Wednesday, July 30, 2014



JULY 30, 2014


By what set of values and determinants do you come to a Reckoning regarding any condition, belief, person, place, or thing?  You may believe that such things are self-determining, but this is not so, and for reasons you may not yet have considered.

Putting aside the obvious variables, such as receiving more rain when one is dealing with loss of life, shelter and food due to flooding, the unexpected genocide of many by a previously unknown neighbor, or the eradication of any species due to mismanagement and abuses . . . let us discuss the more subtle aspects of Reckoning.

Judgment is a necessary action; it allows Reckoning, the process of calculation, to be dovetailed with the intuition, belief, and sociocultural values.  Used wisely and clearly, Judgment helps to determine which actions are advancing apace with nature and which actions are advancing against the will of others in ways that often makes intervention desirable and even necessary.  To Judge is not to sentence, just as to Reckon is not to morally or socially classify.

Reckoning is the act by which we determine the exclusion or inclusion of a thing according to its Value—that is, its perceived ability to enhance our lives for betterment.  When we come to a point of Reckoning, we must make a decision:  to accept or reject.

Choose a condition in your life that is troubling you.  That condition has come to a point of Reckoning.  Let us say that condition is your current job.  Does your current job enhance your life and the lives of others for betterment?  Does your current job provide opportunities for growth?  Do you utilize your gifts in performing this job and have you reason enough to explore and correct for your challenges?

If through this process of calculation, you determine more affirmative answers to the deeper questions as you explore this topic, will you accept more time at this job—with less disgruntlement, fewer excuses, and greater insight into how this job could be a tool for achievement?  If this process shows you that this job should be rejected in favor of another, the gift of Reckoning has allowed you to account for similar, but opposed details.

Simple, you say.  But, what if the condition you seek to calculate and study is not so simple?  What if you are dealing with what medical practitioners tell you is a terminal disease?  And what if you cannot adequately pay for your care?  And what if you are also the breadwinner for your family, and your spouse is unable to work, as well as your three young dependents?  How can the gift of Reckoning help you in a case like this?

As intuition is the ability to open the consciousness through the gateways of the heart and spirit, Reckoning is the ability to open the consciousness through the gateways of the mind—not only the mortal mind, but the mind as it exists in your greater Self as well.  You must soften to what is to see what can be.  Your “Great Thinkers” should really be considered “Great Receivers,” for that is what they are:  gatherers of ideas, just the same as any other artist.

Mind is much greater than the intellect, which is a small and stridently organized biology filled with knowledge and trivia.  Truth is not knowledge.  Knowledge is an assortment of ideas and trivia accepted to be true, with an astounding degree of fallacy written into it.  Trivia is an entertainment, usually embracing the spirit of the age, and gone quickly with it:  phrases and turns significant only in its sociocultural heartbeat.

Truth is.  Truth changes as reality changes, not unmaking previous truths, but morphing, rectifying, evolving.  You are sung out of Truth and retain that spark, no matter your signature.

Through the gift of Reckoning, you allow the gateways of Mind to soften and feed into your consciousness, Truth.  You have had this experience of striving to remember something, or striving to solve a problem.  Upon releasing your labors, the answers come to you.  Many masters seek this gateway through various states of consciousness, a putting aside of the intellect, however well trained, in favor of allowing the High Mind to speak.

This is the Mind, a great gateway, and this is how Reckoning can aid you in sorting out what to exclude or include in your life.  Beyond Intuition, Reckoning takes that next, practical step in helping you to sort out the details:  medical care; guardianship; money; mechanics; biomechanics; quantum mechanics.

It’s all there for you, just past the gateway.  Let Reckoning show you High Mind and with it, the many possibilities of Great All’s great muse.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: July 30, 2014


Sunday, July 27, 2014



JULY 27, 2014

Kleidouchos is The Sacred Key Holder.  What does that mean?  Who is the One holding that venerable Key to the knowledge you feel that is lacking, that knowledge that holds you back from clarity, destiny, and purpose?

     It Is You.

You are sung into Creation.  As that pattern unfurls, your personal Key is forming inside you.  It is unique to you, yet it opens many more gateways to placeways and portals within the Great All, each dependent on vibration.  If we illustrate by using a scale of one-to-one-hundred, we can say that The Kleidouchos bearing the Key vibration of 100 cannot pass a gateway with a minimum vibration requirement of 200, or of even 101 and above.

Newly born Spirits have the kernel of everything that is inside them, but it remains very tightly closed on itself, unfurling layer by layer as understanding and personal wisdom is gained.  It is the Key that responds to higher patterns, and acts as the mediator between achieved knowledge and knowledge to be acquired.  It forms bridges so that new vibrations can be accepted into the Self/self without damage to the higher Self’s core emotionology and mind, and the lower self’s biology, physiology, emotions, mind, and beliefs.

Therefore, your Greater Self (that is, your Eternal Self), is your first and closest sacred gatekeeper.  Your Greater Self is the steward for the well-being of your Smaller Self (that is, your Mortal Self), and with the help of your Tribe, sees to the safe assimilation of knowledge, experience and growth.

What of the outward growths that happen outside expected boundaries?  What of out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, heavenly visitations, precognition, and the host of other conditions that seem to bring knowledge in an instant, leaving an intense and permanent shift in the vibration of dual Selves/selves?  Your Key also allows for this—barring that its stronghold has been overridden by an outside influence who forces past its gateways—a very rare occurrence.

Think of your Sacred Key as a kind of umbilical cord that keeps you tied to the core of the Great All and its vast knowledge.  It knows you, always.  The communication in both directions is free-flowing, unless you are resolute in believing that it does not exist or are adamant in not listening.  This cord is like a many-headed serpent.  It can be plugged into many sources, so that you can be studying in many places and in many times.  To do this, you must think in multiple dimensions rather than in three:  a challenge for those who are currently Earth-bound.

Suffice to say that The Kleidouchos, the Sacred Key Bearer, has a venerable position in the Great All:  your protection, your growth, your transport.  While there are many Kleidouchos giving service throughout the Great All, concern yourself with the position of your own.  When confronted with Truth not yet assimilated, The Kleidouchos begins to vibrate, indicating readiness—whereby a flood of related information will follow.  Do you consciously give assent or do you fire orders to close the gateways?

In your mortal life, you may apply your will, to a blinding and crippling degree, many, many times, before Truth’s vibration will naysay your denial.  This is but one example.  Your Kleidouchos is best friend, warrior, teacher, master, and muse, all in one while you are there.  Learn the vibration of this high and holy gatekeeper who works to show you all of Creation and to assimilate What Is into What Is You.

What began as seed in you longs for unfurled form: its wholeness knows no brighter light; its beauty no comparison.


Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

      Archives: July 27, 2014


Monday, July 21, 2014



JULY 21, 2014


The process of Stoning has many aspects: the stones; the person being stoned; the persons doing the stoning; the persons witnessing the stoning; the persons opposed to the stoning; the persons in support of the stoning; the energy of the stoning; the persons affected by the loss of the stoned person—and more.

We are never separate from an event, and the degree to which we are involved increases as our awareness increases and our personal investment rises. Thus, when our energy is invested to any degree, we are involved . . . we are part of. What is innocence, or guilt? What is complicity? What is the difference between the silent majority and the silent suffering? 

When you hear of news that affects you in a negative way, how do you respond or react? The closer is the condition to your life, the more likely you are to involve yourself in a way that will affect future outcomes. But let us say that you have heard of something very far away. You are in disagreement with this thing, but resolutely know that you will remain physically, socially, and financially uninvolved.

Because any event becomes part of the warp and weave of everything that is in the Great All, and as such, you are affected by it. Having become aware of the event, you are now affected to an even greater degree, and your thoughts return to that warp and weave and shift its vibration—under the principle of awareness and stimulation—returning to the locus or central point of emanation.

Observation alone changes whatever is being observed. Take that observation and give it an opinion.  Give that opinion its emotions. Give those emotions their histories and intentions and purposes. The big picture gets very complex, particularly when you multiply that by the billions of Spirit entities involved, and at varying levels, all overlapping in infinite directions and levels without cease . . .

Therefore, a stone is never thrown that is not a world inside itself. It is never held inside a palm that has not known before both tenderness and hate. It is never picked up from earth that is mute, or a rock face that is blind, or a river without a song. The One being stoned was formed inside another’s womb; is known breath-by-breath by Their Creator; is nourished by the Mother and sustained by the Anima that sustains Us all.

What is the Stone and what is The Stoning? Let them without sin (them who miss the mark of perfection) cast the first stone . . .

Do you remember the difference between the Magician and the Maige—the difference between illusion and mastery of power? Understanding the difference between those being stoned, those throwing the stones, those witnessing the actions, those condoning the actions, and those opposing the actions, are somewhat similar, but the community/event vibration takes on its own template—one that becomes a quilt, displaying squares of the many patterns, that appear like vibrational photographs.

You have seen how a water droplet responds to different frequencies, forming patterns. What happens when ten droplets are vibrating to a particular frequency and a new droplet is introduced? How long does it hold its own pattern before it conforms? Group mind works in this way. The vibrational wave sweeps through a crowd and recalculates its frequency, when the patterns aren’t set to hold: that is, when the owners of the frequencies aren’t prepared to stand strong.

Do you stand strong when those around you cast stones? The stone you throw, even the pebble cast into the pond, creates ripples that work into the web and warp of Great All, every corner and arc.

Look you for a missle? Let it be Light.

Look you for an armour? Let it be Love.

Look you for a purpose? Let it be Harmony.

Blessed Be This Day

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil

     Archives: July 21, 2014

 Photo by Boris Baldinger on Unsplash 

Friday, July 18, 2014



JULY 18, 2014


When something is distant to you, it lacks the power and immediacy that it does when it’s close to you.  Everything in this life exists on a scale, and for a reason:  focus is a point and being a point, can be placed precisely in only one tiny place at a time.  Therefore, what you channel your energy into as a focus—into a precise point—will receive all of that benefit, whether that point is currently near you, or currently a point in the distance, such as a Vanishing Point on the horizon.

When you focus—bring a great portion of your personal energy to one place and time of concentration—you are for those moments, deleting the perceived time and space between yourself and that point upon which you focus.  You are a person of strong creative urges and desires.  When you focus all of your personal energies upon one point, you draw with those energies the influencing fields and means of the other cosmic forces involved with them—as well as their histories and abilities.

Depending on the factors and co-factors involved, you will also receive external aid or impedance as given by the vibration of their current states and abilities.  In simpler terms, when you are focusing on a point in the negative perspective, you will gain external aid of the same vibration—in this case, negative perspective vibration.  If you are focusing on a point in the positive perspective with little faith and abundant doubt, you will draw some positive perspective vibration and also some negative perspective vibration, or impedance vibration.

There is no good in saying all the while you are digging a ditch, “I am no good at this task and will likely fail at it, will likely not finish it, will likely injure myself or others in attempting it.”  Digging a ditch has its challenges.  Perhaps the ground is hard, or it is too wet and you haven’t the luxury of waiting until the soil dries.  Perhaps you have pain in your body.  The temperature outside may be very hot or very cold.  Maybe your tool is not up to the task.  Perhaps you are beset by biting or stinging insects, poisonous reptiles, or onlookers who jeer at you, making your labors belittling or more difficult.

Whatever your challenges in meeting a task ahead of you, facing the task with an attitude of too-much-ness will not improve your performance.  Likewise, considering yourself small, weak, underinformed, beset, or incapable has no potential in developing traits that help Samson defeat Goliath.  We all shelter a secret Underdog inside us, and we therefore all shelter a secret Hero.  Consider this for a moment . . .

When you look toward your horizon, what do you currently see there at your Vanishing Point?  Who are you when you project yourself there, now?  Allow that Self to look back at you, unblinking and whole.  You will find that the Self who looks back at You from the Vanishing Point is far less blemished than the one that you projected—projected.  Ego has a way of constructing the mortal Self with more flaws than we typically have.

Casting a large shadow keeps us from needing to shine our Light so brightly, doesn’t it?  Staying small and flawed assures us that we need not grow into footsteps too large, nor wear a mantle too wide, nor speak with a voice that carries too far.  Why?

Why do we play at being small?  We do not speak to you in the flesh alone.  Those in many dimensions will do the same.  They will hold the Perspective of—less—and construct every reason they can to support their choice.  They will not focus, but instead, glance across things, fearing even to slow, lest their energy be trapped in some honeycomb that snares them into service.

Do we speak to you? of you?  Have you this mechanism at work in your Life?  Who gazes back at you from the Vanishing Point ahead at your Horizon?  Can you meet that Self’s loving and unconditional call to the future and now? 

Can you fold the distance between your ideal Self and the Self of present and embrace the Self fully realized?  That is the Perspective of which we sing . . .


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil. 

     Archives: July 18, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire

Sunday, July 13, 2014



JULY 13, 2014


Have you eyes with which to see?  Have you ears with which to hear?  You will say yes, of course.  Even when blind and deaf, most of us believe ourselves to be of open mind; to be intelligent enough; to consider different ways of looking at things; to willingly, industriously engage things, even anomalies, in order to identify or Name a thing before deciding how we should interact with it (when possible) . . .

         Now:  a charismatic speaker is presenting his ideas for a community center at location A.  He represents persons indigenous to location A.  He is well received.  People find him pleasant looking and accept his plans as positive.  Plans proceed, the community center services many, and the charismatic speaker moves to an area further away.

Later:  a speaker is presenting his ideas for a community center similar to one that he built in his own hometown.  He seems earnest enough, and if the information he presents is correct it might solve many issues for their own community.  Some of his ideas are a bit quaint, but perhaps some changes could be made to adapt this idea for their own community.

Thirdly:  yet another person is speaking who wants permission to build something in the community; something that will raise taxes.  He seems like a small town zealot.  Can he not see that what worked in his back-woods world would not work here?  Is he looking for an easy living or large salary at their expense while he builds this magical community center for them?  They also find his physical appearance, so unlike their own, somewhat off-putting.

Lastly:  who is this man from the other side of the world, promoting this ridiculous agenda?  He looks like another species of human and has the gall to believe that civilized peoples might concern themselves with gathering under these conditions for those reasons he so values.  How utterly ridiculous they find his agenda—and the idea that the project should be funded at the taxpayers' hardworking expense.  What a charlatan.

          This speaker is promoting the same agenda to different groups of people in different places.  Their lifestyles and social guidelines are different.  This is the kind of different hearing and different seeing that you would expect to see in people, based on how they value and assess things.  But, let us return to that first meeting . . .

One hundred people attend a meeting wherein a charismatic speaker is presenting his ideas for a community center.  Most of those people hear that the center will be located centrally, offer elder care, child care, medical services, educational and job opportunities, and support for those in need of financial assistance.  Most of those people recognize the speaker.

Only those opposed to or interested in elder care or child care will remember the proposed budgets for those services or the specifics related.  There are three persons in the audience needing medical care who know they can’t wait for this center to open; their minds begin to wander as they contemplate other options.  Two need dental care and are in fact having pain so intense they are having a difficult time focusing on anything in particular that is being said.

Seven have come to the meeting in a status of unemployment, hoping to obtain details about the community center and secure a job in its construction.  One is a nurse wanting to someday work closer to home.  Ten are mothers; two who want to work in daycare and eight who need daycare closer to home—they listen, but are distracted by their pressing, personal needs.

An elderly couple in the audience owns the land proposed for the community center.  The man has recently discovered that he has terminal cancer and hopes to sell the land while there is still time to seek treatment in a large medical center far from home.  Three rows back, a woman sits enraptured by the speaker, having been in love with him for most of her life; his words blur as she enjoys merely being in the room with him.

If interviewed upon leaving this meeting, you would receive very different accounts with very different emphases on matters pertinent to each speaker, about how the agenda was handled.  This is so in life.  We all have materia prima in our dialogue and outlook.  What is important to us?  What matters most highly?

Yes.  Our beliefs color our senses.  Our senses are trained by our beliefs.  Do you think this isn’t true?  Go to a tanner’s or a perfumery, or merely a restaurant where the smells that are so overwhelming to you, have virtually disappeared to the workers.  The cacophony at the factory?  How long did it take to become a background hum?  When was the last time you beheld a cloud in the blue sky and stopped, amazed by what your eyes were seeing—truly?

We cannot go about in a state of constant excitation.  We cannot behold the minutia of life with thrall.  Madness would set upon us.  We must filter.  Therefore, we must habituate.  The question is:  how do we habituate, and to what level, under which guidelines and what beliefs?  Study this idea for yourself.

You have eyes with which to see.  What are their filters?


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil. 

     Archives: July 13, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire

Wednesday, July 9, 2014



JULY 9, 2014


When you come to something purely, the experience of it is pure.  This is as far as purity can extend.  For as we have shown, all matter has been constructed and reconstructed many times, and though taken back to its base forms, histories linger.  Look into the eyes of a newborn and feel its weight and wisdom.

You look for a newborn’s purity and innocence.  That is there, too.  But, look:  see that wise Spirit, freshly engaged in that new body; see its history and desires and will.  See beyond what you have been taught to see and assume.  There is a Life here, that has been many Lives before, that is long and wild and busy knowing itself.

What if you were taught that a baby is a proud, strong Spirit come again to know another journey—a peer at your door who has sought your shelter—and whom you have agreed to provide shelter?  What if you saw the developing years of the conscious human mind as the years of the Spirit coming to know and understand the new body, seating the Soul and purpose inside the heavy and sometimes foreign biology?

What is the experience of being human?

Many Masters have told you that you do not need to seek your spirituality, for you are Spirit.  You do not need to develop your spirituality, or increase it, or focus on it.  It is you.  You are Spirit.  But, you are here, doing this, having this experience, and the pureness of this is directly experiential/causal to your sense of what that means.

How do you name this experience?  How do you name Great All?  How do you name your Spirit Self?  And . . . how do you name the Self that you are while you are here having this experience?  What is Naming?

Naming is defining, summing-up.  More than making observations, applying Names to peoples, places, objects and ideas, places on them values in the social hierarchies within the stratas of their existences.  They are powerful things, Names, so much so, that many Names are held sacred to the initiates of Mysteries once received at certain levels of achievement.

Let us consider some simple, comparative Names:









hobby/job/career/ceo/owner of corporation

walking/biking/carpooling/car-owning/used car/new car/status car

Have you noticed the way that we have ordered these lists?  They are ordered in the probable way that you likely believe in the value or power of things as they exist in your life today.  In the last example, walking is listed on the left, while status car is listed on the far right.  Consciousness is a pool.  We have drawn from that pool.

The point is this:  Naming has power.  When we use the word walking, do you think pleasant thoughts or do you think unpleasant thoughts?  When we use the word status car do you think pleasant thoughts or do you think unpleasant thoughts?  This is not an exercise in judgment.  This is a prompt for you to understand the power of Names.

Yes, “. . . a rose by any other name . . .”  A status car, called something else would imbue that Name with a similar power.  Still, the power of the Name is what we consider here.  The power of the idea.  When you say the Name of something, its power opens, because its power is attached to the Name which is assigned to it, in whatever language, in whatever time, in whatever place or culture.

When you begin a sentence with, “That is just a . . .” what do you follow with?  What Name of smallness or un-importance do you attach there?  Why is it unimportant?  What thing in this amazing Great All is unimportant?

When you begin a sentence with, “That is . . .” and proceed to exalt it, what do you follow with?  What Name of grandness do you attach?  Do you belittle yourself in comparison to this thing?  In comparison to the thing of smallness that you Name, do you falsely exalt yourself?

Naming things gives power to Hierarchy.  Naming things also gives power to order.  We cannot avoid Naming things.  We must Name things to understand our world and our place in it.  The question is:  Can we do it kindly, fairly, and as neutral observers, rather than automatons?


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil. 

     Archives: July 9, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire

Tuesday, July 8, 2014



JULY 8, 2014


What is outside you?  How is it different from what is inside you?  Where is the meeting point between these two worlds?  What is the nature of these gateways and where lie the keys?

 There is no inside and no outside except as you form it as illusion.

Does this surprise you or does this statement ring with truth?  You know that your body is made from the same matter as is the stars and the sun and the planets and the non-matter.  Your mind is woven of the same vibration that makes the Great All continue in its dance, that gives it its pulse and beat.  Knowing this, how can a division exist?

When you draw or paint a representation of your mortal body, do you first encircle its outline and fill it in, making its ‘borders’ and gateways, dividing its outside from its ‘inside’, protecting your beliefs and values and individual interests from everything of truth and eternity that goes forevermore ‘outside’ it?  This is a taught response, not a genuine response.  You are made to be individual and indivisible.

The individual is indivisible—unique, but part of, a whole—a contributor to a beautiful symphony as is a note or chord.  The individual is dual-natured:  inside/outside; eternal/mortal; microcosm/macrocosm; alike/distinct.  An individual is not made to be apart any more than your brain cells are meant to be radical and uniquely operating cells within that organ:  impossible!

You are the Great Outside.  It is not inside you.  You are not inside it.  You seamlessly co-exist.  Like an atom in the ocean, you breathe of one another.  

You Are.

            By You Are, We mean that We Are . . .


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil. 

     Archives: July 8, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire