Thursday, July 3, 2014



JULY 3, 2014


What is that quality that thrums in your chest, dampening your wildness, naysaying your need to put down a thing when it challenges the very fabric of everything that you believe that you Are 

It is Perseverance, and if you have wisdom and experience, it is plied with Patience and far seeing.  It whispers to you:  “Stay a bit longer and see what you will see.”  

Perseverance does not guarantee your idea of success; it does not guarantee happiness or best outcomes.  It does not guarantee that all involved will be served in the highest or best way or that all of its means will be applied and adapted for meekness and kind trials.  

It means that Perseverance—thought of in terms of steadfast heart, mind and will—pays its co-creator as a hard and colorful road pays its traveler—in ways that cannot be bartered for in any other exchange.

Perseverance is the quality similar to that which is spoken in Christian marriage vows:  for better or worse.  It means following to the end, that goal which you set forth for yourself, despite the transient obstacles and their transient challenges.  It means that you will stay connected to Wisdom while being seduced by the emotions of right, wrong, failure, hopelessness, and mistaken roadways.

Even if the path you take shows itself to be false or is usurped by a higher or better path or a brighter goal, the energy of Perseverance is the master that pays out to the dedicated.  You may believe that you seek a degree as a doctor, but as you pursue the difficult courses, you decide you will become a veterinarian: your Perseverance leads you to an outcome that you did not or could not see before you reached the first bend in that stream.

Perseverance can seem to be a dogged master: the man who will not learn new ways loses his business to competitors: the carpenter who perseveres with penury rather than reason loses his home to high winds; the man who perseveres as if those around him are less holds himself free from true love.  These conditions are Perseverance as filtered through the flaws of character.

“He walked every day to the chapel, no matter the weather or his health.”  Consider this statement.  Is this a man of faith and fortitude, applying Perseverance, or is this a man whose Perseverance serves his ego—in that he wishes to appear as a man of faith and fortitude—that is, being seen as such is more important than being so?

“She stitches a quilt by hand for every child born anew in the village—a lovely sentiment, but so much wiser if she would use a machine . . .”  The woman in question could indeed create these quilts faster and with less trial to her body if she stitched them with a machine.  As they are gifts created and given in love, she feels and believes that creating them as she does, one stitch at a time in the slow rhythm of needle and master, the conduit of co-creation is stronger (though she might not express it that way).  Her Perseverance to continue in meaningful (for her) methodology feeds the highest manifestation of creative energy, honoring her creations; what sacrifices of time and personal energies she gives to her labors of love are hers alone to determine.

What if this maker of quilts continues past the time when her body has told her to stop, or past the time when her co-creativity urges tell her to move on to other projects?  She might be held in place by tradition, the repetition of social beliefs; pride: “I alone am the maker of these quilts and while no longer inspired, I must continue to create them, even if the essential spark of love in them is absent”; and fear: “I have done this so long I don’t know if there is anything else for me.”  This is an example of allowing oneself to hide behind the idea of Perseverance.

“I must do this thing that no other can do.  Only me.  I must Persevere despite my many obstacles and the lack of appreciation by others for my trials.”  This, children, is Perseverance tempered by the quality of martyrism.  Compare that idea with this one next.

A young widow is left alone to raise her physically and mentally disabled child.  She must do this thing that no other can do.  Only her.  There is some help in the community, but she must Persevere despite her many obstacles and the lack of appreciation for her role.  As her daughter grows and the mother attempts to socialize her in the community, the pair experience much hypocrisy, coldness, and rejection.  The mother’s Perseverance pays her only in the means of her daughter’s continued physical survival, and while she knows more challenge and hardship than the average person, she takes her small happiness where she can.

Every quality and conduit has its master.  Every sunset viewed by different eyes is a different sunset.  When you apply Perseverance in your Life, are you blindly crating it into a dogma, keeping it a small bud in a tight container to please the sensibilities of your ego?  Do you use Perseverance for survival?  What about creativity and growth?

Will you allow Perseverance to lead you upward?  Will you whisper to Great All of your heart, attune this to your will, and take Perseverance as your mate?  Will you master your Fate with Perseverance at your helm, and glory at the stars that wheel above you as you travel?

Only a coward needs a map when all the aspects of Divine Will have been gathered and mated together.  Perseverance is one of those giants.  Its Light is there in you.  Call it forward, unhobbled and whole.  Let it shine bright at your bow.


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.     

     Archives: July 3, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire


Monday, June 30, 2014



JUNE 30, 2014

      Light has long been deemed the great rescuer.  It is.  Light is considered to be comprised of pure wisdom and unconditional Love.  This is true.  Light is categorized as the very Highest vibration.  Again, you are correct.  How then, is Light the greatest Destroyer?

     Empty your mind of preconceived ideas, those bits of false knowledge and borrowed beliefs given to you by your family and community.  Have you divided the Light and the Dark by terms of goodness and badness or goodness and evil?  Have you divided the Light and the Dark according to benevolence and harm?  Have you embraced the Light and dreaded the Dark?

     Have you set aside your ideas?  Are you unencumbered for our journey?  Lift your eyes and open your heart.  Hear Us.

     The Great All is in perpetual movement, expanding, collapsing, birthing, dying, recycling, re-circulating, and reimagining itself according to its ever-changing intelligence and spiritual impetus.  The Great All is Eternal.  It is wise and fore thinking and unflawed, containing the perfect amount of chaos and nonmatter at all times to balance its processes of making and remaking itself.

     The Great All, therefore, as it Creates, must also Non-Create, or destroy.  As the Great All Creates, lifting life from its cradle in a beautiful, sinuous thread of Song, so does it Destroy, returning the life matter to the matrix, chaos, or Nagual, where it may be Sung from again.  Do you prefer the term “Re-Sung” rather than Destroy?  It is appropriate. 

     A star is Sung into its existence as a star; it will lose its volume over time and slowly its Song will dissolve as its body returns to the matrix.  Its Song will be forever etched into the Eternity of Great All; its Life and memory retained; its contribution honored:  “This Star shined here and Sang its Song; it knew and shared its joy, and when it was ReSung, its particles went happily to other incarnations where it Sang itself into other Songs and other stories in the Eternity of Great All, whereupon its new stories are now written . . ."

Do you see?  Light is The Great Destroyer (The Great ReSinger), and that is a thing of power and beauty.

     What, then, is Darkness?  You have been trained to think in opposites:  up and down; back and forward; day and night.  But, remember . . . you have temporarily set aside your ideas.  You are currently unencumbered.  Think now not in opposites, but in pairs, in harmonies, in songs, and symbiotics.  Up and down work together, just as back and forward, day and night, and the light and dark work together—the way that your inhalation and exhalation work together.

     Dark does not work against Light.  It is paired with Light.  Light is activity:  Singing and Re-Singing.  Growth; Birth; and Rebirth.  Dark is a veil for the Light.  Does not the Moon shine in the Dark of the night?  The Stars?  Do not babies grow in the Dark of the womb?  And the plants in the dark of the soil?

     Dark is a soft, capable hand to provide shelter and comfort against the activity and demands of the Light’s zest and activity.  The Light is not absent in the Dark but in rare places, and even in those places, the Light forms the cradle that makes those places possible.  Dark and Light are mated—part of a whole—not opposites, and not opposed.

     Is your left hand concerned only with good and your right hand with evil?  Will you walk to work forward and return home by backward steps alone?  Do you allow yourself food on even days but have only water on the odd?  What justifications do you use to divide Light and Dark into Good and Evil, or Day and Night into Good and Bad, or Safe and Unsafe?

     You are part of this Great All:  Part OF.  You have been Sung Into Creation.  Your very essence lends itself to Eternity.  You are Part Of.  Part of what is made.  Part of what is remade.  You are part of the Light, the Great Destroyer.

          How now goes your day, Bearer of Light?


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 29, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire

Sunday, June 29, 2014



JUNE 29, 2014


     Forgiveness is not a group of words, a release or surrender.  It is a coming to terms with a new way of thinking and being.  It is the way of Lightness, of being IN the Light, of BEING Light.  Forgiveness is one with the Light.  The Light is a state of unconditional acceptance and Love, where Forgiveness is unneeded and therefore, unknown.  With unconditional acceptance, no Forgiveness is needed.

     When you give yourself fully to the Light, all things not of the Light will be stripped away.  In this way, Light is a destroyer of the ultimate and very highest level.  All things bow to the Light, even when it is the Light which forms the circle that encloses the non-place of non-being, where there seems to exist only non-Light:  this is still ruled by the Light. 

Let us follow an atom of Forgiveness from its first inspiration to its absorption: 

  • my history is a weighted thing that I notice more and more
  • the others in my history do not interact with me to change & heal my history
  • no others in my history are responsible in healing my history
  • only I can release myself from my own history to heal my present
  • how lovely it would be to release myself from this anger, remorse and guilt           
  • how lovely to release others I hold inside this anger, remorse and guilt           
  • my heart is softening around these issues that hold me rigid in my past            
  • I have glimpses of my future, free from rigidity and blame with this history           
  • my desire for freedom is growing larger than my need to blame and own            
  • I release a small portion of this history and like the feeling of this freedom            
  • I release more pieces of my history and find the feeling empowering            
  • as I release more pieces of my history, I discover my own errors and smallness   
  • discovering my errors and smallness empowers me to fully release my rigidity 
  • the Light floods my body, mind and Spirit with Love and awareness            
  • I feel awakened and empowered, amazed that I waited so long to free myself           
  • Forgiveness enables me to offer apologies to others stranded in their histories of which I am a part, from a greater aspect of wholeness           
  • my present is better facilitated for Forgiveness, enabling me to quicken the next healing response to other rigid emotions, anger, blame, or false histories            
  • I have fully given over these thought forms to the Light, the great destroyer, who has absorbed and transmuted these energies and returned these energies to me as vital Life Force            
  •  I am Forgiven            
  • As this new energy, transmuted, is absorbed by me, I AM Forgiveness

THIS is Forgiveness . . .


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 29, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire


Friday, June 27, 2014



JUNE 27, 2014


     From the high mountain, much can be seen that cannot be seen from the valley.  This is the condition of the disembodied entity, to some degree.  We have said to you before that being without the flesh does not change the quality of mind and wisdom.  This truth bears repeating.  Wisdom is gained through time, sacrifice, realizations, and the gifting of beings Higher than Self.  You feel the presence of Wisdom when it is with you, do you not?

      When a Spirit slips the knot of flesh, the options are multiple, but for the sake of this moment’s illustration, let us say that the field from which they now view life is greater than that which they viewed it from while inside the flesh.  (Yes, there are cases in which this is not true, but we will not address those for the moment.)  We do not die.  We transmute, change forms, go from a mortal incarnation to a pure energy incarnation—if but briefly.

     This process does not suddenly imbue us with unearned and ungained wisdoms.  We have simply shed our skin.  However, we often have a longer view available to us, as we can move and see and hear and sense things in different ways once we are free of the flesh.  We are standing at a higher line of sight, at a Fell or a small rise or hill, unweighted.

     We may still be quite attached to the physical plane, feeling sad and uncomplete, confused, angry even.  Our life review may be a large, open tome sitting in our hearts like the saddest story ever heard.  The crying of our loved ones might stab into us, making us regret the loss of our bodies, inducing guilt and suffering and feelings of abandonment.  How could we die and leave them?

     We take our mind with us wherever we go, our beliefs and feelings too.  After a while, the human, social and emotional accumulation of falsehoods begins to fade as we regain our sense of Eternity and timelessness.  We grow large again.  Depending on the Spirit and the method of leaving the plane of incarnation, this may be a quick or a long process.  There may be counsel and healing required.

     From the Fell’s long view there is much to be seen—the past and the past’s past.  How many lifetimes will you review?  How much wisdom will you gain?  Will you face your demons, right your wrongs, accept your failures as opportunities for learning, and plan your next incarnation based on what is next best needed for your development?

     Many of us choose to refrain from returning to incarnate form after multitudinous experiences.  We choose to remain here, accessible to those who can communicate with us and channel to those who would listen, information that is currently needed there by those who wish to accelerate their learning.  Those of Us in Tribe de Cumbria who speak through this channel do just this, electing to address topics pertinent to our own areas of expertise, wisdom earned through the millennia.

     These transmissions are Love Letters to humanity.  We speak from above the Fell in a place of timelessness.  Our common bond as Healer/Teachers allows us to combine our personal energies in order to act as a resource for you.  For You, who are here, reading this.

     We thank you for hearing us and send unconditional Love from the Great All above the Fell.


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 27, 2014

visuals Walks With Fire

Friday, June 20, 2014



JUNE 20, 2014


     Words.  From the Hebrew, your word Armageddon, can mean:  at the mountain, at the tell (a place where many persons gather), or at a place and time of great change.  This last definition is our focus.  Armageddon is a destruction only in the sense of old beliefs, old ways, old ideas, old organizations, and old realities.  It is a starting over.  A new heart.

     What dies in you makes room for the new risings.  Many new ideas await you.  Knowledge is passing fancy.  Laws and politics are but reflections of temporal social mores.  Culture and religion are divisive.  Skin is an illusion.  Mortality is brief.  These things you know.  Look deeply.  Feel behind your heart, where you are connected to the Great All.  There, Eternity lives, as do you.

     Your Armageddon comes, day by day, as you replace your false beliefs, some held as knowledge, and accept wisdom.  Wisdom leads you through your intuition.  Intuition connects you to the heart of Great All and keeps you tethered at its center.  There, you are a star.

     You need no armament for Armageddon, no valet and no horse.  You need no Banner but your own integrity to do good and the High will to pursue it each moment.  Could you do better?  Do better now.  Do better now, again.

     Armageddon is your release.  It is a daily practice.  You want to let go, be less attached.  You want more simplicity, less complication.  Why do you worry so?  You swat at the make-believe gnats, missing the view while the most beatific ship ever dreamed carries you through all Creation.  Look up and out.  See the horizon.  Invite your Armageddon.

     This is the place and time of great change.  Your time.  What you willingly release self-destructs.  The embers of its former obeisance do not continue with their power to affect.  They are unmade.  And you are re-made, stronger and cleaner and more pure.

Your Armageddon awaits you.  Call its name.


Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 18, 2014

visuals by Walks With Fire

Wednesday, June 18, 2014



JUNE 18, 2014

      Go with the flow. You have heard this expression. Most likely, the person who is inviting you into the flow, means that you will meet less resistance by being the smooth rock in the river, letting the water find its way around you rather than standing against its force, attempting to form a dam.

     With certain Waveforms this task of going with the flow will seem effortless: long, undulating, singular waves are buoyant and easy to slide through and commingle with. These forms are nurturing. The longer the wave and the shorter the ratio between its peaks and valleys, the more stable and pleasant it feels—like floating on a calm ocean, its movement soft under your back.

    Imagine those peaks increasing, like waves growing higher. Your attention also peaks as you are moved to and fro, not sure where you will travel. You may feel the need to tether yourself, to use muscle energy or psychic energy, or to surrender to the idea that when you are brought to shore, you will be removed from your point of entry, further and further from that point in direction relationship to the amount of time you are subject to that Waveform.

     What happens when you are subject to a Waveform of a different shape, that is box-like or sharp at its top, jolting even, sideways or dizzying? Can you go with that flow? Is this a good representation of excitation—and stress? How does the Waveform of positive excitation and negative excitation differ? How does it lift you, sustain you, and let you down? How do you respond at each of those stages?

     To go with the flow is not limited to the matter of softness or effort-free endeavors. To go with the flow is to be in the moment, whatever that moment is. Masters, while in a Waveform of destruction, will seek to tame that form: the parting of the waters; the calming of the storm; the calling of the rain, the cease-fire.

     Can you walk into a room of chaos and bring peace? Can you be confronted by hatred and offer Love in return? Can you face ignorance and darkness and offer Wisdom and Light?

     Can you be that rock in the river, that beautiful, longform-wave of unconditional love and acceptance amidst raging peaks and bursts of blame and smallness? Can you hold the Waveform of Love as the world holds its own around you?

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 18, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



JUNE 17, 2014

      A Nation’s cry together, is like a bird call in the wilderness:

Hear Us  
I am unique, but part of a Tribe.  I am similar to you, but more similar to those in my Tribe.  I may live next to you in peace, or fight with you against a common enemy, 
but if I fight against you as an enemy, it will be because I now see our differences 
as much greater than ever I did.  I am a Nation.  You are a Nation.  We are no longer alike.

     These cries have been made for eons, for all the times of times. Unfortunately, this thinking is not limited to mortal flesh and the incarnation into the body. The Great All—Heaven, Nirvana, Elysium, Valhalla, Pure Land—and its endless names, knows its share of wrong thinking.  Being free of the flesh does not immediately invest the Spirit with perfection. Note this well!

     You are here in Earth School to grow, temporing the Spirit through the trial of flesh. Wisdom can be gained in any reality or incarnation. Will you wave false Banners, promote self-ishness and isolation and differences, or will you raise a Banner of unity, promoting harmony, group work, and sacred resonance?

     You, right here, right now, have the power inside you, singularly if you so wish, to gather to you a Tribe that vibrates with the same beliefs and intentions to do good and to see good done.  

    Will you?

Hear Us Nation of Nations:  Will You?

Blessed Be This Day
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their  wisdoms with me from the other side of the veil.

     Archives: June 17, 2014

Photo by Matthias Mullie on Unsplash