Monday, June 16, 2014



JUNE 16, 2014


     What is inevitable? The turning of the Earth?  The rising of the sun?  The setting of the sun?  In this cycle, it may seem so.  It seems that your mortal body is degrading, slowly nearing the horizon when you will slip the flesh and return to your true, pure state.  At any time, however, these ‘inevitable’ events might show you how every moment of Life in this Great All is rife with potential for surprise—and remaking reality.

     What do you count on being inevitable?  Think of the many factors in your life that repeat:  your breathe, your thoughts; your days and nights; your joys and sorrows; your gains and losses.  You say that things are inevitable when you have the belief that certain events in motion create certain outcomes:  breathing out creates the need and pleasure for breathing in; thoughts allow you to determine where you are and how you are experiencing your world, your place in it, and the activities of the others who interact with you; day gives over to night and night to day.

     What if you were able to breathe through your skin, without thought?  Even further:  how do you propulse when you are without body and no mechanics for breathing . . . no skin?  How do you think about something that is beyond the mind, that can only be felt and experienced?  Beyond the cycles of planets and orbits—free of gravity and gravitas—there are playscapes of pure bliss that are neither night or day, but slow, deep electric fields that absorb and cradle us, bathing us in a Love we can only dream of while in flesh.


    What is inevitable?  Nothing.  Do not further develop a negative habit.  Undo the habits that you’ve made.  When the sun rises and makes morning, bless it.  Give thanks.  It may not shine tomorrow.  When the moon rises and makes night, bless it.  Give thanks.  Enjoy the stars from the verdant fields of Earth and say, “I am here, and it is wonderful . . .”

Nothing is inevitable.  Everything you encounter is a miracle.  You are a miracle.  Factors beyond all imagining must come together to make what is.  

WHAT IS is astounding.


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of The Veil.

     Archives: June 16, 2014

 Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash  

Sunday, June 15, 2014



JUNE 15, 2014


     Density is a compaction of energy units.  Following the rules of energy transformation: to make, rearrange, or unmake, Density in the purest sense, is compression.  In Earth School, a rock is denser than water.  Your bone is denser than skin.  Rain is denser than air.  And why is this?

     Information.  The rock carries eons of information in its body, and when it is broken, each piece is a hologram of the whole.  Rain carries its experiences and journeys with it.  Your bones sing of your history.  There is great Density where there is a great mass of information.  It reflects in the physical world there, yes:  being much affected by gravity and force, but for the purposes of these learnings, we speak specifically to the Density that can be elevated in Self by examining the status quo and making changes as appropriate.

     What energy is compatible with the Great All stays connected by thrumming filaments.  What energy has departed its connection, curls in on itself and forms spirals or buds that become dense.  Is that place in your elbow an old scar, a current life wound, or a broken connection?  To release Density, lighten the Self, and reconnect broken connections, is to make whole and vibrationally healthful, your Self.

     This rarely is done in one action; to do so for most there in Earth School would be injurious.  Instead, listen to your own Song:  which filaments have broken connections? which suffer from false cosmology and belief? which are wounded and not recovered?  Sing to these filaments with Love; give them the ‘All Clear.’  Let them know that it is safe, and HELPFUL, to furl out again, to take up an oar and help row the boat.

     Seek Lightness with strength; not Fragility.  Fragility and Density are sometimes opposites, but strictly speaking, Lightness is the opposite of Density and Courage is the opposite of Fragility.  We will speak to these conditions in the near future.

     The less Dense is your vibrational body, the more connected to the Great All you are.  Imagine a seed floating in the wonder of Great All.  Now, imagine that seed unfurling, growing into a beautiful orange tree.  It soon has branches stretched out into its Glorious habitat—its Heaven—and in time will produce fragrant flowers, and ultimately, fruit.  For bearing fruit is the greatest condition of all.  You bring to the Creator’s table proof of your journey, Love, Service, and Contribution.

     You say to Great All:  I bear fruit in the fields and come humble to thy table.  Blessed is this I give, and Blessed is this that I receive.

You become a miracle among miracles.  

And doesn’t that sound lovely?


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of The Veil.

     Archives: June 15, 2014

 Photo by NEOM on Unsplash  

Saturday, June 14, 2014


2014, BIRTH

JUNE 14, 2014

      The idea of increasing is indeed, similar to pregnancy.  With its culmination (and there can be many at many levels), there is a birth.  Is the anniversary of your BirthDay an actual cosmic representation of your Earthly birth?  No.  The planets and stars and other Heavenly bodies were in a very specific alignment at the time of your birth, one that is not repeated on the same calendar day each year.

     Let every day be a celebration of your BirthDay.  Birth yourself new every day.  Return to purifying rituals; give thanks; invite Great All into your life.  Give thanks for your life—to family, to Creator, to the Angelic realm and to all of your Healers and Helpers.  Thank them.  Be in Grace with Them.  Marvel at the gift of Life.

To show gratitude keeps all of the knots out of the lemniscate of reciprocity. 


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of The Veil.

     Archives: June 14, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire


Hello To All:

I've been away on an unexpected and much-needed vacation.  Now, it's sort of, kind of, back to business as usual.  I do have a trip in the offing from June 18th to June 25th, but hope to get a couple of posts up while I'm gone.  I'm also working on my Wordpress site, so I hope that before long I'll have a database for posts that allows me to better organize lessons and transmissions by their titles and subject matter.  Until then, happy hunting!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014



JUNE 3, 2014


      When you grasp the concept of Compassion, you have often increased your ability for Patience.  When you show Love, you also give Compassion.  When you open your heart with Kindness, you often become a good listener.  This is Dovetailing—the fingering together of objectives, qualities and tasks that pair, complement and predispose one another towards an end result.

     Can you love a child without showing gentleness?  Can you give fair counsel to a person in pain when your own heart is unschooled in loss?  Is wisdom available to the person who is not able to hear for the ready availability of their own pat answers, or one who is closed by fear?

     What is surrender without Faith?  Who are You?  What are you doing Now, in this moment?  How many tasks can you calculate?  Are you listening? deciding? weighing? questioning? remembering?

     Dovetailing is not multi-tasking.  Multi-tasking leaves the heartsource and fans out in many directions, randomly, its only connection the power sending it forward.  Dovetailing makes loops out and away from the heartsource, returning again and again, helping, asking:  How can I, with my skills and knowledge, help in these other tasks?

     Dovetailing is a beautiful melody, waiting for the chorus, voices, instruments, and a conductor.  It is grace, walking.  It is a myriad of bright and beautiful, ingenious filaments of light twisted into a dance of harmonic convergence that says, always, yes . . . (we will not talk of using these gifts otherwise)

    Just as We (Tribe) provide points of reflection for you, so can each of you provide those points for one another, providing for another garden where a particular plant is absent. 

     Let your Light dance together and your music be merry.


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of The Veil.

     Archives: June 3, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire


August 22, 2023|2014, DISTANCE, PERCEPTION

JUNE 3, 2014


     The point from which you are most distanced from some thing, as the moon is most distanced from the Earth in its natural orbit each cycle—that is an Apogee. Both points are relative; both are cyclical. This can be perceived as a matter of perception: such as the moon appearing smaller in the sky when its distance from the Earth is greater . . . such as the Belief that your goal is greatly distanced from where you are, or wherever you are . . . also a matter of perception

     Distance can be measured in both time and in space, but when we feel distanced from something, it is likely our emotions inciting us to feel dissatisfaction that our desire and our present are not currently commingled. We want what we want when we want it—and usually that is now—in our present. Apogees, greatest distances, as far as our desires are concerned, never suit us.

     What about hurry and worry: how does it feel to place those emotions at an Apogee? How does it feel to place hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, and rage at an Apogee? Can we acknowledge these conditions, like the light of the moon, knowing that they are connected to us, part of us and our light, shining down on us and through us, and yet, at safe enough distances so that we can respond to their powerful forces rather than being controlled by them?

     What memories and former connections active in your present, can be liberated to an Apogee while you complete your journey with them? With less distraction, the goals and desires that have long been lodged at their own Apogees become merely distant, and then far, closing until they are just over there, and then . . . here, with you.

     The greatest question is: what is the Apogee between you/You and your Belief in your self/Self?  

Look to your horizon and your most distant dreams.  
Fold that distance.  Fold it again and again 
until it fits perfectly into your Present.


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of The Veil.

     Archives: June 3, 2014

visual by Walks With Fire



JUNE 3, 2014


     What is illusion--and what is real, but comparative; and what is the difference?  An Apogee, as related to the relative distance of the Moon from the Earth—as farthest point—and the Perigee, the relative distance of the Moon from the Earth as closest point, are two very good examples of this concept.

     The size of the Moon in fact, has not changed, but if photographed from the same place on Earth, under the same circumstances with the same equipment, you can see that the moon of an Apogee is quite smaller than the moon of a Perigee.  The Perigee is much larger, and what is sometimes called a “Super Moon.”  This perception is a matter of distance and relationship.

     What other matters in life can be said to be directly entangled by the concepts of distance and relationship?  Are certain factors in your life, observed at certain points, larger appearing than at other times?  What other factors are in play when you notice this to be true in your life?

     Are you inflating something in your field of vision that should be given only regular or even casual attention?  Are you focused too much on a minor player to whom you have given a starring role?  Have you made of a sow’s ear, a silk purse?

     Cycles are cyclical for pertinent reasons.  Contraction and expansion move in natural attunement to breath.  Just as daylight must have night and up must have down, the elliptical nature of an orbit will bring bodies close together and then further apart.  Move with this cycle and feel its natural ease.  

     Staring too long into the sun causes blindness.  To see the moon only as large, especially falsely large, on the horizon, becomes a Perigee of unhappiness for the Spirit.  

Enjoy the cosmos in its many moods and wonders, in its Perigees and Apogees, in the lifts and falls of its symphonies.


Blessed Be

This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of The Veil.

     Archives: June 3, 2014

 Photo by Luca on Unsplash