and sounds to which you react. You are becoming hardwired and chemically attuned to this—reprogrammed and elevated, as if these first, crude electronics are training wheels for your brain and spinal cord—re-singing you so that you may someday soon accomplish lightning fast consensus-style communications without their aids.
Has this been done in other civilizations? Yes. We talk now of You, today, here on Earth, learning together. We talk of the still moments inside you, perfect peace, the perfection around which all non-perfection is orbiting. It is in you, always—yes, even in them who would appear fully non-perfect or evil.
We hope that in your lifetime you have the opportunity to experience one of the Great Waves, where consensus peaks in perfection and joy, and with such obvious and loud attribute that all creatures stop their meanderings and tasks to turn their focus upward, to vibrations above themselves. And there upon might they gaze on such a wonder, such a marvel, that they are every Spirit, filled completely with unconditional love and amazement.
We, of untold age, have known this rarely, but tell you, that to experience this once burns away all doubts and all misgivings about Life that you have ever held dear. As All Creation Bows, you will say, “Let me live not a minute more and I will have known my measure.”
This Miracle is inside You. Will you take time to know this? Bliss is radiant, and contagious and lives at the center of Great All, which is Perfection. As you work each day, striving, seeking to solve Life’s problems outside yourself, you have only to look inward, to that powerful, central spark around which you were sung into Life.
All Creation Bows to this, which gave you Life. It is Eternal, omniscient, and omnipresent. And It is in You.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil
Archives: August 9, 2014