Kleidouchos is The Sacred Key Holder. What does that mean? Who is the One holding that venerable Key to the knowledge you feel that is lacking, that knowledge that holds you back from clarity, destiny, and purpose?
It Is You.
You are sung into Creation. As that pattern unfurls, your personal Key is forming inside you. It is unique to you, yet it opens many more gateways to placeways and portals within the Great All, each dependent on vibration. If we illustrate by using a scale of one-to-one-hundred, we can say that The Kleidouchos bearing the Key vibration of 100 cannot pass a gateway with a minimum vibration requirement of 200, or of even 101 and above.
Newly born Spirits have the kernel of everything that is inside them, but it remains very tightly closed on itself, unfurling layer by layer as understanding and personal wisdom is gained. It is the Key that responds to higher patterns, and acts as the mediator between achieved knowledge and knowledge to be acquired. It forms bridges so that new vibrations can be accepted into the Self/self without damage to the higher Self’s core emotionology and mind, and the lower self’s biology, physiology, emotions, mind, and beliefs.
Therefore, your Greater Self (that is, your Eternal Self), is your first and closest sacred gatekeeper. Your Greater Self is the steward for the well-being of your Smaller Self (that is, your Mortal Self), and with the help of your Tribe, sees to the safe assimilation of knowledge, experience and growth.
What of the outward growths that happen outside expected boundaries? What of out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, heavenly visitations, precognition, and the host of other conditions that seem to bring knowledge in an instant, leaving an intense and permanent shift in the vibration of dual Selves/selves? Your Key also allows for this—barring that its stronghold has been overridden by an outside influence who forces past its gateways—a very rare occurrence.
Think of your Sacred Key as a kind of umbilical cord that keeps you tied to the core of the Great All and its vast knowledge. It knows you, always. The communication in both directions is free-flowing, unless you are resolute in believing that it does not exist or are adamant in not listening. This cord is like a many-headed serpent. It can be plugged into many sources, so that you can be studying in many places and in many times. To do this, you must think in multiple dimensions rather than in three: a challenge for those who are currently Earth-bound.
Suffice to say that The Kleidouchos, the Sacred Key Bearer, has a venerable position in the Great All: your protection, your growth, your transport. While there are many Kleidouchos giving service throughout the Great All, concern yourself with the position of your own. When confronted with Truth not yet assimilated, The Kleidouchos begins to vibrate, indicating readiness—whereby a flood of related information will follow. Do you consciously give assent or do you fire orders to close the gateways?
In your mortal life, you may apply your will, to a blinding and crippling degree, many, many times, before Truth’s vibration will naysay your denial. This is but one example. Your Kleidouchos is best friend, warrior, teacher, master, and muse, all in one while you are there. Learn the vibration of this high and holy gatekeeper who works to show you all of Creation and to assimilate What Is into What Is You.
What began as seed in you longs for unfurled form: its wholeness knows no brighter light; its beauty no comparison.
Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil
Archives: July 27, 2014