How humble a job, you think. Watching over dull animals who need little but an occasional nudge, so little you find yourself daydreaming. Of what do you dream? Do you dream of a life that is faster and more glamorous, accepting that it comes with more responsibility and less time for daydreaming?
Throughout all time, many a goatherd has dreamed of a different life, and the life that he dreamed, being lived by another, had its own dreamer who dreamed of the goatherd’s simple life. Why do we stand here, inside our selves, and look away, thinking that we would rather have what is outside our selves in the moment?
It is our human nature, and not all together negative, to want something more than what we have in the moment—in most moments. To rise and grow and conquer ourselves, facing fears and deconstructing our false mythologies, we must see into the places that live beyond where we now stand.
We must see beyond our flock of five to the flock of fifty, with weavers and dyers and drivers and stalls. We must grow our selves/Selves.
And all the while we are Becoming: becoming awake and aware, we must remain able to stay awake and aware of where we are Now. Now is the point at which we find ourselves, always. Without fail, Now is the place and the purpose, guided by our High Selves, Tribe Members, Guides, Angels, and other cosmic means, that gives us meaning. From Now, all roads depart, all signs point.
Bring your Future into your Now. Do not leave your Now to go into your Future. There are those who can make such quantum leaps, but we are not speaking to them. We are speaking to You, who are growing your Selves in conscious increments, one gain at a time. Do not dwell so on your destination that you miss the sweet smell of the grass under your feet, the starlight, and the lowing of the animals.
Bless your job and your place for what they are—not in comparison to what others have or what others are doing. Let your Now be singular. If you can’t bless your job or your place, is it due to false cosmology, false expectations, or ego concerns—or is your Spirit urging you to move forward?
A happy trillionaire is no happier than a happy goatherd. An unhappy trillionaire is no unhappier than an unhappy goatherd. Their circumstances differ. Possibly, the people that they effect are affected differently in number and proportion. However you make your way in this genus of Earthly life, you herd something: services, products, or other things of valuation.
Who are you in your Now—Now? What is your current level of satisfaction in your Life, in all of the ways that matter: body, Spirit, emotion, community, Purpose, and faith? You cannot correct falseness and disquiet through avoidance and denial.
Take stock. Will you enjoy tonight’s starlight?
Blessed Be
This is a Direct Voice Communication from my Tribe, Spirit Elders who share their wisdoms with me from the other side of The Veil.
Archives: June 2, 2014
visual by Walks With Fire